
Chapter Fifteen: A Geis Reclaimed

March 13th - Four Days Before Festival – 5:30 pm

Tully and Sunny returned to Laurel Cottage and found Fiona in the kitchen busily preparing finger sandwiches with a variety of fillings. There were large bowls of seasonal berries and salad greens. 

Fiona looked up from her work and smiled, "Molly came by a bit ago and dropped off the berries and a platter of savories," she pointed at the icebox with the tip of the spreading knife. "We'll have a good spread; were you able to find everyone?"

Tully nodded and jerked a thumb over his shoulder, "Aye and Piper's supplied a keg of ale and a bit more celebratory libation."

Fiona angled a sharp look at him then glanced at Sunny, "So they've all agreed to be here?"

"Yes, all have agreed to come. Oh, and I think we'll have a few more guests here too," Sunny replied.

 "Oh?" Fiona paused in her task, "Do tell!"

 "Danu and his brethren," Tully replied.

Fiona opened her mouth to say something then glanced out the kitchen window a slight frown creasing her brow. "Well, that would explain the activity out there."

"Who has been nosing around?" Tully wanted to know.

"Well, I haven't seen Bracken all day," Fiona replied, "But there have been Watchers coming and going. And the ravens have been flying around for the past few hours – not staying more than a moment or two and then flying on."

"Guess they must be getting the lay of the land," Sunny remarked looking out the window. "Danu was snooping around when we first got to the Dannan encampment."

Tully chuckled. "And this one," he said pointing at Sunny, "This one confronts the beastie then invites him and his lot to the ceremony."

Fiona shook her head in slight dismay, "I wonder who else – what else will show up?"

"The more the merrier!" Sunny responded then frowned in recollection. "Rainbow Wells, Ronan Teague, and Griffin Doyle's wife all questioned Nicodemus's presence."

"I know why Griffin's wife would not appreciate his presence," Fiona replied, "But why would the others object?"

"The same reason Danu and the ravens are out and about," Tully said his brows knitting together in consternation, "I'm guessing that after last night, there are members of the High Council and the Morrigan are trying to stir things up, or at least try to figure out why he is suddenly the Dannan's appointed protector."

Fiona sighed heavily, the vigor seeming to seep out of her, and she came and sat down at the kitchen table. "I'm beginning to wonder if this succession is a good idea. I'm afraid they'll misinterpret and believe you are taking on the geis now."

Sunny nodded her head and came to hug Fiona. "Of course, it is the best thing to do!"

Fiona felt the surge of Sunny's gift flow around her, and she looked up at Tully in amazement tinged with fear. From the expression on Tully's face, she could see that he had felt it too.


 Sunny stepped back and looked at Fiona and smiled, "You think it's getting stronger?"

"I know it is," Fiona whispered and glanced over at Tully, "You?"

Tully nodded and looked warily at Sunny, "You need to know how to control it before it consumes you or it backfires by accident on us all."

Sunny sat down and put her head in her hands, "I feel like a bomb with a hair trigger! I wish I understood what was happening to me!"

"Maybe we're going about this all wrong," Tully suggested. "Perhaps rather than try to keep it at bay you need to embrace the gift."

"No!" Fiona declared. "Sunny can't be awakened, she's not ready!"

"So, you say," Tully replied. "Something has awakened in Sunny; if it is not the geis, then it is something else."

Sunny nodded, "I think Tully is right, Aunt Fiona," she took Fiona's hand in hers and squeezed gently, "I'm scared as hell, and if I can't learn to control whatever is happening to me, I might hurt someone."

"The succession may help," Fiona replied. "When my mother and I had our ceremony, I finally understood some things about myself and my unique gifts. Some were a pleasant surprise --- others, not so."

"We need to know what your triggers are," Tully replied.

"Extreme emotion, I'd say," Fiona replied, "Like last night when we were being grilled by Sudhene."

"Except for last night, I was drawing," Sunny responded.

Tully frowned in thought, "What are you thinking when you are drawing?"

"Nothing really," she replied. "I guess I'm looking at my subject and focusing on the shapes, the lights, and shadows. I'm concentrating on the subject."

