
Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 2

As the War of Two Worlds continues, Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe and the rest of Vanguard-7 must face the new challenges to win the war and lead Vanguard-7 and the rest of Vanguard Rapid Task Force 2 (Sharpe’s Rifles) through Falmart. While the Empire has suffered many defeats in the first year of the war, their resolve has only gotten stronger. Forming the Falmart League with the Ticaret Conglomerate and the Swestuals Kingdoms, the Empire strength has only increased. The NATO Alliance is growing and continue to show their technology might however will that be enough to face what Uros has to offer? Sharpe must face his past, the present, and the future on this strange new world as he understands his role in all of this. With his close friends Rory, Lelei, Tuke, and Yao, can he overcome his past and lead them to victory? While he made many other friends like the Legrath Knights to the Rose Knights, he has also made many enemies, some that he has yet meet. Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1: https://www.wattpad.com/story/180912336-gate-war-of-two-worlds-part-1 Pictures here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/200736076-gate-wotw-pictures written by Takumi Yanai and illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and Kurojish, all rights remain with them. Currently being ported to Webnovel, Fan Fiction and Royalroad under the same book name and username.

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V15 - Chapter 185 Christmas Ballroom


--- Washington D.C. ---

Date: April 22nd, 2026

Pina laughs at a joke from the other nations Ambassadors. As she takes a drink from her wine glass, she takes glances around.

She sees dozens of people in high-class clothing, all talking to each other and enjoying themselves. At the end of the large room is a giant pine tree with white decorations and lights all around it. Giant lights above her hand from the ceiling and beautiful clothes everywhere.

She has been at many political and royal parties. She has been to hundreds of these parties in Sadera while growing up.

"So," she says. "You call this a Christmas event?"

"That is correct," Ambassador Alfred Pearson of the United Kingdom says. "It is normally a family gathering; we eat and trade gifts with loved ones."

"I heard that there is a fat man who breaks into people's homes at night around this time of year. Is that correct?" Panache asks, confused by that fact.

"That is correct," Pearson says with a chuckle. "I don't think I heard it described like that before. His name is Santa. He doesn't break into your home; he sneaks in your living room through the chimney and leaves gifts under the tree for the kids. To travel all around the world and deliver to billions of people."

"How is this possible?" she asks. "This Santa guy must be a powerful mage to do all this."

Alfred laughs, "no, no. This is just a story we tell kids to make the event special."

"How do you know that?" she asks. "You thought magic in your world was a lie until the other day with that Soredin woman magically appeared before you people(1). Maybe he is real, and you people didn't realize it."

The French Ambassador Emmanuel Riqueti walks up and nudges Alfred, "you're telling me you don't believe in Santa? That is preposterous."

Alfred blinks as he thinks of his response, "I think I would know if someone breaks into my home. But who knows at this point? If you told me that the sky is green, I might consider it true at this point."

"Then you never were posted in a third world industrial zone," Riqueti says. "The pollution was insane."

"Since you two are here, I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now," Panache says. "Why are your people on Falmart? I find it impressive by the number of countries that have been mobilized and are on Alnus."

Alfred takes a long drink, "that is a complicated question. Every nation has its interests; however, we in the Western world work together. After 9/11, there were over fifty countries in the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan."

Pina could not believe the size of that number. Zorzal new Falmart League, while large, only has a handful of nations who joined it. She knows there are about thirty-five countries currently fighting under the NATO Expeditionary Force.

"Let me provide some context, ladies," Alfred says. "When the Gate first appeared, the world was in shock. It is not every day the United States is attacked, especially by people from another planet. We thought it was 9/11 all over again."

"Unlike last time, we didn't know whom we were fighting," Riqueti says. "One of the main reasons we triggered Article V was because it brought stability to the world population. It was to show that we are still in control."

"The other reason was genuine," Alfred adds. "One of our own was attacked. Article V states that if one NATO member-state is attacked, we all are attacked."

