
Gate: Thus the Sorcerous Empire Fought There

The Sorcerer kingdom was founded 800 years ago. In these 800 years, they have dominated the New World. It is now called the Sorcerous Empire. A lot has changed in eight hundred years. The New World is called now Nazar. A strange structure suddenly appeared in a city located on the planet Nazar. From this many people came out and attacked the citizens of the Sorcerous Empire. On the other hand, such a strange structure appeared on the planet called Earth. From where some Roman people came out and attacked them. Many people on Earth who have been researching for many years whether life exists on another planet or not, what will they do? There are many mysterious places in the world. Many mysteries have not been solved yet. What will people like Emroy, Hardy, Rory, Duncan, and Ral / La do? Those who consider themselves omnipotent, omniscient, or proud of their power. When they face the real power. A nation whose borders are wide in space. *** I will try to keep the balance

1stNightKingblack · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Unilateral genocide

Albus was having breakfast in his tent. It has been four days but no enemy has come from the other side of the gate yet.

Two soldiers enter Albus's tent without permission.

"General, some people have come from the other side."


"Where are they?"

Soldiers: "Near the gate. What's your order?"

"Tell the commanders to come here and get my binoculars."

"Yes sir"

A soldier ran away. Albus looked at the other soldier

"How many are they?"

"14 people only"

"14 people !?"

Soldier: "Looks like they came to talk."

Albus: "Negotiation !? But those soldiers were talking about the terrible monsters on the other side of the gate. What is the need to negotiate if they are strong."


Albert: "Sir, what are your plans?"

Ragnarok: "Can't you see? .... They are very weak. I doubt it can be a trap. But if my suspicion is wrong, it will only mean one thing... The people of this Saderan Empire are stupid."

"But if it's a trap, it would be dangerous for you to be here."

"Don't worry. I'm not weak enough to defend myself."

"Sorry! But I didn't mean that."

Ragnarok presses the bracelet on his hand.

It contains a hologram. It is 100 meters high.

The people of the Saderan Empire were shocked to see this.

Albus's tent is located in the mountains. Albus and his men became very frightened. Because they have never seen such a big giant before.

Their eyes widen. Terror can be seen in their faces.

Alfons: "They're just scared to see a hologram."


Ragnarok "Soldiers of the Empire, I am Prince of the Sorcerous Empire and chief Commander of the Expeditionary Force Ragnarok Ooal Gown."

His voice sounds like thunder in the sky.

"You are barbarians, you have invaded our area and injured and killed our people. I give you two options. (1) Surrender. Then we will not kill you. (2) Fight us and die. Also, you go and tell your emperor Molt that we are coming to destroy him. "

Ragnarok's hologram disappeared

"General, what shall we do?"

"There is no question of surrender." Said a commander

"Yeah. It must have been a tactic. They're just trying to scare us. Because they're weak."

"If we had a Huge giant like that, we would attack the enemy first with it to destroy them."

"Yeah. That giant disappeared too. It must have been fake."

"They're just 14! Don't be afraid."

"They have so much courage. They insult our empire and our emperor. General, give the order?"

Albus: "Ah, yes. Everyone get ready."

After a while

Campbell: "Looks like they won't surrender. They're attacking us."

The soldiers of the empire shot thousands of arrows at them.

However, these arrows come to a halt 100 meters away from them.

Albert used his telekinesis to stop thousands of arrows 100 meters away.

[Among the Humanoid, Demi-Human, and Heteromorphic Race, Humanoid was the weakest. On many battlefields, more human soldiers were killed or wounded. The human was strong 300 years ago, mainly because other races were barbaric. But Ainz chained all the races, making Demi-Human and Heteromorphic more powerful. Some scientists at the Sorcerer Empire have somehow discovered a vaccine that will make the cells of the human body more developed. Demi-Human and Heteromorphic babies were also vaccinated after birth. One in every 200 people in the New World possesses a talent. Also, one in a million babies is born with many talents and abilities. Albert was a child born with many talents and abilities]

Albert used telekinesis to shoot arrows at the soldiers of the empire.

Ragnarok gives a smile.

He has Avarice, and Generosity in his hands.

"For the Name Of Emperor! Kill everyone and release only a few people. So that they can tell the people of the Saderan Empire about us."

