
Gears Of War: Moon Presence’s Awakening!

The Locus and the COG have been at war for years... Now their is a new player entering the field. What will happen when madness itself awakens and meets the inhabitants of Sera?

Harbinger9901 · Video Games
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So it has been a few weeks since I first had dinner with my wife and a LOT has happened since then. I could not help but think about it but why should I bother?

Well, the voice in my head keeps telling me to do something about it as it's just wrong but I don't think so. Apparently, Myrrah has been kidnapping some humans and forcing them to mine.

Nice job Myrrah!

Another thing was that she was preparing to launch an attack on humanity's last stronghold and it will take place in a day or two.

And lastly... I somehow managed to start a cult... I'm not even sure how it happened so I'll tell you all about it!

{One week before GOW 2 begins}

So Myrrah 'accidentally' mentioned that she was holding prisoners out on the edge of the Nexus so I decided to see it for myself!

I obviously had to make sure that she was kidnapping someone correctly as I have experience in this field! Well, not really but I do!

After a not-so-little while of walking a found a large field housing circular metal tubes and out of curiosity, I walked up to one as there was a small glass window.

Looking within a saw a gray-skinned human with dead eyes and I could not help but smile and wave towards the person! How could I not? It was the first person I've seen besides my wife!

"Hello! Are you enjoying your stay? Hello? Can you hear me? Grey skin man? No?"

I guessed that the metal tube must have been soundproofed as who would be rude enough to ignore me?

Anyways, I looked within the rest of the metal tubes and noticed that while some had gray skin others had normal colored skin but they were crying tears of joy for some reason. Wonder why...

Looking off into the distance I saw a large Locust who had a shield of some sort dragging a woman towards one of the metal tubes but who cares! Look at the shield! It looks awesome!

I quickly ran up towards the chunky Locust and grabbed his shield. Thankfully my existence was known throughout the Locust capital so I didn't really need to worry about 'tapping' the Locust and causing them to go nighty night!

I shot a quick glance towards the woman and the voice within my head started screaming about saving her. Honestly, I didn't see why until the voice said something that caught my Curiosity.

Plot? She is important to the plot? How? When? She doesn't seem important though... Well, I guess it never hurts to do some charity.

I was about to say something but she beat me to it first after she was done being dumbfounded by me not being killed by the Locust.

"Help me please!!"

The chunky Locust just grunted as it was about to hit the woman but I stopped him by grabbing his hand causing him to grunt once again before waiting on the side.

"Sup crying, lady!"

The woman looked in amazement as she was let go and quickly spoke.

"I don't know who you are but please help me! The Locust is not trying to capture or torturing you so please help us escape!"

Oh! She must be worried about becoming like those grey-skinned people but I guess I can do her a favor.

I then looked towards the chunky fellow and began speaking.

"Hey do me a favor and not do anything to her will you? Even someone like me should do some good right?"

Knowing that I did my good deed of the year I started walking back as I was starting to miss my beloved wife.

{Three days later, ??? POV}

'Ever since that man appeared the Mauler stopped bringing me to be tortured... I rarely even need to mine anymore... Why did the Mauler listen to him? No Locust would listen to a human...'

Ideas and speculations began forming in my mind and I eventually came to a conclusion.

'Was that man a God? He stopped the Mauler from hitting me from before so he can't be human... Did the world take pity on us?! They must have! It's the only thing that makes sense!'

I then held my hands together and started praying while imagining the man from before. He saved me once so surely he would appear before me once I start praying right?

{Kyle POV}

So I decided to walk back towards the dubbed 'slave field' as my future wife was busy today. To my surprise, the first metal tube I looked into had the woman I helped.

I tapped on the glass and once again to my surprise she responded! I thought the tube was soundproof! I was ignored?!?

I was about to go visit those rude people but the woman suddenly spoke with a strange look within her eye.

"My lord! Please tell me your name and where you are from! This lowly one begs you!"

I could not help but be taken back. Why is she suddenly calling me 'lord'? Well, I guess it would be rude of me to ignore her...

"Just call me Kyle, as for where I'm from..."

I didn't know how to answer the last part. I barely remember my first home but then I smiled and finished my words from before.


Once the woman heard this the strange look within her eyes intensified. She then spoke but her words made the voice in my head laugh but now matter how many times I tried to get it to tell me why, the voice just refused to answer.

"I, Maria Santiago will pledge my faith to my savior! You saved me and I'll be forever thankful! Even if you never appear before me again I will still worship!"

Yeah... This was starting to get weird so I did the most logical thing I could do! I RAN! One moment I was at the Slave Field and the next I was laying in our bed in the Nexus.

I could not help but think why that woman was supposedly important to the Plot but I'm sure the voice was just lying.

No. Maria Santiago will not be getting together with our MC.

She was just there because I saw the opportunity as anyone who played GOW2 should know why...

She will probably end up appearing again but I don't really know yet.

The next chapter will be the start of GOW2!!!

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