
Gates of Heaven and Hell : Clan's Corruption

A world where people are blessed with unique abilities. You follow through the eyes of the members of Minamoto as they go through hardships of corrupted clan's that try to kill every single member of Minamoto for reason's unknown.

Jhacrisp · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter II - Minamoto

Part I - Angelic Recovery

It has been a few months since my last fight with the two demons of Daki, I had been "grounded" and set for rehabilitation after causing damage to my body. The days have passed ever so slowly, same routine everyday; Weight training, Cardio exercise, and rest. I'm completely bored.

I step out of my room and into the damp hall, I hear footsteps coming from the end. I squint my eyes to make out Satoru's figure walking from the darkness carrying something over his shoulder. I wave at him with a smile on my face as he walks closer and closer towards me. "Hey Satoru, how's your morning going? Do you need any help today or something?" He lifts a body covered with rags from his shoulders and sets it down on the ground. "Well as you do know this is that one Demon from the Minamoto's clan. I was going to move it from the lower dungeon floors into another interrogation room if you want you to help me! You see my back is starting to kill me from all the walking I had to do. This little demon might be small but it's so hea-" and before Satoru goes on to another rant I pick up the body and carry it down the hall into a farther section of the dungeon. I make my ways far into the deep north side of the dungeon and set the demon inside the room. "If it were up to me I'd slay you in a heartbeat, but apparently you're an important piece of information. All your kind are despicable monsters.. Each and every single one of you are spawns of pure evil…" But the gears in my head started to turn as the stench coming from the body was not that of a demon, nor a human. The stench was unusual.. I felt an undying anger coming from his aura. "What are you..?" The feeling was unnerving. I left the room with no hesitation and regrets of the mystery that laid before me.

I head back to my room shoving all of the mystery of that thing in the interrogation room to the back of my mind. I open the wooden door to reveal Thea standing in the middle of my room. "Thea ?! You're back already ! Did you come to check up on my aura !" She giggles and says "Don't rush yourself my child what's the eagerness that's overwhelming you now ? Itching for another fight ?" With full confidence I nodded my head to her question. "Yes, I trained hard to control my aura ! Look !" I calm my body and relax all my muscles and freely let my aura flow, then I close off all my aura releasing the angelic aura. "See ? it's still a little straining on my body but I'm able to control it now." I grin and giggle at the fact of how far I've come with my ability. "Good job Xander I'm proud of you. Now come here let me see if the damage from your aura pores have been healed." I nod and kneel on the ground with my back towards her. Her rough and warm hands lay on my back. A flourishing aura flows through my body making me feel elevated and relaxed. This feeling was mesmerizing. It felt like all the hatred, anger, and sadness had left my body for that moment. "It seems you healed pretty well in such a short amount of time, that's good. Hmm.. Oh yeah Xander I do have a surprise for you. There's a new weapon I made just for you. I left it under your bed" My ears perk up in glee as I rush over to check under my bed. I pull the covers over and see a metallic dual spear outlined with a gold coating pattern. I turned around to say my thank you to Thea but she had already left. I grab the spear and run off to the training area to start my training right away.

