
A game of true or dare

He says," no, the pleasure is all mine miss. rose".

Ren came and said that they are few vampires attracting the people and the situation is getting out of control. I ordered to send everyone to a safer place and said to take prince, Alex (headmaster), a nobleman with him. Few vampires came towards us and I pulled my sword out and start to fight and hurry them to a safe place. A few minutes later we manage to send people to a safer place. we had to kill the vampires and I ordered to find detail about them. I rushed toward the place where Alex (headmaster), zen, and others were waiting for me to return.

I said," it is alright for them to come out". I apologized to the headmaster for the incident as it was my responsibility to see no disturbances to occurs.

The headmaster says," no! thank you and our team member who manages to save all of us and the main point is no one was hurt, after this incident, I hope the minister and the family will be at ease to know that their children are in capability hand and are under good protection". Right minister john.

The minister replied," yes, I agree with Alex" and they were going away.

Ren came and ask," are you okay, and what about others?".

I said, "I am fine and so do other".

Haru came rushing to me and ask," are you alright?".

I said," I am fine and, how are you? Are you hurt?".

Haru says," No, I am fine, thank you again for saving our life".

The prince came towards us and says thank you for protecting our life.

The headmaster came and say "I think it's time to take a tour around the school to them ". Rose and Ren accompany them to the tour.

The tour end well and it was time for the royal family and minister to leaves, see of each other.

The headmaster said it is time for night class to start and requests as to take on our teaching duties as "I told tomorrow no classes for you all but no leave as a teacher.

Yes, agree as we got tired of today work, we can't work in the morning and start our work at evening

I, Ren, bloom, Shu, and Timmy were having our teacher's duty today.

I got prepared to take up as my job as a teacher for a student, I enter the class and found zen and other noblemen were my class students. I bring my teaching and found everyone enjoys the lesson as I finished my lesson and ask if they have any questions.

They all replied, no, we have no doubts about the chapter.

I said," that all for today and class dismiss, I expect you to return to your domain, Zen and another transfer student, I would like to have a word with you and rest can leave (others leave) Are you all available to understand our teaching?".

There replied, "yes".

I said," Well good then if you need any help related to any subject you can always ask me after the class".

They said thank you and left but Ren remained, as he gets closer and closer to my heart beats very fast so much that, I would hear my heartbeat. Suddenly Ren enters and Zen stops and says thank you and left. Ren and I head towards the domain. Ren was quiet and said to me to leave first as he forgot something in class.

I said," ok". (I left to domain and Ren rush to Zen)

Ren says," wait!". (he stops Zen and he turns towards Ren and asks what the matter).

Ren asked, "what were you and rose were doing alone in the class?".

Zen said, "I was asking doubt from the lesson and any else"

Ren says," you can clear your doubt from me "

Ren thinks in mind and Zen read as he says in his mind to stay away from my Rose, she is my girl. Zen read his mind and said Rose is mine, heard that Ren was shocked, Zen freeze him and erase Ren's memory and place him in class and break the spell and leaves to the domain.

(Ren returned to the domain and see Rose and others were cooking and doing some work).

They said Ren to wash his hand and join them to eat and Sky says since we have no class tomorrow let play games for some time like truth or dare.

Zen hears that jack can see to show what is happening around and others came to know about the truth or dare game by reading Sky's mind.

Zen asks him to show what rose and others were up.

Zen says," It looks like you were fooling us by saying you would show as what happening in surrounds and say if it is true then I will make you my officer".

Jack said," ok then you must keep your word prince".

Zen says, "prove it to me and I shall keep my words".

Jack alright than here you go. A screen appears and shown that rose is doing.

Zen takes to sit with his friend and see that there were about to start the game. The vampires start saying thank you, prince, and jack. Zen sees that rose and Ren were next to each other. Sky said it will be boring if they chance to choose true or dare so, he has to make chit and put it in the box now there are equally true and dare in it and no one can leave the after reading the task and they must complete the task no matter what it is and girls no need to worry I (sky) and bloom made them so relax and let start the game. And girls and boys have slips that have been separate blue is for boys and pink for girls. So, let us begin the game.

First, one will be Aki pick up one slip and read what is written in it. Dare, you have to say I love you to a boy. (few people in night class shout and saying not fair I want to be the one to hear it). As a game rule, Aki said I love you Shu (all they know that Shu loves her except Aki). The next one was Ren's turn and he read his task. It was written, true do you have a girlfriend? (the girls in night class want to hear the answer as they were curious to know). He said no, "I don't have a girlfriend". (the girls were very happy with the answer). Next was my turn and I read my task, dare you to dance with Ren. (students at night class were started with getting jealous) Ren and rose start dance in hand to hand, see each other faces and smile at each other, and dance for a romantic song for some time. Next Aki turns and she starts to read and truth do you have a crush on anyone who says yes or no. Aki replied, yes. Next was Kyoya, he picks and starts to read dare sing some romantic songs for all the present in the room. Next was Misaki turn and she starts to read, truth, are you in love with someone say yes or no. she replied yes.

I quit the game and start to read the report of the incident and see the details, the report says that they one's were human who was bitten by a vampire. The question which bothers me was, how they managed to enter the premises even after so much security and understood someone for inside must have allowed them in but who?

As I think bloom said that it is getting late and should call it a day. I agree and said goodnight to all and went to sleep.

Jack asked, "what do you think about its prince?".

Zen says," good for today onwards you will work for me as personally".

Jack was very happy and pleased. As other leaves, the room only Zen and jack remained and jack says, "prince if you allow me may, I ask a question ".

He says, yes you may.

Jack asks, "Prince why did you say Rose is your and eraser Ren memory ".

Prince laughs and says "so you were the one, who I sensed in the corridor, Well the answer is simply that I love her".

Jack says, "You have fallen for her, you have hardly just met her prince".

Zen says, "today was not our first met".

Jack is surprised and says, "what?! this not your first met?".

Zen says," you have known enough and if you try to say this to someone then, I will kill you". (Zen warns jack and leaves). (next day in the morning. Rose was on her run and see that the night class was having they training section with jasper as the school premises is big the day class will not be available to see they use the powers and jasper spots Rose)

Jasper says," good morning, Rose"

I replied," good morning professor, it is good to see you again".

Jasper says," good to see you too, should you supposed to be in class right now".

I said," our class starts tomorrow but we have started to teach them from yesterday professor".

Jasper says," that's good, then why don't you people join us, we would like to see you all training to".

Rose says," alright, we will join you in five minutes then, see you soon professor".

(the students begin to scream as the student council of day class was going to come and training with them as they get to spent more time with them and see their training live for the first time. All were happy and especially Zen was a wait to see Rose in action)

(Five minutes later the all gather in the training dress with the weapons and boys and girls in night class begin to talk after see them in it and start comments like handsome, beautiful, etc)

it's my first novel, I hope you like and enjoy the story.

jaya_tejaswinicreators' thoughts