"I understand all that," she says. "I am a Princess of the Empire; I know how politics work. I mean, what are you people looking to gain for all this?"

"Besides resources and farming goods," Panache adds. "We all understand the rules of conquest."

"I was getting to that," Alfred says. "After the first American forces went through the Gate(2), we all collectively realized we entered a fork in the road. Let me give you an example."

Pina looks to where Alfred is pointing at. She sees the female Japanese Ambassador Ebina Wakano talking with Miloslav and Myuute. Ebina is fascinated that Myuute is a Siren.

"The Japanese have a rich history of pride in their people," Alfred says. "Their country also has no natural resources, so everything has to be imported. How they remain as one of the major players in the world is their technological investment. They must compete to survive."

"And over there, you see the Brazilian Ambassador Julio Garcia Rosário and the Colombian Ambassador Fernando Gaos," Riqueti says. "Brazil wants to be seen and treated like a great

power, standing among us. When relations normalized between the US and Brazil in 2019 and were endorsed into NATO by the US, they went from a distant large country into the Classical Liberalism sphere. Colombia has been wanting to join NATO since 2017 after ending its civil war against the Communists rebels. Both of them see this war as a way to join NATO and increase their standing around the world."

"That is the Polish Ambassador, Medard Dolata. Poland has been invaded and freed more times than any other country in history," Alfred states. "They see this war as a national honor, paying back a long debt."

"Italian Ambassador Natalia Piscitelli over there talking with Elies Ambassador Nater," Alfred says. "Italy has always been considered the soft belly of Europe however during a crisis they always have your back. Their legacy goes back to the Roman Empire, so they are ambitious."

Nater is a Darfellan of the Carthid Clan from Elies. He has become the Ambassador for all the Counts in Elies, representing them with the Americans.

Pina sees most of the female politicians, staff, and diplomatic groups hudding around him, admiring the Darfellan handsomess. Darfellans are known to be very extremely handsome toward women, with his clean smooth skin and looks.

"What about you two?" she asks. "Besides the United States you two are the other two heavyweights. The left and right arm."

"My country was once a mighty Empire," Riqueti says. "The only reason we stopped being one was because of World War Two. Don't get me wrong, my country regrets many actions we did during our colonial times however we looked out onto the world with pride and purpose."

"Just like my French brethren here," Alfred says. "We once had the largest Empire on Earth. It was my country who spread Magna Carta, the first Human Rights document. We were the first to end slavery and push the abolishment movement. We were leaders."

"As I was saying before," Alfred continues. "The Gate created a fork in the road for us. A civilization can only grow and adapt if they have purpose, something to strive for. If a people cannot look to the future they start complaining about the present and begin to decline spiritually, culturally, and in their principles."

"This war will end at some point," Riqueti says. "We all want to be part of this crusade because what it could lead to, exploring the unknown. While united, we are fighting for our respected countries interest."

"The Gate opens the door to colonize new worlds," Riqueti says, "If Project Bridge works, then we will have a place among the stars."

"To answer your question plainly," Alfred adds. "Whoever helps the Americans in this war will be part of this new age of exploration and new future. That is what the war is about, the future."


Myui eats on her gingerbread cookie. She giggles, enjoying the taste.

"This is amazing," she says.

"I am glad you like it," Speaker of the House Lawson Roman of Pennsylvania says.

"Are they real people?" she asks.

"No," Roman says. "They are baked like everything else here."

"I would like to learn the secrets of these cookies or can you only make them during Christmas?" she asks.

"Normally they are only made during the holidays," Ambassador Harland Willington replies. "However, there are no rules on when you can bake them."

"I would like to continue our discussion on unification," Count Gallus Dun Gerardus of Valtris says.

"I have to say Countess Colt," Roman says. "When Willington told us about your unification proposal it surprised us. He was impressed by the amount of work you put into the idea."

She looks at Willington, "really?"

"Of course," Willington says. "I have been impressed by your personal growth of the last year. Your father would have been proud."

