
Gem Hunt Begins

A novel of a young witch looking for her missing magical gem and and a young king who fell in love with her and a jealous princess

Suliyat_Adewumi · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Betrayal and Redemption

Episode 26: Betrayal and Redemption

Out of the shadows emerged a figure, cloaked in darkness and wearing a wicked grin. It was none other than Princess Seraphina, her jealousy and thirst for power driving her to sabotage the unity that the students had worked so hard to achieve.

With a wave of her hand, Seraphina unleashed a wave of dark energy that engulfed the chamber. The students staggered back, their unity momentarily shattered by the force of the attack. The Crystal of Eternal Unity trembled, its radiance flickering as if under threat.

Luna, filled with resolve, stepped forward, shielding her students with a barrier of pure magic. "Seraphina, your jealousy has clouded your judgment," she declared, her voice steady and unwavering. "The power of unity cannot be tainted by darkness."

Seraphina sneered, her eyes filled with malice. "Unity is for fools! The crystal's power will be mine, and I will rule over all the realms!" She unleashed another wave of dark energy, aiming directly at Luna.

But before the attack could reach its target, a figure stepped in front of Luna, intercepting the blast. It was King Sebastian, his eyes filled with determination and love for Luna. "I will protect her and the unity we have found," he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The blast collided with Sebastian, and his body glowed with a brilliant light. The dark energy dissipated, leaving him unscathed but weakened. Luna rushed to his side, her heart filled with worry.

Meanwhile, the students rallied together, their unity reignited by the display of sacrifice and love. They channeled their magic, creating a shield of pure light that surrounded them, protecting them from Seraphina's attacks.

Seraphina's fury grew, her desperation evident as she summoned all her dark powers to defeat the unified students. But they were resolute, refusing to let darkness prevail. They fought back with a combination of elemental forces, illusions, and the power of nature, pushing Seraphina back with each strike.

As the battle raged on, Luna and the students realized that they needed a different approach. They couldn't defeat Seraphina with power alone; they needed to reach her heart and remind her of the importance of unity and love.

Summoning her magic, Luna cast a spell that created a projection of memories. The chamber filled with images of shared moments, of laughter, friendship, and the joy of unity. The memories enveloped Seraphina, surrounding her with warmth and familiarity.

Seraphina's eyes flickered with doubt, her defenses weakening. Memories of her own moments of connection and love began to surface, buried beneath layers of envy and bitterness.

Luna stepped forward, her voice filled with compassion. "Seraphina, deep down, you know the power of unity. It's not too late to choose a different path, to embrace the light within you."

Tears welled up in Seraphina's eyes as the truth of Luna's words penetrated her heart. She had allowed jealousy and ambition to consume her, but deep down, she longed for the connection and unity she had lost.

With a trembling hand, Seraphina reached out, her fingers brushing against the surface of the Crystal of Eternal Unity. A surge of warmth coursed through her, dissolving the darkness that had enveloped her.

As the darkness receded, Seraphina's true self emerged—a woman filled with regret and a newfound understanding. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "I have been so blind," she whispered, her voice filled with remorse. "Please, forgive me."

The students approached Seraphina, their hearts open to forgiveness.