Tully nodded. "That might be how it starts, but last night you were not drawing, but you were annoyed when Sudhene brought your sketches to the Morrigan."

"Which would confirm emotions are the catalyst," Fiona said, "Extreme emotion seems to trigger Sunny's gifts."

"If I can't figure out how to control my emotions," Sunny said looking at both Fiona and Tully, "That will be a weakness that could be used against me."

Fiona thought for a moment then looked over at Tully, "Is Rose Scarlet with the clan?"

Tully shook his head. "Not this season. The last I heard she was still in the mountains."

Fiona nodded. "We could employ Cassie's help. It's been a while since she's done any work of the kind I'm thinking about."

"It would be temporary," Tully told Sunny.


 "Cassie could give you a sort of field of protection," Fiona explained. "Insulate you from the powers of the land. The same principle as warding the tavern to keep troublemakers out."

"How would she do that?"

"Probably something you would wear on your person or carry with you," Tully said.

"Like a necklace or a ring?" Sunny suggested.

 Fiona nodded and then smiled as she thought of the perfect solution. "I have just the thing!" she declared. "Excuse me while I go get it."

 When Fiona had left the room, Tully looked over at Sunny. "How do you feel about tonight?"

"Okay, I guess," Sunny replied. "There's so much I don't know. There's so much that's confusing me," she stopped instantly interrupted her train of thought, the ozone charge dissipated, and Tully sat back in his chair, rubbing his hand over his chin.

Fiona returned carrying a small flat jewelry box. She felt the charge in the air and frowned at Tully but did not comment. "I think I found just the thing."

She opened the box, drew out an oval gold locket, and showed it to Sunny. Tully grinned in appreciation as he recognized it.

"It belonged to my mother, your namesake. I think it is perfect!"

 Sunny reached out to hold the locket in her fingers. The locket was about the size of a man's thumbnail. She ran her finger over the satiny finish of the gold oval. She stuck her thumbnail at the seam and opened the locket. Each side could hold a picture. "It's lovely," Sunny murmured and looked up at Fiona, "How will all this work?"

"Cassie will work on a shield that will isolate you from the land," Fiona replied, "It should help protect you. While you're wearing the locket, you will be shielded – I just don't know how much of a shield Cassie can conjure, but it should help."

"But you'll still need to learn how to control your gifts," Tully told her and looked up at Fiona who nodded in agreement.

Sunny handed the locket back to Fiona and she returned it to the box and slid it over to Tully. "Can you have Cassie do her work and then have it ready for Sunny to wear during the ceremony?"

"Aye," Tully replied. "I'll go now and get back as soon as I can."

Fiona nodded and looked at Sunny, "We'll prepare ourselves, and get things set outside."

"Tell me what you need me to do," Sunny said getting up with Tully.

 He nodded to them, "I'll be back in a bit."

Tully left and Sunny followed Fiona upstairs and then up to the attic. Opposite from the trunks Sunny had looked through was a large wooden chest. It had darkened with age and the iron closures were ancient but well-oiled, Fiona kept it in good condition. She lifted the lid and pointed to the contents, "In here is what we'll need for the ceremony."

She pulled a bundle wrapped in brown paper, pulled the string away, and unwrapped the package. The contents were also wrapped in tissue.

Sunny caught a glimpse of a crème and a deep green that seemed to be the very color of the forest. Fiona set the package to one side on a table that was near the chest and held the gown up, "It's something that has been worn by many of the women of the Dannan clan. It's very old and very special."

Sunny ran her fingers over the embroidery on the green bodice and the tunic. "It's beautiful."

Fiona looked over at Sunny and smiled sadly, "You will eventually wear it when you become the Dannan, but tonight you will wear the undertunic."

Among the other objects that were in the bundle was a plain muslin tunic. It was unadorned and had string ties at the neck and sleeves. Sunny touched the tunic and grinned. "It reminds me of a painting smock, only lighter."

Fiona nodded, "It is a very crude tunic in comparison to the dress, but it is probably the oldest piece ever to be worn by any Dannan."

