
25. Chapter 24 :The Jewel of Glass Peninsula

In front of the local's tavern of Alnus Town, Yuna, Myuute and the special force team were waiting for the last member of the group. They had to dress incognito, and the clothes they were given to do so were alright, but not for everyone. Yuna got a light green dress under a white tunic, with a white hood tightly holding her hair together and leather travelling boots, while the special force team had a variety of clothes as well as light steel armor.

However, Taketa wasn't as lucky.

As soon as he stepped out of the tavern, all dressed up, she exploded in laughter, a few members of the special force team puffed and hid their mouths with their hands while Myuute looked at them with confusion. The chief inspector raised his arms, cringing at the clothes he wore.

It turned out; clothes had a really important meaning in Elbian society. And as he had to pass as a travelling merchant, he had to wear travelling merchant's clothes. Tight red pants with leather boots adorned with red strands, a tight yellow jacket with brass buttons and green sleeves and a tall green hat.

He, indeed, looked like he was wearing a cheap Robin Hood costume. The only lacking part was the undersized plastic bow.

"Hugh…" He groaned, and let his arms fall along his body. "Look… Can we… Can we just go now?"

Yuna managed to repress her laughter after a while and hopped in the Toyota Humvee waiting for them. While her superior and the special force team put their bags in the back, she sneakily took a few pictures with her phone.

Blackmail material would always prove useful.

The trip to Kassilbe spanned over several days, and was pretty uneventful.

The first day was spent in the Humvee, which brought them from Alnus up to the Elbian border. With the help of advanced recon and a few drones sent ahead, all the villages on the road were avoided and both Imperial and Elbian troop movements too far to care about.

As they would have to work closely soon, both the police and the special force team got to know each other during this trip. Their real names were kept secret, but they presented themselves as Archer, the team leader, Bow, String, Arrow, Feather and Arrowhead, with the team name being Bowman.

Everyone, including Myuute, was baffled at the lack of imagination of whoever chose the names for the operation.

As Myuute was told they were the elite of the JSDF, she expected them to be grizzled, old war veterans covered in scars. Instead, she found out they were relatively… Normal. They made jokes, were curious about her and the world of Falmart, prepared their own food and even shared it. The only moment she got to see their serious side was when they spotted what they thought was an ambush.

As soon as bushes on the side of the road rustled unnaturally, their eyes turned cold and scanned their surroundings, their hands gripped their guns with an ease only extensive training could give and they turned as silent as a tomb, communicating only with odd hand movements.

Thankfully, the "ambush" was soon discovered and a scared pack of deer left the cover of the bushes and ran away.

After a day of travel, they left the Humvee to a squad of JSDF soldiers waiting for them near the Elbian border, trading it for a horse-drawn cart. Ironically, Myuute was the only one who somewhat knew how to drive such a cart; however, the Japanese quickly got the hang of it.

With Taketa as the merchant, Yuna as his sister, Myuute as his guide and Bowman armed with weapons took from the remains of the allied army's camps as his bodyguard, they passed effortlessly the Elbian border.

The guards only checked the crates of "merchandise" of tools, clothes and travelling supplies, leaving the guns and modern gear untouched in the double-bottom of the cart.

From then on, they followed the road from the border up to Kassilbe, the Elbian capital. By switching drivers each few hours and horses at each post relays, they managed to turn an almost two-week long trip into a single week.

With their back demolished by the uncomfortable trip and their minds muddled by the lack of proper sleep, it was with relief that they stopped for a night at an inn merely two hours away from the capital.

Even the hardened Bowman members smiled at the prospect of a proper bed.

It was the next day that the work began in earnest.

In the morning, with everyone having put on their full disguises, they made their way towards Kassilbe. Soon after leaving the inn, they passed the ridgeline of a hill and witnessed the Elbian Capital in its grandeur.

A swift ocean gale forced Taketa to close his eyes, and view that awaited him was one of wonder. The air smelled salty, while seagull-like creatures flew above them. The city was surrounded in its entirety by a great whitewashed wall, the roofs made of brown and orange tiles protecting the occupants inside. From his position, Taketa could see soldiers from watching from the walls, with huge ballistae placed at regular intervals, and catapults on top of the towers. Clearly, the capital was ready to repel any army.

Not a modern army though.

As the one who had travelled the less, Myuute was completely shocked. All she had ever lived in was either her natal village, a small bandit camp for a short period, or Alnus. But none could compete in size with Kassilbe, the Elbian capital. She had even dropped the reigns of the horses which Yuna had to pick up.

The outer wall protected the larger part of the city, most likely where the common folk lived. The houses followed the style of white walls with tile roofs, but some districts had their own architectural style, maybe where a concentration of people other than humans lived?

