
Lod's gift of disaster

Meanwhile, near the tower. Things weren't going normally. Explosions everywhere and nightmares roaming around. F was the first in the area and was sitting down near a bench while looking at our own tower.

"Man... This day is one of the worst one's for this year."

F said to himself. He then turned around and saw a light going towards him. He then grabbed before it could go any further. F took one good look at it and he laughed.

"The actual hell you guys doing in a mushed ball of light?"

F said. He then tossed the light into the ground and saw that it was everyone that was still in my body. Wulf was the first to get up while everyone else was down.

"You... You and X left us inside his mind for god's sake!! Do you have any idea how terrifying his mind is!!?!"

After Wulf finished talking. They heard gunshots that ended up waking everyone else. F then sighed and stood up from the bench to find out what's going on. Everyone else followed F, and they couldn't believe what they saw. They saw the cops trying to take down one ns.

"You got to be kidding me!! We can't take this one down!!"

One cop said. Then one of the other cops went in and use force to stop the ns.

"This can't be good..."

They all said. When the cop contact the ns. The ns ended up stabbing the cop in the chest. Turning them into a ns as well. Then the infected cop attacked everyone else. Turning them into as well into a ns. Dark and Eve took flight and saw that people were being turned into ns all over the place.

"This isn't good guys. The entire city is surrounded by ns."

Dark said. She then landed and had her weapons ready while Eve stayed in the sky to monitor their surroundings.

"OK... Guess I'm the only capable of giving orders..."

F said. He then pointed his lance at the ns.

"Listen up. We need to split up. One team sets to off to find Dennis, the second team will go save as many people as possible while the third team goes exterminating the ns. Got it?"

Everyone nodded. They followed with the same team system until X landed in front of them.


F said.

"No time for questions. An evacuation is now in effect, and I need to track down the target before it can make a bigger mess that we have now."

X said. He then scanned the area and picked up a signal of a high concentrated energy coming towards the places that I was resting. It made no sense, but things could get worse if nothing is done.

"If you guys are going to do something, then do it fast. The target is nearby."

X said. Wulf then took Neko D and Kuo with him to help the people that may be in danger. Dark and Eve exterminated the nearby ns that can cause problems. F and Heartless stayed behind and kept starring at X.

"What do you two want?"

"Dennis took down Rampage and Mecha. No one noticed that they were missing, and Lod caused all of this."

Heartless said. He then hides inside F's shadow to rest for a few minutes.

"He speaks the truth, we can probably deduct that the target maybe nearby Dennis at this point."

"Then lets go."

X then took the lead, and F followed him. They were heading towards the construction site. They took the same path that I did they stopped before entering. X then pointed up to the roof of the nearby building to avoid being noticed. While they headed to the roof. The others were having problems.

Wulf was leading Kuo and Neko D. They were helping every person who they found. During the rescue, Wulf saw a ns that was about to attack a kid.

"Hey!! Over here!!"

Wulf said to call the attention to the ns. The ns turned around and was drenched in blood. But Wulf noticed that the ns had my face.

"Dennis...? Is that really you?!"

Wulf asked. The ns looked at him with a big smile and ended up leaving a scratch on the kid. Wulf then stepped back after seeing everything.

"Guess I have no choice..."

Wulf then bit his lower lip and a shadow wolf appeared in front of him. He then snapped his fingers that gave the wolf the urge to attack the ns. As the wolf approached, the ns then turned his hands into blades that the wolf ended up biting on to it. Wulf then saw that the ns was distracted, and he went for a straight punch that sent it to the other side of a building.

"Good job on holding the enemy down. Now what should I do with the kid...? Oh come on."

Wulf ended up looking over where the kid was, and the kid was nowhere to be found. Kuo and Neko D then saw Wulf with his guard up.

"Hey, Wulf. We finished up escorting the people to the evacuation point."

"Then we better put this place under restriction until the coast is clear."

Wulf said. He then punched the ground with his right hand. Making an entire city be affected by an earthquake. And from the distance, the only two that took notice of this were Dark and Eve since they were in the sky.

"Hey sis. I think Wulf is placing the area under lockdown."

Eve said. He then pointed out the giant walls of stone where raising from the ground.

Meanwhile, back at the construction site. F and X saw what was happening around them.

"Guess that means they evacuated everyone..."

F said. He then turned over to X that was looking at me resting on a tree.

"Then we must get going before a full scale attack starts."

X said. He and F jumped down from the roof and landed near me. Claire and Nidializ saw them and wondered what they were doing,

"F? X? What brings you two here?"

Claire asked. She was trying to get me out of the tree while Nidializ was making sure that Mecha wasn't active. F then plunged his lance on the ground and helped Claire, leaving X to answer the question.

"Well... We detected a high concentrated energy coming from here... I didn't expect that it was lingering energy from the residue of battle."

X said. He then walked over and was inspecting Mecha that was barely damaged.

"So Dennis did this?"

"Yea… He really went all out fighting Rampage and Mecha. While we could barely hold our own ground..."

Nidializ said. She seemed down that she couldn't do a lot to help out on the fight.

"Don't say that. You should blame Dennis for bringing you guys along for this fight. But I got to give it to you. You, Claire and Dj did everything that you can in this fight."

"Guess your right, but Dennis really put himself on the line."

Nidializ said. She then picked up Mecha while noticing that Dj was back with Rampage on his arm. X as well noticed, and he saw that Rampage was injured.

"Let me guess. Dennis finished her off?"

"Not exactly... She is still alive. Same for Mecha at this point."

Dj said. I then opened my eyes because of their voices.

"Can you all... Keep it quiet for a few more minutes..."

I said to everyone. I then passed out onto Claire arms. Everyone was sure that I would die at this rate. They took me back to the tower to rest before things could get even more serious. As time passed by, I ended up waking up in a hospital bed.

"Not again..."

I said to myself. I then got out of the bed and looked out the window.

"Still daylight, huh? Guess that means I'm at the tower... meaning that only one opponent left..."

I said to myself I then noticed that the sky was turning red. It gave me a bad feeling, so I went out of the hospital room and head straight to the office.