
Anti-gravity bus

Piña and Hamilton were on their way to Romalia City in a horse-drawn carriage. Because from there they will be taken to the world on the other side of the gate.

(Hamilton was with her because she was good at diplomacy.)

As their carriage approached the city, a huge shadow passed over them. They looked up at the sky. They saw some dragons flying in the sky. They were horrified to see it.

The city of Romalia is surrounded by iron walls. When they reached the gate, some soldiers blocked their carriageway. An Orc soldier came to the window of their carriage.

"Who are you? And where are you going?"

"I'm Princess Piña co lada"

"Oh, Welcome Princess, the mayor is waiting for you in the town hall. Go straight down this road and you will reach the town hall."

"Thank you very much"

Their carriage started moving again.

They were surprised to see the city. The city streets were made of stone and there were no gaps in the streets. The beautiful artwork was used in the building. Of course, there were no high-rise buildings like in Japan. Even so, This city has a distinct beauty.

Sorcerous empires are so rich that they can build such a city for the people of another world to live in. Even with all the treasures of Falmart, we may not be able to build a city like this. Piña thought

Their carriage reached the gate of the town hall. The gatekeeper opened the gate and entered their carriage. They reached the town hall building and got out of the carriage. A woman greeted them.

The woman is so beautiful. Her hair is black. She is wearing a black dress .

Behind her are four Royal Guards. They wore full body armor . They have to Touch Me's Emblem in their armors. They wore blue capes with the symbol of the Sorcerous Empire.

"I am Ana Van tuba. The mayor of Romalia City"

"Ah, I am Piña co lada. The third child of emperor Molt Sol Augustus. And she is Hamilton Uno Ror."

"Nice to meet you. Please follow me."

Pina and Hamilton followed Euphemia. They saw 41 statues on either side of the staircase. They were amazed to see the statues. Because the statues were made so perfectly that they would come to life right now. They followed Ana Van tuba into a room.

The room was very large and had many chairs and sofas in it. This is a waiting room. On one side of the room stood some Maids and Butlers.

"Please wait here," Ana said Then She and the Royal Guards left.

Many people are sitting in the room. Some of these faces are known for Pina and Hamilton.

"Mister Sugawara, Itami, Tuka, Lelei, Lady Rory, and Lady Granham! What are you doing here?"

"I'm going into the Sorcerous Empire as a Japanese diplomat," Sugawara said

"I'm going to be Sugawara-Dono's bodyguard," Itami said

"I didn't want to miss this opportunity. I'm so excited!" Rory said

"I'm going to invite the Sorcerous Emperor to our gods," Granham said

"I'm very interested in their magic," Lelei said.

"I can't leave Dad like that," Tuka said

"Stop calling me Dad," Itami said annoyed

"I have become accustomed to it," Tuka said with a smile

"Then you're Princess Piña co lada," said a forty-year-old man. He has short white hair and he is wearing a suit.

"Oh, Princess Piña, He's John Marks. He's a US diplomat." Sugawara said

Sugawara pointed to other people and said, "She is Annika Weis. She is also a diplomat"

Sugawara pointed to four more people "They are US agents. They came here as their bodyguards"

(Four men were standing behind John and Annika.)

Annika's hair is blonde. She is very beautiful to look at. She was wearing a skirt suit.

"Nice to meet you, Princess Piña. Why aren't you sitting? Please sit down."Annika said

"Oh, Yes"

Piña and Hamilton sat down

"Princess Piña, why are you going into the Sorcerous Empire?" John said.

"I am going to meet the Sorcerous Emperor."

Pina didn't want to tell them about her predicament so she didn't say much about it.


Then Ana appeared there.

"Sorry to make you wait. Please follow me. The vehicle has arrived to pick you up."

They all went outside the town hall where a bus was waiting for them.

Their eyes widened at the sight of the bus.



John asked Ana

"Is this an anti-gravity bus?"

"Yes, it's an anti-gravity bus."

"Impossible! You have such technology!"


Ana gave them a few amulets

"These will help you understand our language."


They looked at Ana nervously and then got on the bus.

The bus door closed automatically after they all got on the bus.

They got on the bus and were even more surprised because there was no driver on the bus

They heard a voice

"I am00234, Please sit down"

"What! An AI!"