Selina: "Sir, If any citizen is in captivity here."

"Don't worry. All these areas have been examined. Here is no prisoners. Use Gates (Spells) to bring our troops here. It will take a long time for our army to come here using this small structure gate. Use Gate spells"


"I want to save the experience points of the people of Saderan Empire in Avarice."


The cavalry of the Saderan Empire is attacking them

Then a portal larger than 500 meters opens behind Ragnarok and his commanders

All Terrain Armored Transports, Hybrid creatures, assault creatures, armored giants Soldiers, Soul Eaters, tanks, Death knights, infantry of different races come out through the gate

All Terrain Armored Transports

Hybrid creatures (B class)

Armored giants Soldiers

assault creatures (10 meter tall)

The infantry troops is wearing such Armours

Some of the notable races among the infantry are: Hobgoblin, Dwarf, Goblin, Ghoul, Beastman, Bugbears, Giant, Valkyrie, Ogre, Erqigdlet, Troll, Humans, Vampire, Elfs, Dullahan, Drak-Elf,

Undead, Wood-Elf, Faun, Cantor, Lizardman, Toadman, Demon etc . They are all equipped.

They started attacking . The cavalry of the empire was dispersed.

In the sky many war planes, Power suit Soldiers, Magic Casters, Dragons flew.

They continue to destroy the armies of the Saderan Empire

The soldiers who have wings are attacking by flying in the sky

The other of the soldiers of the Saderan Empire saw this and fled. The members of the expeditionary forces of the Sorcerous Empire were just chasing them and killing them.

The people of the empire who were dying were receiving small blue light from their bodies and being stored in Avarice.

Albus was shocked to see all this.

"Impossible! That monsters! No we-we can't beat! But our soldiers are just one-sided genocide!" Albus shocked

Seeing the commanders and soldiers with him, it seemed that they had gone mad

Then a ninja comes there.

"Ah, then the commanders of the enemy are here."

"Ehh .. who is he?"

A few soldiers point their swords at the ninja even though they are trembling with fear.


The heads of the soldiers became detached from their bodies.

The blood starts to come out strongly

"Stay away from us!"



"Wilhelm, start building bases after losing the Empire's troops."

"Yes, my lord."

Scene Change: Heaven: The realm of gods:

Gathered around a large oval table in their heavenly home sat eight gods. Of course, there were officially nine main deities in Falmart. However, as the goddess of the Underworld, Hardy mostly resided in her underworld residence weaving plans on how to catch Rory Mercury, the apostate of Emroy.

Emroy was the God of Darkness, War, Death, Violence, and Insanity and did not really care what that woman was doing in her free time. Moreover, he found it amusing that Hardy was always failing with her plans. He just watched and laughed while leaning back in his heavenly throne as that wench always failed with her plan to capture his Rory. He was the God of Insanity amongst many things after all. He loved crazy things.

The 11 deities who sat around the table were Emroy, God of Darkness; Lunaryur, the God of Music; Deldort the God of Covenants, Zufmuut the God of Light and Order; Palapon, the God of Revenge; Flare, the God of the Sun; Wareharun, The Goddess of Trees and Forests; Mirita, the Goddess of Fertility; Duncan, the God of Blacksmithing and La and Elange, the twin gods of Study and Knowledge.

They had called an emergency meeting around a week after the other gate opened.

"What did Hardy do this time? Which backwater world did she open her damned gate to?" frowned Deldort the God of Covenants.

The one who answered was Zufmuut, the God of Light and Order. "We don't know. It seems that the Empire has evidently enraged one of the gods on the other side so much that one of them personally stepped through the Gate with an army of creatures. I assume everyone felt his presence? "

Everyone nodded.

Palapon, the God of Revenge, scoffed. "You speak nonsense, Zufmuut. We are no longer capable of taking the form of the mortals. Why do you assume other gods can? I think you just confused his with one of the God's apostates from the other side."

"Technically it is possible to have mortal flesh again." The harmonious voice of La and Elange spoke. "You just need to take over a human or any other creature." Explained the twin gods.

