
Belong 4

I don't know how long he kept me in that position, using my mouth as his cock holster. He had me gently suck it, just wanting to feel the warmth and wetness of my hole instead of trying to get off again. I could feel his dad's load drying on my back. I kept my eyes on his face the whole time, enamored by him. He paid little attention to me throughout, keeping his focus on his phone while his cock marinated in my mouth. Once he had his fill he pulled my head out of his lap, unhooked his leg from my back and got out of bed. I just laid there, replaying everything that had developed in the last day. He opened his door and turned to me.

"Get the fuck out of bed, we have a lot to do today faggot." I moved to stand and follow him. "Uh uh. In this house, men walk. Faggots crawl. What are you?"

"A faggot," I said meekly.

"What was that? Speak up bitch," he barked.

"I'm a faggot!" I shouted at him. My cock pulsed.

"Then why are you still standing like a man, faggot? Down." He applied slight pressure to my shoulders and I dropped to all fours beside him. "This is your position when you are here with us. Understood?"

"Yes Daddy," I brought my eyes to his as I said it. I was nervous but also felt a flutter of excitement in my groin as a bead of precum dripped onto the floor. He noticed.

"Good bitch. Now, clean that up, take your underwear off and follow me. You won't be needing them anymore. Keep your head down and eyes on my feet at all times unless told otherwise," he said as he turned and started walking.

I quickly licked my drip off the floor and followed as close as I dared. My stomach was doing back flips as I pondered what he had in mind for me. I could hear the television in the living room and assumed his dad had taken his spot in his favorite recliner. He led me through the house, which was a modest size. It was one story with a central dining room. The dining room was connected to the living room, kitchen, a small library, and the hallway that led to three bedrooms. His dad had the master bedroom, which was across the hall from Mike's room. The third bedroom was set up for when his younger brother paid him a rare visit. The house was Mike's, but he had let his dad move in with him after his parents got divorced a year ago. He and his dad were always close, while my best friend was more of a momma's boy.

He was walking me to the separate bath that he took over after his dad moved in. I kept my eyes on his feet as instructed. They were masculine, with a small dusting of hair on the tops and his toes. I could see the veins and muscles rippling as he walked. He was the captain of his soccer teams in both high school and college. They were a man's feet, and I could almost feel the power radiating off him. I knew he was toying with me. We had talked about some of our fetishes one night over some beers and I admitted having a thing for feet.

When we reached the bathroom he opened the shower door, turned on the spray and told me to retrieve a towel from the hall closet. I crawled back into the house, making my way to the linen closet. When I reached it I opened the door and grabbed a clean white towel, putting it between my teeth to carry. As I was closing the door I felt a hand on my bare ass.

"Wow son. Look at that furry little ass," his dad cooed. He started rubbing gently and said, "Mike is going to fuck you stupid, faggot, and I'm going to be there to see every second of it." With that he gave my balls a slight squeeze, which caused me to leak more precum into his hand. He smeared it across my face and then walked back to his recliner. I clenched my teeth around the towel and carried it back to my new owner.

"Put the towel on the toilet seat then get in here and clean me up faggot," Mike commanded from under the spray.

I got in and immediately go to work, still on my knees. I started with his feet, giving each one a small kiss after lathering and rinsing. Moving up his frame I gently soaped him down, paying special attention to his crotch and ass. As I was making my way up his torso he told me to open and placed the head of his cock in my mouth. Without warning he let his stream go.


Looking into his eyes I swallowed as fast as I could. It wasn't as strong as earlier, and I found myself enjoying the tangy flavor. He put his foot over my crotch and pressed down, applying increasing pressure as he drained his bladder. My dick was leaking a steady supply of precum by this point, all of the sensations driving me wild. I started moaning, losing my concentration and letting some of his piss escape from the corners of my mouth and dribble down my chin. Once his stream stopped, he pulled out and held my head between his hands. He bent down and looked me in the eyes. Suddenly my face erupted in pain as a hard slap connected on the right side of my face, immediately followed by one to my left.

