
GATE: And Thus The Nazi's Fought There (COMPLETED)

I DONT OWN GATE What if the nazi's won world war 2 and completed their goal of world domination? And what if 75 years later a gate appears in berlin Followed By attacking aliens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is a fanfic where the Empire attacks a much much more advanced earth and a ruthless world NO RELATIONSHIPS NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I am merely using the nazi's to show a different type of outcome if GATE happened in a nazi dominated world where they are ruthless NOTE: I will be using Non-German names but some of them will be german names such as the fuhrer's, i will also use some Game Of Thrones names because im lazy and cant think of anything NOTE: I am writing for myself and for myself only i am writing this for fun i will do whatever i want with the story if you dont like it then you dont like it but if you like then i hope you enjoy it with me This is my first time writing so pls dont expect much and there will be errors in grammar as english is not my first language Also dont expect me to update regularly as im a lazy person

LuffyTaro15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Total War

It has been a week since the capture of Italica, and on the 3rd day the Empire's army have arrived and is starting to set up camp on the East road. Base on what Piña have told them there are roughly 50,000 Men, Cavalry, And more.

The ambushing army of the wehrmacht are hiding in the Romaria Mountains, And the South Road leading to Italica. With a command to ambush the empire it will take roughly 5 minutes until they reach the Enemy Army. Although 5 minutes is precious time on a battle, it is better than the enemy discovering an ambush.

Erich, Jon, Piña and a few others are at the walls overlooking the Enemy Camp.

Direwolf 1 and Direwolf 2, Surround the enemy but don't attack them-Erich

Copy, General-Officer 1

After 5 Minutes they have surrounded the Empire's camp. The Empire responded by forming a defensive line. Which caused a stalemate.

Bring her here-Erich

Noah, bring her here-Jon

Don't touch me scum!-Piña

Fuck you-Noah

Noah brought Piña to General Erich and also brought a Megaphone.

Commander of the Empire's Army, we have your princess. If you dare attack our army that are currently surrounding you, We will kill her-Erich

A Man with a few men behind him went near the walls and spoke to Erich.

What do you want?-Enemy Commander

You can come inside and negotiate, We can negotiate here atop the walls so that you can trust us not to betray you-Erich

Do you give us your word?-Enemy Commander

Erich pulled out a knife and cutted his palm.

This is a ritual in our world, That your promise must not be broken. If broken then it is punishable by death-Erich

The Enemy Commander was convinced and went to Italica along with some of his men to negotiate. Once atop the walls their negotiation started.

What do you want?-Enemy Commander

You move and you die-Erich

Jon and some of his men pointed their pistols on the Enemy Commander and his men.

You bastard! You gave us your word! That ritual you made! You said it is punishable by death!-Enemy Commander

That was just me cutting my palm and spitting bullshit, And you fell for it. Fool-Erich

One of the enemy did not believe they were going to be killed by a black tool, which doesn't even have a sharp point. He tried to resist and he was shot by Noah. That is when they knew they were serious.

What do you want!? Gold!? Land? Women!? I will give you anything you want! Just spare me!-Enemy Commander

What i want...Is your army massacred, and you watching as every last one of your men die-Erich

Direwolf 1, Direwolf 2, Commence Operation Cleaning House-Erich

Copy that, General-Officer 1

The massacre started as Tanks, machine guns, and men fired their guns to the enemy, The enemy didn't even got near them. Many men were screaming begging for death while missing arms, legs, and intestines hanging out their stomach. The firing soon stopped and the enemy kneeled, raised their hands and surrendered.

Do you want to surrender? Do you wish your mama was here? If she was here we would strip her and r**e here in front of you, Maybe she would even like it like a slut she is-Random Soldier


Stop that, line them up here. We won't be taking prisoners-Officer 1

The Empire's soldiers thought they escaped death, but they did not as they were engulfed in flames, They ran screaming and screaming. One soldier fell and started rolling on the ground.

Do you want the fire gone? Here have some water-Random Soldier

The soldier then pulled out his D**k and pissed at the burning man.

His friends laughed at his joke like maniacs wanting their enemies suffer. (though they were already maniacs)

At the wall, Piña, The Commander, and his men were angry. Because they didn't even take prisoners and burned them to death.

You son of a bitch! They surrendered! They were you're prisoners! Do you want Total War!?-Piña

Ha! You'll get that answer very soon. Form up! Prepare for the ceremony!-Erich


The german army was lined up Infantry at the front, Armored vehicles at the side, Tanks at the back, and infantry in the middle, And a mountain of the Corpses of the Empire's Soldiers burning in the background. The ceremony soon began and they moved. Citizens of Italica, Piña and The Commander watching. It was a Hell march.

The power of the German Army was shown to them, although most of them were just iron animals that are capable of destroying everything it see's. After the Hell March the tanks, artillery, and armored vehicles was now out of sight and only the infantry was there to be seen. Erich then started his speech.

Another Victory have been won, and with it comes glory to the fatherland and every soldier that fought it. It started when they attacked us, took german people as they're slaves, And even then we defeated them and have been able to recover our abducted citizens, And then the fight at Alnus Hill! We killed 200,000 of them and the rest fled! Cowards all of them! And now! Italica! We have captured one of the wealthiest town of our enemy, killed more of their soldiers And finally we captured their Princess! Which brings us here, She asked me a question earlier today, Do you want to hear it!?-Erich


(AN: Ja means "yes" in german)

She asked me; Do i want Total War? No the better question is; Do we want Total War? Now, Do we want Total War!?!?-Erich


Do we want them to surrender and us having their Empire in our control!?-Erich


Do we want their cities destroyed, houses turned to ruble, fields and crops burned, rivers filled with blood, children having no parents and no place to call home, women used as toys for our pleasure and men going off to war to be massacred by us!?!?-Erich


Do we want glory!?!?-Erich


Do we want glory to the fatherland!?!?-Erich


Do we want glory to the Fuhrer!?!?-Erich





That was fucking intense

Never knew writing was so fun AHHAHAA