She smiles, feeling validation.

A month ago, Myui held a summit with the other cities in the region. Malrtis, Valtris, Alter, Daze, Lorsiss, Kipiten, and Naiktai. All these cities were part of the Empire until the US came to occupy them. Since then the towns have accepted NATO ways and abandoned the Empire. They have accepted economic assistant, protection, economic, and cultural reform.

When Myui city was attacked by those bandits and the Empire didn't send aid, she realized her city was weak alone. It took the Americans to save her people. Then again it took their investment to save her city economy, to bring down the crime, security, and end the children trafficking.

Myui economic adviser Karv Ugess informed her that Italica's largest trading partner has become Alnus with the second being Malrtis, just north of Italica on the Row Stream. Because all the old trade routes were blocked by the Empire embargo, she had to realign the economy to Alnus to save her city.

"Willington told us that we would have to do a public vote for the unification," Gallus says. "What is bothering me is what would replace our current political system. I have been talking to my advisers and the Counts of Kipiten and Naiktai, we don't believe a republic system would work in a city like ours."

"I have to admit I have been struggling with this myself," she says. "Most people are used to us running our counts. Having a complicated system to run a city and the surrounding area seems illogical."

"I think you are misunderstanding our system of government," Willington says. "Our republican system is only the federal government. Fifty-one out of our fifty-two states follow a republican system. Nevada follows a General Assembly model. Our cities follow three different governing styles. Our Constitution doesn't restrict how you model your governing system, as long as there is some form of representative system in place. We can sit down and talk about how to modify your guys''s system to a more representative system."

Myui has been conflicted on what system to reform Italica into. She struggled to figure out how much tradition should be kept while reforming to a new system. Hearing that she doesn't have to blindly copy the American system of government, giving her options to find a hybrid system of some kind.

"What made you come to this conclusion Countess?" Roman asks. "For a thirteen-year-old I am impressed how well you handled your situation. My son is sixteen I cannot get him off the computer playing his video games and my fourteen-year-old daughter never stops gossiping on Minds(3) with her phone."

"I don't fully understand what you mean by that, but I am just looking at the future and what I think is best for my people," she replies. "I learned early on that the Empire was the past and you guys are the future. Italica is just a city, we will never survive if we venture off into the world alone."

Gallus chuckles as he drinks his wine, "Countess Myui here has been trying to position her city as a second Alnus. Trying to gain favor and become a hub for your people."

She looks at Gallus annoyed. She told him that was her plan to position Italica into an economic hub for the NATO countries. The city was considered one of the most important trade hubs in the Empire and she fully intends to bring back that glory within the Americans system.

"Don't surprise Myui," Gallus says. "It is part of the game of politics." He then looks to Willington and Roman. "Ambassador, Speaker. While Italica and Valtris economies are more diverse, most of the other towns are agriculture based. Around sixty percent of farming goods are now being sold to NATO and not the rest of the Empire now."

"For my city," Gallus says. "We are a port and manufacturing city. Most of the goods we trade are designed for the Imperial economy, not an advanced world like yours. The only reason my city is still standing is the massive NATO investment there. I am having to transform my city economy and the only way I can do that is to manufacture items for your people. The only way to do that quickly is Myui proposal, becoming part of Alnus Territory. To point it plainly, either we unify or risk declining over the decades."

Myui nods, showing that she agrees with Gallus. There is one topic that she or him brought up, security. Gallus thought it would be wise not to bring up security, so they don't sound weaker than that are. During her summit, Countess Canutia Gaia of Kipiten pointed out that when the war ends, security will fall apart. Without the massive NATO presence and the banishment of the Adventurer Guild in the region, who will stop the goblin hordes, bandits, outlaws, and other threats. Regardless if the Counts like it or not, they are fully relying on NATO for protection.

The war will end one day, and the massive number of soldiers currently here will go home and local law enforcement and security will go back to the towns. Allowing them to be annexed by the US will force them to protect these towns and farmers from these threats.

