
GATE: Thus The Imperium of Man Fought There

It was the 29th Millenium. The Empire was born from one of the bloodiest wars ever witnessed by the galaxy, raise from the crumbling body of the human federation. Exist in perpetual utopia as the result of technological marvel the human had. Yet, there was disturbance as a gate suddenly manifested on Terra.

Ray_Vorhard_2199 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 19: Chain Reaction

-M2. Earth. Hours after the UN meeting-

Words spiraled out of control across the internet, buzzing with discussions about the UN meeting held a few hours ago in Japan. Many spoke of their concerns and hopes regarding the Imperium's existence. Skepticism ran rampant in several corners of the world; some believed that the Imperium, being an empire, would eventually invade and take over everything.

Yet, many others saw the Imperium as a form of salvation for humanity's myriad problems, thanks to their impossibly advanced technologies that could address everything from the most common issues to the most complex challenges.

On the other side of the coin, religious sects began to form globally. They sang the majesty of the Emperor, praising his power and infinite wisdom. For some, the Emperor had become a divine figure, a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty and strife. Temples and shrines dedicated to the Emperor sprang up, their congregations growing daily as people sought solace and guidance in his teachings and promises.

In the United States, debates raged in the media and political arenas. Some feared losing their national sovereignty, while others saw an opportunity for unparalleled advancement and prosperity. In China, the government's cautious optimism was mirrored by the public, who were eager to learn more about the Imperium's technology and cultural offerings.

Meanwhile, grassroots movements in Europe advocated for immediate cooperation, emphasizing the potential benefits in healthcare, energy, and education. In Africa, where many countries faced significant challenges, there was a mixture of hope and wariness; the prospect of advanced technology and new infrastructure was tempting, but the fear of imperial dominance lingered due to their bad history with foreign powers.

The Emperor's influence had already begun reshaping the world, even before any official agreements by the UN Security Council were signed.

Yet, the most dangerous vision shown by the Emperor still lingered in the back of every sane person's mind on Earth. It was the explicit revelation that they were not alone in this vast universe. In fact, the very material plane they inhabited was filled with horrors beyond counting.

Aliens were an easier concept to accept, but daemons and gods? Those were ideas that had only existed in spiritual form and were believed on Earth as abstract entities. Now, the revelation of their genuine existence shattered this limited perspective, igniting endless debates and existential dread.

The threat of the supernatural had always been a topic relegated to myths, legends, and religion. However, the Emperor's visions brought these threats into stark reality. The existence of daemons and the dark gods of Chaos was no longer a matter of belief but a terrifying fact. This new understanding of the cosmos introduced an element of fear and uncertainty that humanity had never faced before.

Religious leaders and spiritualists grappled with these revelations, trying to reconcile their doctrines with the Emperor's warnings as it only causing Emperor cults grow in power. Some saw the Emperor as a messianic figure, while others viewed him as a harbinger of d oom. Scientific communities, traditionally grounded in empirical evidence, were forced to confront the existence of the immaterial Warp and its chaotic denizens, challenging the very foundations of their understanding of reality.

The world was in chaos, and no one could deny it. Information and dynamics, from the lowest organizations to the highest forms of government, shifted drastically. It was abnormal, a whirlwind of change and uncertainty.

Unknown to anyone on Old Earth, the Imperium's agents worked behind the shadows, perfectly orchestrating these events. They created scenarios that led to the formation of various organizations and instigated necessary conflicts within a short span of hours.

All was according to plan.

The Emperor's agents, adept at manipulation and strategy, pulled strings with precision. They understood the intricacies of human behavior and used it to their advantage. Discontent was carefully seeded where it was needed, alliances subtly forged, and rivalries inflamed. The resulting chaos was not a symptom of disorder but a meticulously crafted environment designed to break down the old world order and prepare humanity for the Imperium's guiding hand.

News outlets buzzed with reports of sudden uprisings, political upheavals, and unexpected alliances. Governments scrambled to respond to the rapid changes, often finding themselves a step behind. In the streets, protests erupted as people demanded action, either in support of or against the Imperium. Social media platforms became battlegrounds of ideologies, with debates and conspiracy theories spreading like wildfire.

In the midst of this turmoil, the Imperium's agents remained unseen, their influence pervasive yet undetected. They infiltrated key positions within governments, media, and influential organizations, steering the narrative to fit the Emperor's grand design. These operatives were masters of subterfuge, their loyalty unshakeable and their purpose clear: to pave the way for the Emperor's dominion.


