
GATE: And Thus The Nazi's Fought There (COMPLETED)

I DONT OWN GATE What if the nazi's won world war 2 and completed their goal of world domination? And what if 75 years later a gate appears in berlin Followed By attacking aliens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is a fanfic where the Empire attacks a much much more advanced earth and a ruthless world NO RELATIONSHIPS NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I am merely using the nazi's to show a different type of outcome if GATE happened in a nazi dominated world where they are ruthless NOTE: I will be using Non-German names but some of them will be german names such as the fuhrer's, i will also use some Game Of Thrones names because im lazy and cant think of anything NOTE: I am writing for myself and for myself only i am writing this for fun i will do whatever i want with the story if you dont like it then you dont like it but if you like then i hope you enjoy it with me This is my first time writing so pls dont expect much and there will be errors in grammar as english is not my first language Also dont expect me to update regularly as im a lazy person

LuffyTaro15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Italica, Being near the Roma River and one of the cities next to the Imperial Capital it is a major trading area making it one of the wealthiest cities of the empire, which also makes it a target for bandit attacks. It is inhabited by 5000 people, most of which are human but there are some elves, cat girls, bunny girls, and more.

The war against the other worlders has costed italica to lose most of it's soldiers, there have also been reports of survivors forming raiding parties, and hordes, their purpose looting towns for food and riches.

It has been a few days since Princess Piña Co Lada and her Rose-Order have arrived at Italica to defend it against any attacks. in which just after a day Italica was sieged by bandits, not just regular bandits but soldiers that deserted the empire and many other kingdoms. Making them highly trained and well equipped.

Earlier the bandits attacked the walls of Italica, The Rose-Order of Piña along with the remaining soldiers of Italica repelled the attack, although barely.

Princess the situation is bad, that attack earlier was just to weaken our defenses, i bet that they are going to attack again. We don't even have the manpower to hold them, most of Italica's soldiers haven't even finished training yet, and those that have finished it haven't tasted combat yet-Grey

The count, Colt Formal took most of the soldiers and veterans with him, which all of them died in battle, which means we're the only ones that can fight them properly. What is the plan then?-Piña

We don't know the current situation of the walls princess Norma and I will see to it, meanwhile you can go and rest in the palace Princess-Grey


Princess wake up!! wake up princess!-Hamilton

What! Are we under attack?-Piña

No, Princess. There is a situation in the south gate. Six strange looking...wagons came to the south gate, there are strange people wearing weird black clothes, they are just staying there. We believe it is the Other Worlders-Hamilton

After that sentence Piña starts to put her armor on, once done she goes to the South Gate and peek through the hole.

Where are they're horses?-Piña

We didn't see any, They just rode here and stopped-Norma

She then sees people atop three of the wagons manning black strange tools.

Princess, are they going to attack?-Hamilton

No, with their numbers i don't they are gonna attack this city, besides we can't handle two enemies at once-Piña

What are you going to do then Princess?-Hamilton

We wait-Piña


Sir, i think they saw us but they don't seem to respond to us-Moritz

With their situation being siege i don't think they trust us. Let's talk to them Lelei, Noah, William, Luka, with me the rest of you stay alert. If they fire at us, blast them-Jon

Yes sir!-Everyone

Tell them we came to talk-Jon

The men from the other side of the gate wishes to talk with you're count/countess!-Lelei

The gare opened revealing Piña, Norma, And Hamilton.

Who are you?-Jon

This is Princess Piña Co Lada Of the Empire-Hamilton

'Jackpot' I am Major Jon Snow of the 44th SS Division, i came with my platoon here to investigate Italica. It seems we came in a bad time as Italica is under siege. Perhaps we can in a more....Private place?-Jon

We can talk in the Palace so that Countess Myui can also speak with you-Piña


This is Countess Myui her father, Colt Formal died while fighting at Alnus Hill, With no other heirs she became the new Countess. But because i am here a assumed command over the defenses-Piña

I see, well let's get down to business. I noticed that you lack manpower in the defense, i have 200 men under my command i will be able to help you, but not without conditions-Jon

What conditions?-Piña

Once this is over we take control over Italica, but there will be more if my superiors want to-Jon

Absolutely Not! Italica is one of the wealthiest city of the empire! Like hell we'll just give it to you!-Piña

Very well, we'll just take it by force, you lack manpower, food, and morale, sooner or later Italica will fall. Perhaps we should even ally with the bandits attacking you?-Jon

Wait! If you do that may people will die! Adults, Women, Children! Do you not care!?-Piña

That's the point. Besides we are already enemies. You are the Princess of the Empire right? and as a Princess you are a valuable hostage, then how about this once the enemies are defeated and you do your end of the deal we won't take you as a hostage. So deal or no deal?-Jon

After a bit of thinking Piña accepted. A scheme forming in her head.

Great! Thank you for your cooperation. I will now alert my superiors of this transaction-Jon


Sir, Will you really hold your end of the deal? That you will let the Princess escape?-Noah

Of course not, What do you think of me? a fool? Im just playing with them. Besides when that Princess accepted, i saw that little smile of hers, she's making a scheme and i think it will be fun to play with her-Jon

Hah! I knew it! You're excellent at fooling people sir!-Noah

Now, alert the general about the plan and let the rest of the platoon in we will defend the south gate-Jon






So? this is the pet you turned her into? Excellent, you have done great service to the fatherland. You will be properly rewarded Herr Zola-Felix

Thank you Mein Fuhrer-Zola

Now, You may leave me here, I want to play with my new toy-Felix

As you wish Mein Fuhrer-Zola

We're alone now pet, i can now play with you. Now be a good little pet and kill that japanese bastard.....Slowly-Felix

The room was then filled with screams of agony, this lasted for hours and finally it was over, the other side of the glass was filled with blood, the man was no longer recognizable his eyes were out of its socket intestines hanging out and many more.



If you havent noticed already in this chapter and the last chapter i am showing how bad the nazi's are in this fanfic.

i will try and tone down the gore stuff and bad stuff

again i am so so so sorry for the last part