

An ordinary man born with luxury but condemned to an awful death—will history repeat itself? Find out as our unlikely, timid hero grows into a powerful but awkward fighter.

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152 Chs


[It is to develop the pet's ability to speak; it might not have any intelligence, but it is still a humanoid pet; it can function normally like an average human being.]

'Oh! That is great news, but I am still confused. What about me obtaining their special trait? Would I gain another trait, just like overload? ' He hurriedly asks, full of anticipation.

[Affirmative, but unlike the host's special trait (Overlord), the traits obtained from other pets, excluding Cleo's Clone, are not permanent; if the pet that owned the skill dies, the trait will also disappear.]

'I already expected such things, but still, obtaining their special trait is already considered a great boon! There are only a small number of genetic warriors that awakened a special trait,' he states.

'Have I obtained them already? ' He wanted to check his status in order to know more about his new traits.

[Negative, the pets still need to reach the mastery stage before the synergy activates; as the system stated before, this technique is still incomplete.]

'That is a bit disappointing, but at least I now have something to wait for.' Talking to the system has made it easier to ignore the pain wrecking his body.

The battle rages on, but this time, the Blue Rage Monkeys have the upper hand. The battle between Cleo's uncle and the Azure Berserk Monkey is still ongoing. Surprisingly, it seems that the latter starts to grow stronger as the battle rages on; it is actually learning how to fight against its opponent.

"Wow! No matter how many times I have seen it, that wolf is truly something else." One of Flare's guards marvels as Glutton swallows another Blue Rage Monkey and immediately rushes to fight another one.

With the new technique engraved within its body, soul, and bloodline, it can now use the energy that it had gained from devouring the corpses to both cultivate the technique and increase its level.

It does increase the requirement for levelling up by twice or even three, but it is a worthy investment as Glutton gains abnormal strength that is clearly superior for something at its level. This situation is the same for Leon, but the energy he uses is the soul power that he gains.

Elcio was resting besides Cleo; he was exhausted after fighting a great battle between two Blue Rage Monkeys. Granted that he had the help of the guards, it still drained him of most of his strength.

Suddenly, he freezes as he sees something shocking. He grits his teeth and stands up; he is actually shaking and seemingly going to fall at any given moment.

He stands proud and starts walking to the carcasses that Glutton has not eaten yet. The guards that were also resting as Leon replaced them see this and are confused.

"Let us help him!" One of the guards proposed. They might not know why he is doing this, but they still decided to assist, only for one reason: he earned their respect.

As they carry the carcass next to Cleo, Elcio immediately starts cooking it, confusing the guards. Seeing their faces, he did not say anything but pointed at Cleo's finger. The guards turn their heads in the direction where he was pointing, and their eyes widen.

They cannot believe what they are seeing right now; Cleo's finger was actually trembling, indicating that he has regained consciousness.

"We need to chop the meats into tiny bits before feeding them to the young master; we cannot force him to swallow. I wish that I could feed him soup, but unfortunately, we do not have the right utensils nor time to make one." Elcio sighs after saying this.

"It is okay; at least we know that the young master has a great appetite. I am just shocked by his recovery rate; his condition earlier was just too grave for me to expect that he would regain consciousness this early," sighs one of the guards.

Elcio shakes his head.

"I think that young master has never fainted and has been forcing himself to stay awake this entire time; after all, if he had lost consciousness, his pet would have returned to its slot."

The guards were stunned. Suddenly, they realised that this was most likely true. They were speechless, thinking that their young master truly had a will as tough as a diamond and stronger than iron.

*Sigh* "I was so stupid before; I always thought that pet-type soul blessings were nothing more than garbage, but it seems that not all of them are actually garbage." He turns and watches Glutton tear a Blue Rage Monkey together with Leon with eyes full of envy.

"Hahaha! Do not be disappointed, brother; not just you; practically nearly everyone thought the same, but it seems that the young master was just too lucky to obtain an awakened pet." Elcio pats the disappointed guard's shoulder.

Once the meat was ready, Elcio carefully put it inside Cleo's mouth. Suddenly, the meat disappeared, causing him to fall flat on his buttocks.

"What the hell happened!?" He is beyond surprised by just what has happened.

Meanwhile, inside Cleo's head, a notification appears.

[Due to Cleo's Clone and the Ravenous Scaled Wolf King's killing spree, the required energy to reach the mastery stage has been reached, giving the host the special trait of hunger and rapid regeneration.]

[Hungry: Anything that the host devours will be turned into energy at a rapid pace.]

[Rapid Regeneration: Increase overall physical, mental, spiritual, and energy recovery speed by 25 percent.]

'Sweet, not only had the feedback that I gained from the two increased, but I had also obtained two new traits. The first one is not appealing for me, but the second is totally amazing; I no longer need to eat and fight as I have this cheat-type ability to recover at a fast speed.' He inwardly cheered, obtaining more unique traits, making him more superior than most people in this world.

The system suddenly informs him about something that causes him to freeze.