
Gates of Heaven and Hell : Clan's Corruption

A world where people are blessed with unique abilities. You follow through the eyes of the members of Minamoto as they go through hardships of corrupted clan's that try to kill every single member of Minamoto for reason's unknown.

Jhacrisp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter V - The Invasion

Part I - My memories?

and miles of sand, disturbed into patterns made by my walking feet. Hours, days, weeks even; I cannot recall how long it has been since the beginning of my journey. It has been far too long, there are some days where I awaken from dreams that are memories of what I used to be. Yet feeling empty like there is something important that connects everything but there being no connection at all.

I woke up once more on the ground this time, but for some reason everything felt fuzzy as if I could not see anything but see everything perfectly. A woman lies next to me. Warmth. Comfort. Rather a nostalgic feeling of being whole as another figure stands before the both of us. Yes, all three of us together but which.. Was..

I hear the torturing screams in my dreams, sometimes I hear the somber souls mourn for the fallen. I fall through ruptured strips of memories, endlessly trying to find who I am, am I who they say I am. Is my name really.. Kaneo….

Part II - Hope

It has been six months since we first arrived at the Minamoto Mansion. After our initial meeting with big bro. Since that day we all have been training, and not the average training. We have been doing straining training of our abilities. We have been isolated to individually develop our abilities on our own, but Kaneoke does occasionally come by after his training to help and teach us separately. Even though most of our time is training on our own, we do share meals as family together and enjoy breaks together as well. The reason we have been doing this; Kaneoke gave us strict orders to prepare for our upcoming mission to invade another clan's hideout. Since that discussion with our clan I have felt fear, excitement, and nervousness. It will be my first real mission with my new family, I don't want to disappoint. I have been training endlessly so I could impress Kaneoke, Big bro, and Nikke. I can be strong, I will be strong. Not just for me, but for everyone.

Lately, I have been having weird dreams. I can hear distant cries, fuzzy faces, and a dim light. All I feel is a coldness that freezes to my core, I never felt something so cold. Then I fall into a deep hole drowning in darkness, and before my last gasp for air I awake drenched in my own sweat. I carry on through my day as if nothing had happened, or maybe that's just a way to lie to myself of such a harrowing dream. I do hygiene, then eat, train, and lastly I sleep. It has been the same cycle for what has felt like ages.

One day left till the mission to invade clan Taira.

Part III - Invasion

Today is the day where we have one last discussion before our mission. Kaneoke briefly explains: "There will be four pairs for this mission, we are to infiltrate the hideout in search for information of the calamity. Pair one Sam, and Kilah. You two will be our frontline defense and you two will also aid us as our decoys and entries for the hideout. Pair two Kisan, and Krystal. You both will head into the dungeon of the hideout and check the cells for anything you might find of importance. Finally, Nikke we are to explore the uncharted territory in search of any room that may contain any information about the calamity. We are to avoid their clan leader as precaution, or any member of Taira that we do not have information on, Leave in favor of your own life and not to complete the mission. Let your fear guide you to safety. Let bravery be ignored to save you from the path of end." and with that we equipped our gear and weapons. I hold up the charm around my neck, I grasp it and hope for everyone's safety so we can eat as a family once again. Big bro looks at me and says "You ready sammy. It's time for us to go." I take a deep breath, with the memories of everyone I have met since my darkest past. I'm prepared to fight for everyone I hold dear to my heart and I won't let anyone die.

We set off on our mission that night as it rained heavily, the sound of the rain droplets breaking the barrier of puddles on the floor disguised the sound made by our footsteps. We make it through a forest, seeming endless. We are finally able to make out what seems to be a village. The rain seems to clear as the village pours an eerie fog, with no hint of a living soul. This is the village we visited that had been evacuated and nearly destroyed. This is where we found Krysta, where Kaneoke fought, and where we escaped to after leaving Taira's dungeon. We dash through the city as a group but being wary of anything unusual. I felt uneasy, the feeling of dread was increasing as we got closer to the field where the entrance of the dungeon was. Something did not feel right but I don't know what it was. Then in our field of view was the entrance, but the feeling of dread bled from that place. It poured slowly but softly grew more and more. As the rest caught up, they had felt the same. It showed in their eyes, it burned with an unbreaking concentration. And what had felt like a life-time was only a split second. The empty silence was broken by the wave of pressure that Kaneoke had bursted for a signal, but it was not for us. Two figures climb out of the darkness.