Part II - Failed Experiments

It has been a total of four years since the tragedy at Tetra. I can't tell if the feeling of rage and anger has grown numb, or maybe I just found a new place to feel at home. One thing is for certain, my heart still aches for my sister, mom, and the people of Tetra. It scares me to think that my anger will fade and I will no longer want to avenge my people. My family. I shrug those thoughts to the back of mind as I get out of my bed and put my clothes on. I stepped out onto the outside of my room, but as I stepped out I felt a sharp sense of aura shooting towards me from the right of the hall. I ready my gauntlets and pour aura into them and begin to output heat onto them. I see a very pale figure slump and drag itself onto the floor. I feel Satoru's aura echo beyond that thing on the floor. I'll try to find him after destroying whatever this thing is. I drew out the duo spear that was lashed on my back. I transfer the heat from my gauntlets to the end of the spears and dash towards the monster on the floor. Before even reaching its vicinity it lounged tentacle-like limbs towards me crashing onto the wall and floor breaking the bricks instantly. I wait patiently for another wild strike slicing straight through the limbs like a dance with the duo spear spinning it at a high speed. I then step forward once and launch the spear flying out like a wheel slicing straight through the middle of the blob that was on the floor. I walk towards my spear that lay stuck on the wall stepping over the ugly mess of a creature. "Gross.. Not only does it look disgusting, it smells putrid." I quickly dash down to the source of Satoru's aura. I felt another sharp sensation from behind me and in front of me while I ran through the hall of the dungeon. I instinctively dodge down as a tentacle strikes me from the darkness and then barrel dodge roll to the side as the other tentacle strikes from behind me. The moment my feet touched the ground I shut my aura off "Angel Relea-" but the moment before unleashing the Angel Aura another tentacle struck me on my stomach with a blunt blow forcing me to lose my balance and nearly knocking me unconscious. Just another strike comes towards me black spikes stop the attack piercing the tentacles completely ripping them to shreds. "Ho ho !? C'mon Xander don't tell me that took you out of the fight already? What a shame. Here I thought you truly had mastered your new aura.." Satoru say's as he emerges from the shadows. "Satoru shush! I was just caught off guard that's all! Plus that's not important, what are these things ? Why do they smell putrid like demons ?!" I say as I stand up and recover from the hit I endured. "Oh you noticed ? Well you see they are demons.. or were demons. I have been experimenting on them to see if we can convert them into angels and erase their sins. But some of the experiments failed and now they're just hollow versions of themselves, rampaging like wild animals. I was thinking you can help me eliminate some of them, it could help you with training. Hmm, almost like a mock battle against imitation demons !" He says as he extends his arms out. "You know Satoru, if I didn't see you as family I would've given you a good beating a while ago… but since we are family after all I let it go, no matter how annoying you can be." I extend my fist to him. "Oh.. I'm guessing that's a good thing then !" He smiles as he bumps my fist. "Lead the way." I say as I follow behind him. "Well the source of the outbreak is at my lab, but to get there we have to go through a group of those failed angels. I was trying to get through but there were too many of them, but maybe if you and I fight them we can defeat them easily !" I nod and ready my aura once more and start dashing to the direction of the lab with Satoru not being far behind me. I felt a sharp sensation of aura ahead of me and then I prepared my spear as we turned around the corner. I slid down to dodge a strike that was aiming at my head. I recover and slice it with my spear. Satoru blocks another strike headed for my body with his shadow. I tense up my left arm and spin the spear in a circular motion and transfer heat to it "Heat output: two hundred percent. Magma Disc'' I take a strong step toward and before launching the spear I say " Satoru now !!!" The shadows drop as the disc flies through the hall slicing three of the failed angels. "I'm gonna go in now cover me!" I dash over the experiments that laid dead on the floor. I leap into five of the monsters clasp my fist together " Heat Stroke " releasing the heat in my gloves stunning the monsters around me, giving Satoru an opening and striking all of them with his shadow spikes killing them instantly. I release the steam built up inside my gauntlets before arriving at the door of the lab. I felt a huge sensation of dread coming from the room. A humanoid looking white pale man breaks through the door and into the hall. It screeched a horrible ear piercing scream. Then Satoru Pushes me to the side as one of the tentacles coming from the monster strikes down toward me but only noticing it once I was moved away. I see Satoru's arm split off from his body, I stared in shock at the sight. "Don't worry Xander, right now you need to use your power." Satoru shouts towards me as he steps back and gestures towards the monster commanding his shadows to create a spike trap under it impaling and trapping it. I clasp my hands shutting off my aura completely and in that split second, releasing the angel aura "Angel Release '' the angel aura flowed throughout my body. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this sensation! Haha this feels great! Well, since you're already trapped might as well try something new I've been practicing." I take a deep breath and gather aura on to my index finger of my right hand I strike it's chest with my finger, landing perfectly over it "May you burn in hell, Output Three-hundred Percent : Purgatory." The monster's body started to bubble from its chest and after a few seconds it burned into flames and melted away. I look over to see Satoru use his ability to attach his arm to his body again. "Well that's that.. anything else Satoru?" He grins and says "Well well, you always find a way to amaze me Xander ! Heheh, well that's all Xander thank you for helping me. I think Ketsugi wanted to see you, maybe you should go see what he wants!" I nod as I gesture him goodbye.

