
Gemir : The Silent Dark Angel Of Hell

Bragi, a teenage boy from the small town of Gyotre encounters a mystical cave while hanging out on the hill with his friends one day. Bragi curious enough, he wonders into this cave and when through what felt like his body was going through planes of time and space where he discovers a strange object shaped like an egg, he took this strange looking object home ordinarily because it fascinated him. Shortly after on one particular night , he heard little knocking noises and cracks, he soon found out where the noise was coming from it was this strange object he found so difficult to break in the first place & there it was cracking open by itself. The scaly tiny Talons of what seemed to be a baby dragon and this was not just any baby dragon it was a baby "noctrinith dragon" the species legendary named as the "Silent Dark Angel Of Hell" others of native tongue called it "daemonium flamma" (Demon Flame). The existence of this specie of dragon had only been a myth until this point. Some claimed it true, others claimed it a fallacy but here he is Bragi a nineteen year old skinny kid from the vain little town of "Gyotre" with the rarest of animals to ever exist in the world. The dragon needed space to grow, the town soon caught wind of the situation, meanwhile an unbreakable bond had formed between the dragon and Bragi he nicknamed it "Brann" (fire literally). There were only two other known dragon in the kingdom at the time and they were in the Kings possession so what Bragi had was really special and a lot of people wanted it. Hunters, Witches, Politicians and Most intimidating The King. The King is widely known for his obsession with dragons he already had three in his possession, full grown adult dragons that are the ultimate weapons of utter destruction. The king deploys his most elite of soldiers to investigate what's going on and to bring the dragon back to him at any cost! The King wasn't the only one interested in the dragon, Head hunters too had gained an interest in this strange phenom Led by A man famously known as Vidar. No one particularly knows where he comes from but Him and the head hunters are loyal to No one they only allure towards the highest bidder. Bragi suddenly had the most elite and most dangerous of men in the kingdom after him, and it wouldn't be too long before everything started catching up to him. bragi was always close to his father, he always took him hunting and showed him how to work most of the things on the farm while his mother a more quiet woman was the disciplinarian in the family and set Bragi straight every time his father was too soft on him and his little brother who is 3 years Bragi's junior. Gemir (the name Bragi gave the dragon) was easily getting noticed and not too long Vidar shows up and advises Bragi to handover the dragon to them else there will be consequences but Bragi always had Gemir to protect him everytime they would try to sneak an attack on Bragi's life. The head hunters chose a a particular night to sneak an attack on Bragi's house but Gemir had been restless that particular night, Bragi and his little brother (Kare) snuck to the cave they usually hid Gemir . Coming back late that night they found their humble little home on the farm in flames, the lifeless bodies of their parents laying affront the inferno which they once called home. Bragi's world collapsed in one night though he knew he had been playing it in the edge a little but now his life and Kare's had been ruined, one of Vidar's men saw Bragi & Kare and alerted the men. Bragi shattered, furious and confused promised to avenge his parents death no matter what it takes. Bragi & Kare bolted towards the cave to get Gemir and just run but they found the initial portal that took Bragi to Gemir's egg had been open again. Bragi and Kare ran into the portal with Gemir and soon after it closed but Bragi made yet another promise again to come back to the kingdom and destroy Vidar and his men!!!

wiinneerr14 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The whole time Bragi was doing his chores, going in and out of the house fetching some wood and some other things, The phrase " Rollercoaster of Emotions " had another level of meaning to him. He was excited, terrified, scared & feeling courageous.

The entire time his mind couldn't couldn't get off the chicken coop by noon as usual he was already done with most of his chores and he had come home early from the farm today. He walked towards the coop then lifted up the hides he closed the coop opening with. The little dragon got up from the corner and made a gesture like it was bowing.

" Hey there little guy " Bragi said softly

The baby dragon was making no sound yet, there were a bunch of things he needed to know. What to feed it, how to take basic care of it the do's and Don'ts , he hadn't told Heimdall yet & he still needed to go learn more at the library and find out what species of flying bat this is. He chuckled

" What do you have going on there, brother? "

Kore asked appearing out of nowhere

Bragi almost felt his his heart jump out of his chest, with all the composure he could manage to gather tried his possible best not to look surprised or jumpy.

" Nothing, what are you doing here brother? "

He knew better not to hide things from Kore because that boy was sharper than a sword, Kare who was sixteen at the time bore a lot of resemble with Bragi yet they differed so much in personality it's easy to question if they're related.

" You've been coming to the backyard a whole lot of recent " Bragi stated

" Something interesting going on here? " He asked

Kare was very reserved too reserved in fact, he was a smart kid and he even barely spoke although he was just sixteen he was already the same height as their father the major difference between him and Kare was just the fact that Kare's eyes were blue and he had feminine facial features which made him a favorite among girls.

Bragi would've been jealous but he wasn't bad looking himself Heimdall was the only one who had looks to worry about they would always tease him for that

Bragi knew he had to tell his brother everything before he figured it out himself, it would be less messy to just tell him upfront last thing he wanted was Kare's smarty pants on his tail.

" I'll show you something, but first I'm going to explain it before I tell you " Bragi said

" Promise me you won't freak out " Freak out?

Kare was the most unemotional person he knew , fear , happiness, sadness he didn't exhibit any of those. He loved to be left alone barely had any friends never voices out his ambition He's just an all round mysterious guy

Bragi went ahead and explained the whole story from start till the moment they found themselves. Kare didn't even flinch didn't even hint at a sign of terror but Bragi wasn't particularly surprised. There was a brief silence after Bragi went into the monologue of his terrorizing past 48 hours.

Kore would eventually open his mouth and say.

" Bragi my dear brother, you're an idiot!! " he didn't say it in a nice way, mean way , happy way or angry. He just said it cold.

" You found a strange object in a magical cave somewhere and your first thought was to bring it home , where your family stays "

Bragi was just motionless, he understood Kore wasn't coming from a place of malice he was just a cold hearted blunt talking Bastard. You either love him or hate him for it.

" Well all that doesn't matter now, it's already here and it's what you'll do about it that matters but you do need to work on your decision making though " He continued

" Well what do you think we should do about it? " Bragi replied

" You brother, what would you do next. It's non of my business " He said so nonchalantly.

Bragi at this point was annoyed he felt like breaking his younger brothers head in. " little bastard " Bragi thought to himself

" I shall not tell mother and father as I have no desire to get them upset they can be a bit sensitive sometimes " He said as he was walking back into the house.

" You do know you have to grow a heart someday you selfish bastard " Bragi said jesting at him.

He looked back in the chicken coop and said

" Don't worry we don't need him any way, Now let me find you something to eat and you can't keep staying here it's not safe "

He went back to his room got his pouch and head into town where he was going to meet Heimdall where he always would be, around girls trying to impress them. As he was walking away from home he had to pass a bush path because their home was much closer to the fields than it is to the town.

" There was no sense living in the middle of town where our source of income was out in the fields, if we had to live on mountains to make our lives easier that's what we shall do" His father would say

He always laughed at his memories of his father he managed to say the most serious of stuff in the funniest way possible.

" That's enough day dreaming Bragi, snap out of it" he said out loud

" I wonder what my father would think of all this if he found out, No!! I don't even what to think about it "

He frowned his face at the thought and kept walking the straight path that'll take him to town. Perhaps his mind would be at ease a little when he tells Heimdall everything, at least he won't go at it alone any longer. He was sure out of his mind Heimdall would freak the Hell out and the thought of that gave him some joy. He felt as though He was going to laugh through the entire thing.