
GATE: And Thus The Nazi's Fought There (COMPLETED)

I DONT OWN GATE What if the nazi's won world war 2 and completed their goal of world domination? And what if 75 years later a gate appears in berlin Followed By attacking aliens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is a fanfic where the Empire attacks a much much more advanced earth and a ruthless world NO RELATIONSHIPS NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I am merely using the nazi's to show a different type of outcome if GATE happened in a nazi dominated world where they are ruthless NOTE: I will be using Non-German names but some of them will be german names such as the fuhrer's, i will also use some Game Of Thrones names because im lazy and cant think of anything NOTE: I am writing for myself and for myself only i am writing this for fun i will do whatever i want with the story if you dont like it then you dont like it but if you like then i hope you enjoy it with me This is my first time writing so pls dont expect much and there will be errors in grammar as english is not my first language Also dont expect me to update regularly as im a lazy person

LuffyTaro15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


It is midnight and Jon is sitting right now enjoying a cup of coffee when he is notified.

Sir! The East Gate is being sieged! Delta Squad and Lima squad are holding them off along with the soldiers of Italica!-Luka

Alright boys we're moving out! Max you're with us! Position at the entrance of the gate, the rest of you spread out on the walls! And bring the humvees!-Jon

They soon arrived at the East gate and quickly started fighting the enemies. The battlefield is a carnage 50. cals firing left and right and the tank firing it's cannons at the enemies. They soon realized that they can't hold the walls with the large number enemies outside of the walls. They needed a plan and they needed it fast, and that is where Major Jon Snow of the 44th SS Division comes in.

All men in the humvees! Man the 50. cals on it and go behind the tank! The rest atop the tank! If you can't fit then stay on the walls! Max prepare to ram those bastards outside the gate!-Jon

You heard him ladies! Go! Go! Go!-Robb

The position they were in was like fishes in a sack of sardines men were atop the tank manning every gun they could find.

Okay boys here's the plan, Max goes out there and kill everyone you see using everything you've got. Once the tank have cleared an area we go out there ramming, killing everyone in sight, we do that over and over again until they retreat, we only go back if we run out of ammo's, And Max you're gonna Keep firing until you run out of ammo got it?-Jon

Got it-Max

Okay boys move out in 3...Go!-Jon

They go out there like some fast and furious shit and started ramming, killing, everyone in their sight the tank firing it's cannons on hundreds of enemies it see's. The humvees going back and forth guns giving the enemies desserts.

Fucking Hell! this is some real Call of Duty shit!!-Jon

This isn't Call of Duty bitch! This is real fucking life!-Robb


'This battle maniac bitch'-Robb

The battlefield was filled (get it?) with screams, men being blown to pieces, body parts flying, and explosions ranging from grenades, shells of tank, grenade launcher, and every explosives you could think of. This is War.

After a little while the bandits started retreating, but Jon and his platoon gave no mercy and ran them down.


'What are those!? I've never seen such magic! Those beasts, even the catapults can't pierce it's skin! Can we even defeat them! No! I must not think about that, the plan has already been set in motion. Yes that's it! once they win against the bandits they will be tired and injured, and when they are asleep that is when the chance to slit their throats are perfect! And when their army are here to capture Italica, the Empire's army will attack them from the back and ambush them! Then they will realize that they have been surrounded! Yes they will not expect it! And we will finally achieve glory!'-Piña


Okay boys, the enemies have been defeated clean up and check for casualties, and line the prisoners up. Cavalry will take care of them-Jon

And right on cue Attack Helicopters and Chinooks can be seen in the distance. The chinooks carrying Artillery and many other things.

Clear up! give the Heli's some space for landing!-Jon

A Few Minutes Later

Welcome General! I am Major Jon Snow of the 44th SS Division, It's nice to have you general?-Jon

Erich Von Manstein, A pleasure to meet you-Erich

Likewise General, Is it only you or are there others coming general?-Jon

Yes, there are others coming. The 104th Division and you're head Division the 44th SS

Well that's fantastic General, I'll bring you to the Countess and Princess. I believe you have been notified of the plan?-Jon

Yes; I think it will be nice playing with someone-Erich


Princess, This is General Erich Von Manstein, One of the many Generals of the Wehrmacht-Jon

A pleasure. I am Princess Piña Co Lada and this is Countess Myui-Piña

Well let's get down to business shall we? I believe the deal was; we defend this city and after the enemies have been defeated we get control over it, and you will be able to get out of the city unharmed. I believe you will hold you're part of the deal?-Erich

Yes, I will leave this afternoon. Do you promise not to harm the people of this city?-Piña

Yes, of course. We value the lives of our citizens so you will not need to worry-Erich

Well if that is all we will go back to my tent and discuss some important things. Besides i am quite tired along with my platoon-Jon

Excuse us, Princess-Erich

'Andddd Hereeeeee Weeeeee Go'-Piña


2 men are sneaking into the tents of our favorite Nazi Undetected. Once they reach the tent they hear two men talking. they realized that their target is currently awake and haven't slept yet so they decided to help the others assassinate his men.

They reached the tent and found it dim litted. Each one of them reached their specific bed and in one order...stabbed and stabbed and stabbed. There is no scream. None. Norma opened the blanket and what they saw is a pillow. a pillow with many holes in it.

(R.I.P PILLOW 2021-2021)

The tent was then opened revealing 20 or so men pointing their guns at the assassins. Norma and the others realized one thing; They fucked up.


Piña felt as if she was the most powerful woman in existence. She had just fooled the other worlders into thinking that she will subdue that easily. well they were wrong, she will be the reason that the other worlders will be defeated. She will be the hero of the Empire, Ohhhhh how she felt glory already.

'That fool, Thinking that i was a weak woman hah! I can't wait to see the shocked look of his face and then begging for mercy as i torture him. I will see as the other worlders army be defeated, the remaining soldiers slaves to the Empire. And i will be the reason for it'-Piña

The Arrogance was short lived as the walls of the room was Blown off and smoke came in. Strange looking men with strange looking masks entered the room while pointing black tools at her.

Glory To The Fuhrer-Jon

That was the last thing she heard before collapsing on the ground unconscious.


(Jon in KSK)


Tell me am i bad at writing action scenes? Because i don't know if im good at it or bad at it. Lemme know so i can try to improve at writing action scenes