Part III - The Followers and the Clan-less Demon

It's been a year since I spoke to Ketsugi that night the Failed Angels went loose. He told me that he was going to be gone for a while, I had asked him when he was going to be back. I never received a proper answer. He told me he would be back the day they strike again. I pressed for more answer's but he said nothing more. Since then I was stuck on body guard duty. I had to watch over the thing that Satoru has kept safe for the last few years. I was only told to do so because Satoru had an important mission to complete a couple nights ago but he hasn't returned since then. I sat there bored, having nothing to do but watch over the room. I sat there and meditated while waiting for hours to pass by. Suddenly I felt an activation of aura nearby in one of the lower levels. I shrugged it off as it might be Satoru returning. A few minutes later another activation of aura catches my attention. This time it raised alerts in my senses, this aura felt familiar… I stood up and quickly concentrated on my surroundings. I sensed a fight quickly break out between two strong aura's but one overpowering the other in a split second. A few seconds later I felt the losing opponent rushing towards me. I took a stance, then suddenly I sensed it was Satoru's aura. He emerges from the shadows grasping his chest as shadows enter it. He ripped off his coat revealing a gaping hole showing his rib cage and heart missing. The shadows started to rebuild his missing heart and flesh surrounding the horrid sight. In my shock I was able to ask "Are you okay ?! Who did this to you ?!" My heart started to race as rage entered my body once more. He coughs some blood and finally lets out his words "I'm fine Ketsugi my ability is just going to be taking a toll on me now that I have to have it on constantly.. damn those two are pretty strong HAHA! I can see why Thea saw them as potential assets.." he pulls out a jar from one of his pockets of his coat. The jar seems to contain some sort of small orbs. He eats two and puts them away. "What is that Satoru?! Are you sick or something? Did they inflict you with some poison ?" He shakes his head "No no.. these are pills I made that contain artificial aura.. it's a replacement for the aura I'll be losing for having my ability active.. well permanently.. and don't worry Ketsugi, I'll take care of them. Under no circumstances do you leave this room. I have strict orders from Thea to not let you engage. It's not time yet.." my breathing begins to get a little heavy as my heart starts to beat a little faster "So you expect me to stay here and wait ?! While those people are here doing whatever they feel free to do ?!" I punch the wall as I grit my teeth with the boiling rage swelling up inside of me "Don't lie to me okay Satoru.. he's here isn't he. The damn demon from Tetra.. the fucker who slaughtered my village.." he sighs " Look Ketsugi.. no matter how much you want to get your revenge.. It's not time yet. Thea told me you're just not ready. I'll stop you from going.. with all means necessary. I was ordered to kill you if I had to.." I take deep breaths, trying to contain my anger. I sit on the ground. "Damn.. damn, DAMN!!" I'm absolutely dumb founded. Thea?! Of all people ? I'll try to contain my anger for now. I take one last deep breath as I angrily stare at Satoru "Fine have it your way then Satoru. But I'll tell you this if that monster is not dead. I'll kill him.. even if I have to kill you first..!". He leaves into his shadows again as I sat there and meditated and sensed the nearby aura to watch the fight. A few minutes pass with no alert. The only person to use their aura was the one who was with the demon, moments after a new aura was awakened with a fight between the companion of the Demon and one of Satoru's puppets. I was starting to become impatient as I felt that demon's aura flare up at the entrance of the dungeon. "Satoru YOU DAMN IDIOT!!" I kick the door down as I release my angel aura " Angel Release " I sprint down the hall to get to the entrance of the dungeon trying not to let the monster go but no matter how much power and stress I put into my speed it wasn't enough. I need more power. "I'm desperate. DESPERATE FOR ANYTHING ! I just need more power… I just need to use my aura to its absolute LIMIT !!" I release all my angel aura in hopes of giving me enough speed. Suddenly I felt a weird sensation on my back. I focused on it and I released whatever was trying to pull free from my body. Wings bloomed from my back feeling instantly used to the feeling. I knew what to do. I flapped my wings ferociously, instantly going through halls into the higher levels. I'm almost there. To the outside. I start to see shadows creeping behind me as I get closer and closer to the entrance, but to my surprise an entire wall of shadows appears in front of me blocking the path to the entrance. I smash the wall beside me in a fit of anger cursing Satoru. Satoru then walks through the wall of shadows and presents me with his life. I stared at him in utter rage

