
Geeta : A Life With No Existence

How would you react if you find out about someone who is being forced to live a life against their own will? A destiny that was supposed to be fulfilled, but circumstances and the people around her would not let her have that life. Know that the someone being referred to is only 11 years old. What would you do, if you come to know about the reason behind it? Would you jump in risking everything you love just to make sure the child is well protected or would you let time take its course and let the child suffer? Joe has been a cop for about 3 years now, having seen lots of sadistic creeps and criminals during his career. But this case was different and personal. This case has been giving him nightmares since he was in the 9th standard. He cannot forget the happy smile of Geeta and the friendship band she tied on his wrist when he met her for the first time. Back then Geeta was only 11 years old, and Joe was 15. There was always this mystery and secrecy surrounding her. Her general demeanor and attitude always raised questions in his mind and forced him to consider that there is definite oddness about her which he cannot figure out. All his attempts at trying to get to the bottom of this seem to be thwarted by the walls and people keeping Geeta hidden. Something is amiss with the family raising Geeta and the way they treat their daughter. This is a story exploring how this strong friendship bond encourages Joe and his sister Monika to pursue the truth to his suspicions. Is he being paranoid or is Geeta really someone from his past whose real identity he can't quite figure out. Why does his sister Monika have such a strong bond with Geeta? Is there anything in Geeta's past or her current family that is threatening her life? Why is she living such an isolated and sheltered life? All questions start haunting Joe to the point that he could not help but investigate. His questions lead him to a dark history and certain revelations which shakes him to the core. The sordid past makes a return where this mysterious Geeta's past is linked to the accidental death of a group of national-level athletes, a nefarious gang of international child traffickers, an illegal human experiment operation, and the suspicious death of a decorated Army Officer. The story culminates in a city-wide standoff in the foothills of the Himalayas between 11 army men and police against 24 armed mercenaries. Was there more to Geeta than what meets the eye? Will he be able to figure out Geeta's secret? Follow the chapters to know this story about Geeta. (This story is loosely based on a real incident)

Mausum3690 · Teen
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40 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Guardian

After lunch, I picked up the girls for the hospital, clinging to the desperate hope that Geeta's current condition sparks some sense of remorse in them and change their behavior towards her. I knew this was by far a long shot but could not let go of my hope.

We reached the hospital at around 4:00 PM. The day has been quite hectic for me. I haven't slept a wink. With what has happened in the past 24 hours, the need for any sleep eluded me. Geeta was still in Coma. I discussed with Vikash about Geeta's condition. He concluded that the police were not going to intervene as she was in no condition to reveal how she got injured.

When the police asked Aunty about the injury she kept insisting that Geeta fell off the stairs and hurt her head. I very well knew Aunty was very much capable of keeping up this charade.

I was starting to feel very hopeless and desperately wished for Geeta to get better. The doctors at the hospital informed that Geeta was still having difficulties in breathing, and in the absence of any improvement in the next 24 hours, her chances of survival would be grim.

By now, uncle had also reached Purulia. I witnessed uncle's broken and pained look watching Geeta lying on the ICU bed. Uncle took Aunty to a corner of the room, and what seemed like a very angry conversation followed. As I closed in on them subtly in an attempt to eavesdrop on their conversation, I could hear Uncle saying "Are you satisfied now? Finally, my sweet Geeta is where you always wanted her to be. Remember one thing, if something happens to my child, I will make sure you suffer. No one can save you from my wrath."

Saying this uncle left the room. I followed uncle outside and felt like consoling him. I saw him entering the Men's room and followed him. When I entered the room he was crying. I went near him and said "Is everything all right sir. You look sad."

Uncle looked at me and replied "I am fine. It's just that my child is lying in a coma, and I am feeling very helpless about it. I regret myself for leaving her in Purulia. She was better off with me."

I introduced myself, "Don't worry Uncle, Geeta will be fine. We all are praying that she gets well soon. By the way, I am Monika's elder brother, Joe." Uncle extended his right hand and acknowledged "It was nice meeting you, son. Monika speaks a lot about you."

I shook his hand and replied with a smile "Much obliged, sir. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Don't hesitate. I and my friends will always be there for you till Geeta gets well." Saying this I took uncle's leave and left the place.

Dad made sure Monika is not allowed to visit the hospital. I told Vikash, if only we can manage something to ensure that Geeta remains safe, I could peacefully go back to the school and complete my studies.

Vikash replied, "So what if you are not here, remember she called me dada on the day of the basketball match. Even if you won't be here her Vikash dada will be there to protect her. You know my stellar reputation of being a dada or should I say DADAS."

I reprimanded Vikash to stop joking and be serious. We needed someone who can visit her every-day and keep an eye on the family. Besides Monika is far too young."