"We will have to establish a civilian government in Alnus before we can move forward," Roman says. "However, I can bring the proposal to the House floor and begin the debate. We will have to figure out a name for the new territory."

"I was thinking Alcatris State," Myui proposes. "I just came up with it. It is Alnus, Italica, and Valtris names together. The three major cities in the region working together."

"It sounds nice," Roman says. "And names are usually based on something, so it maintains that tradition. Why not. I will bring that up for debate and we'll make it law."

"In the meantime," Willington says. "Let's enjoy the party." He then holds out his hand to Myui. "If you don't mind Countess, may I have this dance?"

Myui smiles. She takes his hands, and they head to the dance floor.


Andrew is walking around with Hamilton arms around his arms.

"This place is more beautiful than the most royalist ballrooms," Hamilton points out. "Look at that window. How do you guys make so many different color glasses? Before I met you people I thought only the elves could make glass and seeing this you make their art look primitive."

Andrew likes how innocent Hamilton is. While she is more submissive compared to Pina, he likes how energetic and determined she is. Most of all how loyal she is.

"I don't know how they make it," he replies.

He looks at his future wife, in her colorful rob, "I have to say, you do look beautiful."

Hamilton smiles, "Thank you. You look handsome in your dress uniform. Plus all those medals and ribbons."

"Yeah," he says. "Not as much as the Lieutenant Colonel. The military gives metals out for everything but thank you."

Hamilton gives him a kiss, "I don't want you to be like the Colonel. I like you being you."

He sees the other Knights walk over, with wine glasses in their hands. It looks like they have been enjoying themselves.

"You two are so adorable," Bozes says.

"Hey," Hamilton says shyly.

"I have to say," Panache says. "You people know how to throw a party. It is almost civil of you people." She says jokily.

"Anyway," Pina says. "I like a refill."

"What drink should we introduce to the baby first?" Beefeater asks with a google.

He stands there watching the seven Knights giggle and laugh, baffling him. However he felt a new urge of overprotective feeling when Beefeater said give Hamilton some wine. Alcoholic drinks are bad for pregnancies and he doesn't want anything to happen to his baby. Now he has an idea what Sharpe feels 24/7 with the Girls.

"Why are you letting Hamilton drink?" he asks in a concerned tone. "She is pregnant."

"We know," Bozes says. "That is why we want to introduce the baby with the fine things in life."

"If you want your child to to get ahead in life, you must introduce them to the best of life," Ginebra says. "If you give the baby the wine things in life it increases their chances of a good standing life."

Hamilton tugs in his arm, "it is true. It is one reason why I am a servant and they are nobles."

"For one you are more than a servant," he says. "And second, our doctors discovered that alcohol drinks are actually bad for a baby. Especially while they are in the womb. It is very taboo among my people."

"Oh come one," Panache says, waving her hand. "You people overreact over everything."

"Now let's order some drinks," Ginebra says.

While he sees the Knights line up at the ballroom bar, he looks at Hamilton, "I don't want you drinking wine. It is bad for the baby."

Hamilton places her hand on her belly, "Ok husband."

"Hey Andrew," Beefeater says. "Come here."

He walks over to the bar, "What is it?"

"I am looking at the menu and I see my name on there," Beefeater says.

Bozes places her arm over Beefeater laughing, "I think they are placing a joke on you"

"Expect your name is on there too," Ginebra says. "And Princess Pina. All of you."

He watches their frozen reaction, all of them staring at the menu.

"Did you know about this Andrew?" Pina demands. "Is this a joke?"

He chuckles at their reaction, "It is not a joke. Many of your names are alcoholic drinks we have on Earth. We always found it funny how they are the same."

"Well no wonder no one took us seriously for so long," Bozes states angrily. "They always thought we were drinks!"

"Why didn't you tell us!" Panache demands.