"Still, mortal bodies are not capable of withstanding the amount of power which that boy emitted, and he completely disappeared from my senses when their mages activated those strange magical wards. Since then, I can't even find him. Moreover, I can't even look behind their wards after they activated their defenses." said Mirita, the Goddess of Fertility.

"It is possible to make such wards? La and Elange?" Wareharun, The Goddess of Trees and Forests, turned her head towards the twin gods.

They thought about it for a moment then both of them shook their heads in unison. "We have no knowledge about such magic."

"This is disturbing. What could a foreign god want in our realm? If he wants revenge, why can't he just come into our realm and demand justice?" said Flare, the God of the Sun.

"I don't know. But the soldiers and those demons of theirs armor and weapons that I have never seen before. I would not mind the opportunity to study their art." Said Duncan, the God of Blacksmiths as he fondled his long beard and chuckled in a happy manner.

"Maybe he is angry because of Hardy opening the gate on his world and disturbing his slumber. Maybe we should reason with his through a good ballad." Explained Lunaryur.

"Huh. This is disturbing. They massacred the army of the empire. Also, their horses ate the spirit of the warriors. And they took away the experience of all the warriors." Emroy said.

"We are also angry at the warriors for stealing their experience" la and Elange said.

"What are you planning to do, Zufmuut?" asked Deldort uneasily.

Zufmuut sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "We can't do anything in the current situation. The best we can do is to summon Hardy and question her. Everyone agree?" He looked around with a tired expression.

Everyone nodded.

"Good, let close this meeting. Everyone keep their eyes open." With that, the eight deities disappeared from around the table.

Scene change: Great Tomb Of Nazarik, 10 Floor Throne room.

Ainz was sitting on his throne when the huge door to the throne room opened and Ragnarok stepped inside. He went inside and bowed in front of Ainz.

"Head over heels, did you do your job properly?"

"Yes Dad"

Ragnarok took out Avarice and Generosity from his storage and gave them to Ainz

"Interestingly, a lot of experience points have been accumulated here. What do you want as a reward?"

"I'll ask for it later"

"Okay then you can go now"

Then Ragnarok got up and left

[ Avarice and Generosity have been used several times in the new world. So Ainz experimented once. Even if the people who are with the wearer except for the wearer when the Avarice is activated kill someone, whether the experience of the dead person is preserved in the Avarice. The result of this test was, yes, the experience of the person who was killed by the people along with the wearer was also preserved in Avarice.]


Time skip


Each day, hundreds of lords and nobles would visit the Imperial castle. The Empire used all its effort and resources to build it as huge and ostentatious as the Empire was able to. Showing their strength to the allied countries. Ensuring their loyalty. After all, the Empire enforced its rule mostly through a show of force, not diplomacy.

The castle was always a busy place to be. Senators, nobles, and courtiers came and went each day, treating politics like a chore.

Under the meetings, they would enjoy delicious foods, graceful dancers, gambling, courting before engaging in dialogues... That was the general feel of it. The nobles might even decide on the deployment of armies based on the number of games they played.

However, in the current situation, this was not the case. Now all of them looked worried. According to what the returning troops had reported, the enemy was not even human. They were more like demons with incredibly powerful magic that shattered the sky, raised the dead and even summoned the demons of Hardy from her underworld residence.

According to the reports, the battlefield was like the gods themselves had allied with each other just to punish the Empire for its sins.

All Senators and Nobles knew the Empire was far from perfect but what had they done to deserve such punishment from the gods? No one knew and because of this, they were afraid. Also, because no one knew what could offend the gods to cause them to rain such punishment, they did not know how to make it right.

This is why no one could appreciate the good music, food and the dancers that the palace offered to its guests. Their stomachs churned and just could not take any of the food and drink after reading the report of the crushing defeats.

After all, they had just lost that which caused the Empire to hold its dominant position among the countries while it was under the reign of Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, their overwhelming military force and wealth.

Even a child would know that these were the reasons that the Empire was feared by many countries.

Now, the Empire could be said to have lost an arm. As the generals and nobles in the court were part of the expedition, there was an enormous amount of casualties.

With such an outstanding number of dead people, the nobles had to spend their day rushing around from one funeral to another. The emperor himself hosted the ceremony with mourning clothes and yet the lazy days of the Imperial Castle continued.