"Don't ever waste my piss you faggot. Next time I will leave you tied up in a truck stop bathroom for a few hours until your little belly is bulging with trucker piss. Or maybe dad can take you with him when he goes hunting and install you as a urinal in his canopy for him and his friends. You want that, pussyboy? Hell you probably do. You will learn not to spill one way or another," he spat.

I knew he was not joking. His eyes were pinning me to the floor as he filled my brain with images of how he was going to break me. Finally, he let me resume washing him. I was even more gentle with him, scared of upsetting him again. When I got to his pits he put both hands behind his head and closed his eyes. The musky smell of his sweat reached my nose. I just stared at the damp hair, not wanting to wash his smell away. He noticed my hesitation and glanced over at me. He pulled my chin up so our eyes met, and his face softened into a smirk.

"Get a taste, puppy. It's okay," he said gently.

I buried my face in his left pit. I ran my tongue around the whole area, trying to taste as much as I could. His hand moved to the back of my head and moved my tongue where he wanted it. It was a strong flavor, but I couldn't get enough. I needed more. I moved over to his right and repeated the process, with him quietly whispering into my ear.

"Good boy. It's gonna be your job to keep these clean for Daddy too. Once you are trained all I will have to do is lift my arm and you won't be able to control yourself. Sound fun puppy?" he asked quietly.

I nodded vigorously and kept lapping, his flavor starting to fade. After a couple of minutes he pulled my face from his pit and had me finish washing him. When I was done, he stepped out of the shower, cut the hot water and told me to hurry up. The cold shower quickly stifled my horniness and got me focused on getting myself clean while he brushed his teeth. Once I was done he handed me his towel.

"Dry off, brush your teeth and then crawl back to my room, slut."

I quickly followed his orders and was soon on my knees in front of him while he dressed. I sat and watched while he collected himself. When he was done he had on a pair of dark athletic shorts with ARMY emblazoned across one side, a plain white tee shirt, and flip flops. He looked down at me and chuckled, then handed me a bundle of clothes.

"This is what you will be wearing. Get dressed and meet me in my car."

For me he had picked out a well worn jockstrap of his, a pair of running shorts and another white tee. After putting them on I realized the shirt was a size too small and exposed my stomach, while the shorts left very little to the imagination. I started to walk to the door, but remembered his lesson earlier. I dropped down onto all fours and crawled my way through his house. On my way to the door I passed his dad in the kitchen. He saw me, chuckled, and then landed a hard swat on my ass as I shuffled past.

"What do you say cunt?" he barked from behind me.

"Thank you Sir," I squeaked.

"Good boy. Now you better hurry up. Don't want to keep Daddy waiting." I heard him chuckle again as I opened the door.

Mike was waiting for me in his car, an unassuming sedan that was practical yet sleek. I crawled my way to the door, which was painful with his driveway being gravel. The lock released as I reached it and I climbed inside.

"Jesus bitch you didn't have to crawl, we aren't inside anymore. You are going to be spending a large portion of your new life on your knees. I don't want them going bad because you are too dick drunk to know not to crawl on gravel. Now buckle up."

He paid little attention to me as he drove. Heavy metal was blasting through the speakers and the windows were rolled down, giving me a chance to feel the wind on my face. He hit the interstate and I had a hunch where we were going. There was an adult bookstore that was nestled in a small town about thirty minutes to the west of us, and it was the only one in the vicinity of where we lived. It was pretty small but the main draw was that it had an arcade and a theater that allowed men to gather and hook up. I had tried going once before, but couldn't summon enough courage to get out of my car. Mike reached a hand over to me and slipped it up my shirt. He fondled my chest and then pinched each nipple, hard, reclaiming my attention. I gasped and wriggled, trying not to draw any looks from the drivers around us. He never said a word, tweaking and pulling my nipples the rest of the way causing me to leak into his jock. As we pulled into the parking lot, he raised the windows and spoke for the first time since we had set out.

"Okay faggot. There are a couple rules you will follow while we are here. They are to be followed exactly, as they are meant to keep you safe in there. Understood?" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "Dane, I need you to acknowledge what I am saying. This is serious." Hearing him use my name for the first time in over a day was jarring, and I turned to look at him.