"Well," he mumbles, scared of the seven girls in front of him. "We had a bet on the team on how long until you figure it out. Alicia won."

"I cannot believe this," Pina says. "Everything is a joke."

"Yeah…," he mumbles. "We just assumed whoever created your world was just lazy with many of the names. I do wonder though if you like your drinks."

Then each one of them orders a drink with their name on it.

"Say, this drink is excellent. No wonder why my name is on the drink," Pina praises the taste of the Pina Co Lada cocktail.

"Mine too!" Panache enjoys her Panache lime beer.


Sharpe glances around and sees the Girls enjoying themselves. Tuka, Yao, Persia, Mamina, Myuute, Mentiv, Tyuule, Nater, Liz and Deliah are answering questions to many of the Senators and other country ambassadors as well as CEO and chairman of many international corporations with business interest in mining; biotech or energy. He assumes they are asking about their people and race, since this being everyone's first time meeting an elf, siren, lizard people, darfellan, bat people, neko and warrior bunnies.

He sees Lelei doing some magical spells to some of the people here, showing them some basic spells and how it works. He is glad that she is still popular among the politicians, all the anger going to Soredin instead.

He sees Rory being herself. She showed a demonstration of her strength by lifting a car earlier. She is telling stories of her travels during her nine-hundred and sixty-two years old. She has stated before how she hates events like this however, she is enjoying all the attention. If there is one thing he has learned about Rory, she loves being the center of attention.

"That is a beautiful tree dad," Selina says.

He looks at Selina, seeing her in her cute dress and heels. She is holding onto his arm as she struggles to stand, not used to heels yet. "Yes. The tree looks nice."

He shakes his head, "You didn't have to wear those."

"But they are pretty," Selina replies. "I have to wear them."

"I will never understand girls in shoes," he states. He hears a giggle from his daughter.

Sharpe looks out and sees the Rose Knights among the crowds. To his surprise they are adjusting well to the party. They must be used to these political events. Unlike the Senatorial hearings, Pina people are in their dress robes, allowing them to express more of their culture.

"Are we going to do presents later?" Selina asks.

He chuckles after hearing that, "If you ask for presents, you don't get any. We will do something tomorrow."

He watches the President walk up.

"Hello Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe," Potts says. "I hope you are enjoying yourself."

"I am Madam President," he says after a salute.

Potts chuckles as she covers her mouth, "That is a lie. Trust me, I don't like these events myself. I prefer the uniform again but what is that thing you always say?"

"Rule number one or I am what I need to be?" he asks.

"The second one," Potts says. "This is what I need to be so I am. Anyway, if you don't mind, I would like to spend time with your daughter. Some of my guests would like to say hello."

"Can I dad?" Selina asks.

"Of course," he says.

He watches Potts take Selina's hand and they walk away into the part.

Sarah then walks over, "That was nice. Why are you not talking with everyone?"

He glances at Sarah, "your kidding? I feel… uncomfortable."

Let me guess," Sarah says. "You feel more comfortable jumping out of a C-130 behind enemy lines with little home to come back home."

"I don't see the issue there," he replies.

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Dork. So how did you and Lelei go?"

Sharpe takes a deep breath. After what happened at the hearings with Soredin(4) he gave Lelei a long, harsh lecture on what she did and why it was wrong. He has had to yell at all the other Girls before, especially Rory however it felt unnatural and outright uncomfortable yelling at Lelei. She has always been a good girl, never getting in trouble or doing anything extreme. However, the most important of all, she was right all along about the existence of Earth mages and he was wrong for telling her otherwise.

"We haven't talked about the hearings," he says. "At least nothing major. I think we need some space. I still cannot believe she did that."

"I can," Sarah says. "Look, you do insane things all the time. You play games, pull out the wild card to confuse people or to make a point. The difference is that you understand the consequences and have a reason, to help you get the confusion you want. Lelei and everyone else has watched you do things like that all the time. It was only a matter of time before someone tried to copy you."