All of a sudden Vikash had an idea, "Remember the other day you told me, Geeta is being home-schooled." "Yes, what about it?" I asked. Vikash replied "I think I know what we can do. We can send someone in as her teacher and that way we can keep an eye on her. I remember the other day you told me she is not good at studies. I think its time she gets a new tutor. What do you say?"

I was intrigued "Do you have anyone in mind?" Vikash replied "I know the best person for this job. As a matter of fact, we both know him."

I recognized his tone and a name popped into my mind. I hope he was not referring to Babul da. Out of respect, we all call him Master Da. I pleaded Vikash, "Please, please tell me, you are not considering Babul da." Vikash replied "Yes, I am talking about Master Da. He is definitely the right person for this."

I countered "Never, I am not asking Babul da for help. You know his temper very well. Knowing everything about him how can you even consider him anywhere near Geeta."

Vikash replied "He may have taken some bad decisions in his life, Joe. But we should also consider the fact that he has got a Ph.D. in Psychology. He is one of the few learned people we know. We should also consider the fact that he is a philanthropist and spends most of his time educating young girls from under-developed villages for free. Believe me, Babul da is an excellent choice for this."

I was not feeling comfortable about this idea, but all I could recall at that moment was my sister's happiness and her anguished reaction at Geeta's condition. The brother in me took the leap "Ok, let's do it then."

We left for Babul Da's place. Once we reached there, I found Babul da was in the garden, taking care of the plants. He saw us approaching the house and stood up to greet us.

"What are you 2 doing here? It has been a long time since you remembered that you do have a brother who lived here."

Vikash mumbled "No master da, that's not the case. We heard that you have started a school for young children, so we thought you might be extremely busy and did not want to disturb you." Master da looked at us sternly "You don't have to make excuses. It's ok, I don't mind. I know you guys. You were there with me during my difficult times, when my people didn't show up to extend their help, you and your friends were the only ones who took care of me without any judgment." Vikash responded emotionally "If a brother won't help his dada, who else will. You are like my elder brother."

Master da inquired to Vikash "Would you mind telling me directly, what is on your mind? I can sense something is not right."

Vikash hesitated but went on "Actually we need your help with something. We cannot divulge this to anyone, and even if we attempt to speak to anyone about this, we know no one will believe us." "Would you mind being more clear?" asked Master da.

Vikash folded his hands and begged Master Da, "Before I tell you anything, I want you to come to Mother Teresa Lions Hospital, Barakar road, and meet doctor Pramatha Sen and enquire about a patient named Geeta. Please, Master Da." Master da didn't say much and proceeded to leave with us.

When we reached the hospital Vikash told master da, "If you don't mind, we will maintain a distance from you. I don't want the girl's parents to figure out that we know each other. Once you enter the doctor's chamber, we will enter through the back door."

Babul da didn't say anything and after inquiring at the reception, directly went to Dr. Pramatha Sen's chamber. We entered the chamber a few seconds later and I introduced Babul Da to the doctor "Sir, this is Babul Da. He runs an NGO for the protection of child rights. I want you to please tell him whatever you told us in the morning." The doctor started telling Babul da everything he told us in the morning.

I could sense that Babul da's rage was growing as the doctor clued in on every detail of the abuse suffered by Geeta. After the doctor finished, Babul da managed to ask in a repressed tone, if he could see the child. The doctor replied in an apologetic tone, "I am sorry, right now it would be difficult. I can show you something though." He switched on his laptop and showed us a live feed of Geeta in her ICU. Babul da replied, "Thank-you doctor, this should be enough." And he left the hospital looking very furious. We followed Babul da to outside the hospital premises.

He beckoned us and said, "Both of you, come to my home, I need to talk to you right now." I requested him to give me half an hour and asked Vikash to go with him.

I went home and asked Monika to get ready, as we needed to go somewhere. Monika asked me "Where are we going, bhaiya?" I retorted, "Stop asking questions, I don't have much time, get dressed."

Monika didn't utter another word. She went to her room and got ready in 15 minutes. We left home and while walking towards Master da, I told her "Sweety, I am sorry, I shouted at you. I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me".

She gave her usual enchanting smile and replied "I know bro. You are worried because of what happened to Geeta and you don't know what to do. I understand that." I looked at her and said "Wow, Monika, you are very mature and understanding for your age. I am proud of you. Let me tell you something, we are going to someone's place now. He is a friend of mine. I want you to be in your best behavior."

Monika replied "When have I not been a good girl bro?" and she pinched me. I smiled at her, cherishing her childish innocence in these difficult times and replied "I am just joking dear sister. Let's go." After walking for about 15 minutes, we reached Babul Da's place. I found Babul da and Vikash eagerly waiting for my return.

