
Gene Evolution: Monster Simulator

[Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] ------------------------------------------------------ # simulator 【 This story is situated in the technologically advanced world with hologram and some advanced technology hidden from the normal public. 】 Millions of people around the world were transferred to the world of “Planetary Ascension” Everyone had the opportunity to be awakeners and ascend the limits of being humans. They hunt monsters, eat them and get the energy points from them which make them strong, for achieving this they must learn the ancient fighting arts that were hidden by governments before because without energy points gained by eating monsters meat in this world, performing these martial arts were out of questions. In this world of beasts, beast souls are most precious resources because it allow the humans to have the weapons or defensive equipments made out of it, which help them in fights with beasts. However, Arc discovered that he could actually see the option of simulation in his status screen which was not available for other people from what information he got to know so far. When the other people were still trying to hunt monsters , Behind Arc was gaining experience in simulations and getting good rewards out of those simulation that helped him a lot. ---------------------- WSA 2024 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! Any gift will amount to one bonus chapter. 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Discord Link- https://discord.gg/nb8yNAck Join discord to share you ideas and know more about the story. let’s have a discussion.

Death_Simulation · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Chapter 28- Decreasing Skills

'It's here with me. Don't worry it's alright but your body is not alright." Gojo grabbed the locket from his pocket while moving it in his direction.

Arc quickly grabbed it and wore it on his neck.


While trying to wear the locket, Arc hurt and fell on the ground face splat. He may have worn the locket but this took his body's full control that he had just now.

"You are going back to earth right now with me to my place. You will be prey here, for monsters and humans too as the situation suggests. You are too new for this place." Gojo said.

"But, I can't. I have to acquire that monster soul you promised after completing this adventure with you. Also, I have that monster meat here which I need to eat to gain more monster gene points." Arc mentioned his condition. He knew that he had to work as much as he could before time made him regret not working early.

"You will get your monster soul and as for cash reward, You will have to complete my one task on earth instead of an adventure. Do you agree?" Gojo gave a proposal.

Arc listening to this proposal was not so sure what kind of Task this proposal may involve. But he has already entered the deep waters of this side of the world, especially with this man, so there is no turning back right now.

"I would But I am not strong enough at least not in the situation that I am in right now. So, how long do I have to complete this task of yours and what does this task involve?" Arc asked presenting his questions.

"That task is not final yet. You can go to my place and recover first after which you can see if you want to undertake this task or not. This is your choice to make, but be warned once you make the decision you can't go back." Gojo had a serious glint in his eyes while saying this.

"I would consider at the moment after recovering but what were you talking about the healing gel?" Remembering this term being mentioned by Gojo just before, Arc asked.

"Nothing much, just the healing gel developed by the organization of Rimuru's father. But I don't have any other thoughts about using it, it's only usable for people with gene points. For normal people, this gel can be deadly." Gojo didn't consider this gel's worth much because there are things that he have seen which can do these same things in a much easier way.

"Okay." Ending the conversation, Arc just accepted his situation of now sleeping his body staying on the ground to get some rest instead of trying to move because there is not much of a difference between ground and a bed made out of stone in the first place.

But Gojo moved and without uttering a single word, he helped Arc by picking him up and making him lay on the bed.

He eventually fell into a slumber state again.

'That bardo state is not really good for anyone. But I hope it worked as fuel for him instead of a slow poison that will consume him from inside.' Gojo thought coming out of the room.

Gojo didn't have any sleep himself the whole night and only just made the plans for tomorrow regarding the adventure, Arc's task, and Zoro's training while thinking deeply. Now as it was already morning, he had to keep his promise and go with others to go into the market and after that go on hunting those monster peacocks.

But Gojo now has one worry and that is the protection and care of Arc while he is out in the market and on an adventure.

Gojo could have left his pet with Arc to protect but a pet can only follow orders to a certain extent and can't follow too complex of orders. So, he can't rely on that idea.

Thinking a new idea through, Gojo made a decision and walked to everyone's rooms to call them to have a meeting together.

They all gathered real quick as their need to sleep is not that high because of gene points and different martial arts they practiced especially people practicing Stamina retaining or Energy saving marital arts which help them do normal things without putting strain on the body as much as normal people do.

Gathering near the market, everyone was looking forward to hearing what have Gojo them about because if Gojo called them instead of Nappa then it would not just be for already planned things.

Gojo seeing everyone stopping their own conversation among themselves and looking toward him, he understood that it was time for him to tell everyone their whole plan with some instructions he had created this morning before coming down here.

"We will be all going on the adventure together instead of splitting into teams this time. Even though this would reduce some people's number of kills, but it would be best for safety. You all would be under my command. Zoro and Vero you will tag along at the end of the group while I will be in front. The team would be in triangle formation with me being its point. But before all that, we will be going to the Market to check some new equipment to buy. I will pay for everyone. Rimuru you will stay with Arc and protect him." Gojo explained the whole scenario to everyone.

The last line of Gojo got everyone confused except Rimuru.

"But. Why can't it be.." Rimuru tried talking to Gojo about letting him go with them.

"I wasn't asking in the first place. I was telling you. And by the way, he is in my room. Your family is looking for a Thunder body healer technique if I am right. I will help in obtaining it. Go and just do what I said. But if he got injured then your family will not even look for you." Gojo said while giving a villain side-eye look.

These words from Gojo now started a new thinking storm in the mind of everyone why is Gojo being so protective of Arc guy who just joined them not one day ago?

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