
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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My Beutiful Castle!

"Is... is that magic and that thing?! Don't tell me it's a fucking mech."

I blurted out as I raised my head at my equally dumbfounded officers with imaginary question marks above their helmets-covered heads who stared at me waiting for my orders.

After watching black lighting destroy ship after ship while a humanoid robot with steam coming out from its exhaust pipes left a bloody trail of squashed-to-death zombies as he ran to the cliff.

"Cap, do you want me to drop a few HE shells onto that lightning-spewing-out tower?"

The trigger-happy Harmand asked.

And destroy my beautiful castle in the process you goddamn maniac!

I cursed in my mind because I couldn't bare to level the castle to the ground which I already considered mine and had a dozen of wet fantasies of Lilith dressed in a maid's uniform sitting on my lap while I sat on a throne made out of dozens of swords.

"Fire one round and see what happens."

I ordered with a depressed voice which didn't go unnoticed by my crew causing them to quietly snicker because they knew full well about my nasty habit of considering things that I like as mine which didn't go unnoticed by me.


"Yes, captain!"

Barely holding in his laughter AM answered as he turned to look at me.

"I think the crew needs some discipline training don't you think so?"

"Di...discipline training?

The horrified AM stuttered out as he remembered the feeling of wanting to die as fully geared up Dracula exactly like the crew and also holding a halfway push-up position screamed through his helmets loudspeakers while he was lying on his sweat-soaked floor with his muscles spasming and twitching.

While everyone fully geared up with their rifles on their hand's fronts and their fully stuffed backpacks on their backs just like him were holding a half push-up position as their bodies and arms were trembling like a tree during a storm as they waited for him.

And a few other less physically strong crewmembers to start doing pushups again because even the hot-tempered Lilith was obediently holding a half push-up and they knew very well that if they didn't give their all the shouting captain of theirs who was even worse than satan himself in their eyes will make their discipline training which was pure hell even longer.

"U...understood Captain."

The practically crying AM answered as the bottom canon discharged its first shell while the horrified crew started praying to whoever was listening that the Captain would be merciful and not torture them too long.


Ark once a chief knight of the elven Duke now turned into a death knight thanks to his iron will and oath of loyalty he pledged to his lord before the gods that bound him to this world and allowed him to keep his memories and thoughts.

After his lord sacrificed him together with his wife, child, and his subjects in an unholy necromancy ritual to achieve immortality which he did only not in the way he intended silently stood behind his lord on his left as his lord was busy conjuring another 9 order spell.

Only to feel impending death all of a sudden and as he did he grabbed his lord in a blink of an eye and jumped out through the towers long ago destroyed window just before the HE shell made contact with the top of the tower and exploded causing the shockwave to send them flying dozens of meters forwards and crash into one of the damaged streets face down a few blocks away from the docks.


"Fight! Fight!"

The heavily breathing already covered in black filthy blood from head to toe that made him want to vomit his guts out on the spot Hammerfall roared as he chased after the bloodred golem as he decapitated a zombie that managed to survive the Yolmirs trampling.

Only to freeze on the spot after hearing the familiar thunderous roar.


The trembling from the explosion caused him to lose his balance and fall onto his ass even the golem stopped in place because of the trembling.



I cursed out as I looked at the litch wearing fancy wore down nobles clothes as It held his bone staff with a fist-sized pitch-black crystal from which dark particles oozed out as the litch started creating a black shield over its and an 8 feet tall death knight with pitch black spiked armor covering it from head to toe holding its large square slightly destroyed shield over their heads in a protective manner.

"Harmand you know the drill also TOC launch the bats it's about time they had some fun."

"Yes sir!"

Senior lieutenant Hawk with his team sitting at the large holographic table answered while Harmand wordlessly waited for the canon to recharge and once it did fired it again.


"Bat nest to alpha bat you have the green light! I repeat you have the green light! Over!"

"Alpha bat copy over!"

Yin answered as she did the platform beneath them started lowering down while Yang fired up their gunship's chemical thrusters which lit up with a burst of red flames that quickly concentrated into small blue flames.

"Bat one and bat two bat swarm gave us the green light sending over our landing coordinates now over!"

Yin said after switching to her flights channel as she resent the coordinates she received from TOC.

"Bat one copy over!"

"Bat two copy over!"

The other pilots answered and by the time they did the 3 platforms finished extending themselves out of the ships long ago emptied hangar's bottom and revealed the new earth beneath them and the recharging bottom canon in front of them.

Without waisting any time Yin pulled her thrusters throttle causing her gunship to fly out making her passenger grunt in displeasure as they felt their organs receive a nice dosage of g as a second later bat one also flew out and another second later bat two followed suit once all the gunships had launched the platforms started retracting back into the ship.


After sitting on his ass for a few seconds with his mind completely blank Hammerfall sprang to his feet and roared at top of his lungs.

"The gods are helping us! Victory is in sight!"

Only to collapse onto his butt once again after another shell landed and exploded and continue to sit there as he watched one after another shells descend from the sky and explode until the sky got completely covered in black smoke.


"He wants what?!"

Lilith asked Jack as she felt the gunships red hot covered in flames bottoms temperature increase quite a lot through her combat boots while her whole body shook from the turbulence as the gunships computer kept adjusting its operating systems to best suit the planet's atmosphere and higher than Earths gravity.

"The captain wants you to confirm if the robed skeleton is still alive and if it is he wants it dead!"

"Urghhh! Fine! Fine! Orders are orders!"

The grunting Lilith who watched the satellite's live video in her HUD view as everyone else did before launching gave a thumbs up as she answered making Jack report back to TOC.

"Bat... tch... nest Bravo... tch... copy over... tch...!"

"B... tch...at... tch... nest... copy o...tch...ver!"

Fuck we haven't landed yet and the planet's fucking weird energy is interfering with our radio waves!

Jack cursed out in a fit of anger after finally managing to report back even though he had a specially made large box-shaped radio with a big ass antenna made by the scientists back on Earth on his back which in theory should have allowed him to easily communicate with the ship but as always no matter how good it looked on paper it always turned out to be crap in reality.

"ETA till drop point 3 mins!"

Yin's voice rang out inside their helmets after the gunships computer adjusted itself to the new environment making the gunship a lot more stable as it did Lilith and the marines grabbed the nanocomposite cables hanging above them and connected them to their armored vests left shoulder straps.


"My lord!"

Ragnar cried out to the still-in-trance Hammerfall as he and his warriors surrounded Hammerfall in a protective circle.


Hammerfall exclaimed as he blinked his eyes while standing up only to see 3 strange flying creatures descend from the sky from which dozens of objects flew out with blue flames coming out of them and like a homing missile spell flew straight towards the undead flying creatures.

Which had stopped attacking their ships after the burning meteorites started falling from the sky and started circling above the lich trying their hardest to protect their undead master only to get torn to pieces once the missiles reached them creating dozen of fireworks in the sky.


"All hostile airborne targets destroyed."

Yang reported as she looked at her radar.


Yin said back as she piloted her gunship to the giant ass-smoking crater and after doing a half circle while lowering down her altitude stopped in place with the help of her forward wings thrusters rotating from horizontal position to vertical one as their output increased in order to keep the gunship from falling down while the other two gunships did the same as they formed a triangle in the air.