I introduced Monika to Babul da. Babul da looked at me and asked "I didn't know you were bringing guests over. I could have bought lots of sweets for this angel." My sister looked at me and said: "Its ok Sir, the next time I come to your place, I will give you a call in advance, and let you know what chocolates I like."

Master Da could not help but laugh at my sister's witty reply, and said "Sure my child, anything for you". I was a little bit embarrassed and said "Sorry about this Da."

He replied "Its ok Joe. She is a kid. Lighten up a little." Vikash interrupted and brought our focus back on the matter at hand, "Can we discuss Geeta's situation?"

Master da was hesitant to talk about it in front of Monika, I assured him "Its ok Master da, she needs to know about our discussion. She has been friends with the family for the past 3 years, and has been trying to help Geeta in her own way." Master da was shocked to hear my comment, He looked at Monika and said to her "You are really a very brave child, my dear. Can you tell me more about your friend Geeta?"

Monika replied, "All these years I have been trying to tell people about what is being done to Geeta and no one would believe me, now that she is hurt very badly, you people are worrying."

Master da looked at Monika and replied "My child, all these days, you have been telling about Geeta to good people, who only care about themselves. Today you are going to tell your concerns to someone who I can assure you is not a good person. Besides I met your friend Geeta's doctor and I came to know a lot about her and what she has gone through."

Monika felt a ray of hope listening to Master Da's words, and started narrating every incident and detail, she felt we should know. I couldn't believe my little sister has experienced so much at such a tender age.

All of a sudden she revealed something, which cleared Master Da's doubts and made sense of the traces of TESTOPEL found in the child's body. What we heard from Monika today, was enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life. I never could imagine someone as young as Geeta going through such an ordeal. Listening to Monika's story shook me to my very core.

Master Da interjected, "Child, you have said enough." As he saw tears rolling down her eyes. He picked up Monika in his arms and said "You are one of the bravest young women I have met in my life. You are a hero. and heroes don't cry. Heroes always smile and protect."

Monika stopped weeping and replied, "Sir, I am not a young woman, you called me an angel remember." Master da gave a smile and replied, "You are a true angel my child."

Then Monika asked Master Da "Sir, will you help my friend. Please." Master da gently let go of Monika and said: "I will help your friend, but only if you call me your uncle and not Sir." Monika smiled and agreed "Sure Kaku".

Now Babul da asked if we had any plans. I replied "Right now I just want her to complete her studies. At this moment she has no one to call her own. We are not well settled enough to provide her with the good life she deserves. I want you to be her tutor, and enable her to the best of your capability. Keep an eye on her. If you are there, at least I can be sure she would be safe from those wicked cousins of hers. Besides Monika would also be there most of the time to make sure she is treated alright."

Master da replied "I have never done babysitting before, but I think I can manage this. There is one thing though which concerns me" I asked Master da "What is it?"

"I want you guys to make sure, that we never meet each other. I do not want the Banerjee household to be able to make any connection between us. That includes Monika too. I will introduce myself to you, Monika, once again in front of the Banerjee family. Remember it should seem like we are meeting for the first time"

Vikash could not resist asking, "Well this is settled, but do you guys know where her current teacher lives and how can we convince her to quit tutoring Geeta." Monika promptly replied "I know where she lives." and shared the address.

Master da replied, "Leave the convincing to me. I can persuade her not to come. You guys know very well, how much of an expert I am at coercion".

As our planning concluded, it was time for us to leave. Master da asked us to wait for some time. He went inside his house, and after 10 minutes he came out. He asked Monika to come forward "He had some sort of a medallion in his hand. He bent down and pinned the medallion on Monika's Shirt. I took a close look at it and found it to be made of copper and engraved on it was the inscription of a hand. Below the hand, it was written "Jeevan Raksha".

After he put the medal on her, he stood up and said "I was awarded this medal by president Dr. S. D. Sharma for saving the life of 7 children from a burning building. Today I am presenting you this medal because you are the one who truly deserves this medal."

I never knew that Master Da was a recipient of the Jeevan Raksha medal. I shook Master da's hand and said "Thank you dada for doing this for me. I really have no words to express my gratitude."

Now I am sure that with Master Da around, Geeta and Monika will be safe and protected from the Banerjee family. Once Geeta regains consciousness, I can peacefully go to school and continue my studies without any worries.

I am left alone in the wide world. My own dear family I have buried: one in Rangoon, and two in Amherst. What remains for me but to hold myself in readiness to follow the dear departed to that blessed world, 'Where my best friends, my kindred dwell, where God, my Saviour, reigns.'

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