
Stupid Danzo

In the heart of Konoha, as the village hummed with the quiet bustle of daily life, two formidable figures within the village's leadership, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura, engaged in a tense discussion behind closed doors. The subject at hand was Jay's growing influence in the village and his enigmatic abilities, which had not only captured the public's imagination but also aroused suspicion and interest from Konoha's clandestine forces.

Seated across from Hiruzen, Danzo's expression was inscrutable as he broached a sensitive topic. "Hiruzen, the boy—Jay—his abilities are exceptional, and his influence is expanding rapidly. I propose that we bring him into Root. Under close guidance, we can harness his talents for the village's security," Danzo suggested, his voice steady and persuasive.

Hiruzen frowned, leaning back in his chair as he contemplated the proposal. "Danzo, while I acknowledge the boy's unique talents, I am not convinced that placing him in Root is the best course of action. He is still a newcomer, and his loyalty to Konoha, while promising, has not yet been fully tested."

Danzo leaned forward, his gaze sharp. "And what better way to test his loyalty than to integrate him into our ranks? Under our supervision, we can mold his allegiance more effectively and ensure his powers are not misused."

Hiruzen shook his head slightly, his voice firm. "No, Danzo. We must not act in haste. The Will of Fire teaches us to nurture, not coerce. Forcing him into Root could push him away or lead him to rebel against us. We must be patient."

"You're being naive, Hiruzen. We can't afford to let such power roam unchecked," Danzo countered, his frustration evident.

"I am the Hokage, Danzo," Hiruzen stated unequivocally, his voice carrying a quiet authority. "And I say we watch and wait. We will guide Jay, yes, but as a leaf nurtured by the sun, not a tool to be wielded."

Danzo's eyes narrowed, and after a tense moment, he stood. "You'll regret this decision," he said coldly before turning and exiting the room with a swirl of his cloak.

Outside the political arena, Jay's days were filled with training and community engagement, but he was not oblivious to the undercurrents of intrigue swirling around him. "They're watching me more closely now," he thought, noting the increased scrutiny from certain ANBU operatives and the occasional glimpse of Root agents in the shadows.

His resolve hardened. "I must be cautious, but also ready. If Danzo thinks he can intimidate me into submission, he's gravely mistaken."

One evening, as Jay returned from helping a local merchant secure his shop against a coming storm, he sensed the presence of several figures cloaked in darkness. Without hesitation, he prepared himself for confrontation.

The Root operatives, underestimating Jay's readiness, sprung from the shadows with the intent to subdue and capture him. "Come quietly, and you won't be harmed," the lead operative announced, mistaking Jay's calm for compliance.

Jay's response was a chilling smile. "I think you misunderstand the situation," he said softly, his voice carrying a weight that seemed to press down on the night air. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a burst of energy that knocked the operatives off their feet, showcasing a fraction of his true power.

Under the ghostly glow of the moon, the night held a charged silence, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves. Danzo, cloaked in the darkness, approached the clearing with a deliberate calm, expecting to find Jay overwhelmed by his elite Root operatives. Instead, he was met with an unexpected tableau: his highly trained agents incapacitated, scattered like broken dolls around the clearing, and Jay, standing serene and unharmed at the center.

"Danzo," Jay's greeting cut through the night, cold and devoid of fear. His stance was relaxed yet unmistakably powerful, an air of control enveloping him like a cloak.

Realizing his miscalculation, Danzo felt a pulse of apprehension—rare and unsettling—as he assessed Jay's composure and the subdued chaos around him. The boy's potential had been grossly underestimated.

"You underestimated me," Jay stated, his voice calm but carrying an underlying edge of warning. He stepped forward, and the air around him seemed to thrum with latent energy. "Let me show you why that was a mistake."

Without waiting for a response, Jay extended his hand, palm outwards. A visible ripple of kinetic energy surged from him, distorting the air and aiming straight for Danzo. It struck with a precision and force that was disorienting and overwhelming. Danzo, caught off-guard, grunted as the energy wrapped around him like a constrictor snake, squeezing not enough to harm fatally but more than enough to immobilize and inflict acute discomfort.

The demonstration of power was swift and precise, leaving Danzo gasping for air, his usual composure shattered by the unexpected assault. The pain was sharp, a clear message rather than a mortal threat, but it shook him to his core.

"You are not dealing with an ordinary shinobi," Jay continued, his eyes glowing with a subdued fire. "Consider this a warning. I am here to protect those I care about, and I will not hesitate to use my full power against those who threaten us."

As the energy dissipated, Danzo regained his footing, pain etching lines deeper into his face. Fear—a sensation he hadn't truly felt in decades—crept into the edges of his mind. Jay's ability to wield such power with precision and restraint marked him as a formidable adversary.

"This isn't over," Danzo managed to say, pride wounded and mind racing with the implications of Jay's capabilities.

"It is for tonight," Jay replied calmly, almost dismissively. "Go back to your schemes, Danzo. But remember this night. Cross me or those I care for again, and the consequences will be dire."

With a final piercing look, Danzo turned and retreated into the shadows from which he had come, his steps heavier, burdened with the knowledge of his underestimation and the potential threat Jay represented.

Alone again in the clearing, Jay's expression softened slightly as he watched Danzo disappear. He knew this confrontation was only a beginning, a preliminary skirmish in what could escalate into a war of shadows and power. But he was ready. For every strategy plotted against him, he would prepare a countermeasure twice as potent.

Returning to the village, Jay's resolve hardened. He was not just a defender or a hero; he was a force of balance and protection in this world, determined to uphold his values and safeguard his new home.

Lying in bed later that night, Jay pondered his next moves. "To be honest, I could just create a sub dimension and make Kakashi live with me there or mind control the entire ninja world…but where is the fun in that?"

"However, I haven't had any action since I've been here. Kakashi's still a child and I'm not a pedo…maybe…NO, I'm not. Hmmm, I might just sneak into Sakumo's bed tonight to have a little fun and erase his memory before morning hehehehe", Jay had an indescribable smirk on his face. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Jay_the_Otakucreators' thoughts
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