
Gay Harem

In the midst of the Emperor's revelation about establishing a harem for his son, Li Jie, the young prince summoned the courage to reveal his truth, his voice resonating with both vulnerability and determination, "I don't want that. I'm gay." Unbeknownst to Li Jie, the Emperor remained resolute, forging ahead with the creation of the harem, a magnetic force that drew a myriad of captivating suitors from far and wide, all yearning for a chance to capture the prince's heart. Within this tapestry of ardor and competition, an alluring question took shape, kindling curiosity in the hearts of people: Who among these hopeful contenders would unravel the enigmatic depths of Li Jie's being, destined to embark on a journey of love, self-discovery, and profound connection as the prince's cherished companion? With every turn of the page, readers will be enchanted by the intricate dance of emotions, secrets, and desires, eagerly seeking to unravel the mysteries that lie within the hearts of Li Jie and his suitors, as they navigate the delicate balance between tradition, destiny, and the transformative power of love. [cover made by AI]

SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Lover Number 5.9

Li Jie continued to walk hand in hand with Michael all the way to the Crown Prince's palace. Their grip never faltered, and neither of them had any intention of letting go.

Initially skeptical, Li Jie found his doubts slowly melting away as he observed Michael's demeanor. It might have been wishful thinking, but Michael appeared to be the honest, kind-hearted person Li Jie had hoped for.

With his easy smile and slightly shy attitude, Michael seemed like someone who had grown up in a normal household, unaffected by the treacherous nature of court politics.

"Your Highness," Michael called out after some time. "May I ask where we're going? I'm not familiar with the layout here, but..."

"It's alright," Li Jie chuckled, relishing the company of a stranger. "I thought it would be better to have our conversation in my palace if we wanted to talk. I hope that's agreeable to you."

"Of course!" Michael beamed, his teeth shining bright. "It would be my honor!"

"You know," Li Jie made up his mind in that moment. He had wanted to maintain the image of the crown prince, but what was the point if he wasn't comfortable with it?

Almost everyone Li Jie interacted with on a daily basis called him by his name or even addressed him informally without any change in their attitude towards him.

"If my authority is only a façade, then what purpose does it serve?" Li Jie thought, a small smile playing on his lips. "No one dares to underestimate my father, even in informal settings. I should at least have that level of authority if I'm to lead a nation."

"You can call me by my name," Li Jie glanced at Michael. "And speak informally."

"B-but..." Michael stammered.

"Li Jie," Li Jie cut through Michael's words, his gaze firm. "Come on," he said, reassuringly. "We'll both be more comfortable this way, don't you think?"

"Yes!" Michael nodded happily. The only reason he had hesitated was due to proper etiquette. "Then, Li Jie, please call me Michael!"

"Sure," Li Jie grinned. Michael possessed a presence that could light up an entire palace, and for now, Li Jie was the sole beneficiary of that radiance. Somehow, it warmed his heart.

Walking side by side, even in silence, it no longer felt as awkward as before. Michael's carefree nature, temporarily subdued by the schemes of his older brother, had resurfaced as if it had never left.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

The two guards at the Crown Prince's palace greeted Li Jie with smiles. It was no secret that everyone who worked there held a genuine fondness for the crown prince.

The palace's servants and guards had been carefully chosen or had been by Li Jie's side since childhood. He made sure they were comfortable, providing assistance through Han Yasheng whenever necessary. As a result, every servant and guard felt a personal duty to protect their prince.

"Good morning," Li Jie replied with a smile. "This is Michael Meilin. Please record his entry if necessary."

"Is he one of Your Highness's concubines?" The guards bowed, but their eyes seemed to shoot arrows towards Michael. "If Your Highness doesn't mind us asking."

"It's alright," Li Jie finally let go of Michael's hand, leaving a throbbing sensation in the boy's heart. He patted the guards on their shoulders. "Yes, he is. I hope you treat him well whenever he visits."

"If that's Your Highness's wish, we will oblige!" The guards responded, but even after Li Jie and Michael entered the palace, Michael could still feel their lingering glares.

"Don't mind them," Li Jie chuckled, glancing back at the guards as he linked his arm with Michael's. "They're like that with anyone who comes near me. Trust me, this is their restrained behavior."

"Well, I don't blame them," Michael beamed, happy to be in contact with the prince again. "Your Highness is worth more than the finest jewels! Anyone would want to protect you!"

Michael hadn't intended to flirt. In truth, he had no idea what flirting even entailed. But somehow, after those words escaped his lips, both of their faces turned red.

Michael, unaware of the reason, felt a strange sense of satisfaction welling up inside him. He was grateful for his darker skin tone, which concealed the intense blush that extended down his neck.

"You have a tell, you know?" Li Jie had effortlessly picked up on Michael's thoughts, perhaps because Michael was more transparent than he realized. "Even if I can't see your blush, your body grows warmer, right?"

"W-what?" Michael, without hesitation, brought his free hand to his cheek. "Oh... you're right..."

The realization caused him to grow even warmer, eliciting laughter from Li Jie.

Li Jie had never felt the need for more people in his life, but the thrill of conversing comfortably with someone and playfully teasing each other without knowing much about each other—Li Jie missed that feeling of happiness, the excitement of the unknown.

"Here," Li Jie pointed to his favorite spot beneath the cherry blossom tree. "I always feel most at ease here."

"It truly is beautiful," Michael remarked as they settled beneath the tree, shielded from the sun's rays. "And comfortable!"

"I know, right?" Li Jie chuckled. There were few people he had brought to this spot. "I have many memories associated with this little space."

Han Yasheng, the Huang siblings, and... Parsa, his deceased first love and partner.

In that fleeting moment of happiness and excitement, Li Jie had momentarily forgotten about Parsa.

Can I borrow this space, our space, for a while? Li Jie silently spoke to Parsa in his heart.

Everyone vs past lover :(

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