
She Knows My Face

And now, Suga's already existing annoyance was made even more so. Ratih's sudden presence made him not expect it. After seeing the woman whose name he didn't know, Suga immediately grabbed his glasses from the table. Then, he styled his hair forward to become geeky, as everyone knows!

Suga walked resolutely to Ratih, who was still frozen. He still chuckled a few times, even cursed. The man really couldn't stop thinking about the woman's impoliteness.

"Don't you have any manners? Why are you entering other people's room office without permission?" asked Suga after arriving before Ratih.

After taking one step back, Ratih swallowed her saliva with difficulty. Even though covered with thick glasses, Suga's face still looked very scary. Ratih took a few breaths to release the tension in herself.

"Sorry, Mr. Suga, I already knocked on the door earlier," said Ratih while lowering her body.

Suga's eyes narrowed behind his glasses. "So you're saying I'm deaf, is that it?" he asked while advancing his feet.

Ratih has increasingly cornered. Unfortunately, her body has pinned between the wall and Suga's body; she can't go from the office room.

"N-not like that, Mr. Suga. It's just… it's just, I thought en-enough with the knock on the door."

"Tsk, who are you to make up your rules, huh?! With my permission, everyone will be able to enter my room. Got it!"

"U-understood, Mr. Suga. Sorry for my negligence. I am ready to be punished, Mr. Suga."

"Ready to be punished?"


"What if I fire you?"

Ratih's jaw gaped. Something was wrong with the man, she thought. Just a tiny mistake, but he will fire Ratih? Seriously?! Ratih didn't expect that behind those thick glasses, Suga was very annoying.

Suga flicked Ratih's forehead, causing the woman to scream in pain.

"You think I fired you just because of the knock-on-the-door incident?"

Ratih shock. How can Suga read his mind?

"N-not like that!" said Ratih awkwardly.

"Tsk, laughable! Stupid!"



Hearing that one impolite word, Ratih was furious. That's okay; Suga fired her and scolded her for a tiny mistake she did even make. Suga himself did not hear the knock on the door. It's just that if you say 'stupid' for Ratih, it is an insult. She has served Suga for five years at the company, but Suga has a horrible act in treating his small mistakes.

"Hey Geeky!" exclaimed Ratih.

Because of the loudness of Ratih's voice, Suga's secretary, who was working in front of the room office, was stunned and ran over to the two people.

"What?!" Suga replied with a fierce look.

"Y-you geeky! You can fire me, but if you call me stupid, I don't accept it!"

"Tsk, what's wrong with my word, Miss Ugly? Because you stupid and ugly!"

Ratih gasped even more and, at the same time, was made not to accept it. "Haaah… ugly? Stupid?" She bit her lower lip in anger. However, she couldn't hold back her anger. "You are geeky and ugly, and you dare to call me ugly!"

Belinda—Suga's secretary—holds Ratih's arms. "Miss, please calm down and respect Mr. Suga," he said.

"Bell, just go. This is my business with this stupid woman." Suga said.

"B-but, Mr. Suga?"

There was no answer from Suga to Belinda's words, apart from his eyes narrowing from behind the glasses. This situation made Belinda numb, and she gradually released her hand from Ratih's arm. Then, he came out of the study.

After Belinda left, the two pairs of eyes intertwined. Ratih's hatred for Suga has been growing because of Suga's words, which she considers an insult.

"Well! I will leave this company, but you need to mark that my achievements have been brilliant for five years. I have completed many projects! And you have no right to call me stupid and ugly simultaneously! Because, in reality, you are much uglier!" said Ratih.

Suga grinned. "unfortunately, I canceled the dismissal decision," he replied.

"What?!" Ratih bit her lips again. The next second, she said, "You are not God who has the right to rule my life. You can't just throw me out and pick me up again like trash! You already fire me, and please still be consistent!"

"No, because you are the truth is trash. Organic waste that can still be recycled." Suga advanced his face three centimeters away from Ratih Kembang's pretty face.

Ratih is desperate. "I-I refuse! I will leave this company!"

"Then pay your contract penalty with our company in the amount of two billion, that way you have the right to leave this company."

