
General's wife is a slave

"You can't force me to, I'm your wife and not your slave!!" She yells at him loudly but he looks at her coldly as if he knows she can't do anything at all. The story revolves around a girl who was the most beautiful in her class when she was in elementary school with a little boy who was in love with her to death. They have problems since childhood This is what makes them separated for a long time, but he never forgets what she did to him, so he will come back and try to take revenge on her * by forcing her to marry him * But will she accept to be his wife and will she be able to refuse after knowing that he has gone from a stupid little boy to a mature man who occupies a great position in the state

ooh_reeta · History
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20 Chs

beautiful as a gem

The beauty with silver hair and red eyes was in the hospital, and that man was standing at the door of the room. In fact, it was a private hospital, not a public hospital, where only those with money and private personalities could lie in it or put someone in it.

But our beauty couldn't open her eyes, she was feeling dizzy, or rather still dizzy since those cameras shot her, and she doesn't even remember how she got here and who took her, the last thing she remembers and seeing the features of that handsome man

"I can't know what happened and how I got here. Is it possible that this same man brought me to this hospital? Yes, I can know that, since I can open my eyes and look at the white ceiling. These ceilings are for hospitals only."

I felt those slow steps coming towards me, or I could say towards the bed where I lay, I knew and realized that they were the steps of a man's shoe and also felt his hand placed on my forehead

It's hot I close my eyes and pretend I'm still asleep but I can actually feel his hot touch on my forehead His hand was relatively big it covers my entire forehead even my eyes and a little hair

At this point I didn't want to wake myself up or let him know I was back in consciousness but the doctor came and opened the door and pulled him away from me and put his hand on my forehead but I wasn't as big as that man's hand was.

"I think she's fine. She just needs some rest. She must have had a hard time, and what happened to her was nothing but exhaustion and fatigue as a result of not sleeping or eating regularly, so don't worry about her, please, sir."

"Thank you, Doctor, for taking care of my fiancée, now you can go and I'll take her home without having to know her condition anymore, right?"

The doctor smiled in his face as he looked up at him due to his abnormal height and looked at the doctor with open eyes at her death in a frightening way as if he was telling the doctor not to do anything and not to come near me again. I noticed this when I opened one of my eyes lightly to see what was happening between them '

'I don't really know what he means by my fiancée and what he means by these suspicious behaviors, but I noticed that military uniform that shows that he is one of the army men'

'Just one moment... Hold me for one moment... Could this person be the same man that my mother told me would be my fiancé and future husband???? '

At this moment, before the doctor left, while he was standing at the door and that tall man standing with him, she got up quickly from the bed and screamed loudly that she did not want to marry, as if she was dreaming, and woke up to a strong nightmare.

"This will not happen. I will not marry. It is impossible for me to marry a man I do not even know who he is. I do not want to marry you. All of you, damn him! And whoever tries to make me a wife and just puts me at home!!!"

She started in a state of hysteria again, but this time the doctor intervened and injected her with an anesthetic and a tranquilizer.

He was staring at her as if she was a rare gem or a great find he had found recently, but she was never aware of what was happening with her. He was staring at her body and face as if he was looking at a small toy in his hands. He simply and easily carried her to his wide chest and removed her hair from her face, then with the back of his hand on her right cheek and his eyes. She was staring at her like she was the only thing in the whole place

"Now that you are in my hands, no one can ever take you from me, even if it requires me to kill anyone who might stand in my way."

He walked her calmly out of the room, as if he was carrying money in his hands, not just money, so let him carry tons of money, and he never looked at her as a woman, as he saw that she was a silver-colored jewel studded with red diamonds in his hands.

He put him inside a small car, or we could say that it was his car, quietly and gently, because he did not want to harm her soft white, thin body, who was staring at him, and he could not take his eyes off him since he entered the hospital and even after he put her in the car.

She was already unconscious this time, thanks to what the doctor gave her from an injection to calm the nerves. with steering

An eye on her and an eye on the road, he was never able to take his eyes off of her, looking at her sweet face, clear on the traces of the long exhaustion that she had done to herself.

"You will not have to work all day or even have to work after today. When you become my wife, or rather after you become my wife in a few hours, you will not have to work and you will only stay at home. There will be the only beauty in the house who can be proud of her beauty."

He arrived at her big house, or rather her family's house, where the guard opened the doors for him and got into his car while she was inside, and it seemed that everyone in the house knew him from the guards to the butler who stood at the door waiting.

He carried her out of the cars quietly and gently and gently, for fear that her body would be kind or that anything might happen to him. He reached the door, and the butler was standing quietly, so he bowed to him with a military salute and said to him with a strong, stern look, as if he were in a camp.

"Mr President, thank you for bringing her home safe and sound."

He saluted him in turn and entered the house after the chief servant opened the door for him and quietly made simple steps as if he was carrying a small toy in his hands and not a woman with bone and flesh and heavy clothes from a dress to a hat and a bag he was holding with the tip of his fingers while carrying it, so he saw her mother who came running frightened On her daughter, who left the house quickly and was in a very difficult situation.

"Hello, madam, I really apologize for the inconvenience so late at night, but Lilia ran out of the house on my way to you when I wanted to talk about the wedding but I couldn't leave her alone nor could I force her back to the The house but she fell in the middle of the road and took her to the hospital, so I hope you don't get it wrong."

"On the contrary, my son, thank you. I am really grateful to you that you did not leave her alone when she was in such difficult circumstances."

"She just didn't agree to the wedding order and that's why she ran out but I can talk to her again about it, really work. Don't mind her refusal but I'll talk to her again and try to convince her of it."

In these moments, her mother continued talking to him while he climbed the long stairs in their house to take her to her white room, which contains many red things such as roses, jewelry, and even her red and silver clothes.

She knew that she was beautiful and she used clothes and jewelry that fit and represent her beautiful appearance

He put her on the bed and raised the cover over her her delicate body and left her with two female servants and went out with her mother who welcomed him greatly and sat together in the great hall of her house and the chief servant brought them tea. Her mother did not show those crazy and obsessed features

"Son, I heard that you will receive a promotion to raise your rank to Marshal, isn't that right?"

"That's right, madam. They praised me, and I reached such a great stage that I became the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the whole country, and for this reason I really hope that your daughter will agree to marry me. I did all this for her, and you know very well how much I love her. It is true that she has not known these things since Ten years or more, but I'm really in love with your daughter, madam."

Her mother sighed as if she was saying, "Oh, my God, he's the perfect husband for my daughter." She also just wants to hand her over to him right now, without any backlash.

"I told you before, son, that I would try to talk to her about it, that's why don't worry, you're just working hard, and I'll see what my daughter has to say, then I'll talk to her tomorrow."