Part IV - The strike and retaliation

I have ignored Satoru completely since our fight at the entrance of the Tiara Dungeon. My trust for Thea and Satoru has vanished. The only few I believe now are myself, Ketsugi, and the one above. Father. Six months have passed since that incident and nothing much of importance has happened. I sit in my room meditating like usual after a session of weight training. I received news from one of the puppets that Ketsugi will be returning soon. I finish meditation and clean myself in the bath. I fixed myself a new set of clothes consisting of white pale design with some gold patterns at the trims. I polish my gauntlets. Take a deep breath and release my angel aura as it comes out more naturally now. The last six months helped me train my mental fortitude, allowing me to draw out Angel Aura with ease. I release my wings as I walk to the entrance of the dungeon. Once there I just stood and watched the view of the cloudy sky. I extended my wings and then flew to the highest point I could currently fly to which was nearing to the bottom of the clouds. I stared into the vast desert spotting a forest miles away only being separated by the trees of the forest. It was quite an odd sight. Yet it was beautiful. I meditated in the middle of the ocean of clouds sensing any nearby aura coming close to the dungeon. I sensed five distinct auras flowing through the forest miles from the dungeon. My face twitched as I sensed the familiar aura of the demon still stained in my heart from many years ago. Suddenly in an instant something appears behind me and before I could turn around Thea says "Xander, you have a new mission today. We have information from Ketsugi that the Demon clan will make an appearance today at the dungeon. I want you to spectate. Learn from the battle. Watch closely between the fight of Ketsugi and the Demon. I give you permission to act of your own will if Ketsugi fails his task. If in any way I sense that you try to act on your own without permission. I shall smite you with God as my witness. I crack my neck as I stare back at her with cold eyes. "You have my word, but if any of you dare to stop me and let the demon live I shall rebel and slay everyone who tries to stop me." She giggles and begins to flap her wings and says one more thing before flying away. "You've grown quite strong haven't you Xander, but don't let that ego blind your mind.. I'm far beyond your level. Don't stray too far from the path of righteousness." and disappears in an instant. I conceal my aura and continue to survey the area for the next few hours.

As I start to become weary I sense the five aura's dissipate as they come close to the dungeon. I go into a complete meditative state in mid air as I spectate what is about to happen next. Two aura's stand outside as Satoru's Giants come out to fight. The rest sneak inside getting past the giants. One aura begins to grow large as the fight starts. I sense something strange inside the center of his body. I continue to watch as the fight starts and the one with the large aura dashes in and attacks but quickly gets knocked away. "How disappointing, and it looks like the weaker one will die instantly as well.." I say as one of the giants uses the moment of distraction to sneak behind the weaker presence of landing a blow which eventually kills them. At that very moment I heard a heartbeat. I start sensing a new aura forming inside of the other person. I started to feel a more dense and a pure aura rise. "Oh.. now this is a little more exciting." The new aura rushed towards one of the giants in an instant striking it and rushing it onto the ground killing it after multiple blows. Then the aura disappeared after five seconds. "How exciting it looks like you can only maintain this power for a few seconds, but how are you going to deal with the other threat?" I was left dumbfounded as he summoned what seems to be like weapons and awakening his power once more, killing the other giant in an instant dashing straight through. He falls to the ground as his power begins to disappear. I fly down landing on the ground as I see Ketsugi walking up to the fallen man striking him and making him bleed out onto the ground. He drags his body to his clan member who had been slain by the giants. "Hey Xander, it's been a while.. You can do whatever you want with this one. I have more important matters inside. We can celebrate our victory later." my senses chilled as Ketsugi's aura felt unusual. His aura was submerged in something chaotic. I let out a breath and nod in agreement. I stared at the man who eventually passed out from blood loss trying to reach the girl. "I do not care for demons, as a matter of fact if you were a demon I would've disposed of you myself.. but I pity you human." I heat up the finger on my gauntlet and seal his wound. I charge a small amount of aura and pour it into his body. "You have great potential and if you do venture on the same path as your leader. I shall slay you as well. Farewell." I fly into the sky once more as I feel water running down my face. "Strange… I haven't cried in so long.. It feels.. "