"I understand. I'm sorry. What are the rules Daddy," I said sheepishly.

"Good. You are to always stay two steps behind me on my right. Keep your eyes up but do not make eye contact with anyone except me. If someone talks to you, direct them to me. Otherwise, just do everything that I say, understood?" His tone was severe.

"Yes Daddy, I understand," I said, looking up at him.

"Good. Let's go puppy, we have some shopping to do," he said as we got out of the car and he led me inside.

The shop was decently busy for a weekday, with about a dozen people scattered about the store. The walls were adorned with various toys and garments, ranging from dildos to lingerie. The far wall contained the last remnants of their video collection, the accessibility of internet porn having killed that market. The center contained a few aisles of toys, gear, and equipment. I remembered Mike's instructions as he moved confidently through it all, staying two steps behind. My outfit drew the attention of a few of the patrons, as well as the keep behind the counter, but nobody said anything to me as Mike browsed.

He picked up a few things and handed them to me, giving me a chance to look at them. He first selected a soft leather collar that was pink with an oval tag that had 'pussyboy' etched into it. A matching pink leash followed it. Next he handed me a few lengths of very soft ropes, which I presumed would be used as restraints. He told me once he preferred ropes because he enjoyed the anticipation that came with the process of tying. After that he proceeded to select plugs in differing sizes, including a pink one with a tail. I was situating all of these things in order to carry more when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and was staring into the chest of a middle aged man who was there when we walked in.

"Hey there sexy," he said confidently.

I turned around quickly and got Mike's attention, jerking my head back in the direction of the mystery man. Mike's gaze landed on the man over my shoulder, and he sauntered forward.

"Can I help you?" Mike said, a slight edge to his voice.

"No, I was talking to the pretty one behind you," he said, seemingly oblivious to Mike's tone.

"Well the 'pretty one' is mine. If you have anything to say, you say it to me," Mike spat as he moved to block the man's view of me.

"I see. Well you are a lucky man. That is one fine piece of ass," he quipped, glancing around Mike's head to get another look at me.

"Thank you," Mike said curtly. He turned and pulled me with him as he moved on through the store.

Mike's mood had visibly changed. Every so often he would glance around us, making sure I was still at my directed distance. I was deflated, feeling like I had brought the situation upon myself somehow.

"I'm sorry Daddy," I whispered. Mike turned and looked at me for a few seconds.

"You did exactly what you were supposed to do puppy," he said gently. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I feel like I need to. You are upset Daddy. I can tell," I flicked my eyes up at him and then back down.

"I'm not upset at you. Look at me faggot." I brought my eyes up to his. "You did everything right. That guy was a prick. Now stop pouting, I have a couple more things I need for you and then we will get out of here."

We moved down another aisle, and he placed a box into my full hands. I looked down and saw that it was a chastity cage, pink of course. I had read about them online and was very curious how one would feel. My dick responded to the thought of how it would look on me, leaking more precum into Mike's jock. He brought his hand to my cheek and gave it a gentle slap before returning to his shopping.

After a couple more mundane items like lube and condoms, I followed him up to the counter and placed the items down carefully in front of the shop-keep. I vaguely heard Mike ask the man about one of the brown bottles under the glass counter and saw it added to the pile. The shop-keep's sexy baritone voice rang out as he told Mike the total, drawing my eyes up to look at him. He was an older guy, white, stocky. Probably late fifties. His cropped hair and goatee were white, and I could see white hair poking above the buttons of his polo. He was average looking, but handsome. He glanced down at me and caught me studying him, so I quickly averted my eyes.

"Pretty boy you got there, mister," he said to Mike, his southern accent thick as molasses. I saw Mike tense.

"Thanks," Mike said, signing for the purchases.

"He's a lucky guy to have such a protective man. You handled that better than I would have. I made sure that guy knew how badly he fucked up. I'm Ronald, Ron, I own the place," he said, offering his hand for Mike to shake.

"Mike," he said, accepting the handshake. "Say hi faggot," Mike directed at me.

"Hello Sir," I mumbled.

They started chatting while I studied the two of them. Both confident, with an air of superiority about them. It was a sight to behold really. They were discussing various things, Mike asking questions about certain products around the store. Then he asked Mike how long I had been his.