"What?! That's not fair! You are the one who fired me!"

"I told you, I canceled it," Suga said while turning around and strolling to return to the desk.

"This Geeky Man! You are very annoying!"

Ratih, who was already very angry, ran after Suga. And her body staggered because she slipped. Suga, who had turned around since Ratih's scream, swiftly caught the woman's body. Because of his fast pounding, his thick glasses plunged to the floor.

Ratih's eyes widened even more, her jaw gaping. Moments ago, she faintly saw Suga's true face; now, that handsome face was becoming more apparent in her eyes. How can the geeky, cold-hearted CEO she hates so much be so handsome? Suga's jaw looks more firm, and her sharp eyes look sweet.

Out of curiosity, Ratih's hand moved to uncover Suga's bangs that covered his forehead. Unfortunately, her body was slammed by the man before she could continue her act.

"Ouch! If you don't intend to help, you don't need to help from earlier!" Ratih grumbled while rubbing her sore elbow.

Suga picked up his glasses and now looking at Ratih sharply. "Tsk, You have not been afraid of me?" he replied.

"Why am I afraid, you're not a monster anyways!"

Suga gasped. Indeed, to the woman before him, he was a geeky CEO with thick glasses. In fact, behind that appearance, he could be considered a monster. And even he was a demon without conscience by some of the people he had tortured. Suga could feel relieved if Ratih's words were fact.

Seeing Suga, who was suddenly silent, Ratih felt confused. With difficulty, he stood up, then studied the man's face.

"S-sorry, looks like my words went too far. I-I'm ready to leave the company, just for the penalty...," Ratih said hesitantly.

Suga sighed. "No! Even if you are stupid, you must still work here! If you still insist on leaving, pay the penalty with the resignation letter," he said.

"Wow! Why is it so hard to let me go? Then, you're already rich, why do you still want to scold this poor me?! Why have you been so annoying in the first place?! Annoying!"

"Just do a good job, Miss ugly."

"You're in a cruel…." Ratih hung up her sentence because she imagined how handsome Suga's face was.

Suga approached the woman again. "This is why I still trap you and will likely ensnare you forever. Because..." He came to Ratih's ear and whispered, "You know my true face. I will watch over you and mince your thin body if you gossip about my face!"

Ratih cursed softly. But even though Ratih was fed up, she gradually feared Suga's threats. Even so, she didn't want to appear afraid in front of the man because she didn't wish Suga to humble herself even more.

"Besides, what's wrong with your face? Even if you don't want to wear glasses, you are still ugly!" Ratih continues to fight to protect her pride.

Suga grinned. "I am ugly? No! I know you though I am very handsome. I don't want my real face to be exposed. After all, even if someone says I'm handsome, it's only you."

"Tch ... it won't!"

"Very high self-esteem, Miss, even though you are poor."

Ratih's breath was held for a moment, and she exhaled roughly. "Fine, I ah… no, I'm still going to work here. But, I hope not to see you again."

"Who are you? It's me who doesn't want to see you."

"Okay! Don't let us meet, as long as my salary remains smooth and even increases!"


"I'm poor, so that's natural. And one more thing and the last one, I need your signature for five days off next month."

Ratih submitted the leave request form to Suga. Then, the man grabbed her without even a courtesy. Suga's eyes began to read the name and the reason for the leave. A marriage of Ratih family members.

"Three days only," said Suga.

"Very little! Just the party, four days and four nights, sir!" said Ratih.

"Do you want to take a day off or not at all? I'm here the boss is not you!"

"Stingy geeky man ...." Ratih muttered softly.


"N-no, Sir, all right, three days."

Suga didn't answer anymore. He took the form to his desk. With an expressionless face, he scribbled black ink on the signature spot. After that, he handed back the form to Ratih.

"Thank you, Mr. Geeky!" said Ratih loudly.

Suga glared. But when he was about to scold the woman, Ratih sprinted towards the exit.

"Ratih Kembang...? I'll oversee you," muttered Suga while squinting. He snorted harshly after that. "Why after so many years, it has to be a woman like her who knows my face? What a hassle!"