"What will the ceremony be like?" Sunny wanted to know.

Fiona still held the tissue with the gown and the other items in her arms and she closed the trunk and sat on it. "Well, it's really between you and me with the others witnessing. Once all have assembled you and I stand before one another, and I will take your hands in mine, and I ask if you will accept the role as my successor when I am no longer able to serve as Dannan."

"And I will accept," Sunny replied with a smile.

Fiona returned the smile, "Then we turn and face the witnesses I say before the witnesses that you are now my daughter."

Sunny sighed, "And it makes things all right?"

Fiona's sigh was heavy, and she was not as certain as Sunny, "It is a temporary fix. We will do what needs to be done while you are here. I will show and explain everything I can, so you will be at least prepared for what will come – eventually. Since I am not the first daughter, I can only share with you what I know, and I hope that will be enough."

"Enough for what," Sunny said, "Enough to satisfy the others or enough to prepare me for what will come?"

"Both," Fiona said, "Now there's a few things I need – I wonder where Bracken got off to!"

Sunny followed Fiona down the steep set of stairs of the attic and down the hall to Fiona's bedroom. As Fiona opened the door, they found Bracken sitting on the chest of drawers. "Oh, there you are!" Fiona cheered. "I need you to gather a few things for me before tonight's ceremony."

"I will get!" Bracken said, his pointed ears perking up.

"I will need some boxwood, mistletoe, and lavender."

 Bracken nodded in understanding, "I will get."

"Don't forget the lavender," Fiona reminded the Watcher.

Bracken paused at the window and scowled at Fiona, "I not forget!" He disappeared through the open window of Fiona's room and the woman turned to Sunny, "Let's fix your hair so as soon as Bracken gets back, I can put a bit of boxwood and mistletoe in with the other flowers - then we'll be set."

Sunny sat down at Fiona's mirrored dressing table and the woman began to brush the young woman's hair. "Aunt Fiona, Tully was telling me about the maiden's wreath I'm supposed to make for the festival."

Fiona smiled at Sunny's reflection. "Aye, we'll have to consider carefully what to put in the wreath. It's all very important to weave together the right message."

"Like the language of flowers?" Sunny guessed.

Fiona nodded. "Something like that," she began to braid Sunny's deep copper-colored hair, and then Bracken returned with a large muslin sack. He hopped up on the dressing table and held the bag up to Fiona. She took the sack, looked in, and smiled, "You did quite well, dear. Thank you."

"Danu waits," Bracken said and pointed out the window. "Has offering for first daughter."

Sunny twisted around to look up at Fiona, "Wonder what it is?"

"No idea," Fiona murmured. She went to the window and looked out. There on the branch that hung close to the window sat the raven. He walked down the branch and came closer to peer in the room. He hopped to the windowsill and then sailed over to where Sunny sat. Danu was an imposing bird as he perched on the dressing table. The raven stepped carefully over the comb and hand mirror and stood before Sunny and opened his right wing, extending it out toward Sunny. He bent his head under his wing, and plucked out a single feather. He extended it to her. Sunny took it. "Thank you, Master Danu." Danu chuckled lightly then launched from the dressing table and out the window.

Fiona sat on the foot of her bed and nodded to the feather Sunny held in her fingers. "It's a high honor to gift a flight feather from the right wing."

Sunny examined the quill end and saw that it had a speck of blood, "It probably hurt too." She examined the finger of her right hand and saw a faint pink dot where the dagger had pricked her finger just a few days ago. As she held the raven's feather in her hand, her finger began to throb with slight pain. Sunny brushed her thumb back and forth a few times over the spot and the pain disappeared as quickly as it came.

Fiona nodded. "Indeed, it must have," she whispered. "And it appears that Danu at least has pledged his loyalty to you."

Sunny looked at Fiona, "You mean to the Dannan?"

Fiona shook her head in the negative, "No, to you. If it had been to the Dannan, he would have made his offering publicly, during the ceremony."

"How am I supposed to respond?" Sunny asked holding the black flight feather in her hands.

 "You already have, "Fiona told her with a smile. "You invited Danu to your ceremony as a witness. To the doer Nemed, that is a great honor to be recognized in such a way."