Part III - Fallen Petal

Giants break the barrier of darkness cascading over their figure. They were the same as the warden who watched the cells and carried out tortures, and massacred my people. Both wielding some sort of club, both massive in size, and both wearing what seems to be a cloth bag to hide their face. Then I hear Kaneoke's voice "I'll leave them to you both." as the others get ready to dash inside. Big bro stands in front of me as he says "Sammy don't worry I'm about to show you why they called us the 'Demon Triad'. These guys won't stand a chance against us. Focus up okay ? We have a job to do." He grins as he gives me reaffirmation. He shouts "Tsuyo" the rings that bind his arms on both left and right begin to glow. He then begins to grow as his muscles expand, ripping his clothes, his transformation is terrifying. Once more he speaks in such a deep and deadly voice "Oni Shokan". A scythe then appears in his hand. The somewhat rustic scythe was enormous, making him look like a demon. He launches himself with a massive leap striking at one of the giants successfully slicing one of their hands off. So much raw strength big bro has, he was unmatched against these beasts. But unusually I still felt uneasy. What was off ?

Suddenly, Big Bro was knocked away. Getting launched a few meters away. What? What had happened? Wasn't Big bro winning? Why does this feeling feel so familiar? This feeling is the same as before, it's the feeling of dread and death. I looked over to the giants once more who stood there with an eerie frozen posture, they bled bloodlust. I feel like my head is about to burst from all the worries that had filled my head prior. What should I do? I'm lost and frozen in place. Then I glance at big bro once more and see him getting up after suffering a heavy blow and he begins to cough blood as it puddles below him. I need to shield him, I-I need to fight. Then he glances at me with such worry in his eyes he screams " SAM ". Then time freezes for a moment, then a darkness that covers my vision in an instance . Not knowing had happened. I awoke seeing the dark cloudy sky, my body being comforted by the droplets of rain. It's cold, this feeling is nostalgic. I don't recall why that is. My body is not responding to any commands I try to give it. I don't feel the right side of my body anymore. My thoughts are slowly becoming empty. I hear a shout being muffled and drowned away by the rain. I don't feel scared. I just feel lonely now. I wish I could sit in the warm house we shared. It's so cold. I see figures huddle around me as my vision begins to fade. I feel like there was something I needed to do. I forgot. I'm tired. I think I'll sleep for now.

Part IV - Hollow Shell

I woke in a damp and dark place with no sign of another soul. My body is weak from hardships unknown to me. My memories are there but never surfacing like pebbles in the bottom of a muddy river. I fade in and out as days pass, each day waking with new scars, new pains, new memories, or are they old? The last thing that came to mind was memories of a man. He was strong and powerful, but he carried such weight in his heart. The pain he felt was like no other, I could feel his hardships and solitary. The rage at the bottom of his heart filled slowly like water being poured into a well. Eventually overflowing and drowning the flowers around the well that grew. Is this person me? I know all these emotions too well. It's almost as if I lived this life myself.

Again I wake up, this time treading the endless desert being frozen over by a tundra's core. The night was harsh and windy but I had to keep moving. Something was telling me that I had to keep searching. Ring's were of some importance, I don't know why. Why was I on this disheartening journey in the first place? But nevertheless I moved on like a snail endlessly moving on the path to an unknown future, slowly but surely. As I walked the sea of sand, I was able to recall a memory of mine. Night's weren't always like this cold one. I remember a fire that burned no brighter than any other, the warmth of that fire brought comfort and happiness. As steel around me molded and creations were made constantly. I crafted and….. No this isn't right. I feel sharp pains in my head once more as thoughts rush and bleed in my memories, my head almost tearing in agony and pain as I try to remember. Then as my pain eases away, so does my vision as I fall.

