
Chapter 3 Doing my part, Aspho Point

Time-Skip 19 Years

As the time went on very few things happen as i grew up in Jacinto city away from the war aside from showing my interest in joining the army as a solider to my mom

While, she show disapproval at me for wanting to join the army as the infantry and wanted me to become a Doctor but she knew that the COG would send me a military recruitment letter as i was old enough to join and do my part in the war

And that is where i am at right now as i was saying my goodbyes to my mother as i went to get on a large military Trunk with other young men and women that will take us to Tyrus for our training and to pledge our oath to the Coalition when we are ready to become Gears

As the last of the them get on we started to head to Tyrus

When we begin to move i thought about show off my skill's in shooting, following orders, and piloting king raven's to have a better survival chance at surviving both the Pendulum war and locust war as well

as i was thinking about this i call to my system in my head


[Name: Leon grey

Race: Human

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Strength: 5

Perception: 6

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 6

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 4

Luck: 9 (Fix)

Inherent trait:

- Survivor: You are able to survivor in situations that are dire, and when lost and by yourself you are able to survive until you find your team again]

Afther i finish checking my stats i close my eyes and took a nap to pass the time


Few hours later

I woke up to the sounds of the truck stopping as a gear Drill Sergeant came aboard and told us to get out and lineup

As we are filing in we heard the Drill Sergeant speak


Dill Sergeant Mike: My name is Drill Sergeant Mike and i will be training you to be excellent gears and I expect you to always to answer me with a yes sir, do you understand cadets!


All COG cadets: YES SIR


Dill Sergeant Mike: Good now go to the big building in the midddle to receive your cog tags, cadet armor, and Mark 1 Lancer assault rifle, I expect to see you here in a hour NOW GO!

And with that all the gears cadets runoff to the big middle building to receive there cog tags, cadet armor, and weapons

And as leon ran off he began to think to himself that this was going to be a long five years


Time-skip 5 Years later

In a huge stadium like building there are multipe COG soldiers in Trooper Armor waiting for the commmander to begin the ceremony at which they will become gears

In the front of the soldiers is leon grey remembering the hard training that they ' all went through

When they first started they had to run multiple miles and exerises that took everything they had to complete it and with target practice and knife combat that took 2 years

After they finish the 2 years of exercising and combat practice they went on small scale missions that improve the cooperation with each other and teamwork as well which took 3 years and now they are allowed to wear Trooper Armor and he was promoted to a corporal because of his outstanding marks

As he was finishing reminiscing about the past the commander of the militaty training base stepped on the stage and started the Oath of the Coalition ceremony


Commander: You all will repeat the Oath of the Coalition after i say it, do you understand.


All the COG soldiers: YES SIR!


Commander: Good now salute and repeat after me "I shall remain vigilant and unyielding in my pursuit of the enemies of the Coalition. I will defend and maintain the Order of Life as it was proclaimed by the Allfathers of the Coalition in the Octus Canon. I will forsake the life I had before so I may perform my duty as long as I am needed. Steadfast, I shall hold my place in the machine and acknowledge my place in the Coalition. I am a Gear."


All the COG soldiers: "I shall remain vigilant and unyielding in my pursuit of the enemies of the Coalition. I will defend and maintain the Order of Life as it was proclaimed by the Allfathers of the Coalition in the Octus Canon. I will forsake the life I had before so I may perform my duty as long as I am needed. Steadfast, I shall hold my place in the machine and acknowledge my place in the Coalition. I am a Gear."

As we finish saying the Oathof the Coalition that now made us Official gears soldiers

We were then told to head to the Armory to collect our weapons and ammo and then head to the King Ravens that took us to a couple of landing crafts that hand C company of the 26th Royal Tyran infantry in them as were joining the company at attacking Aspho point

As we all were waiting for the go orders of command because the weather was unstable, Major Helena Stroud briefed the company on the details of their part in Operation Leveler


Major Helena Stroud: All right Gears listen up we will be using landing craft tanks to land on Aspho point Beach and our mission is to cut off all enemy reinforcements tp Aspho point and provide assistance to Major Hoffman and a group of commandos while they sneak in and steal key information and personnel that know about the Hammer od Dawn project, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!


All waiting COG Soldier's: YES MA'MA


Major Helena Stroud: Good be ready when command gives the go order if we do this right, we win the war


[ Name: Leon grey

Race: Human

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Strength: 7

Perception: 8

Endurance: 5 (8 with armor on)

Charisma: 6

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 7

Luck: 9 (Fix)

Inherent trait:

- Survivor: You are able to survivor in situations that are dire, and when lost and by yourself you are able to survive until you find your team again]