
Magic academy

After passing through the wall around the research district, they walked a little further before reaching the restaurant called "Marina".

There were three plainly-made tables within and a counter.

There were two or three female patrons who looked to be acolytes. They were keenly focused on studying the books in their hands, and one of them was recording nonstop.

The air in here was like a cafe near a ladies' college. Since places like this were a family business, they were decorated cosily, which made them popular with women.

"Lady Mimoza, welcome. My, you have many people with you today."

A red-faced man who looked like the owner welcomed the old lady with a bright smile.

"They're all my guests. Come, look, they're all pretty girls. How about it, do you like them?"

"Indeed, they're all very pretty. Looks like I'd better give it my best shot today."

With that, he energetically headed back into the kitchen.

Mimoza smiled in satisfaction as she watched him, then picked a table and called the others over.

"Come, come, please take a seat, everyone. The food here is pretty good, and since the customers are all cute girls, it should get even better. The most important thing is - it's cheap."

After thinking a little, Itami pushed two four-man tables together and arrayed chairs around them before sitting down. Then he began searching for the menu.

"I wonder what sort of food this restaurant serves?"

"Just leave it to the owner, I guess."

And so, after they had sat down and caught their breath, Mimoza suggested that Lelei introduce both sides, in order to make good use of the time until the food arrived.

"This is Mimoza La Mel. She is a magician and a Great Sage, as well as one of the elders of Rondel City."

"Then you are Mimoza La Mel. We almost died at the hands of the guards because of you."

Itami said

"Why what happened?"

"Actually we told them we came to meet Grand Master Mimoza La Mela of Rondel Academy."

"My my...

Mimoza said with a smile

"So that's it. But don't make this mistake again. I am no longer a Grand Master or Great Sage. The Sorcerous Empire has built a new Magic academy here. Arpeggio is now studying newly established magic academy. They threw out all the old masters. Among whom I am also include. But they pay me monthly allowance. So don't refer to me as grand master anymore."

"This Grand master seems to be a very high rank within the Sorcerous empire."

"Yes. From what I know their magic is called Tier magic. There are a total of twelve-tier magic. The twelfth spell can only be used by the Sorcerous Emperor. A Grandmaster can use up to 10th-tier magic. So Grand Master is considered very powerful. A Grand Master can easily destroy a city."

"Ah. Destroying a city. That's pretty scary."

"Yes. Now you understand why the guards treated you like that."

Mimoza said with a smile


"But forget it happened in the past. But don't make that mistake again. Also Lili I feel sorry for you. Your purpose of coming here will not be achieved. So don't be sad. You can't become a master."

"Hmm. I know"

After that, just as Lelei was about to introduce Rory-

"It's been a while, Rory. Could it be that you came to find the answer to that question?"

Mimoza interrupted Lelei, indicating that there was no need to introduce Rory.

"It was 50 years ago when Rory and I were traveling around."

"Mimoza, you've grown old."

"I have indeed. Are you jealous? I'm the very picture of a granny now."

As she said that, the old lady raised her wrinkled hands. She seemed to be showing off a pair of prized treasures. Rory seemed envious herself, even pouting as she saw it.

"Then, Lili... no, no, it's Lelei. How about introducing the next one?"

Lelei glanced at Itami sitting beside her.

"This gentleman is Itamy Youjy."

Lelei did not say anything other than his name.

"Oh? Itamy Youjy... it's pronounced like that, right?"

Lelei did not say anything other than his name.

"Oh? Itamy Youjy... it's pronounced like that, right?"

"Pleased to meet you."

Itami rose and bowed politely, then filled in for Lelei - that his surname was "Itami", his given name was "Youji", and then continued:

"I've heard that you are well-versed in archeology, Mimoza-sensei. Therefore, I would like to ask; are there any useful resources or ores in the area? Do you know of anything like that?"

"Mmm, I can say I know a few. But the Sorcerous empire is already mining there. So I'm sorry."

"Ah it's ok."

"These clothes are quite rare. Which country do you gail from?"

"I come from Japan, from the other side of the Gate at Arnus Hill."

"Ah! Well ,that's interesting. I've heard that a Gate opened at Arnus, but there's been no news about what's on the other side of the Gate. Now, tell me, what's that place like? Lelei, have you been there?"

"We've already been there," Rory said with a smug look on her face. Mimoza leaned forward eagerly.

"Ah, I'm envious. Come, tell me about your trip!"

Lelei, Rory and Tuka looked at each other in response to Mimoza's request. After exchanging looks for a while, they each began relating their own account of events - Rory talked about the sights on the streets, Tuka described the luxurious clothing that she had seen, while Lelei mentioned several Japanese bookstores she had been to.

"Those stores have an astounding amount of books. Also, according to Pina, there are libraries there, which contain all sorts of books and which are available to the common folk. If I get a chance to go there again, I'll definitely go take a look. I feel we should build one in Londel as well."

As Itami listened to them speak, a question popped up in his mind, and so he asked:

"Could it be that you don't have libraries? Here, in this Academy City?"

"Actually there was no library here in the past. But the Sorcerous empire established a library here."

Lelei looked to the sky and nodded, as though she had predicted the future. But just then...

"That's bad!"

There was a great noise, as though someone had hit the door with all their strength. Everyone slowly turned to look at the source of the sound.

Just then, Lelei's elder sister Arpeggio El Lelena appeared at the door.