"Your Majesty, the Alliance Army has suffered a major defeat. The dead and missing have reached sixty thousand. If we include the ones who were wounded but are still able to resume their duties, it is around a hundred thousand. The survivors of the Alliance Army have each returned to their respective countries."


These numbers had not included the ogres, goblins, and giants. The demi-humans which had inferior intelligence were treated like warhorses. Hearing Domestic Minister Marquis Marcus' report, the emperor nodded his head tiredly.

"Just as planned. The cowardly senators who were afraid after we suffered some losses have nothing to worry about anymore. What about the other expedition force?"

The Senator gritted his teeth before answered to his Emperor. "Th-They are mab, my Emperor."

"What?" Emperor Molt eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

" The returning soldiers spoke about some kind of army of gods. Most of them went insane. They said the forces of the gods were coming to destroy empire"

The Emperor sighed hearing the shocking news. "Bring before me the highest ranked survivor." One of his guards saluted respectfully and went to fetch the survivor.

"But Emperor, the movement of the enemies from beyond the Gates is a huge concern. According to our scouts, both enemy armies managed to build a fortified fortress around the structures." The senator continued.

"This is disconcerting. But the Empire has won against greater odds before. The Empire will survive no matter what." Stated Emperor Molt as he supported his head with his fist and looked to the sidelines with a bored expression.

"Forgive me, your majesty. But I do not share your opinion about our situation. I am concerned. It is bad enough our first expedition force has been repelled with such ease. But our second expedition armys' defeat was crushing to the empire. We lost two-fifths our overall military strength."

"Still. It is not a problem in the long term. The distance between the capital and the holy Romalia and Arnus hills is great. We just use this strategic position of ours to our advantage. The enemy will have to penetrate deep into our territory to reach the capital. We will simply use the Scorched Earth tactic combined with attacks upon their supply lines. No army can march without supplies."

The emperor continued.

If the enemies started moving their pieces, all of the cities and villages leading up to the Empire should be burned down, the wells poisoned and the food seized to the last grain of wheat. Therefore, amidst the scorched earth, no army could obtain supplies and thus this will stop their advancement. With this, no matter how strong their army and their mages might be, a chance for them to show their weakness would arise.

If they built strongholds at various locations and forced the enemies to bleed, the enemies would gradually crumble under pressure. Such was the basis of this world's military science.

Make the enemies advance deep into the enemy's territory and hit them when they are tired.

Without a doubt, it was an easily understandable and efficient tactic in any world. However, scorched earth tactics would turn their own lands into crisped soil, and it would be hard to undo the damage. Such tactics disregarded the livelihoods of the people by robbing them of their food and water, and the support of the people would be lost. Thus, the people would have resentment towards the government that would last for generations. Considering all these cons, it was hard to issue such orders politically. However...

"But...the tax revenue would decrease."

Marquis Marcus used a reserved manner to articulate the damage that would be done to the people.

The emperor only said "Hmph. Just cancel a few planned parades and postpone the plans for the Imperial Villa." and with this, Emperor Molt dismissed the concerns.

For the mighty Empire, the suffering of the people and the approval of the citizens were merely trivial details.

"There was talk of Marquis Casel making a fuss."

"Why do I have to care about Marquis Casel's sanity?"

"It seems like he and some of the senators are conspiring to declare a state of emergency counsel."

The Senate's counsel could veto the orders from the emperor. The Senate even had the power to dismiss the emperor.

In the history of the Empire, the number of cases where the thrones of emperors were threatened due to the counsel from the Senate was not low.

"Hmph, how interesting. Just let them do what they want. Who knows, this may be a chance to round up all of those conspirators at the same time. Order the Privy Council to look into this matter."

Marcus had an astonished expression on his face for a second, but he still bowed respectfully towards the emperor.

The emperor's weapon against the Senate was the crime of treason. It required the Privy Council to present evidence to sentence them.

"It seems like many have taken the privilege of being a Senator for granted. It looks like it's time to remove the weeds."

Marquis Marcus bowed his head respectfully.

Suddenly, a voice that was clear as a bell cut through the quiet air in the palace.

"Your Majesty!" The disrespectful person appearing before the emperor was the princess. In other words, the emperor's daughter.

Kneeling on one knee, she displayed flawless court etiquette.