"Today is his first day in training actually. He came to me on his knees begging for it, so I decided to make it special for the little slut," Mike said chuckling.

"Oh really? Well since it's his birthday I'm gonna throw in a little something extra for you two, on the house. I'm in the business of training boys myself, so I know how exciting it can be for them when starting out."

"That's very thoughtful of you Ron. Say thank you boy," Mike ordered.

"Thank you Sir," I said, keeping my eyes down.

The two of them chatted for a bit longer before we said our goodbyes, with Mike promising Ron that he would see us again soon. Mike handed me the bag with all of our goodies and we headed out to the car.

"It's not my birthday Daddy," I chanced once we were buckled up.

Mike laughed and ruffled my hair before answering, "It's your first day of training, the first day of being reborn into whatever the fuck I want to make you. That's what Ron meant by birthday. Get it?" I nodded. "Did you like Ron? He seems like your type, what with you being hot for my dad and all."

"I thought he was handsome, and he had a nice body Daddy," I responded honestly.

"Well play your cards right and you may get to serve him one day, you whore," he said as he started the engine.

Once we were back on the road his good mood had returned. He had me spread my legs and push my crotch forward so he could reach it. He then began squeezing my balls with varying amounts of pressure and had me beg to be used. He kept this up all the way back to his house, my dick leaking into his jock the entire time. By the time we arrived his hand was slick with my precum. He offered his hand for me to clean, and wiped the excess off on my face and in my hair. I carried the bag in behind him and shut the door. He kicked off his flip flops, turned and looked at me expectantly. I immediately started stripping out of my clothes.

"Leave the jock on, faggot. That is your uniform now, my gift to you. I don't want you dripping all over my house," he said.

I finished removing the rest of my clothes and dropped to all fours. He placed his feet in front of my face, which I bent down to kiss. I heard him chuckle above me as he turned and began walking. I grabbed the bag in my teeth and followed him to his room. Once inside he shut the door behind me, but then stopped and reopened it. I look up at him quizzically.

"No need to hide anything, Dad already knows what you are," he chuckled.

He grabbed the bag from between my teeth and started removing the items, laying them on his bed. Once everything was laid out, he sat down and beckoned me to sit between his legs. I moved into position and he placed his foot on my crotch and started applying pressure. I was soon moaning and slowly humping my dick into the floor under his heel.

"Open up faggot," he damnded.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back, moving my mouth into place. He then spit, missing my mouth by a fraction of an inch. It landed in my goatee, pure white against my dark brown hair. I kept his target open. Drool was beginning to pool in my cheeks, but I didn't dare swallow. He spit again, this time marking my forehead. As he readied another I felt the last start to slowly drip down into my left eye, forcing me to close it. Again. This time he hit his mark as I felt his spit land on my tongue. Instinctively I swallowed. A sharp crack rang out as his hand connected with my left cheek.

"I did not tell you to swallow faggot. Open," he hissed.

I opened again and he continued his game, his foot nailing me to the floor by my dick. After the next three shots, drool began running down my face onto my chest. Spit had found its way to both eyes. The pressure on my dick was causing a constant stream of precum to soak into the jock he had gifted me. A couple of minutes and three more shots later and I was a writhing, sticky mess completely at his mercy. He had turned me into his spittoon, and I was loving every second of it.


I greedily closed my lips and drank down what he had given me. It tasted of nothing in particular, but knowing where it came from was all that I needed. He released his hold on my head and moved his foot from my dick. I was collecting myself and breathing heavily when I felt him dab a wet cloth into my eyes to clear them, allowing me look up at him. He was holding the collar he had bought. I stared at it. The 'pussyboy' tag jangled as he moved to put it on me. He stopped, looked towards his door and then told me to follow him as he stood up and walked out. He led me to the living room, where his dad was sitting in his recliner. His dad eyed me as I crawled in behind him.

"What's up son?" he asked casually, as if I wasn't naked at his boy's feet.

"He's about to get his new collar. After earlier, I thought you might want the chance to be a part of it. Take ownership of him with me. He could be ours, instead of just mine," Mike said confidently.