The Emperor observed the entire JSDF base from his temporary quarters, a structure formed by Omniphages. Surrounded by his honor guards and various military divisions, his presence alone heightened tensions with the Japanese and attracted curiosity from the inhabitants of Alnus.

Within the base, Japanese officials and military personnel watched the Emperor's activities with a mixture of awe and apprehension. The presence of the Emperor and his formidable guards added a mountain of tension to the air, a constant reminder of the stakes involved in their interactions with the Imperium.

The tension within the JSDF continued to escalate, a direct consequence of the imposing military presence of the Imperium just a kilometer away. This was precisely what the Emperor had intended. He sought to draw out the warmongers and hidden adversaries who still lurked in the shadows of Old Earth. 

All it would take was one misstep, and the Emperor would move the entire board according to his will. However, this was not the sole reason for his presence. From the moment he set foot on this planet, he felt the probing gazes of a dozen entities attempting to peer into his essence. With a swift exertion of his psychic might, he cast them away, recognizing their true nature. Their incomplete understanding of the grander scheme rendered their attempts inconsequential. What the Emperor sought lay right before him.

"My King," Ra, one of his most trusted aides, addressed him as he entered the room. "The Arcanum has just delivered their findings."

"Show me," the Emperor commanded. With those words, a holovid materialized before him, displaying a detailed report. His transhuman mind processed the information at a speed incomprehensible to normal humans.

The report detailed various findings from the Arcanum Legion. They had been analyzing the unique energies that emits from the particular artifact he had ordered them to find. The results were intriguing, revealing the the true nature of the ancient powers and dormant potentialities that could be both a boon and a threat to humanity.

It was something akin to Soul Engine that currently in his possession.

"Interesting," the Emperor murmured, his eyes scanning the intricate schemes of the artifact.

The Emperor recognized that the already unstable Falmart would undergo turbulence when he acquired the artifact, accelerating its consumption by the Warp and precipitating catastrophe. The weight of this knowledge furrowed his brow, deepening the lines of thought etched into his immortal face.

Ra, ever vigilant, observed his master's frown. The sight filled the Custodian with unease, a rare sensation for one of his kind. But what followed sent shivers down his spine—a wide grin, stretching across the Emperor's face, exuding an aura of both power and foreboding. This was only the second time Ra had witnessed such a grin; the first was six hundred years ago during the Helltide, when chaos and destruction threatened the Imperium.

The Emperor's grin was a harbinger. Despite its outwardly mortal appearance, it signified a terrifying resolve and certainty. In the aftermath of the Helltide, the Emperor's grin had preceded a decisive victory, turning the tides of fate in the Imperium's favor. This time, Ra knew the stakes were equally high.

"Ra," the Emperor's voice broke the heavy silence, "prepare a hundred Custodians and ensure they are fully prepared for the psychic battle."

"As you will it, my King," Ra responded, bowing deeply before retreating to carry out the command.

The Emperor turned his gaze back to the holovid, now displaying the intricacies of the artifact's location and the surrounding energies. He could feel the malevolent presence of the Warp, lurking and waiting for the slightest misstep to engulf Falmart. Yet, he was undeterred. This was not the first time he faced such peril, and it would not be the last.

The Emperor cast his light once again, revealing his golden armor and gigantic height. His persona of the Revelation had returned to serve his current endeavor. His radiant presence illuminated the surroundings, instilling awe and reverence in all who beheld him. His honor guards, resplendent in their own gleaming armor, stood ready for the task ahead.

The matters of the Old Earth could wait; he still had a dozen hours until the next critical meeting with the leaders of Earth. This was more than enough time to secure the artifact that would play a pivotal role in his grand plan.


-M2. Japan. Tokyo-

Yuuki could not believe that her sickness had all but disappeared since the Emperor's light touched her soul. Not only that, but she also felt her entire being mentally and spiritually elevated.

She spent several hours in the hospital to check her condition, and when she discovered her sickness was nowhere to be found, she used Asuka and her connections to ensure her arrival at their workplace to test her newfound vigor.

Yuuki also noticed a significant increase in her intelligence when she tried to solve equations that she thought would be impossible for her to learn, let alone improve and eventually synthesize new formulas. But now, those were child's play for her to crack.