I meditated for a few more minutes in the middle of the air as another battle happened inside of the dungeon. This new aura fought what seemed to be Ketsugi's new found power. It lasted for moments and no matter how strong the other aura became, it was clear that the battle was one sided. Three aura's then appear into the outside. The demon, one of his followers.. and.. the boy who Satoru kept inside of his dungeon for so long. I continue to watch as Ketsugi appears too. The fight started as the two clashed immense aura's against each other. The fight had no clear winner but what was apparent; Ketsugi's power grew much and much stronger as chaos started to consume him. I grit my teeth, breaking my meditation. "Dammit Ketsugi, what have you succumbed to for this power… you were the last person I had my trust in, but it seems you're starting to become a monster yourself.." I see a black ball forming from an aura growing bigger and bigger then being launched into the demon. In retaliation the demon brought forth an immense power almost like chains being broken for a new aura to form. No this was no aura. This was his own life essence. He stopped the giant ball of aura using every last bit of energy launching it onto the air going towards me. "SHIT.. I GOT NO TIME TO FLY AWAY.." I was completely caught off guard. I released my angel aura "TWO HUNDRED PERCENT : HEAT SHATTERING STRIKE" I cock back my arm as I ready a strike stressing every muscle into one single strike. I launch my attack towards the ball of aura as heat launched from my gauntlet in a beam slicing through the aura causing an explosion. I clasp my hand and cover myself in a veil of heat protecting me from the explosion. I pant in exhaustion as the aura dissipates. I retreat into a far away mountain. I spent the next year of my life reflecting on everything that has happened so far. The death of my family.. My new goal in life.. The fights with the demons.. The betrayal from Satoru and Thea.. The cold death of the human and chaos of Ketsugi.. The whole world around me fell to ruin.. Nothing felt right.

I don't know who to trust.. I got on my knees and prayed "Father, I have lost my way, I need guidance.. My faith has begun to falter.."

GOD : My child thou should not lose faith in the vision of the future I seek for you.

Xander : What should I do Father? I have strayed too far from your vision.

GOD : I shall share a little more of my power with you my son.. And then you shall see a glimpse of the future I see. In time you shall know what awaits you.

I feel a new sensation bleed through my body.

GOD : I have unlocked your new potential… Now train Xander you are the key to the future. You will know when you are needed.

I stare at my hands in disbelief as a new aura flows through me in the color of a pure white and a blue hue.

Xander : Thank you father.. I shall not disappoint you.

I awake to the sun rays bleeding through the mountain trees. My body feels numb to the pain of the training I had endured for a year. I wash my body in a nearby spring. I stare into the reflection of the water. "Maybe it's time to cut off all this hair. It's starting to get in my way. I make shears by breaking some stones appart into the shape of two sharp ended ovals. With precision I cut off all my hair leaving it short. I dry off and put on some clothes I left to dry the day before. I sit on a boulder in the middle of spring and begin to meditate. My wings sprout from my back. "It's time.."

I launch myself into the air heading straight for the intuition of my aura. After a few minutes I arrive above a kingdom on the edge of collapse. I glide down as I feel a familiar aura coming from the shattered roof of the main castle. I landed on the inside noticing a hole going to the bottom of the castle into an entire crater. A dagger laid on the grown which seems to be growing some sort of vine wrapping around a corpse that was nearby. I sense the familiar aura again as I see a shadowy hand pulling himself to the outside of the crater.. Satoru.. His body was disfigured.. Limbs missing.. Aura extremely faint.. I walked towards him as the halls echoed with my footsteps. I pick up his body and lift him as he bathes in the sunlight piercing through the hole on the ceiling. He says with his dying breath "Forgive me Xander.. I have failed you.. It was the vision of God.. I had to perish and do all of what I did to be at this point.. You are the key Xander.. Please.. Forgi.. M.." the shadows dissipate as the last aura he had leaves his body.. A single tear drops from my eye and onto his body.. I began to laugh as I set his body down. "Hahahaha I'm such a fool… Thank you father I have seen the path that awaits me.. " I flew into the air as I let out every bit of rage in my body, screaming at the top of my lungs, then shortly after I collected my composure. I meditated while floating in the sky. I then sensed Ketsugi's aura and a couple other aura's not too far away. I fly over in rapid speed with the intention to fight to the death.