"Your Highness, what urgent matters do you have to barge into the chambers of His Majesty?" asked her Marcus.

If the emperor's third child, Pina Co Lada just sat still with a smile on her face, she would look like an excellent work of art. However, her sharp tongue has been said to have made weak men faint, an infamous ability in the Empire.

"Obviously, it's about the bandits occupying Arnus and Romalia Mountains. It seems that to this day the two holy places are still under their control. I couldn't imagine that your Majesty would still sit with such a relaxed posture after hearing what happened to the Allied Army. Marquis, have you reported the facts to his Majesty?"

"Your Highness, I certainly did give the report. The Alliance Army did suffer heavy losses, but they defended bravely against the enemy's invasion of the Falmart Continent. Thanks to the courageous Alliance Army who sacrificed their lives in the battle, the enemy has received both physical and psychological damage and is shivering in fear as they have built strong forts in panic, hiding within like hibernating bears. Such enemies are no threat to us at all."

After hearing Marquis Marcus's words, Pina replied with a "Hmph! And what about the other invading force? What is your Majesty planning to do with them?"

"Everything is under our complete control," Molt assured her.

"I'm not a kid anymore; I know that is how things are put across to children but, to turn not one but two armies' complete defeat into victory is unheard of."

"It's the truth." the Emperor looked bored because of this conversation but, deep inside he was concerned.

"So you are going to sacrifice the truth and paint the history books with your lies?"

"Even if you put it like that, I cannot answer." Molt dismissed her claim.

"You sly courtier! Aren't the Holy Hills of Arnus and Romalia still under the enemy's complete control? Did they defend successfully? The truth is that the foot of the hill is filled with corpses."

"It's true that we took some losses..." The Emperor looked off to the side with a bored expression.

"Then, what are we going to do from now on?"

Marquis Marcus played dumb while explaining to her the projects such as recruitment of new troops and their training. Pina clicked her tongue annoyingly at Marcus's words that anyone who was army-related would know about.

"How many years do you think it will take? Could you ensure that the two invading forces will just sit quietly and wait?"

"Your Highness. I am aware of that. But currently, all we can do is to follow the steps of recruiting, training, and rebuilding the army. Even the vassal states have lost their troops. Even if another Alliance Army were formed, the time needed for it to become a reality would be proportional to the national strength. Even if the other countries reconstructed their armies later than us, they would catch up sooner or later."

Hearing this, Piña exclaimed astonishingly, "It would be impossible to defend against the invaders if we wait that long!"

Sighing, Emperor Molt held up his hand to stop their bickering.

Based on his observations, Pina tended to cause unrest. Those without responsibilities were like this; always criticizing but had no constructive suggestions. Even if they had made suggestions, it was all wishful thinking that disrespected the traditions and social status of others. If someone voiced objections against them, they would counter by asking "What would you do then!"

For example, the only solution now is to follow the steps Marquis Marcus had said. Buying time for that would be dependent on diplomacy. To achieve that, the emperor's plan to gather the vassal country's troops and eliminate them in one go was successful.

The resigned Emperor shrugged and said to his daughter.

"If you put it this way, Pina, I have something to say."

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Regarding the enemies on the two holy hills, the information we have in our hands right now is very limited. Why don't you go check it out?"


"Yes. We are still rebuilding the Empire's army, so we are lacking scouts and can't draw them from our standing army. The enlisting and training of recruits will need time as Marquis Marcus said. The only troops that are free and are adequately trained would be your Order of Knights. If the Knights are not your playmates for pretend games, that is..."

Under the provoking gaze of the Emperor, Pina shut her lips.

For knights, who were mocked and accused of playing a game of pretending, although they took pride in being assigned missions, the contents of the mission were dissatisfying.

Also, she and her order of knights had zero experience in a real battle. Could she and her knights complete this dangerous mission?

The Emperor glanced towards her lazily. "Well then. Do you accept this order?"

Gritting her teeth, Pina raised her head with a determined look and... "I have received it."

After she had said those proud words, Emperor Molt responded ceremoniously.

"Umu, then I shall look forward to your achievements."

"Well then, Father. I shall be on my way."

With that, Pina Co Lada turned her back to the throne as she left the hall.