"This is... amazing," she murmured, eyes glued to the paper on her table.

"Yuuki, you need to rest," Asuka said solemnly, putting a bowl of chicken Kare, Yuuki's favorite.

"Ah, finally, I can eat this food again. Thank you, Asuka," Yuuki said in a cheerful tone, giving Asuka a fond smile due to her friend's antics. "Your Kare is the best!"

"Glad you like it," Asuka smiled, glancing at Yuuki's work. "Yuuki... This is..."

"Yeah, it appears I can solve them, and you know, I made several breakthroughs!" Yuuki said, Kare still in her mouth.

Asuka couldn't hide her astonishment. She leaned closer to examine the equations and formulas Yuuki had scribbled. "This is incredible. These equations... they're beyond anything we've seen before. How did you...?"

Yuuki grinned, swallowing another bite of her meal. "I don't fully understand it myself, Asuka. It's like the Emperor's light not only healed me but also unlocked something within me. I can see connections and patterns I never noticed before. It's like I've been given a new perspective on everything."

By that statement, Asuka fell into a heavy silence. "Hey, Yuuki."

"Yes, Asuka?" Yuuki tilted her head, genuine confusion in her eyes.

"Do you think the Emperor will grant us the same gift as you, or he..." Asuka couldn't finish her sentence; it died in her throat, the weight of her fears choking her words.

Yuuki watched her friend's turmoil, sensing the storm of emotions rising within her. With a gentle embrace that even Yuuki herself had longed to give, she offered all the warmth she could muster to her suffering friend.

"Trust me, he will help us all," Yuuki said with a reassuring smile. "He will help Ayato-kun."

At the mention of that name, Asuka let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Yuuki knew all too well the grief her friend had endured for the past two years: Kirigaya Ayato, Asuka's lover, had been left in a coma by a tragic accident. Asuka had spent every moment since then searching desperately for a way to bring him back.

"How do you know?" Asuka asked slowly. Despite her doubts, there was a glimmer of hope in her voice.

Yuuki smiled gently, wiping away the tears that stained Asuka's cheeks. "Because it is his duty to protect and elevate all of mankind."

"How can you be so sure?" Even though uncertainty still lingered in Asuka's expression, Yuuki's patience shone through.

"I'll give you a simple analogy," Yuuki said, gesturing for her friend to envision what she was about to explain. "The Imperium's visit is like what the Romans did to the barbarians millennia ago. But they are not Rome."

Asuka furrowed her brow, trying to comprehend Yuuki's analogy. "So, you're saying the Imperium is here to civilize us, like the Romans did with the barbarians?"

Yuuki nodded. "Exactly. But unlike Rome, the Imperium doesn't seek to conquer for the sake of power or wealth. They seek to uplift and protect humanity from the countless threats out there. The Emperor's gift to me is proof of that. He doesn't just want to use us; he wants to help us become the best versions of ourselves."

Asuka's eyes softened as understanding dawned on her. "And you think he can help Ayato-kun too?"

"I'm certain of it," Yuuki replied with conviction. "The Emperor has the power to heal and elevate. If anyone can help Ayato-kun, it's him."

When the facade of her friend softened, Yuuki found her mind in another place. The world will change as she has witnessed the truth. Mankind and its place in the cosmos order, Yuuki, with the Emperor's blessing, knew what would occur next. Thus, she wished to be part of it, helping her people and finally witnessing the majestic part of the Emperor's plan. 


-UN Security Council Meeting-

The UNSC meeting went back and forth between agreeing and disagreeing. No one could reach common ground on the Emperor's terms.

"We have nothing to say against them. If we deny these... honorable terms, we will leave a bad image on the Imperium," Dong said, staring with calculation at his peers.

"But then we risk exposing the entire world to their influence, Mr. Dong," Dirrel stated sternly, his eyes never leaving the Chinese president.

"Are you suggesting we wage war with them? That would be a very wasteful decision," Dong shot back dryly.

Waging war with the Imperium was not an option, despite the potential cost of opening up to them. The destruction of Earth would be inevitable, and if their visions were genuine, they were facing beings akin to gods.

"We can close the Gate if that becomes necessary," the French president stated plainly.

"Only if the Japanese comply with such a proposal. Moreover, because of his agreement, Prime Minister Motoi would never agree to it," Zyuganov stated diplomatically.