"I wouldn't have a mage appear in the middle of Congress," he replies.

"I know however she might not fully understand that," Sarah says. "Remember, she was a nomad so big civilizations like ours aren't the norm for her. And let's not forget, she is only seventeen. She doesn't have the life or world experience like you yet."

He nods, "I know. I didn't like talking to her like that, especially the fact that she was right about the existence of magic on Earth all along and i kept denying that truth before that."

Sarah takes a drink and looks at him, "Just remember, you yelled at her because you love her. Don't forget that otherwise you are no different than her father."

While Lelei hates talking about her biological father, she has told Sharpe about him during their driving training. Her father was a tyrant who abused his two daughters. He was so harsh that Lelei and Arpeggio ran away.

Lelei's father reminded Sharpe of his own neglected and soul-crushing mother and didn't want to repeat that to Selina or her, providing the childhood they deserve.

"I do think she will hate me," he says. "I cannot believe that she has been right all along. I yelled at her because she was right."

"I know," Sarah says and then pats his shoulder. "So why don't you go make the President special guests feel more welcome."

Sharpe looks at Sarah like she is crazy. He then looks towards the corner and sees the Earth Mage Soredin standing there alone. While Lelei might still be popular, Soredin has been ignored by everyone all night. It is clear her stun has made her no friends.

"I am not interested," he says. "I don't even know what to say and honestly, I rather not."

"I understand," Sarah says. "Her people feel like aliens that have been living among us. We always thought they were crazy people on the side of the street. All those stories ended up being true. Trust me, that woman scares me."

"You have a point to this?" he asks.

"My point is that it will make Lelei feel better seeing you talking to that woman," Sarah says. "Even though it is weird."

"How will it make Lelei feel better?" he asks. "She would know I wouldn't be genuine about it."

"Maybe not however that is what you do Jackson," Sarah says. "It is how you met everyone in the Coan Forest. Your decision showed everyone in the military that not everyone on Falmart was the enemy. Now it's time for you to do it again, for Lelei. Regardless if you want to or not."

He nods, knowing that Sarah is right. It is one of the reasons he loves her, she usually knows what is right.

Sharpe takes a long drink and then walks over to Soredin, "hello ma'am."

"Hello Lieutenant Colonel," Soredin says.

"Call me Sharpe," he says.

"Ok Sharpe," Soredin says. "I want to say, thank you for convincing the president to hear my case."

"I didn't do it for you," he says. He notices that Lelei sees him talking to Soredin. "I did it for her but I will say this, I do not support what you did and how you tricked Lelei into your plot ."

"I apologize for that," Soredin says. "I meant no harm to her."

"And yet you did," he says. "Why?"

Soredin chuckles, "My people have been forced into the shadows since the fall of Rome as well as many bad deeds of evil mages in the following centuries along with many failed mainstreaming efforts throughout history like the incident with John Dee and Edward Kelly(6) when they tried to create an army of Homunculus, also known as artificial human, to overthrow queen Elizabeth I. I know your people and the greater world wouldn't accept my people as a whole because of our magical power, no matter how much good deeds some of us contributed to society in combating the supernaturals and rogue mages in this world for centuries. Much like in the DC or Marvel genre, no matter how many times the X-men, the Justice League or the Avengers come to save the day, society still see them with some level of cautions, fear and paranoia since what would happen if super powered individuals like Superman or Thor turned against society for whatever reason, the governments would be helpless against."

Sharpe is surprised to hear that, showing that Soredin is quite sophisticated and witty to say things like that. He still is against how she appeared in Congress though.

"Interesting you use geek culture references to explain yourself," he says.

"Lelei told me you like geek culture," Soredin says. "I find them easy examples for people since it became pop culture."

"Then why did you do it?" he asks. "You had to know that stunt would only lead to backlash. You should have come talk to the President or someone that could have been more diplomatic."

