
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


"Those Supports were super weak." Wish said as she threw the sack of Alien parts over her shoulder. "Are we sure those were real?"

Kira smiled slightly. She bent down and examined the Supports body. "Well according to the size of their spikes, they were probably young. Not fully developed yet."

Wish frowned. "Now I feel bad. What were kids doing here?"

"Class field trip gone wrong, maybe." Zak shrugged.

Hede muttered. "Who cares why they were here. The only thing that matters is that they're gone."

Helix yawned. "Whatever, man." He looked to Kira, "Can we go home now?"

She shook her head. "Not yet. We're going to take one of the Supports with us today."

When she got questioning looks, she answered. "The price for a Support was just raised. 1 for 450 inx."

They nodded and Pax scooped up the nearest Support and carried it bridal style.

"Does anyone have something to cover it with?" Pax asked.

"Uh, here." Mason took off his jacket and gently laid it over the Support.

Kira nodded in satisfaction. "Alright everyone, lets move out!" She yelled to the crowd of Gen A's with their own bags of Alien entrails.

The group hurried quickly out of the forest and past the man sitting at the main desk, who didn't bother looking up at them. They walked out of the Arkri-reinforced glass doors and to the awaiting vehicles.

"Hey guys! We could give you a ride if you'd like?" Yelled out a soldier from another team.

Zak shook his head, no. "We're good man! Thanks, though!"

The soldier yelled back. "No problem, see you later!" The soldier waved, hopped in his vehicle, and took off.

"Maybe we should have went with them." Helix voiced.

Serenity sighed. "Let's go, Helix."

With that, the team hoisted their bags higher on their shoulders and walked off towards the awaiting city.

A couple minutes in, they had reached the city border. A crowd of angry, scared and confused faces had already formed. They crowd stepped back as the team stepped forward.

As the team advanced, a voice called out from the crowd.

"Miss Kira! Master Hede."

There was some commotion in the crowd and finally someone pushed through.

Sebastian gently pushed past a man as he walked towards them.

Sebastian Von Filing was a big man. Aged 54, he stood at 6 feet, 7 inches and weighed 250 pounds. His grey hair had been neatly styled and his suit had been iron pressed, without a wrinkle. Though he had no powers of his own he had his own weapon. Under his iron pressed suit and shirt, were muscles the size of watermelons and that could crush a person skull. Underneath his bulging muscles, was a big, kind heart that rivaled the size of his pectorals.

Sebastian bowed slightly to Kira and Hede. "Miss Kira. Master Hede."

Hede glared at him. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking us now?"

Sebastian pointedly ignored Hede's stare. "No sir, I was here on business and saw a crowd."

"Speaking of, would you like a ride back to your craft?"

Hede was in the process of saying 'No', when Helix answered instead.

"Sure, dude. Lead the way."

Sebastian nodded slightly and turned to walk through the crowd again.

This time, the crowd parted ways like the Red Sea to let them pass.

Sebastian led the team to a black limo and ushered them inside.

Pax asked Kira. "Uh, are you sure we should go with him?"

Kira nodded. "Yeah. He's cool."

Serenity and Mason shut the door on their side of the car.

"Where to?" Sebastian asked.

"The city border." Kira said.

Sebastian nodded, turned on the car, and blasted the from his parking spot onto the road.

He pressed his foot down harder on the gas pedal, effectively zooming past all the cars in front of him.

They continued like that for awhile, until he encountered a big 18 wheeler truck.

Sebastian fiddled with his console and cranked the speed up. As he approached closer to the vehicle. He pulled his wheel hard to the right and spun madly by the truck, leaving tire tracks behind.

When the spinning stopped and Sebastian straightened out his limo, they were several yards in front of the truck.

After a few more minutes of wild driving, Sebastian finally stomped on the gas. They stopped at the 'Welcome to Silva City' sign and the doors immediately flew open.

Zak, Serenity and Hede jumped out and hurled their lunches onto the walkway. Sebastian rolled down his window.

"Were you trying to kill us?" Zak gasped.

Sebastian shook his head. "Never. I was just testing the new tires I bought." He pointed at them. "They worked beautifully."

Javes nodded slightly, agreeing with the statement.

Helix sighed. "Can we go home already?"

"Give them a second, Helix." Kira said.

Hede grabbed his bottle of water from his bag and chugged it down. "We're okay Lets go."

Kira raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. She turned to Sebastian. "Thank you for the ride."

He smiled. "No problem, Miss. If you'll excuse me." Sebastian raised his window back up and revved the engine. He sped across the road, and back to the city.

The team gathered themselves together. Javes climbed the ladder and pulled open the hatch at the top. He jumped inside and started the aircraft. Once everyone was piled inside, Javes asked AL, the A.I inside the craft, to route a course to the Supply core.

AL responded, "Yes, sir." And they were off.

"So what's next?" Javes asked.

Kira leaned back in her seat. "Well, we have to get home and watch whatever was on the chip Abbadon gave us."

"And then we can decide whether we should listen to him or not." Pax finished.

Mason frowned. "Kira, I don't know about this. There are already so many things going on with your dad."

Kira sighed. "I know. But, I'd rather the truth come out sooner rather than later."

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