"How about we propose counter terms that are more favorable to us?" Dong suggested, his voice carrying a note of cautious optimism.

The room fell into a contemplative silence. Countering the Emperor's terms was a dangerous game, yet the idea held a sliver of hope for maintaining some semblance of autonomy. They all knew the gravity of the situation.

"But we still can't let them in just like that. Our nations suddenly spiraled out of control since their arrival. It was too fast and unprecedented," Darrel stated, his patience wearing thin.

"I do understand your concern. But the best we can do is make counter terms, and hopefully, the Emperor would agree to them," Dong concluded, closing his eyes in reluctant acceptance.

"We can't afford to lose many of our people if war happens. Moreover, losing this world is the worst imaginable scenario," Zyuganov stated slowly, his words sinking deep into the minds of every man in the chamber.

"Very well," Darrel conceded, letting his ego stand down. "But we need it as a disclosed meeting."

"I think it is favorable," Dong agreed, his gaze shifting to the other leaders. "The People's Republic of China agrees to this term."

The rest of the UN Security Council followed suit, nodding in agreement. It was decided that the next meeting with the Emperor would be behind closed doors. This decision might spark public distress and outrage, but it was deemed necessary for the greater good of their world.


-Deep in Falmart's core-

The Emperor, accompanied by a hundred of his Custodes, descended into the planet's core with a speed that defied mortal comprehension. The fabric of reality around them began to warp and fade, allowing the Master of Mankind to employ subtle psychic manipulations to bend space and time, shortening their journey.

Despite the fluidity of material time, the Emperor sensed that their transit took an hour before they reached their destination. Members of the Arcanum Legion awaited them, forming the Aquila with their hands upon their chests in a gesture of reverence and loyalty.

"What is the situation?" the Emperor inquired, his gaze piercing deep into the crystalline structure before him.

"My Emperor, we have managed to stabilize the crystal with our enigma," the Arcanum Captain replied calmly, gesturing towards the crystal. "This will provide us with a direct connection to their realm."

The Emperor extended his psychic senses, his Anathematic power enveloping the crystal. As his golden energy touched it, a torrent of visions assailed him. The Anathematic's purpose was to reveal the truth within the chaotic maelstrom of the Sea of Souls, imposing order upon the madness. Through this power, the true nature of the construct was laid bare before the Emperor. Millions of visions bombarded his head with terrible truths that would drive even the strongest transhuman mind to madness. Among the countless images of lies and truth, the Emperor found the ideal one.

"It is peculiar indeed," he whispered, the profound complexity of the crystal unfolding within his mind.

"I want all of you to hold this position while I enter the crystal. Anticipate enemies until I return. Do not fail me."

"We are the Adeptus Custodes. We shall not fail you," Ra answered solemnly, his grip tightening on his spear.

"The Astartes are your instruments. We shall secure your place, Your Majesty," the Arcanum Astartes stated, pride evident in his voice.

The Emperor nodded, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features. Though he had designed the Custodes and Astartes to be fundamentally different, they were both his cherished creations, and companions that will help humanity ascend into the Shinning Path. One who shall guide mankind with his direct wisdom and one who shall eliminate and secure the path. 

With precise, transhuman control, the Emperor touched the crystal, channeling his vast psychic power into its core. A single mental command and the crystal responded, opening a colossal portal that spewed Empyrean energy in torrents. The Emperor stepped into the crystal. As their master vanished, the surroundings warped, the boundary between reality and the Immaterium tearing asunder. In the wake of this rift, countless Empyrean entities began to manifest. These horrors, born from the wildest nightmares of humanity, whispered forbidden tongues that seared the mind.

However, eliminating the Emperor's enemies is something that Custodes and Astartes created so that they would not find their master wanting.



The Emperor strode through the shimmering path, his every step resonating with power in the artificially molded realm. This place, reminiscent of the ancient Webway, existed as a bridge between the material and immaterial, a carefully constructed corridor within the Empyrean Sea.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, the Emperor activated his claw, channeling his immense psychic power into it. With a single, decisive swing, he rent the fabric of reality itself.

Before him lay a chamber, designed in the semblance of a council room. Yet, it was not the architecture that captured his attention, but the expressions of sheer shock and awe on the faces of the dozen entities present.

"Greetings, gods of Falmart. Perhaps we need to have a talk," the Emperor said, smiling that bear no animosity.