
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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Let The Fucker Taste A Few More!

The moment Lilith picked up my call a train of curses burst out from her mouth.

What the fuck Drac?! If it's one of your drills I'm going to break your dick and squash your balls!

Upon hearing this my facial muscles started twitching.

"There's a giant ass-hungry Kraken near the vicinity of our planned drop point that we need to kill or do you want to become Kraken shit in the future?! So shove your protests down your filthy throat, get your fat ass onto the gunships seats ASAP, and wait for the deployment orders!"

I said in a murderous tone before I hung up only to hear another trail of curses before I did.

Drac you fucking cunt! You fucking dare call my throat and ass filthy and fat?! I'm gonna f...!


"...fucking kill you!"

Lilith finished cursing after she saw Dracula's face disappear in the corner of her HUD view.

Just you wait you, son, a bitch! I'll have you licking my feet like a dog soon enough!

Lilith cursed in her mind as she grounded her teeth because of the anger she was feeling while continuing to run towards her room as fast as she could.


Fuck! She really knows how to get on my nerves and she got even bolder after we started having sex! Goddamn fucking devil I fucking hate her!

I cursed in my mind as Harmand ran into the bridge, sat down in his seat, buckled his safety belt, and put on his helmet while asking out loud.

"Cap, who do you need me to kill?"

"Not who but what."

I answered as I swiped my hand causing the still-feasting Kraken to appear on his monitors.

"Jesus Christ what an ugly fucker!"

The disgusted Harmand cried out while locking onto the center of its mouth causing the REAPER's bottom gauss canon to turn while adjusting its angle as electricity started coursing through it.

"Cap solid-based or those fancy HE experimental ones designed for orbital bombardment?"

Let's try out the HE ones and see how well they do since the solid ones even if we reduce the canon's output it's still too destructive I don't want my soon-to-be castle to get washed away by a tsunami."

"Got it cap-loading HE round now ready to fire in 30 seconds."



Hamerfall seeing the Hade's pets opened mouth from myths and legends emerge from the water and its tentacles wrap themselves around his and the goblin's airships and start pulling them down causing a few corvettes to immediately snap in half from its godly strength without hesitation decided to get the fuck out of here as fast as possible.

"Signal the fleet to disengage and retreat towards the city of the dead at full speed! NOW!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The signaller answered as he ran out from the bridge, climbed the signaling pole, and started waving different colored flags while pointing them toward the approximate location of the city.

"Sir! Lord Hamerfall Graybeard has ordered you to disengage and retreat at full speed towards the city of the dead!"

The unnaturally tilted to the right side THORS spotter reported to its captain after seeing the flag signals through his one-eye spyglass while holding onto the tilted ship's wooden walls wooden safety railing.

"Thank the gods about the time he did! You heard the man get to it!"

The bearded middle-aged captain of THOR roared causing his officers to start shouting into their bronze tubes connected to the bronze speakers throughout the whole ship.

"Stop shooting the Kraken will kill those despicable green skins for us!"

"Divert all steam towards the propellers and shove that coil into our boilers like you drink ale!"

"I don't care what it takes but patch up the bloody pipes because you're not going to Valhalla if that thing eats you! You're going straight to Elysium!"

This happened throughout the whole dwarf's fleet as the ships stopped firing their steam canons, closed their canon ports, and turned to their left while the aerial screws at the back of their ships rapidly increased their rotation.

Making the ships slowly gain speed and even the high as fuck goblins who had 3 times bigger fleet than dwarves which mostly consisted of captured dwarf's ships forgot about the dwarves, turned around, and started scrambling for their lives.


"Captain ready to fire!"

Harmand reported excitedly.


I gave the command making Harmand happily press the firing button.



"No! No! No!"

Hamerfall cried out as he watched the Krakens giant tentacle wrap itself around ODIN while its suckers glued themselves to the bridge's viewport causing the full of impurities glass to crack from the sucker's suction force.

Only for a burning like a meteorite 900 mm HE shell to pierce the storm above him in a blink of an eye with a thunderous roar that woke up the planet's inhabitants and made the ones who saw it fall down onto their knees in worship or fear.

Some thought that it was the savior sent by the gods who had arrived to save them from their miserable lives and others thought that the prophecized demon lord himself had arrived who will bathe their world in rivers of blood.

But the truth was that both of them were right and wrong because the one behind it was neither an angel nor a demon he was a man who would make sure his people lived the best lives he could and he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for his people.

Also at the same time he was the same as the Cezar once he saw something that he wanted to have, he will come and conquer it and he won't hesitate to kill anyone or anything that stands in his way no matter the age, gender or race heck he wouldn't bat an eye if he had to exterminate a whole fucking race to get what he wants.

That was how the people who lived to see the planet-wide empire come into being talked about its immortal emperor Dracula Von Death in their interviews for the historical TV shows.

Enter the Krakens mouth and before anyone understood what happened to detonate making an enormous ball of water rise into the air in which a ball of fire quickly extinguished as it did the bubble burst causing the shockwave propelled large wawes from the explosion to spread out in 360 degrees angle.



"Captain the sensors say that the Kraken is still alive!"

The dumbfounded Yan Ning reported.

Why am I not surprised?

I thought with a bitter smile as I gave my next order.

"Weapons let the fucker taste a few more shells!"

"Gladly sir!"


"One more coming up in 10 seconds!"


Hamerfall covered his bleeding short and pointy ears because of the monster's inhuman roar of anger and pain only for another 900 mm shell to land and explode and another 10 seconds later another and another one until the monster became silent.

And the only thing he could hear was the high-pitched silence in his ears that sounded as if a mosquito was flapping its wings in his ears.

Noticing this lord Hamerfall released his bleeding ears and once again peeked through the bridge's viewport and what he saw horrified him even more.

He saw the charred pieces of Kraken slowly float onto the surface as its black ink-like blood had blackened the ocean as far as he could see while the large wawes continued to travel in all directions.

Just who?! Was it done by our gods or by the gods of the mainland? No, I didn't feel any magic being used at all! This is impossible even thou we dwarves aren't very adept in magic but that makes this even scarier!

Whatever those burning starts were they have the same destructive power as rank 10 offensive spells! The mana needed to cast them is simply impossible to have for us mortals!

So then just who in Odins the all fathers name is responsible for this?!

Dozens of thoughts ran through terrified Hamerfalls still shocked mind only for the dead Krakens tentacle to slide down from ODIN and fall into the ocean with a loud thud and a column of water that shot up high into the sky.


"No life signs detected the target is dead Captain!"

Yan Ning reported after checking her sensor data.

"Good sensors keep a close eye on those ships and keep me updated on their actions constantly, XO turn off the battle alarm and set the ship's readiness level to 4 for now."

I said and waited in my seat for the bridge to get filled up with oxygen once more after it got sucked out once AM who was the last one missing arrived and put on his helmet making the ship's computer suck out all the air inside the bridge as a safety measure against fire and the crew getting sucked out into space during battle.

"Aye Sir!"

"Aye, Sir! Deactivating battle alarm!"

Yan Ning and AM answered as AM pressed the ship's intercom button on his console after turning off the battle alarm and switching to level 4 making the emergency sirens to stop blaring while the lightning returned to normal.

"Attention! This the XO speaking the ship's readiness has been reduced to level 4! I repeat..."

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