
Gates of Annika

They walked side by side, her cheeks kept burning nonstop, "Is it true?" She turned to him with glimmering eyes "have you truly never missed a shot before" "I've missed before" he confessed with red ears. "Really?" She looked shocked but also amazed. "I shot at a dead flower" he replied "You missed a dead flower" he nodded to her question. "Why?" Pulling her to him, he held up her chin and stared at her blue sapphire eyes. "Because I believed it would bloom and I wanted it to bloom under my care" Though it were mere gibberish to anyone, to her he had done something worth her living once more. "Thank you" he smiled warmly enchanting her once again. Underneath the sunlight he looked like an angel. "Someone worth living for"

BenitaIgil · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 16: The Lady Larkin

Oona sat at the window frame staring at the setting sun. She sighed heavily and rested her head on the frame. Though there was a bright smile on her face tears rolled down her eyes.

She still felt like she was dreaming. Nohr's death, married, they were all good to be true. Sage stood by the door watching oona's back.

"Aren't you tired?"

Oona quickly wiped her face and climbed down from the window. She was already wearing her nightgown. "You're back"

She smiled and bowed to him. It's already been a week since they both got married yet things were still akward around them.

"Hmm" Sage walked in with a strange looking bottle in his hand. He walked up to Oona and gave her the bottle.

Oona collected the bottle confused, she shook it a little bit. "It's ash"

Sage said as he walked to his side of the bed. "Your brother's ash" Oona stared at the bottle plainly. Tears wet her cheeks once more, she didn't even know how to feel.

"When you're ready to sprinkle it tell me" Sage who was now wearing a robe walked into the bathroom. Oona walked to the bed and laid by her side, gripping the bottle tight.

Sage rested his head at the edge of the pool. His blonde hair stuck to his perfect jawline and muscular shoulders. His golden lashes which his his glowing eyes stared at the ceiling of the bathroom which had a drawing of a tree painted in it. The tree had golden outlines that glowed in a dim manner. Giving the bathroom a whole different atmosphere. He slowly closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Have you told her yet?" Leander sat on a chair opposite Sage, he seeped his tea slowly and stared at his brother. They both sat in the center of the castle's palace. The sun shined brightly on the garden.

"No" Sage replied coldly. Both were silent for a while. Leander stared at Sage warily, he had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Ever since Sage's marriage, Leander had been brainstorming on the possible things his brother might do this time.

"Get me ash" he pulled out a bottle from his russet and threw it at his brother. "One from a dead body"

"Isn't it best she knows?" Leander caught the bottle and stared at it blankly. It had an odd shape that confused him. He didn't even what to ask where he got the bottle from. He put the bottle in his russet and sighed.

"Knowing would only give her baseless hope. We both know that he's either dead or death"

Sage crossed his legs and leaned on the chair. "I'd rather not risk that" he replied calmly. The Sun gradually basked on his white and golden russet.

"What are you planning this time?" Leander looked demanding, he really couldn't understand what ran through Sage's head most of the time.

Sage smiled darkly, his green olive eyes began to emitt a shade of red around his pupil. "The future, Leander. The future" his face gradually twisted back to its normal passive expression. The atmosphere became a little bit eerie and serious.

"He might be unto me already" Sage whispered to himself. He opened his eyes slowly and the painting on the ceiling gradually glowed brightly, just like Sage's eyes.

The next day, all the princes were summoned to the palace and their wives were meant to escort them. Oona wore a little blue gown. Her hair was packed in a half ponytail and decorated with sapphire pins.

Cornette who stood aside and watched the maids dress her up kept yapping about etiquette and posture. Oona shook her head tiredly and smiled to her, reassuring the woman she'll do her best.

Waving the manor goodbye they both left for the palace. Sage sat opposite Oona just like last time. He had his eyes glued to her the entire ride. Making Oona feel uncomfortable.

"Is something in my face?" Oona touched her pale cheeks lightly and sighed. "Please stop staring at me like that" she turned to the window and rested her head on the frame. Watching the trees passing by always calmed her nerves.

Her best scenery was the mighty olive tree that stood tall and proud in the vast field. A smile creeped on her face.

Sage closed his eyes and rested his head on the chair, a very sad smile creeped on his face. He walked back his beautiful yet heart wrecking memory lane.

"You remind of her" he chuckled sadly and sat up. His passive and cold gaze once again overshadowed his vulnerable side. Oona turned to him and stared at him, she wanted to ask who but his gaze drained down any chance of her asking.

At the palace.

The queen stood at the entrance hall, today she wore a yellow ball gown and her golden hair was braided and styled in a bun.

Just as Sage's carriage stopped in front of the entrance, another carriage rode in, the carriage had a sword carved in the door of tge carriage, it was painted red and gold.