Part V - Demon forged in fire

A fire burned deep within me, as the body that I held in my hands slowly bled and seeped onto the ground tarnishing the petals of a flower bed into a deep red. The hope that was once burning in her eyes faded with sadness and fear. The agony of pain filled her face as tears ran down her pale face. The last strength of her body was able to muster a few last words as blood spewed from her mouth "I'm sorry, in the end I was worthless…" no, please this isn't happening. This is my fault, I wasn't strong enough. My heart burned deep into a bottomless pit. All I was able to hear was my heart beating in a dance of a rhythmic melancholy of sadness and hatred. My blood began to boil like the metal being liquidated in a forge; then the eyes of Sam ceased to show any sign of life. Though the rain had stopped long ago and the sky was covered in a dry realm of a desert sky, it had still rained on her lifeless body. Screeches from the bottomless hell of my heart reached my mouth as I let out a relentless cry of agony " SAAAMM !!! YOU KILLED HER YOU BASTARDS !!!!" I grabbed at my chest to hold the pain I felt deep inside " AFTER ALL SHE'S BEEN THROUGH, AFTER ALL THE SUFFERING YOU'VE PUT HER THROUGH! I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL KILL YOU ALL". The rings on my arms began to crackle as I let my aura rise, fueled by my rage. The tattoos I engraved on my body six months ago began to burn with aura as it began to change and enhance my body further. My vision began to be impaired with an utter thirst for revenge, my thoughts to be only filled with absolute slaughter.

As smoke emerged from the sheer body heat coming from deep within, giving me a moment of transformation. My muscles developed an even greater form and my size was almost doubled from my previous form. This form was my master creation, my body being forged in the flames of my own burning hatred "Raw Power". My body heat started to resemble a dark red steam as it fused with my aura; this form will put an immense strain on my body the longer it's used. Currently I can only use this form for five seconds. I took a fighting stance as I chose my target. The one that killed Sam. I hurled my body after a quick sprint of movement towards the abomination, momentarily pinning it to the ground. At this very moment I desired nothing but pure misery to this thing, as I lifted one my legs I would at full power stomp down on its left arm making sure every single bone on its arm would break; First, the wrist, then its forearm, then its elbow, and every single other bone till it was beyond repair. I'd do the same for its other arm, then legs, and lastly I'd begin on its body. By the time I reached its body I had noticed. The bastard was dead. "You fucking pathetic coward, she suffered much more pain."

My form began to shrink as my time limit was reached. I started to pant as all the pain and strain on my body began to catch up with me.

I extend my left arm as I pick up the scythe blade "Oni", I start up my aura again to attempt my last transformation. "Kami!" I shout forth as a pale white blade forms in my hand, I don't have much aura left I could possibly manage two seconds. "May, the gods and demons curse your soul, for mercy is nothing thou shall receive." I prepare my weapons for one last strike, I control all my anger and hatred and convert my focus on pure concentration.


I slice through his body in a formation of X decapitating and instantly killing the creature. Then in mere seconds my aura faded completely away as my form began to look scrawny. I coughed, blood filled my hand as I felt my body slowly be lifted from behind. As a hooded man stood at the end of the sword that had struck me from behind. I fell as my body began to feel cold and numb. At least, I was able to avenge her before I passed. I began to muster the last few strength I had and began to drag my limp body closer to her resting place. My vision began to get dark. Then I heard her voice calling to me from a far distance echoing in my head hundreds of times before…. Silence, peace...

