
Training with the night class

The professor shouts and said to calm down and says that first we are going to show them our training and then we can see them.

Everyone screams and says yes and starts to show their skills and powers.

(The professor divides them in the team to create a battle is on and they have to fight for their life Zen and his friends were one team as they are new. Zen and his friend won and shown their teamwork and trust for each other and Zen proved to be had a good lead quality as expected from the future king of vampires and now it was Rose's and her friend's turn to show their skills. there divide themselves into and two groups with equal strength. The night class was very excited).

I became the leader of my group and Ren for another group.

(Ren and I use to always pair up but now we were against each other even if it is for just training, I didn't want to fight with him as he is my very dear friend).

We decided to our targets for the battle and the battle begins.

I pulled my sword out and start to fight against Aki. Her skills were more improved than before within ten minutes the battle came to an end as my team won. (night class was amazed by our skills and good remarks for professor and we left to our domains).

(meanwhile, Zen and his friends gathered in Zen's room and gather details about the vampires who were killed by student council)

One of his friends says," you have wits the power and strength of humans. After witnessing this, if a battle broke up between and vampires will have a little hard time winning the battle and not to mention humans are turn girls in a powerful warrior which will increase army strength.

The second person says, "it is quite remarkable to see some ordinary girls can defend themselves in the battlefield and that too against vampires is quite something, I have seen the details of the vampires who were caught by the student council they were a powerful and dangerous one and yet they manage to kill them.

Third-person says, "forget about killing after see those cute girls no vampire resists from fall for them ".

The fourth person says," do you remember the human queen who fought the battle with our elder many years ago, for the first women warrior, were entered the battlefield at the human side and quite a strong one and beautiful woman. Every one underestimated them as a human and especially the queen.

The fifth person says," which proved to be very wrong she was available to use the magic of all elements and most powerful queen ever seen".

The sixth person says," the human king was clever to take help from the magic kingdom's king".

The seventh person says," which proved to be an advantage and which help him in increase the army and the result of the battle is the peace treaty which allows vampires and humans co-exist, now humans have magic power and good warrior skills it will be hard from us to battle them".

Zen says," no need to worry about that because of treaty few of the vampires got married to human and have children and live a happy life and peaceful and vampires existing peaceful as this story was well known by everyone and it saw then only the royal family of the human king can only use the magic now".

All his friends agree and one of them ask, I heard nine years ago the king lost his child in a vampire's attack and she was the only heiresses.

Zen replied," yes, but luckily the king's brother has a daughter who is now the princess named Lilly and my parents want me to marry her".

His friend says, "I heard she is five years younger than you prince".

Zen said," yes, she is, but I felt in love with the first princess who, I believe she is Rose after, I heard from Alex (headmaster) that he found rose nearby the accident place, where the princess met with an accident on the same date".

All of them say together you mean Rose is a princess.

Zen replied," yes, she is, and did not you notice her style of fighting, method, leadership, and does she remain you to someone".

The first person," yes, her style is just like the queen Alice and the king John, I have seen their material arts and their style and Rose is similarly and her face also looks to them, would it be that they are faking her death".

Zen replied," no, they have no idea about Rose being alive, and the one who attacks was one of the ministers who wanted to frame my father, so he can become the king, but he would not succeed in his plan ".

The second person," then what about Rose, prince?".

Zen," I meet rose three years back, I was on the hunt in the forest and few hunters attacked me and Rose to save me but she didn't recognize me, as someone calls her, she left in hurry. I ask someone to find out her and found that she was seven when they first saw her with several injuries and when she woke up, she didn't remember anything except her first name and I thought the attack was from me but their target was rose. Some knew about rose identity and want to kill her but why?".

Third-person asked, "what are you going to do now prince?".

Zen says," I go to find out who is after rose, and what is the purpose and what will they achieve from killing her? And meanwhile, I will make rose fall in love with me.

(The time pass and it was time for their class to start, they get ready and leaves for the classroom. The class starts with English class as rose explains the poem. everyone listens to it with great interest as she explains it clearly and beautifully. While she teaches, she saw outside of the window and finds two girls walking around and see a vampire in a tree and start to attract them with the help of bow and arrow, as she shoots arrows, she asks jack to erase their memory and take them to nurse's office, she and jack jump out of the window and all in the class saw them from the classroom. Jack goes, she says she will take care of him. she says this line while shooting arrows at the vampire. he lost a lot of blood and became weak, Ren and another came to the spot. I order them to arrest and interrogate him and to get detail about him and report me. They said yes and arrested the vampire and took him away, as Rose and her friends are special officers, they had the same rights as police officers and they all have high ranks especially Rose and Ren).

Jack came and said," their memories erased and they are taking rest in nurse office".

I said," thank you and good job".

Ren says," Now shall we return to the class".

I said, "now that everything is fine, let's continue our class".

(the classes end, Rose leaves the room and heads towards the interrogation room, where Ren and others were interrogating).

I asked, "if he said anything?".

The vampire sees me and says," look who shows up, if it isn't the most talented person of all who is a student, teacher, president of the student council, special officer, I am curious to know what else you got".

I replied," Well thank you for compliments, then shall we start the question and answer game. So, I know that you were not out of control or neither you wanted to drink blood".

Vampire replied," my, my as expected of you, yes how did you know".

(all were surprised by the answer)

I replied," the way you were fighting was completely different. So, where you try to catch your attention?".

Vampire smile and say, "yes and you are right, I was, you are smart as I heard".

I asked," why did you do that?".

The vampire says, "I was ordered to say this matter only in your present".

I ordered," someone to get the tablets and water to drink and medicinal kit".

(there get the tablets which help there to get control over themselves).

I ask him," what is your problem, but before that tell me are your half-vampire and human with the magic ability, and what is your name?".

He smiles and said, "yes, my name is James, and I also want to request a prince of vampires to become it is necessary for him to known to, pleases call him".

(I asked, Sky to call zen here. Meanwhile, Ren brought tablets and first aid kit, I asked Ren to first aid him while I prepare a drink from him and gave him to drink it. Sky and Zen arrives).