

An ordinary man born with luxury but condemned to an awful death—will history repeat itself? Find out as our unlikely, timid hero grows into a powerful but awkward fighter.

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152 Chs


'That was too close for comfort! ' He screams inwardly. Meanwhile, the purple eagle was confused as to how he managed to escape its attack; according to the speed at which it was flying, that attack should have cut off his head already.

'I really am glad that we managed to fill up my genetic enhancement before meeting this baby! 'He wipes the cold sweat from his forehead.

SCREECH! A loud cry was released. He easily solves the mental attack, but he acts like it is affecting him. The purple eagle spreads its wings and swings one of them, creating a giant wind blade.

"F*ck!" He cannot believe that his opponent would be so cautious after losing one of its eyes; he thought that it would approach him and try to end his life, but it seems that just like him, the true supernatural lifeforms also developed their sixth sense as long as they were focused.

The purple eagle starts swinging its wings; now, not only wind blades but also sharp feathers fly in Cleo's direction.

They are too fast. It seems that the purple eagle gave up on its lethality and decided to just increase the speed of his attacks by decreasing the size of his attacks.

Even with the weakened version, the attacks are still causing heavy damage to someone like Cleo, who is already gravely injured.

BAM! He tries to block the talon of the purple eagle, but under the barrage of the sharp wind blades and feathers, he fails. The talons nearly killed him; if not for the fact that his one complete wing flaps himself out of the sharp edge, he would have died.

BOOM! The impact causes the ground below him to cave in. He might have dodged the sharp edge of the talons, but the power is still there; he was thrown to the ground by the force.

He starts coughing out blood once again; this time, the amount is clearly greater. He quickly realises what happened, and he cannot help but bitterly laugh. His internals are injured; this time, it is not light.

"Wretched creature! You dare harm the descendants of my family!" Suddenly, an aged voice was heard as a white-haired person wearing rather modern clothes appeared.

"Lord Widowmaker, are you making a move?" This person was not a stranger to the Oriend Family; he was known as one of the oldest supernatural warriors of the family, but because of his age, he rarely makes a move. The injuries that he suffered in the past prevent him from ascending to the second realm.

Actually, according to some private documents from the Oriend Family, during hunts on supernatural lifeforms, many would be too injured to ascend, causing them to wait in the first realm in hopes of recovering or finding a treasure that would at least help them ascend.

"Old bxstard, be careful; that thing is not like those inferior supernaturals; it can be considered one of the superior ones." Another person arrives; he is a rather fat individual.

Besides him was a thin guy continuously coughing, as if his life depends on it. He realises that the situation is dire for the pillars of support of the Oriend Family, who are now making a move, and there is a high chance that all of them will die in this battle.

If they disappear, then the enemies of their family will definitely not let this chance go by, but unfortunately for them, drastic times call for drastic needs.

He shouts at the top of his lungs.

"We can win! Bring me food!"

Elcio and the flare guards instantly know what he means by his order; without hesitation, they grab the bird that was killed by Leon and run to his side.

The three old warriors are confused as to what they are doing, but they do not reprimand him; after all, in their eyes, holding back such an entity all alone already earns him the highest praise.

Just as Elcio was about to cook the bird that he brought, Cleo grabbed it and put it into his mouth, ripping it to shreds. With the flesh torn off from the bones, it instantly entered his stomach with the help of Hungry.

Elcio's eyes sharpen, and without hesitation, he transforms into his hound form. With a loud cry, he breaks the bones into small chunks. Cleo immediately grabs them and throws them into his mouth, disappearing.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an advanced gene! Due to the limit, the gene enhancement is converted into gene power in order to unleash the full power of the genetic lock.

[Current level

First Gene Lock: 1/100

[Second Gene Lock: 0/100]

He is surprised by such notifications, but he decided to ignore them first. Right now, he needs to recover; the flesh and bones of his destroyed side are already starting to grow, but the process is anything but pleasurable. The pain made him grimace, and this is already him trying his best not to make any reaction.

His pain tolerance is already so great that he can endure having his sides destroyed and still continue fighting. He did not expect that the pain from his recovery would be ten times or even greater than getting injured.

The three old warriors seem to be experienced in fighting against true supernaturals; they even have a title for them: superior lifeforms.

The purple eagle that was fighting against the three warriors freezes, accelerates, and creates some distance from the three. The fat warrior has a supernatural ability that creates a golden bell shield, preventing it from harming the three.

It looks in Cleo's direction. The two of them gaze at each other; one has a calm gaze, while the other is full of hostility and unwillingness.

"Hey, I think that this giant chicken is actually more cautious towards our young descendant than the three of us," states the old grumpy warrior.

The coughing warrior nods his head in agreement. The fat warrior looks at his hand, which was cracking. Supernatural warriors develop their own supernatural abilities after gaining certain knowledge regarding their traits and talents.

Also, their supernatural ability would be greatly influenced by the technique that they learned; this is what many of them learn in the academy. That is why the three of them are shocked that a true supernatural lifeform would be more cautious against an individual who still has not developed his own supernatural ability than them, who are very experienced in this sort of battle.

SCREECH! The purple eagle accelerates once again; this time, it is no longer wasting time. It realised that unlike many of his past prey, lethal wounds are not slowly killing Cleo, but the wounds that it inflicted were rapidly healing. It has intelligence; it would rather not fight against such an opponent with his backup present.

It freezes, but this time not because it senses something, but because its spirit is attacked. The coughing warrior suddenly kneels as blood drips down from his mouth, and the expression of the two becomes solemn.

"Take this!" The grumpy old man summons a spear, and judging from its aura, it is a supernatural-grade soul blessing. Around him, flames start dancing.

He thrusts his spear with his entire strength, stabbing the purple eagle. Seeing his spear enter the body of his target, his eyes light up, but only for a short while, and the head of the eagle disappears from their view.

BOOM! The golden bell shield is pierced through, the sharp beak continues to descend on the fat warrior, and his body shines with a bright golden light, blocking the attack just enough to save his life.

BANG! His head was hit, causing him to be disoriented; the golden bell shield finally disappears; the purple eagle raises its head and lets out a loud cry, causing the coughing warrior to faint and the grumpy old man to be stunned.

(Tiger Pounce)

BAM! Before it can finish off the trio, a powerful punch sends it flying. Cleo managed to recover just enough to save the lives of the three. His injured side is still recovering, but he decided to risk it, seeing that the situation has become unfavourable for the three.

The grumpy old man kneels while holding his head, while the fat warrior is trying to recover his bearings; unfortunately, the coughing warrior is completely knocked out.

"Thank you, young one; I did not expect that it would escape Smokers mind attack." The grumpy old man was the first one to recover from the three.

Cleo roars as he activates Dragon Flight, increasing his speed. He and the purple eagle clash; their speed was too fast for anyone to follow.

BOOM! The one that won in the head-on clash was the purple eagle, but it seems that the punch and clash caused it to be stunned; it is shaking its head in order to recover from its condition.

"Sh*t! If that young one did not make a move, that attack would have finished us off! You d*mn monk! Quickly snap out of it! We need your shield!" says the grumpy old man. After seeing that clash, he realises that Cleo was not listening to him earlier as he is entirely focused on the movements of the purple eagle.