Part VI - Bloody realm

It has been about three minutes since our invasion of the hideout, the remaining four of us dash through the halls of the damn dungeon making sure to make quiet but hasty movements. We make a stop at what seems to be a split in paths. Kaneoke looks at me and Krystal, without a word we knew this is where we split. Krystal and I make eye contact making a gesture of affirmation, in mere seconds we dash in our own way without any hesitation of what's to come. As of right now our mission is extremely important, there is someone we have to rescue at the bottom of the dungeon. I look over to Krystal as I see her panting and breathing heavily. I whisper over "Are you okay?" she replies with "I'm fine lets keep going." I stop immediately and look at her "We need to take this seriously, you need to calm your nerves and catch your breath, we're not on some flower collecting errand." She breathes in deep and exhales as she calms herself. I grab her hand and look at her and tell her "I know it's scary and nerve racking, but we have something to do. That only we can do. I won't let anything happen to you. You understand?" She looks at me with a blushing face "You didn't have to say all that, but thank you. I'm ready to go now." Soon after this exchange we quickly started on our mission again, though going on our way deeper into the dungeon I had started feeling a presence hiding behind us. I kept a close eye in case we were to be flanked or ambushed. We reached a room which seemed to be a worshiping room or chapel, as the doors creaked behind, I felt a hint of aura squeeze through the gap of the entrance. The pure bloodlust I felt creep up my spine sent chills throughout my whole body. My body began to sweat as fear of death came to mind. I Look over to Krystal "You need to rush to the exit and finish the mission and leave as soon as possible, and don't turn back" she refused, as she said "I'm not leaving you here, I can help you" Without taking my gaze away from the entrance I shout back at her "It's either we both die or one of us lives, I'm making the choice for you to leave now. Complete the mission please, you need to listen." I glance back at her for one last time and throw her my ring, "I'll be fine, I'll see you soon okay? I won't let this guy kill me." I give her a fake smile as she sheds a tear before running away. I unsheathe "Crimson Moon", I get in my battle stance, take a deep breath and exhale nervously. My luck is absolutely amazing, I get to finally fight a strong opponent to the death. I deeply inhale once more to calm my nerves and I wipe the sweat off my face. The aura within me begins to boil through my whole body as I ready myself to fight. "Blood Manipulation : One hundred and fifty percent"

Six months ago, when I began to train for this mission I was able to get a lot closer with Krystal. After long days of intense training, I would come by to check how she was doing. It started as small talk about our training regiments, and eventually we started to talk on a more personal level. She was truly an amazing woman, this was my first time ever truly feeling this way. After a few months of our training I had learned of her passion for gardens and flowers. She told me that her mother would always send her flowers from our journeys around the continent, her favorite ones being roses. Then one dark mellow night, she had called me outside for some tea. I walked through the doors of the house nervously as I thought "Okay it's just like any other day right. We talk, share conversations, and then go to our rooms and get ready for our next day of training. "Okay Kisan calm down and you're gonna be okay" I step outside as I see her soft silver hair glisten in the moonlight, crap this is bad she looks amazing. She turns around as she looks at me "Oh, you're finally here, come quickly and sit before the tea gets cold." when my eyes met her glittering eyes I had lost every thought in my head as her beautiful gaze stunned me speechless. She awkwardly replies as she looks away "Is.. is there something on my face?" Shit, I knew this was gonna go bad. Think. Think. I clear my throat and say "Oh, no I was just admiring how nice your eyes looked.. while … uhh." I look away and think to myself "Great you idiot, what a lame sentence. Why the hell did I choke. I must look like a fool right now." She giggles and says "Thank you, no one has ever told me something so nice" I look back as her face turns from a pale white to a soft pink as she blushes. The night went along like any other night, but one question stuck out from the rest as she asked me, "Would you ever retire from battle to stay with someone you loved to avoid danger?" I quickly replied knowing my answer. "Of course, but I would never abandon my family if they needed my help."

My body began to tense up after activating my Blood Manipulation. Damn, how cliche. It doesn't help thinking about that question she asked me. After this battle, If I'm lucky I'll confess my love to Krystal if it's the last thing I do. I shouted out "Come out, I already sensed your bloodlust a while back." The wooden doors of the chapel opened as a cloaked man with white hair and rough beard walked in "We finally meet again, don't we Kisan." My body tensed even more as he spoke my name. This man is a mystery to me. I rose my aura and focused, I rested my Nichirin over my shoulder "Blood Manipulation : Crescent Moon '' I felt every muscle in my body tense up as I dash towards this man. I reached close enough to strike, but as my arm went in motion I saw him pull out a bandaged blade and successfully block my attack. He speaks again "Not much of a talker are you haha! Fine, let's fight." Our weapons clashed as he finished his brief exchange. I felt that he was holding back his strength. How dare this man mock my strength. I launched myself back with the momentum of our blades clashing. I tense my body further "Blood Manipulation : Two hundred percent". He responded with equal aura pressure. I'm warmed up now, I ready my blade at my waist "Blood Lotus" I dash in a single leap releasing a flurry of strikes with the Nichiren blade swiftly transitioning every strike. He perfectly deflected every single hit, but doing so tore some of the bandages revealing a pale white blade. Our blades clash once again testing our strength, he speaks again "Finally noticing your friend's blade, it was really a nice touch to my armory after I ripped it from his dead corpse haha!!" Time seemed to slow down as I realized that this sword belonged to Kilah. I felt the blood in my body begin to boil from the intense heat of my rage.

