
Gate of God

This is a strange and inexplicable world...Mountains, water, stones, flowers, grass, trees, wood, the Sun, moonlight, stars... All creation under the Heavens and Earths are sources of energy. In this world, there are all the classics from his previous world, but there is a new addition: The Law of Dao. Fang Zhengzhi was conflicted. I can obtain power from reading books? Should I read Tao Te Ching first? Or should I read The Art of Becoming Invisible? What about the Analects of Confucius or... The Golden Lotus? With The Law Of Dao as his foundation, can Fang Zhengzhi master the Dao of All Creation and open the gate of God?

Xin Yi · Eastern
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1117 Chs


Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Fang Zhengzhi's mouth twitched when he heard that.

He did not know what Ping Yang meant when she said sage, but she knew that there was a saying in the Great Xia Dynasty that went 'one pavilion, four sages, 13 constabularies.'

The pavillion referred to the Heaven Dao Pavilion, whereas the 13 constabularies referred to the 13 pillars of support in the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty.

These were all powers in their own right.

However, the four sages were four individuals.

The fact that the four of them stood above the 13 constabularies was testament to the power they had.

Fang Zhengzhi did not like to be restrained, but he knew that someone of lesser power and ability would always be restrained. Only when he was at the level of the four sages could he roam the empire without restraint.

"The Heaven Dao Sage Tablet?"