A second wall protected a smaller, but visibly wealthier district. The buildings were taller, larger, or had the distinct features of temples dedicated to gods of Falmart. And finally, a third wall protected a huge castle in the middle of the city. Most likely where the King of Elbe, Duran Mir Adalgund, lived and lead the country from.

Finally, tens of boats could be seen leaving and entering the port of the city, no doubt bringing a great amount of trade to its citizens.

Taketa remained silent for a while, awed. While it wasn't as impressive as the spires of Tokyo or as beautiful as the wonders of nature, Kassilbe gave off a feeling of absolute stability, protection and wealthiness that modern cities didn't display anymore. Not in the same way, at least.

As they approached the city gates with the cart, they bypassed fields upon fields of golden wheat and grazing cattle, including a few animals he didn't recognize, farmhouses and peasants who spared them a few glances. They joined the queue of carts waiting to enter the city, and thankfully the wait wasn't long. Just as the border guard, they didn't check the cart in its entirety and let them inside.

The streets were bustling with humans and less numerous demi-humans who told Myuute the way to the best inn in Kassilbe as the people of Alnus told them, and while she led the cart, the Japanese darted their eyes around with large opened eyes.

The sights were one they could only think of seeing in movies, books and video games, and while Alnus already had a pretty diverse population, seeing a few hundred refugees coping with what they had and seeing a rich town filled with both human and demi-humans working together wasn't the same thing.

The streets were paved, a proof of wealth in such an age, and bustling with people. Merchants in carts riding to the various markets they passed, the markets themselves filled with foods they couldn't recognize and a few items they couldn't discern the purpose of.

Common citizen chatting to each other while walking to unknown destinations, muscular demi-humans using their strength to carry crates around, even a few flying demis flapping their wings above. They could fly contrarily to Yuna, but their body were definitely more bird than human. In fact, they looked like birds who could stand on their two hind legs.

Soldiers also patrolled the streets not very regularly. But as a cop, Taketa knew what they were doing. Because they couldn't watch every corner of the city, much like their modern counterparts, they instead made irregular patrols, at different places and different times of the day. This played a part in preventing crime thanks to the fact that a guard could show up at any moment, at any time. They could also not show up despite a crime happening hours ago if it wasn't reported, but such was the risk of such a strategy.

Soon, they arrived at the inn, one which was specialized on housing merchants and their wares. As they stopped the cart near the entrance, a woman stepped out with a young boy behind her. She looked like a young adult, wore a blue dress and a tight white hood on her head. She bowed, raising the sides of her dress with her hands and addressed Taketa.

"Master merchant! I am Agate Lu Yseult, daughter to the owner of the Sun Wheel inn! Should I arrange rooms for you and followers?"

Taketa cleared his throat before answering.

"Yes, please. Prepare three rooms. One for me, one for my sister and for my guide, one for my guards."

His speech had gotten much better thanks to his practice with Myuute during the trip, and while it wasn't completely fluid it was good enough for the young woman to understand. She signalled with her hand to the boy behind her, who ran up the cart and sat beside Taketa. He extended his hand and waited there for a moment, before looking at the chief inspector with an interrogative stare.

Was Taketa supposed to give him the reigns to the cart? He handed him the reigns with apprehension, and looked as the boy drove the cart through the gates of the inn to an inner courtyard, then into a stable judging from the other horses already resting there. As the boy freed the horses and led them to individual boxes, Taketa followed the woman out of the stable to another building. As they entered, Agate raised her voice.

"Father! I have guests who wish to rest at the inn!"

From behind a counter, loud snores suddenly stopped and a man raised from the chair he had been sleeping on. The moment his eyes stopped on the guests, they lit up.

"Ah! Master merchant! I am Valère Lu Yseult, proud owner of the Sun Wheel inn! I understand you wish to rest in my establishment! How should I call you, dear guest?"

Pointing at his face, Taketa answered.

"I'm Isato Del Haroyo. As you can tell by my name and face, I am not from around here. Your daughter told us you have rooms for me, my sister and my guards…"

Valère opened a book, checking the entries.

"Hmmm… Yes, yes, we have enough rooms. How long will you stay?"

"Two days. As an addition, I would like to ask a private room for… Well, for work."

The inn owner winked, smiling.

"Of course! I'm used to work with merchants as I was one myself, and I know that information is as valuable as actual currency in our business! Speaking of it, maybe I could offer you some advice? I know quite a lot of merchants here in Kassilbe!"

Taketa lowered his voice and looked around before answering.

"I'm looking to buy alchemical ingredients; I was told a certain Elyzee Del Fortesque deals in those in Kassilbe. Maybe you could tell me where to meet her, and how to… Swing her mood my way?" He said, showing the unmistakable glint of silver between his fingers.