"Of course," Soredin says with a smile. "I did consider that however I thought it was a bad idea. Doing your way while showing the government we exist, what would stop them from throwing us in prison in secret? It could take another twenty years to be given our rights. Also, do you believe the government wouldn't just use us in secret?"

He is hesitant to reply because he knows she is right. The military would take her people to learn these secrets. Going public prevents any chance the government sweeping the knowledge of Earth Mages under the rug.

"Every culture change required some kind of shock which I provided. Now we cannot be ignored now," Soredin says. "Besides, the Internet has made it very hard to keep this a secret. We would have been discovered one way or another."

"You shouldn't have included Lelei in your plot," he says.

"She was the key," Soredin says. "She normalized magic to the mainstream. I was surprised how effective she has been for being so young and naïve."

Soredin chuckles, "I am sorry Sharpe. I never would put Lelei in danger but that was the best way to do it. By the way, she thinks highly of you and I see why. You let your actions speak for you."

"I heard that you and some of your people are going to do some ghost hunting in some haunted houses and locations in the US in the next few weeks to demonstrate the threat of ghosts and hostile spirits to the government right?" he asks.

"Of course, me and some of the best exorcists from Council and my Coven will conduct a ghost capturing operation on the infamous Stanley Hotel to capture several hostile spirits in that place and at the same time, exorcising the place as well. The best part is that Steven King himself will be the guest of honor during that operation as this will prove that his novel, the Shining was never the work of fiction," Soredin states

"After that is done, we will conduct the hunt for the Jersey Devil for research purposes," Soredin says. "Wwe will also collaborate with the law enforcement of how to handle criminal acts conducted by mages. Speaking of criminal mages, a lot of mysterious murders in the world in modern times are actually committed by mages and no one is able to solve it."

"Such as?," Sharpe inquires

"The infamous murder of Elisa Lam(7) is the best example. The poor girl was drowned in the water tank of the Cecil Hotel and no one knew how the hell she could get through the locked door of the roof of the hotel to be drowned in the tank. In truth, she was murdered by her possessive and jealous boyfriend who was actually a mage. He used the mind torture spell to torment her to cause her to act erratically in the elevator during the last moment of her life and fly her to the roof to drown her in water tank. The boyfriend was killed during the chase by some enforcer mages from his mage community. They still keep his testimony on a recording tape", Soredin elaborates.

"Interesting," he says as he thinks on this.

Sharpe doesn't like the idea that so much in history might have been related to Soredin people. He is still struggling to accept this new reality. So much has changed too fast and he is trying to keep up.

"I know what you are thinking," Soredin says. "There are not as many as you think. Without an official institution to practice magic, our numbers are limited. Because not everyone can be a mage, it is hard to recruit. I found some examples the President said yesterday in her public address humorish. But I am glad I am gaining her full support."

"Not like you gave us a choice," he replies. "I guess we will see what happens next."

"Yes indeed, Sharpe", Soredin slips a drink of her wine glass.


--- President Guest House ---

Date: April 23rd, 2026

Sharpe watches as the aids take all the plates away. Sharpe, the Girls, Deliah, Tyuule, Mentiv, Myuute and the Knights had breakfast.

Now he sees everyone gathered together and starts opening presents. The Girls already know this routine from last time(5) however she finds it cute on how the Knights are reacting. The Knights never had a holiday like Christmas, an event to gather together and share gifts.

The gifts were prearranged by Sarah with Sharpe, Bailey, Frost and Andrew input as well as partially funded from the President's own pocket. Most of the gifts are items they love such as clothes, beauty products like perfume or makeup; and other media and recreational items. Rory receives a cute barrett and some new dresses; Tuka receives a harmonica; Yao receives a nice jean dress and jean pants as well as her very own smartphone. Mentiv receives some nice earrings and Myuute receives a nice ipod. The knights receive mostly pretty dresses and clothes but most of all smartphones for all of them. Tyuule and Deliah receive gifts that are quite unconventional as they receive tactical sets that consist of Karambe; Balisong, kunai, trench knife, brass knuckle; ballistic knife and machete, which fit their warrior's mindset. This is so when they have down time, so they have something to do.