"More come," Bracken announced from his spot on the chest of drawers.

The trees were beginning to fill with more ravens. They perched in the lower branches. In the higher boughs, the unmistakable shapes of watchers found comfortable seats on the limbs from which to watch the proceedings. Fiona turned away from the window and came to finish Sunny's hair. "Let's finish your hair then you can take a nice bath and rest until the ceremony."

When Fiona was done, Sunny went to her room. She gathered up her bathrobe and went to take her bath. Fiona was already drawing up the water and mixing scented oils from several colored bottles.

"The water is a tad on the hot side, but it's to allow the oils to soften the skin," Fiona replied. She then took something from the cabinet that looked like a fuzzy broom and tossed it into the water, "When you've soaked awhile, take this brush and scrub lightly to remove any dead skin."

Sunny nodded, "A deluxe spa treatment!"

"You and I will not eat anything until after the ceremony, but we'll have tea downstairs when we're both bathed – a special blend."

Fiona left Sunny in the bathroom and once she was alone, Sunny stripped and stepped into the slightly steaming water. She hissed a little as she settled down into the water. Once she was completely submerged to her neck she glanced up to the ceiling and began to relax, watching the shifting patterns of the shadows above. 

After a few minutes, she took the scrub brush Fiona had given her and began to buff her skin. Her skin began to tingle and blush pink from both the heat of the water and the scrub brush. She felt like a cooked spaghetti noodle when she emerged from the bath. Just outside the door, Fiona had left a pair of slippers and Sunny stuck her feet in them and padded to her bedroom. She went over to her dressing table and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Sunny twisted her head from side to side looking at the simple upswept chignon. She took the raven's feather and tucked it into the twist of hair, tightened the tie of her robe, and went downstairs.

She found Fiona in the kitchen steeping the teapot. "I feel so relaxed I could doze off!" Sunny said as she sat down at the kitchen table.

Fiona nodded, "Good, but we don't want you to get too sleepy," she replied as she measured the loose tea into a round acorn-shaped tea ball, "This tea will help."

"What kind is it," Sunny wanted to know. "It smells a little like lemon or orange."

 "Aye, it's lemon sage and a little bit of this and that," Fiona replied and put a honey pot on the tray, "We'll sweeten it with a bit of wild honey, but nothing else."

They sipped the tea in silence for a few minutes then Fiona looked over at Sunny. This witnessing was one step closer to the return to the rightful geis. Fiona hoped and prayed that this would be all that would be required for a very long time.

"Aunt Fiona, just so you know, I'm okay with this," Sunny told her. "It is how it should be – you know that and so do I."

Fiona smiled and put her cup down. "I know dear, it's just that your mother and my sister never wanted any of their daughters to have such a responsibility. To turn their lives over to something they never asked for."

"They should have left the decision up to their daughters," Sunny replied. "I do not like having someone else in charge of what is my decision to make."

"It is not your decision," came a soft voice from the hallway.

 Both Sunny and Fiona looked up startled at the sound. Both frowned as Nicodemus walked into the kitchen.

"It never occurs to you to at least knock?" Sunny said her green eyes sparkling with annoyance.

Nicodemus felt the power surge and waved it off to protect his shields. If Sunny managed to shatter the glamor he would have to explain to Fiona how he had managed to retain most of his Da'ark powers. He managed what felt like a deflection spell.

"Please, not in my house!" Fiona declared. She looked sharply at Fury and Sunny, "Both of you!"

"Hopefully with this naming ceremony out of the way," Nicodemus said as he sat down at the kitchen table, "You will have some notion of how to control your powers."

The counteraction he had flung back at Sunny had rolled over her and made her feel slightly dizzy. She frowned, trying to absorb it and get a feel for what he had done. What he had flung at her was not even part of the natural Fury abilities, it was older and very different. Even though Sunny had no idea what it was exactly, it could stand up to whatever abilities she was exhibiting. He smiled mildly at her and pulled Sunny's teacup towards him. He raised it to his nose and sniffed delicately. He raised an eyebrow at Fiona, "This Dannan brew is not what I was hoping for."