"Well shit son. That's real nice of you to ask. What about him, though? You really think he wants an old fella like me being in control of him like that?" he asked, looking at me. "Dad, this kid has been in our lives for like two decades. You really wanna try to tell me you haven't noticed how he looks at you? It would be his fucking dream come true. But if you are really curious, I'll have him tell you," he said looking down on me."Tell him faggot. What do you want."

I looked up into his dad's eyes and saw everything the man had ever done for me flash through my mind. He was the dad I never had growing up. I could never fully repay him for what he gave me, but this was as close as I was ever going to get.

"I want you to own me Sir. Both of you. Please. Take me as your faggot. Let me return the love you have always shown me. I want this. Please Dad. Train me."

He continued to look down for what seemed like an eternity. I never broke eye contact. I wanted to show him that I was serious about this. Finally, he leaned down and lightly slapped my face.

"Good faggot. I accept."

I felt Mike close the collar around my neck and heard a click. He had locked it with a small padlock. The tag jingled as I looked between them, overcome with emotion. Tears slowly streamed down my face as I whispered a constant stream of thank yous to both of them. On and on I went, the two of them watching me as I got it out of my system. Mike eventually leaned down and told me to go see my new owner. I crawled over to his dad and looked up to him. He bent down, ran his tongue through the tears on my face and quickly buried my face in his denim covered crotch.

"Fuck that was hot faggot, seeing you break like that. That mouth is no longer for talking. I hope your dream was to be a cocksleeve, because that is exactly what you are now," he said gruffly.

He yanked my hair and positioned my mouth on his bulge. I opened and began running my tongue over the denim, feeling the length of his cock for the first time. After a minute or so of this, he finally reached down and released himself from the confines of his jeans. His cock was an average length and girth, but no less impressive. It was perfectly proportioned and stood strong and proud in front of me. It leaned slightly left, just like Mike's, and had one long vein running the length of it. It was the most gorgeous cock I had ever seen in my life. I was mesmerized by it, and he took notice.

"Look at those hungry eyes. I think this faggot just fell in love Mike. I'm gonna spend some time stretching his throat. I'm sure you've got plans for the little cunt so why don't you go get set while he gets acquainted with his new favorite treat, huh? I'll deliver him when we are done."

Mike just chuckled at the two of us and left the room. His dad ran his hand through my hair once, then told me to open. He quickly impaled me, forcing half of his cock down into the back of my throat. He told me to breathe through my nose on the way up and swallow on the way down. He never let up his assault, and after a minute or so I found a decent rhythm and was able to take more and more of his cock into my gullet. He was calling me every name he could think of, and it just made me crave the abuse more. This was my new place in the world, and I wouldn't have it any other way. For multiple minutes the only sounds I could hear were wet squelches and the jangling of the collar as he broke in his new faggot's throat. When he finally bottomed out he held me there while I sputtered and choked, my limbs flailing in vain beneath him. He then wrapped his hand around my throat and started to slowly pull out.

"Feel that you fucking cunt? My cock is remodeling you. I'm going to stretch you in ways you never even thought possible, and you are going to thank me for it when I'm through," he said as I sucked in a breath.

With that he tightened his grip and pushed back in, using my throat to jerk himself off. My dick was leaking copious amounts of precum into my jock as he completely ravaged me. I focused on sucking in breaths in between his thrusts, not wanting to pass out and miss a second of time with my new owner. His pace suddenly quickened and his breath grew shallow. He roared and lodged himself as deep as he could go. I felt his cock flex and pulse, then unload shot after shot directly into my stomach. My lungs started burning, his cock blocking off my windpipe while he fed me. I felt blood rush to my face and my body convulse as it tried to take in air. Tears and snot were streaming down my face, my vision going blurry. All the while he just looked down at me, a wicked sneer plastered on his face while I choked on his fuck stick. He doubled over, his cock still enjoying the new home it had carved in my throat, and whispered directly into my ear.

"Let this be a lesson faggot. We own you now. That means you don't even get to breathe unless one of us wants you to. Welcome to your new life; you're going to love it."