Valère's eyes shined at the sight of the silver coins, and he smiled.

"Of course, I know her! You will find her shop near the port, just right of the harbour master's office. As to her liking… I was told she collects exotic knives from all around the world. If you were to present her a well-crafted blade of foreign origin, I assure you she would be more disposed towards you, sir Haroyo! Although, I also heard she's quite the connoisseur, she won't be fooled by something bought in Kassilbe…"

Taketa put the coins in Valère's hand, then a few denari to cover the costs of housing both everyone and the cart.

"Thank you, kind sir!" beamed the inn owner with a smile. "My wife Emelie will show you your rooms, until next time, I wish you a good stay!"

An hour later, both policemen and Myuute had left the inn to find the alchemy shop they were looking for, and quickly found it. It was quite known in the city, and direction was easy to get.

The shop itself boasted a glass front made from one piece, quite a costly thing which according to Myuute could only be crafted with the help of magic. The building in itself was whitewashed like the others surrounding it, but it had a gothic look, with a stone gargoyle made of white marble above the entrance.

Being just near the harbour, the street was quite packed and an incessant stream of people going both ways made it hard to stop even for a short time, so they entered through the front door.

The first thing that struck them was the smell. The scent of herbs and spices overpowered their nostrils in an instant, making their eyes water and forcing them to cover their nose. Myuute in particular, as her sense of smell was stronger.

The shop in itself wasn't that large. A wide counter spanning the entirety of the room blocked the access to the back, and the walls behind it were covered in shelves on which laid a wide variety of items. Bundle of herbs, roots, rocks, empty vials, crystals, jars in which strange organs and insects stayed in suspension in a green liquid and much more, creating a colourful canvas of colours and textures.

Some of the items suspiciously looked like human or human-like organs, but Taketa and Yuna preferred to ignore those. Spotting a small bell on the counter, Yuna rang it and waited.

Soon, hasty footsteps sounded from the back, and a small figure came out. She, and it was a she as her breasts were quite substantial, had fiery red hair, a leather apron stained in various colours and a an almost cute, plump face. Despite her size, he got the confirmation that she wasn't a simple human child when she spoke. Emelie Lu Yseult, the wife of the inn owner had told them that Elyzee was a dwarf, but seeing it in person was… Something else.

"Your clothes… You're travelling merchants, right? I'm Elyzee Del Fortesque, and this is "The Secret Ingredient". What can I do for you?"

Myuute deeply bowed to the shop owner and cleared her throat. She had a role to play, and she knew what had to be said.

"Miss Fortesque! May I present to you master Isato Del Haroyo and his sister mistress Garii Del Haroyo. Master is a travelling merchant, and he heard good about you! He wishes to trade with you. But first, Master wishes to present you a blade from his homeland, as a token of friendship."

The disguised inspector smiled, and presented to her a case he had been carrying under his arms all along.

"Miss Fortesque, here's a present from my country, a ceremonial blade used by skilled warriors; I hope you appreciate it…"

While Elyzee worked on opening the case with the small key Taketa handed her, she nodded towards Myuute.

"And you? You haven't presented yourself yet…"

The siren simply smiled.

"I'm not someone important. Master Isato and Mistress Garii are from afar. They're not familiar with the layout of the land. Master first hired me to teach him the language, as well as a guide."

"I see… And what-"

Elyzee's question was suddenly cut as she finally opened the case and saw its content. Stars in her eyes, she carefully took the blade and raised it closer to her eyes. In her hands was a Khukri, with a black wooden handle adorned with silver and gold strands, a polished curved blade, engraved with depictions of tigers stalking in a jungle.

It was a thing of beauty. Taketa didn't even know where it came from, he just knew it was one of the many items that had been given to him should there be a need to "impress" someone in order to obtain information. The choice of such a weapon over a Japanese blade was obvious as they had to stay incognito.

The shop owner got back from her trance, a smile now on her lips.

"A beautiful object, Sir Hisato! Please, sit down, and we'll talk business." She said enthusiastically, pointing at an alcove near the door with a round table and a few chairs in it. She left the room, then quickly came with a jug in hand, and four cups balanced in the other.

"Will you not be joining us, Miss Garii?" She asked Yuna, who was observing the items on the shelves. Playing her role of "apprentice merchant sister", she simply smiled.

"No, thank you. I find ingredients… Interesting. I wish to observe them, if you don't mind."

The show owner nodded politely, before joining Taketa and Myuute at the table. She put a cup in front of everyone, then poured a blue liquid in the cups. The policeman recognized Jazbay wine, a drink greatly appreciated in this region of Falmart.