Fiona continued to frown at him. "If you want anything stronger, you'll have to wait until the ceremony is over."

Nicodemus looked at Sunny again, "I saw how many of the doer Nemed were beginning to gather outside – it is your doing, yes?"

Sunny sighed heavily and finished drinking her tea before she answered. "I suppose you have an issue with that?"

Nicodemus chuckled softly, "On the contrary, I enjoy rebellion the same as any other black-hearted devil."

"You think there will be trouble?" Fiona asked beginning to wring her hands nervously.

Nicodemus shook his head. "There will be no trouble, Fiona, I assure you."

"That sounds like a threat," Sunny murmured.

Nicodemus grinned at them both in turn, "Yes; it does." He reached into his belt, drew out a small leather pouch, and put it on the table before Sunny. "Something from the House of Fury, wear it and know that you have my fealty, as well." His dark gaze slid up to the raven's feather tucked into Sunny's hair. He rose and walked out the way he had come, disappearing into the gloom of the hallway.

Sunny pulled the leather tie from the neck of the pouch and opened it. It was a bracelet made of a stone that had an odd brightness to it. There were strange luminous cabochons set around the finger-wide band of the bracelet. Fiona gasped softly, "My word!"

"It's extraordinary," Sunny murmured, "What kind of stones are these?"

"Those are fire agates and black opals," Fiona replied, "The bracelet is hand-carved from fire agate, including the links. All represent the House of Fury."

Sunny fingered the stone links, and the knobs of black opals then reached up and touched the raven's feather, "Just as this does, right?"

Fiona nodded. "They pledge fealty to you." She replied.

"To me?" Sunny questioned.

"Yes dear," Fiona said softly. "To you; they pledge their fealty to you. Later, when the time comes, they will pledge their loyalty to you as the Dannan."

Sunny nodded and studied the bracelet. "I guess I hadn't realized what that meant until just now." She said and looked up at Fiona with a wry grin, "Nevertheless, it will eventually come to me. I hope I will be a good student!"

Fiona chuckled. "No need to worry about that," she replied getting up from the table, "You will do just fine—when the time comes."

There was knocking at the back door. Fiona opened it to let Tully in. In his hand, he held the box containing Grandmother Siobhan's locket. "How did it go?" Fiona asked.

 "Grand!" Tully declared handing the box to Fiona. "Cassie did a right fine job. It should be strong enough to help quiet the powers."

Fiona opened the box and examined the locket without touching it. "Yes," she said feeling the protective powers emanating from the spell casting Cassie had placed. "This should be helpful."

Tully nodded toward the window, "The time is getting close, and you two had better be getting ready."

Fiona nodded and held out her hand to Sunny, "Come then, let's get ready," She looked over at Tully, "Will you see to the guests?"

Tully sketched a bow and headed to the door, "I will, and I'll set up the drinks for the dignitaries when they arrive."

Fiona and Sunny went back upstairs and on Sunny's bed, Fiona had draped the muslin tunic and placed a pair of slippers on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Remember don't drink or eat anything until after the ceremony."

"No, I'll remember," Sunny replied then turned to Fiona before she went out, "And I'm not to wear anything except this tunic?"

"Nothing and you'll only need the slippers until you get down to the garden." Fiona replied and smiled fondly at Sunny, "I'll see you in a few minutes."

Sunny untied the sash and slipped out of the terrycloth robe. She picked up the muslin tunic, pulled it carefully over her head, and drew up the strings at the neck loosely. The material was just thick enough to conceal her nudity. She realized that if she were to stand in the light it would reveal every curve. She would have to remember not to stand in front of any lamps or firelight! She looked at herself in the full-length mirror that stood in the corner of the bedroom and did not recognize herself at all. It was some other woman, from some other time.

Fiona tapped on her bedroom door, and she went and opened it. "You're ready?"

Sunny nodded and followed Fiona downstairs. There were sounds of people assembling in the garden. "Sounds like a good crowd forming out there," Sunny remarked ruefully.