"Blood Manipulation : Lucifer's Blade"

I grab a container of my blood and then break the glass by gripping it tightly, a blade emerges from the blood on my hands. I ready the second blade that had formed in my hand. I have this one perfect opportunity and I will take it. "Crimson Art : Infinite lotus" I start with an uppercut motion strike to flinch him, he blocks the strike, I recover and strike him with the nichirin, he blocks perfectly. I begin striking faster, and stronger, gathering the momentum with each strike, a dance with blades to the death. Yet, no matter the speed he was able to perfectly block every strike. Damn, my body is starting to feel numb, I also start to feel worn out. My movements are starting to slow down. I hear his voice again. "You disappoint me Kisan, I thought you were stronger." and suddenly he grabs at my waist and I feel it get crushed with ease as the agony from the pain of using Infinite lotus also nearly killed me. He then throws me as the pain makes it impossible for me to stand any more. "I guess I'll go kill the rest of your clan" he says as he begins to walk away. This is all or nothing, for everyone, for Krystal, for Kilah.

"Crimson Art : Lucifer's Heart"

I force my heart to pump faster so the flow of my blood can circulate faster, increasing my speed and power. This is my last resort ability, when this Crimson Art ends, I will not be able to move for a while… I ready both blades again as I shout to him "YOU THINK THAT'S ALL I HAD? WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? ON OUR NAME MINAMOTO I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU" I crouch down and inhale for my last breath of air. "Crimson Art : Crimson Eclipse" I dash as I strike with every last bit of strength in my body. In an instant I strike through him as I hear blood splatter from behind me. My vision is beginning to fade as the pain slowly creeped on my body. I fall to my knees, blood flowing freely.

Part VII - Successor

Nikke and I have split up in search of documents or any information of what exactly Taira is behind, and any information about the calamity. I found a room with an exceedingly large amount of information regarding Taira's future plans. None of it makes any sense to me. Scriptures containing tales of Gods, Angels, and Demons. I quickly try to gather as much information that I can get my hands on, but suddenly I hear tremors come from above the dungeon. I grabbed a torch that lit the dim and damp room and burned whatever was inside the room. With no hesitation I ran out, I had a bad feeling about the situation outside of the enemies dungeon.

After miles and miles of running through the labyrinth of shadows, I was able to see the exit and also saw Krystal standing in disbelief and on the verge of tears, as the battlefield was covered in blood and damaged ground. "Where's Kisan?" I ask her. She reveals his ring on the palm of her hand as she tries to hold back the waterfall of tears that started to flow freely. I smile at her "Don't worry Krystal, Kisan wouldn't die so easily I'm sure we'll see him soon. And the kid? Did you find him?" She nods as she points behind some bushes and then replies "He's still unconscious, b-but he looks to be fine." Then I felt a sinister aura creeping from the steps behind me. "Krystal grab these documents, get the kid and run if the situation starts to seem grim" For now run over to Sam and Kilah and check if they're still alive. The only thing I feared has come true, the leader of Taira is here. Steps from a distance break the silence coming from the depths of the shadow filled dungeon. "Thank you for the introduction Kaneoke, I've been craving for this battle. Surely you'll entertain me more than the last member of your clan." echoed his voice from down below. Then emerged from the shadows a man in black rugged clothes carrying Kilah's weapon. This is completely my fault, they weren't ready… they… they fought with all they had… they trusted my judgment… I won't let their pain be forgotten and left in vain. I felt tears run down my cheek, my breath started to stagger. I need to calm myself, compose my emotions, control my breathing… no to hell with that. A voice speaks in my mind "Kane, I'll allow you to use my power… but at a cost…" shut up, shut up, I don't need your strength, I have enough. I'll murder this bastard on my own.