Sage helped Oona get out of their carriage.

"Oona dear!!" The queen walked to them and hugged Oona gently. Oona wasn't accustomed to things like this, so she could only stand still.

"Sage, your wife is stiff" the queen pulled away and glared at Sage. "Have you been bullying the poor girl"

Sage rolled his eyes and turned to Oona "Does she look bullied"

"That doesn't mean you don't, knowing your wats Sage the girl might actually not have a clue. His statement had so many meanings.

"You pervert son" the queen scoffed and stretched out her hand to Callie who was approaching them"Callie my dear"

Callie walked to the queen gracefully, she wore a lilac gown and her hair flowing down her back. She hugged the queen gleefully. Oona felt ugly whenever she stood amongst Sage's family. They were all a beauty to behold.

"Manasseh have been bullying me" she faked a cry. Pomona glared at her son intensely. Manasseh rolled his eyes and nodded at Sage, Sage did same. Their slight action was a little bit off to Oona.

Just then another carriage rode in. It looked a little bit more distinguished from the others. It was painted gold and white and had a huge heirloom at the top of the carriage shaped like a crown. It was a lot bigger than the others too.

Niel stepped down the carriage with a stoic look, wearing his golden regalia russet and white pants. Anyone could tell he was the boss around here. Oona had her eyes on the carriage, she couldn't spot Astrid leaving the carriage. She turned to Niel but quickly regretted it. Niel gave off a video that scared her sometimes.

"Came alone I see" Manasseh patted his brother's back twice and walked in. Niel bowed to his mother as well and walked in. The queen who was already in a deep conversation with Callie stepped into the palace. The guards at the door bowed to them as they stepped in.

Oona turned to Sage, though this was her second time coming here, she noticed the distance between Sage and his family. She being neglected all her life could sense the little almost invisible affinity between him and his mother. It was almost as if Pomona was trying her best to have a conversation with him.

"Let's go in" Sage sighed and headed into the palace. Oona tailed behind him trying her best to catch up with his fast strides. That's when her eyes caught something intriguing, she stopped in her tracks at the sight of the person stepping down from Manasseh's carriage.

Oona stared at her in awe, she had bright red hair and vibrant peach eyes. Her skin color was the exact opposite of Oona's, her skin was dark and shinny almost like her skin was made of metal. She wore a black gown that gripped her curvey upper body and fell over her waist like waterfalls. Her red crimson hair fell and rested on her shoulder. They both stared at each other for a while before the lady broke contact.


Oona hurriedly ran to Sage when she noticed he was far ahead of her. While they walked through the hallway, Oona often glanced back to see if the lady was following them and to her surprise the lady was, the lady happened to be many steps away from them.

They both had eyes on each other, Though normal people would get uncomfortable with the glances and awkward eye contact. Oona couldn't stop gawking whenever their eyes met.

The dinning hall was quite scanty than last time. Erik, Leander and his wife weren't present, it was a little bit cold too. Sage hardly said a word. Manasseh as well.

It was as if she was sitting in a completely different room. Though it seemed like nothing was going on. One could sense the cold aura all three brothers were giving off. The only people who seemed to be not affected by the tension in the room, was the queen and Callie.

Oona glanced at the door a few times. She wondered what had happened to the lady and why she was present in the room. Her thoughts kept drifting off to the woman's face, she felt a familiar scent from her. She had inhaled a lot of scents, both humans and other living creatures in Gareth. Oona could tell just where the woman was from.

She turned to Manasseh, she had a question to ask but didn't know if it was okay to ask. Manasseh didn't seem in the mood to make jokes like last time. Oona sighed at ate a small piece of potato. She didn't quite enjoy the meal she was served, she preferred the meals Bjorn made for her.

Oona took a quick peek at Sage's plate, he also wasn't eating much from his plate. Oona sighed once more, she didn't want to seem ungrateful by not clearing the food on her plate but then again she didn't want to eat it.

She once more stared at Manasseh, she really wanted to know who the lady is.

"Lord Manasseh" her voice came out like a squeal, Oona had doubts he would hear her. Manasseh turned to her and tilted his head. His gaze were beyond terrifying but Oona sucked in a huge amount of air and asked "the lady who stepped down from the carriage, who is she?"

The dinning hall became silent and cold. Oona regretted asking the question,she could see the Queen glaring at Manasseh intensely.

"Larkin" Manasseh hummed out and placed his cutlery beside his plate. He sat straight and leaned a little bit towards her.

"She's my mistress" Manasseh smiled brightly, as if he just got a change of heart. Sage looked up to Manasseh's gaze, his eyes were sharp and deadly but his demeanor was calm and collected.