"Santay!" Said Elyzee, raising her cup and taking a sip. Taketa raised his cup as well, before bringing the cup to his lips. It had the taste of red wine, but sweeter and less bitter. This one in particular greatly outclassed what was served in Alnus' tavern. Good, that meant that Elyzee was serious about the trade deal Taketa supposedly came with.

"So, what region do you come from? That style of blade you gifted me is sometimes seen in Warrior Bunny hands, far to the east. If you didn't speak Saderan before, are you from even further?"

So, these "warrior bunnies" used Khukris as well? It was an interesting thought. Along with the fact that this "Saderan Empire" awfully resembled ancient Rome in its style, and the fact that one of the armies that attacked the JSDF force shouted in ancient Japanese and wore, albeit modified, suits of armor seen in ancient Japanese art, Taketa had the impression it wasn't the first time a Gate opened from Earth to this world.

"Yes." He answered. "We travelled for many weeks until we reached the eastern borders of the Saderan empire… We come from a long line of merchants, but we were bored of always staying in one place. When my younger brother was old enough to take care of the family business, I decided with my sister to move. We were curious about Falmart, you know? Apart from the testimonies of a few renowned travellers, there is almost no documentation where I come from… Speaking of which, are our clothes good? I understood it's almost mandatory to wear clothes according to your work."

Elyzee glanced at both him and Yuna.

"It's good. At least, you got the colors right. Yellow represents wealth. Green represents trade. And red represents blood, or fighting in general. But tell me more about your lands, I'm rather curious. You see, I'm a dwarf. And if dwarves are good for one thing, it's trade, and exploring. And I like to know who my clients are…"

While Taketa recited the whole story about his "homeland" he had prepared, backed by Myuute, Yuna didn't stay idle. As soon as Elyzee's gaze was fixated on the chief inspector, she got to work. Usually, successful stores like this one have a ledger where they write down every sale and money expenditure. And if the female dwarf was as thorough as she claimed, she would also write down the name of the person on the other side of the transaction. Asking for anymore was just wishful thinking.

Playing her part as an innocent young woman, she feigned interest in the various ingredients on the shelves while checking the room for her target, and she soon found it. A thick book with an ink well and a quill resting on top laid on one end of the counter, adapted to the dwarf's height. Now, she had to find a way to open it undetected.

She lightly coughed, and Taketa who understood the message spilled his drink on the floor "by mistake". The show owner, enticed by his gift, his story and the potential big sale he had been teasing her with was quick to take out a piece of cloth and start to wipe while he apologized profusely.

Using the distraction, Yuna quietly opened the ledger and flipped the pages until she reached the last entries. There, using a microscopic camera, she shot the last three pages just for safety and quickly closed the book before Elyzee noticed something.

She got into a coughing fit, while Taketa feigned worry for her. He got up and put a hand on her back.

"Are you alright, sister?"

She didn't answer, but stopped coughing and intently breathed loudly, as if she was in pain.

"I'm terribly sorry, Miss Fortesque, it seems my sister's illness has caught up to her. I'm afraid I'll have to walk her to our inn, I'll come back later today to finish up our deal. Will that be alright with you?"

The dwarven shop owner merely smiled.

"But of course! I wish good health to your sister…" She said, walking up to the door and opening it for them. "And my door will be always open to you, master Hisato!"

Taketa apologized once more, before passing the door followed by Myuute and joining the stream of passers-by.

Once they passed the corner of the street, both immediately went back to a normal position and walked with haste towards the Sun Wheel inn.

"Do you have the information?" He asked.

"Yes." Yuna answered. "I took the pictures; we should receive an answer from Alnus within an hour. Once we get a name, and perhaps a location, it'll be easier to find our target."

"Good." He smirked. "The faster all of this is done with, the better it'll be."

Hello there, author here,

Woooooooo! Passed 200 comments! Feels pretty good!

I did say last time that I would update at least a little bit, but well... Exams didn't leave me with a lot of time.

No action during this chapter, you need quite a bit of everything to write a story after all. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

rmarcano321: Do you mean the pacing of the story? Everyone has different ideas about the pacing of a story, so you answer me that.

Kyleliberty: I checked all my comments, and I'm pretty sure you never commented before, unless you did it as a "guest" account. Thanks anyway!

BigBagAud666: Maybe you could give your reasons as to why you think so?

Guest01: Kato is at Alnus Hill, working with the different scientific teams sent by the many earth governments, while Lelei is travelling with Itami. At this point in time, they're heading to Italica to sell the scales just like in the anime. I let Itami and co "in the background" of my story, they're not the main focus. And the Siren, well, you know what's happening with her now!

Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I'm currently unable to go back to the weekly schedule I had before, but I should be able to by the end of the year.

See you next time!