"Full Aura Release"

My muscles begin to tense gradually, while my vision begins to be blinded by pure rage. The only thing in my mind was murder and revenge for my fallen family. He speaks again in a gloating tone "You're already going all out? I haven't even had a proper war-" before he even finished I rushed towards him in an instant striking his abdomen creating a small opportunity while he was shocked by the strike. I leap in the air and focus my aura on my leg strike launching him a few meters away creating a smoke cloud on impact. The cloud of smoke then begins to clear as he walks out with a serious look as black aura peels away from his skin revealing small eyes of demons. The sight shocked me, he was consumed by an unknown being. He speaks out with a sinister voice "You're not half bad. You actually forced me to activate my ability, but after letting you see this I can't let any of you live." he lunges towards me with the white sword now covered in eyes and black aura, but I instinctively dodge at the direction of the sword as I hear a boulder behind me in the direction of the sword shatter. I can't give him the opportunity to use the sword or I'll most likely die from the strike. I dash to the side trying to dodge at every sword strike he throws at me, closing the gap with every dodge. I then again focused all my hatred and aura on to strike the arm he was wielding the sword with successfully shattering his right arm completely. The white haired man begins to laugh as the crunch of his bones began to make an unpleasant sound while it inhumanely reformed his shattered arm. "I got you good didn't I?" He regains grip of his sword and lifts it to land one strike. The final blow… I have no choice but to use it… I was bested. Minamoto, I concede, give me your power. Time began to slow as I heard his voice again "This time, you shall pay with your life." I felt a shock go through my whole body as power surged through my veins. I reach my hand towards the man in front of me and say

"Kneel before me"

Everything around me, even the ground shattered. An unrelenting force dropped the man to his knees as he struggled to stand, forcing his own weight to crush him to the ground. Then, once more the area clouds into smoke as I struggle to catch my breath. I hear Krystal scream from a distance, I dash towards her scream in a panic. I see the man pin her to the ground as he readies to strike her. With no time to save her I sacrifice my arm to stop the strike. The sword now laid stuck in my arm as I focused all my aura once again to strike. "You shameless coward." I said as I made complete contact with his face launching him back a few meters. I pulled out the sword that remained in my hand and gently laid it on the ground. My body started to feel the toll of my ability as my aura slowly burned away. The man started to maniacally laugh as a gruesome sight took place, his arm now covered in eyes and black skin. His face slowly being swallowed by eyes and black aura. He lifts his arm to the air gathering black aura creating a sphere of energy growing larger and larger as more aura enters the black ball. He speaks one last time "I'll leave you with a parting gift for giving me an exhilarating battle once more Kaneoke, this the end for you all" he throws the black ball launching it towards me, Krystal, and the kid. I position myself in front of both of them as I take off every single ring in my hand, releasing all the aura I have for this last stand. I grip the sphere as it comes crashing towards me using all my strength to try launch it away from us before it explodes. I covered it with some of my aura to keep it from losing form. I feel my strength giving away as my finger begins to get burned off from the energy pulsing off the aura. "I WON'T LET YOU DIE, NOT HERE ! GAAAAAAHHH" I scream as pain and agony torments my body. One last push of aura comes from deep within, my last breath of strength.

"Limit Break : Last Stand"

My body begins to radiate an aura that forms a solid barrier for a brief second then shatters letting out a great wave of aura allowing me to lift the black energy sphere launching it into the air as I screamed, throwing it with all the power I had left within me. The sky momentarily becomes dark as the explosion clears the sky from any clouds that may have been softly floating. I fall to the ground, my breath staggering heavily. The kid from the dungeon was awake to see the horrific battle, he walked towards me as I smiled. Tears began to fill my eyes as sadness overcame me. His eyes begin to water as I tell him "I finally get to speak to you one last time… son… I'm sorry I have to go so soon." he breaks into tears as Krystal joins him. "Take care of him will you?" I tell Krystal. I look over to my son again and hand him my ring. "I'm sorry I didn't rescue you sooner." I look up to the sky with my last breath of words and say "King Minamoto, I grant you my successor… Ketsugi Minamoto." A cold breeze showers on my body as I see one golden feather fall before me disappearing into thin air. It's my time, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long Mako.

I remember now… This is where my story began. My true identity is Ketsugi Minamoto.