
Gates of Heaven and Hell : Clan's Corruption

A world where people are blessed with unique abilities. You follow through the eyes of the members of Minamoto as they go through hardships of corrupted clan's that try to kill every single member of Minamoto for reason's unknown.

Jhacrisp · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.5 - Nightmare of memories

Part I - Memories

A time before there was a boss who was clan-less, he relied on seven other members that cherished and looked up to him as a powerful leader. He was a very scrawny cheerful man, yet something within him stayed dormant. Not truly knowing if it was a gift from the heavens or curse from hell. This man was a god to his members of the clan he was the leader of, but only he saw himself as a burden and a danger to others. He was a great man at heart but a god of destruction in power. Every other clan had feared this powerful man as he can take one-hundred men on without a problem. The only downside to this enormous strength was the loss of humanity in the man's mind, heart, and soul. In the very few moments that the man achieved this power he was able to wipe an entire clan out of the face of history without a trace. The story of the man was no more, the story of a legend was born. The events of this legend took place not many years ago. The boss who attained the status of a god was accused of corruption and disturbance of peace with other clans, in other words the boss was accused of wanting to go to war with other clans. Though this was not the case the government struck the clan of this boss with justice as the ones that were guilty were free. The punishment that the clan suffered was the punishment of death itself. One by one the members of the clan died as the boss was forced to witness the turn of events that unfolded before him. The horror he saw before him was too much too bare as his aching heart was ready to burst at any moment. At this point the man gave up his sanity and humanity to achieve a power that meant absolute perfection and reflected the power to that of a god. In return for the power he received he was forced to lose the memories of those who he lost. The memories of those who survived were only remembered as a dream. The events that took place that day are only rumors to some. The power of the god served to be a soft reset to the outside world. Only a few are chosen to know the truth, as for the others they will only know it as a legend.

Part II - A Lonely Desert

I woke up in a desert as the light of the sun shun setted in the hills of sand which soon became nightfall. I have no memory of who I, where I am, or why exactly I was here. As I got up from the floor I was greeted with an intense pain in my heart and head, tears ran down my eyes for reasons unknown to me. I searched around the wasteland that was the desert for any clues of the events that happened where I laid. I wasn't able to find anything as there was no trace of any structures or life. I walked through the desert for hours in search of something that may hold a clue to my identity. After hours of searching I heard a screech of a beast in the ocean of sands, I was drawn to the sounds of the beast as it mesmerized me. I walked closer and closer till I reached a point where I saw a gigantic beast. The beast spoke to me " Are you worthy of the knowledge of the lands?". I replied with a sincere tone in my voice "Beast of the sands, what information do you have for me". As the beast rose from the sands he released a horrid amount of aura that kept me in check as I did not know what this feeling was. The beast spoke once more and said "Show me you are worthy, by withstanding a blow from me and I shall give you the information you seek". Heat from inside started to emit as fear from this beast scared me to death. I had no other choice as I wanted to know who I was and why I was here. Before the beast could take any action, I felt an enormous amount of strength exerting from my body and I readied myself for any action ready to unfold before me. I blocked with all the might I could exert before me, but it was not enough. I awoke again in the desert hills at nightfall as the beast stood before me. The beast asked me "Are you ready to try once more?". I readied myself and shouted as I exerted more and more aura, trying to stress my body to the limit. I prepared myself once more as I had a goal set in my mind, I wanted to know the past of myself and the memories I had been missing. It struck me with an intense power forcing my body to tense up to try to absorb the blow. I was able to successfully block his attack and the beast was satisfied. The beast said "My child, the information you seek is forbidden for the knowledge of the mortals, but your name is Kaneoke leader of the clan Minamoto". As I heard my name I received a headache that gave me great pain but I wanted to know more of my past but the beast faded into the sands. Today I learned of the name I held and a group named Minamoto. This gave me determination to learn about my past but I soon lost my sanity in the desert as I had traveled through it in hot days and freezing nights, scavenging any food I could find. Days I had nothing to eat, others I found nearby cacti and drank their nectar. The path that laid before me was but pure destruction.

Part III - A bed of memories

Flashbacks after flashbacks I keep getting these horrible events of my past not knowing what happened, every so often I find myself lying on a rooftop of a house with a whole village being slaughtered. Have I become a demon..? Why is it that I cannot remember who I was before the disaster? Why do I keep waking up again and again to people being slaughtered? Why have my hands been stained with the blood of innocent beings? I decided to keep myself isolated in the middle of a desert, as I walk into the ocean of sand I hear my name shouted by a voice that sounds nostalgic but I can't remember whose voice it is. This voice brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart ache. As I stumbled in this terrain of sand for several days I ended up falling into a cave with an in-carving I've seen this symbol before.. But what does it mean? As I walked closer and closer I heard more nostalgic voices. I notice something under the symbol reading: "Long live Minamoto". I…. I know this name...this… is….

I hear a shout from a distance "Kaneoke!". I slowly turn and see a girl running towards me but I can't quite see who it is… but I dashed towards her as in instinct I wanted to hug her and say I missed her… "Kaneoke, Kaneoke, KANEOKE!". My eyes open and I find myself waking in a store of some kind I turned to see who was calling me and I see Sam crying and Nikke surprised to see me wake up. I get up and say "What happened ..". Nikke replies "You just collapsed after seeing a town nearby so we took you to the nearest building". A familiar looking girl walks into the room carrying my ripped clothes, she was a very kind looking girl with black short hair, pale skin, and had a very good figure. She says with a grin on her face "Thank goodness you're finally awake, my name is Krystal". That name.. It echoed in my head continuously. My head and heart felt like it was gonna burst. I started to scream in agony, a force left my body as my body bled out blackness.

Part IV - Darkness

What appeared before me was an exact image of myself as if it were a reflection but made of shadows. It grew a big smile and started to laugh. This monster was terrifying. But it was a direct image of my dark and horrific past. Before I can get out of bed my body goes through a shock of pain being unable to move. The shadow picks me up and launches me through the wall. And that's all I was able to remember from that night. My head went blank and my body was frozen in the dark cold night, I was unable to move from sheer pain surging throughout my whole body. I tried to call out for help but my words couldn't reach even my own ears. I let go of the grasp of reality I had left and fell into unconsciousness.