
Edward Dumain

My name is Prince Edward Dumain-Streya of Streya Kingdom. Today while hunting blight fiends for their spirit cores, I came across a goddess unconscious in the Forest of Sorrows. Worried for her safety, I gathered my men and rushed back to the palace with her in my arms.

After bringing her back and placing her in my room on my bed, I then proceeded to the throne room to have an audience with my royal father Duclaus Streya. Arriving outside of the throne room, the herald announced my arrival as I walked in. Walking to within 30 feet of father, I stopped and gave a courtly bow before my father spoke.

"Ah Edward... It has come to my attention that you have brought a strange woman home with you. Give me a proper explanation." And so I recounted my encounter to my father whose eyes flashed with intrigue before waving his hand and saying, "You are dismissed. I'm certain that you wish to attend to her? Yes.. Alright be off with you." Bowing again to my father I swiftly made my way back to my room.

Upon arrival, I found the most gorgeous goddess in the world had awoken and so I spoke to her.

"My lady, I am called Edward Dumain and this is my family's estate. I found you laying unconscious in the woods. Fearing for your safety, I swiftly brought you here to rest in my home. If it is permissible, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"

Waiting in bated breath for this peerless empire destroying goddess to speak, I felt sweat trickle down my neck due to my nervousness. She's just that beautiful, and the intoxicating aura of holiness that I feel overflowing from her, has me convinced that she's no mere peasant. No she's of a much higher caliber then that. How high though, I wonder? Suddenly, she spoke!

"I am called Ashley Ravencroft. Edward Dumain, I must thank you for your most timely rescue, for a wild beast could have eaten me as I lay in the forest. May I know the name of the forest, and country we're in? I'm afraid that I arrived here under unusual circumstances, and that is all that I'm at liberty to say."

Fueling my shock and excitement, her voice is that of no mere mortal. Barely containing myself, I focused instead on answering her questions and adding more information when she stopped asking, which lead to more questions. Before long, I could see that she was weak from hunger and exhausted, so I excused myself and sent one of the servants to bring her breakfast. Waiting a few minutes, I went back inside, only to find her out cold. Smiling warmly, I walked up to her and gently pulled the covers up to her chin, before whispering, "Sleep well my Goddess." Walking out of the room 10 minutes later, a servant arrived with the food, and using Time-Space magic, I placed her food in my storage and began to wait for her to awaken while observing her flawless face. I must protect her smile! Before long I dozed off myself...

Yeah I know over the top, but I'm doing this novel for fun, so enjoy each bite.

Elder_Vaughn_Spicycreators' thoughts