
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 7-Betrayal

As Leon enters the clearing two figures stand by the bear.

In the hands of the one closest to the grey bear, is a jagged yellow sphere, slightly larger than a tennis ball.

'Energy is radiating from it' Leon notes, meaning it is likely the beast's core.

The man holding it is wearing grey armour, the well-made suit has a slight bulge along the stomach line. Taking the core over to Alice, he hands it to her.

Upon Alice taking hold of the spherical object the man respectfully states: "Lady Lightheart here is the class B monster core, with this you are sure to be enrolled in knight academy. The glory of house Lightheart is sure to rise."

"With this Donald, you are sure to be knighted. This just leaves the one loose end" her gaze turns to Leon who is now standing in the clearing onlooking the betrayal.

"I suppose you are referring to me then, why?" Leon's words hold no warmth, pained by how things have turned out.

She holds back a giggle as the feeling of euphoria builds. "A dog like you should just accept death happily knowing you have served your master. It's just a shame that you make your lady do it by her own hands, why couldn't you be the good meat shield and die in battle. It would have been best for everyone".

Since hearing about the arrival of one of the noble six families, Alice and Donald had begun planning. By hunting down a class B monster by herself, Alice was sure she would get a recommendation for the knight academy, setting her up for life.

'Maybe even a title within the main family was on offer'.

The only problem, how would they manage to kill a class B monster, she would surely die if she attacked it alone. Donald was to be her knight and would not utter a single squeak but with just the two of them, success was unlikely. So, they would rope in another, someone disposable. Someone who would take the brunt of the monster's attack whilst the pair finish it.

'His resourcefulness surprised me, but it matters not' he would die here, and her secret would be buried.

"All that needs be done now is kill an ordinary low-born, nobody will bat an eye about you not returning, in fact they all probably expect it" Donald callously remarks.

Leon steps forward brandishing the knife, anger misguiding his decision.

As the sun begins setting behind the woods, the three of them miss the beady red eyes that pop up in the darkness. The howls that begin resounding all around them break their focus.

Eventually one of the monsters, steps into the clearing. The wolf like monster, snarls at the prey in front of it.

Seeing the monster Alice decides leaving is the best option. 'The wolves should kill the peasant and even if they don't who would believe him' smiling at her genius she activates her magic. Her body turning into a shimmery mass as she turns away.

"Shit, all the blood must have drawn them in. Lady Lightheart its time to go". As Donald turns to the next house master, in her place he sees the warped light rush through the undergrowth.

"Wait for me lady" as the wolf like creatures nip at the armour he turns and flees in the direction Alice ran off in. Several of the surrounding wolves begin to chase down the knight.

'Shadow wolves are a class C beast; the problem is I am injured and normally they operate in packs of one or two dozen' Leon quickly absorbs all the available information before completing his plan.

The wolves not letting him have any more time to think, dash out of the bushes. One coming from the rear, the other from the front.

Leon takes a few steps forward, the wolf in front jumps to meet him.

Using the knife, he slams it down on its skull. The force sending it into the spike trap below.

The second wolf from behind now upon him. Its jaws open wide.

Leon uses his right arm to block the attack as its jaws enclose on it.

Using his hips to swing his weight, he pulls the wolf over to the hole.

Blocking out the pain from its bites he rips out one of the wooden spikes and plunges it deep into woof. As its movements begin to falter, he sends his hand into the gaping hole crushing its organs.

As the other wolves begin to charge at him, he pulls his hand out and darts for the tree he used earlier.

Leon manages to haul himself up the tree in the nick of time as the wolves snap their jaws at him below.

As night comes and the moonlight lights up the clearing, Leon relaxes somewhat and catches his breath.

As the hours pass by the wolves down at his feet settle down, waiting for their chance.

'How can I be so stupid; I was played like a fiddle' the person who he had thought was his companion and who he wanted to help only saw him as tool to be thrown away once used.

'How can I prove to grandpa that I am a true warrior, that I am not useless' at his dejected thoughts his gaze turns to the wolves below him.

'Hunting at night would be suicide, but-' , gulping at the thought he just had he takes his time to finish it 'there are six wolves down there, plus the two that are already dead'.

'Bringing them back would be proof, can I do it though?' the more he thinks on it the greater his left-hands grip on the wooden spike gets. His senses heighten and his heart starts thumping. As Leon builds himself for the possible battle, his concentration is soon broken from a voice in the distance.