Fiona chuckled lightly, "Aye, in the garden and the trees,"

Sunny took the Fury bracelet and put it on her left wrist, opposite Danu's feather tucked in her hair on the right. Fiona took the locket from the box and held it up. "Now for mother's locket,"

The moment the locket went around Sunny's neck and lay against her skin she felt a slight tingle of power. Then it passed as quickly as it had come. She smiled over at Fiona, "I felt something!"

Fiona returned the smile, "So you feel all right?"

Sunny nodded, "Shall we go make this official?"

Together they stepped to the front door of Laurel Cottage and Fiona opened it. Tully was waiting outside with a young man with a large horn; he put the horn to his lips and blew a whispery howling blast. "An Auroch's horn," Tully whispered.

"Aren't they extinct?" Sunny whispered back.

"Oh aye; here they are," Tully murmured and gave her a knowing wink.

Sunny and Fiona walked slowly behind Tully and the young man blowing the Auroch's horn. When they reached the garden gate, Sunny saw the witnesses assembled and figures of other people gathered in the garden. On the path were flower petals leading up to the assembled guests and the witnesses. Sunny and Fiona stepped from their slippers and onto the flower-petal-strewn path.

Even with the dampening power of the locket around her neck, Sunny felt an odd prickle in the top of her scalp, like an electrical charge. Fiona felt it too and she smiled over at Sunny, "It's the land; it is recognizing us and reminding us of our destiny."

"Pretty powerful stuff!" Sunny murmured.

As they slowly walked up the path past the guests, Fiona nodded silent greetings. From the trees, fragrant white flowers began to drift down like snow. Sunny glanced up and saw figures tossing out handfuls of flowers from small woven baskets. Others were uncovering lanterns and lowering them on lightweight ropes. There were soon hundreds of small lights flickering in the trees. It was a beautiful and magical sight!

She and Fiona stood before their guests. Fiona nodded to them to be seated. Sunny wondered briefly where the benches and chairs had come from. "Thank you and welcome all of you to this witnessing," Fiona said. She glanced around and looked up into the trees where the watchers, ravens, and others perched on limbs of oak, elm, and cedar trees.

"Tonight," Fiona said taking firm hold of Sunny's hand in hers, "I officially and formally before witnesses, name and declare Siobhan Colleen O'Neil as my heir."

She turned to the witnesses, "I call upon you honored guests and witnesses to stand before me and Siobhan as I acknowledge and affirm my words." 

One by one the clan chieftains rose and came to stand around Fiona and Sunny. When Nicodemus stood and approached, the group shifted, and a spot was made for him between Tully and Rainbow Wells. When Fiona was about to continue Sunny turned and looked around and up into the trees. "I also call forth Bracken, Danu, and if he is near, Orion, to join those among our honored assembly. Please come and bear witness as well."

Fiona smiled proudly at Sunny, "Come freely and without prejudice as witnesses."

There was rustling in the trees as Danu and his ravens floated down to observe the proceedings at a closer but safe distance. Bracken bounded down to stand at Sunny's feet his great dark basset hound eyes large and luminous in the twinkling lights above.

Murmurs began coursing from the guests at the back and grew still as Orion appeared from the shadows. He pawed the ground and snorted a greeting. Sunny smiled happily and looked at Fiona. "Looks like all are here,"

"I, Fiona Dannan, do name Siobhan Colleen O'Neil as my heir." She looked to the witnesses, "Will you now come and as witnesses and guardians give love and nurture, provide guidance, and counsel, and help Siobhan make choices should she need assistance? Will you be advisors and come when called upon?"

Tully stepped forward, "I do."

Next, Nicodemus stepped forward, "I will."

Then, one by one, the chieftains came forward and pledged themselves. Then Fiona turned to Sunny, "Do you Siobhan Colleen O'Neill, accept the role as my heir and at such time, become Dannan and uphold, honor, and protect the sacred geis?" 

Sunny drew a deep breath and held it for a few seconds then breathed slowly. "I will!"

"It is done!" Fiona said and hugged Sunny close to her for a moment.

"Then let's celebrate!" shouted Tully.

 A great cheer went up and the party began.

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