
Gear of the death

Yuki_chan_112 · Action
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7 Chs

Been a while

as the siblings woke up groaning from the loud noise of the monsters outside their fence that protected them from the sudden attack or the sudden fight that they didn't desire to go through all night to daytime, At some point, the two had to rest or recover from the morning battle so they so-called training just to improve their strength in battle, however, things may sound nothing new to them due to the fact they had experienced this in the past when their uncle but they used the title grandfather due to trying to hide their identities from their real grandfather, so they couldn't get experimented for the same reason like their father who had been a lab rat by his father. 

The two groaned while walking down the hallway to the bathroom just to wash for a bit before the battle in the morning, Robert was the first one to arrive at the bathroom taking a towel just to wash his face, he leaned closer to the sink and turned on the water splashing some water on his face and used the towel to dry himself when he was done Faye walked in and yawned while her hand was outstretched to Robert as he took a bath towel and give it to her at the same time walking out the bathroom going to the living room just to clean his daggers and to get ready his gears for battle.

At that moment Hugo ran down the stairs as he shouted while his hair was messed up and he was still in his cute pajama that had some designs of cute little rabbit with some carrots, guy! I just saw someone out there that had just slaughtered all the monsters or had just scared them off, Hugo was panting from running and the shock that he had just seen earlier as he was now in front of Robert.

Hey relax Hugo you know that's not possible to kill a pack of monsters in seconds, Robert patted next to him so Hugo could sit and catch his breath and explain more clearly but Hugo shook his head saying what he had just seen was true and that someone had come here and had just killed or scared the monsters way in seconds, I swear what I had just seen is the truth Hugo said as he looked at me in fear and he was serious about what he had just seen, at that moment Faye walked in while she was drying her hair and glanced at us in curiously about what is happening at this point.

Hey, how about believing in him at least until you had proof that what he had said is fake or something, Faye said as she lay on the couch and took out her guns under the coffee table cleaning them and preparing them to slay some monsters, Robert just sighed knowing his sister is sometimes right due to her ability or just her gut feeling she just had at times.

Fine, if you were wrong better handle what I'm going to do with you after I got back inside, Robert stood up from where he had just sat and walked to the front door that he hadn't fixed yet.

Stepping out of the doorway to the front fence that is now there were no monsters around at the moment Robert widened his eyes as he was shocked to see there was not a single monster around when a dark figure appeared out of nowhere behind Robert.

Robert turned his head as he took out his dagger on the side of his waist about to attack the person or something that had just scared the beast off just by a few seconds.

However, he was stopped by the strong aura around the person as it felt that the aura around this person was a barrier to protect him from danger, the person laughed in delight at how happy he was to see someone forgetting their place in this new world, while Robert looked up with fear, however, it just fades away quickly as the unknown person pulled him up glancing at Robert with pure happiness.

While Hugo and Faye laugh from the sidelines as they see Robert is so stunned to see someone they had never thought to see again the person.

Their uncle whom they thought had been killed by their grandfather.

Robert burst into tears while clinging to his uncle like his life was on the line while some muces came out of his nose looking like a mess in years.

I hope you all like it if you have seen some wrong please comment down

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