

Piña, Hamilton, Bozes, and Panache reached railway stations. They saw many guards guarding the outside.

"Panache, do you know anything? Why are there so many guards today?"

"Yeah. I heard today a VIP from the Sorcerous Empire will go to Rondel."

"A VIP. But he couldn't get there in a hurry using Teleportation."

"Maybe he wanted to enjoy the trip."


They entered the station. All of them were searched on the way inside.

There is not much crowd inside the railway station. Inside the train station, they saw some soldiers guarding. They were not usually on guards here. They also see mages fully loaded in a Coach.

The sound of the train leaving can be heard. Ready to leave the station. The passengers quickly enter the train.

The roof of this train is made of solar panels. It is a train powered by sunlight.

They got on the train and started looking for their compartment. They showed their tickets to a railway worker. The railway workers showed them their compartments.

The train started moving. Not like Ginza's train. Which run through tunnels. This train is running on the ground. They can enjoy the scenery through the windows. But they are nervous. They feel like they are sitting still, and the whole world is running.

A woman will be around 30 years of age. She came and sat next to Piña. Piña glanced at the woman.

The woman looked at Piña and said in surprise.

"Are you Princess Piña?"

"Yes. I am."

"I thought everyone in the royal family was dead!"

"I'm just only alive."

"Oh! I am sorry"

"You haven't introduced yourself yet?" Panache frowned

"Sorry, my name is Ava. I lived in a village called Tenta. Now I live in Sadera."

"Tenta village?"

"Actually our village is very small and our village was existing next to a hilly jungle. It is normal for royal people like you not to know the name of our village."

They are a little ashamed of it.

"Isn't your village existing now?"

"No. My son and I have survived."

"Oh! Sorry"

"Can you tell us about your story?"


"We didn't know much about the world outside our village. We still didn't know anything about the two gates and the defeat of the empire. The soldiers of the empire would come to our village every year at harvest time, and take away 80% of the crops we produced. This, of course, caused our food crisis. So all the villagers ate small meals twice a day. We could never eat on a full stomach. One day a terrible monster attacked our village. I am, my husband, and my child can escape into the jungle. But the beasts track us. My husband took the attention of the beasts towards him. However, he died. He sacrificed his life for us. We took shelter in a cave in the hills ."

The woman said emotionally.

So they comforted her.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I got emotional."

"No, you shouldn't apologize. We apologize to you for the work of the former empire." Piña said remorsefully

"No problem. We are living a good life now. Although I miss my husband and the villagers, I am happy with my child."

"The Sorcerous Empire has given me a place to live, and a job to bear the cost of my family. In fact, I broke down after the death of my husband. But I survived for my child. After a while, the food that I had brought ran out. We gave up hope of survival. We became very weak after not eating for about six days. We were just waiting for death. Then we hear sounds. Some people enter the cave. They wore strange clothes. They rescue us. They feed and treat us. From a young age, I have seen the soldiers of the empire torture the villagers. Then I was the first to know that soldiers of any force could be so good."

The woman's eyes sparkled.

They realized that the people were happy to become citizens of the Sorcerous empire

Piña also felt remorse in her mind. In her every word, she rebuked the empire and made the reputation of the Sorcerous Empire. The former empire has nothing to be proud of now. The people are cheering for the Sorcerous Emperor.