Sarah walks over, "they seem to be having fun."

"That is good," he says. "Last few days have been tense."

"Yes they have," she says.

He takes a breath, "Mind watching everyone for the day?"

"The day?" she asks, confused. "What do you mean that day? Where on earth do you think you're going?"

He looks at Lelei, "to give Lelei her Santa gift. Will be upstairs for a while."

Once Sharpe is gone talking with Sarah, he calls Lelei over and tells her to go upstairs.


As they head upstairs Lelei looks at him, "am I in trouble again?"

Since Soredin appeared in Congress, she and Sharpe have been on unease terms. For the first time in a year, she has felt distant from him. She always has looked up at him, someone she wished her biological father was. When he yelled at her after what Soredin did, she cannot remember how upset she was.

The worst part is that she knows she has failed him, and she is angry with herself. She truly thought she was doing the right thing. While La is the Goddess of Learning, she also is the Goddess of Truth and she thought the truth would outweigh any consequences. She has seen Sharpe do many things because it was the right thing to do, even thought it was against the rules.

For the first time since she joined Vanguard-7 she is considering leaving. She never was good at nomad life, moving around. Her father always said she makes mistakes, that she should stop being a burden and become an outcast. Now that Sharpe doesn't like her, she wonders if she should leave.

"No," Sharpe says as he opens a door. "For the next five hours you and I will be watching the Cosmos together, alone."

She is surprised to hear this, "what? Why?"

"Because I promised you," Sharpe replies. "Now go sit down."

She looks at the small couch and the television. They had movie nights however never alone. On the plane Sharpe did promise that they would watch Cosmos, a show that explains how space and the universe works. Since visiting Camp Galileo, she has taken a new interest in the subject.

She sits down and watches Sharpe put on the show. He then sits down next to her.

Neil deGrasse Tyson begins speaking, explaining how large the universe is and details about planets, suns, timelines, and much more.

For the first hour everything is quiet between them. She can feel some tension because of the silence and struggles to figure out what to say or do.

"Jackson, I…," she says before being interrupted.

"I am sorry Lelei," Sharpe says. "I am sorry for not believing you when you first brought all this up. Sorry for making it hard for you to inform me or even talk about Soredin. I am sorry for you feeling like you can trust a stranger over me and most importantly, I am sorry for yelling at you like that."

She sniffs, wanting to cry because she is happy, "I want to say sorry to. I shouldn't have gone around you like that. I thought I was doing the right thing because the truth is all that matters. I didn't mean to do so much harm."

Sharpe places his arm around her and kisses her on the forehead. He then holds her close.

She blushes bright red from that.

"I know kid," Sharpe says. "It was my fault for not teaching you the difference of right and wrong. Everything has a red line in life, the question is, how close can you get to it without causing more harm."

"Everything is a give and take," Sharpe continues. "Just like Cato told you, there are rules that you cannot break however there are times you can bend them. Before you do that, you must understand the consequences and determine if it is worth it or not."

She looks at him, "I understand, and I am sorry."

Sharpe takes a deep breath, "now let's watch the show. And Lelei, ask any questions you want. No more secrets."

She nods, enjoying the moment. As they continue watching the Show she snuggles up in his arms. "Jackson. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Lelei, here your Christmas gift!" Sharpe gives Lelei her Christmas present.

"Whoa, thank you so much Sharpe, I am going to enjoy this," Lelei excitedly said at her present, a Microsoft Hololens VR.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 183

(2)Chapter 1

(3)Minds is a Facebook-Youtube like social media company

(4)Chapter 183

(5)Chapter 98-100

(6) John Dee and Edward Kelly are famed philosophers, mathematicians and alchemists during the reign of queen Elizabeth I.

(7) Elisa Lam murder case still unsolved to this day in real life



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman



Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS