
Chapter 7

For the next two and a half weeks I trained, ran dungeons and did daily quests with a single minded purpose. I found out that once I had completed the Quest for the Catacombs dungeon, loot drops became randomized. I mostly they were variations on the same things I had already gotten, with a few exceptions. A Pair of the Large Guardian Skeletons dropped weapons, Ser Derek Darklyn, who I found out was apparently the Guardian with the Greatsword, dropped a Dun Fort Knight's Greatblade, which had 16 Base Damage and gave a +4 Bonus to Strength, and Ser Alyn Stokeworth, who was the Knight with the Greataxe dropped Knight Captain's Longaxe which did 17 Base Damage and gave +2 bonuses to Strength and Vitality. They would be good backup weapons, but my heart was still set on the Dragon's Fang Sword.

As well as drops from those two, I recieved the Drakeling's Soul Gem from the Beast of Swords, which gave +3 Bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality, and the Skill Mighty Bellow, which induced an across the Board 5% debuff to all stats per level on those who heard it within a 6 foot cone. I immediately absorbed that, attempting to level it up only to find out that it didn't work on the undead. From the Alchemist I recieved more alchemy ingredients and the recipe for a Vial of Devil's Luck, which gave a +2 Bonus to Luck after being Imbibed for one hour. Best of All, Daeron Waters dropped a Shield of the Capitol Guard which gave an extra 8 Defense and a +2 to Vitality and Strength. Sadly Prince Orys Targaryen only dropped skill books for skills I already had, though those would be useful whenever I got around to getting minions.

Fortunately over the several times I reran that dungeon I had leveled up to level 12 and many of my skills were at level 10 with some beyond even that. I also ran my Daily Blacksmithing Quests even when I had already reached the requisite level to craft the Dragon's Fang Sword no use letting free money and reputation go to waste after all. I crafted the Dragon's Fang Sword the second I reached Blacksmithing level ten. My Armor was ready on time as well.

About the only other thing of note was that I gained a regular Sparring Partner in the Form of Ser Lothor Brune, who I had met at the Smithy and who Observe told me was level 15 and had much better skills than me. By the end of the three weeks I was level 15 and at his level in several skills and above in Dirty Fighting Mastery, which I was forced to resort to several times to gain victories in our sparring matches. Fortunately for me, since Ser Lothor had entered both the Joust and Melee.

It was right after our last Sparring Session that I recieved an Invitation to the Red Keep for the Introductory Feast for the Hand's Tourney. Apparently all the competitors received one. Lothor planned to go to scope out the competition, and I resolved to go with him. . .unfortunately it left me with something of a Quandary. "Feasts aren't traditionally attended in Armor." Said Ser Lothor.

So, the question was, what to wear? Fortunately I had run into some Ironborn Merchants from Sealskin Point on the second week of training and managed to nab a set of black sealskin clothes, about as formal as you get on the Iron Isles, where most non armored clothing was some form of leather. It was only my absurdly high luck score that got that for me, I was convinced. Some nice new boots I picked up from a tailor recommended to me by Ser Lothor completed my rather modest outfit. Of course I wasn't going anywhere without my sword and axe, which were cinched to my waist via swordbelt. Hospitality is one thing, but only a fool goes to scope out prospective opponents without a weapon, besides should I need armor, they were only an inventory away.

So attired, I grabbed the invitation and headed off to the Red Keep.


As it turned out, they seated me with the Lesser Knights and Bastards, go figure. Still I was able to scope out most of my competition through surreptitious use of Observe. Some of them, Like Ser Boros Blount, had stats too high for their levels, which forced me to consider that Westerosi Nobility might all be Ability Users of some sort. King Robert, amusingly was all question marks except for one trait, Washed Up which amusingly said it lowered his stats by half. I also noted that Thoros of Myr was level 26 and had the Trait Mystic Training which was not surprising given that he would later raise Beric Dondarrion from the dead. Stannis Baratheon's level was all question marks, which didn't surprise me, however what DID surprise me was that he had the trait False Chosen One which suggested interesting things about Melisandre. . .Namely that she wasn't the diviner she thought she was. Then there was Jaime Fucking Lannister. Level 25, with stats to match and skills that were higher than mine. Not insurmountable, but extremely difficult nonetheless.

Of course, I couldn't resist taking a peek at some of the other Principal Players as well. As expected, Littlefinger, Ned Stark, Varys, and the others had levels too high for me to make much out. Ned Stark had the trait, Honor Before Reason, Littlefinger had Compensating For Something, Tyrion had Dwarfism, but it was Varys that surprised me, he had the Trait Secret Blackfyre. Up until now i hadn't paid attention to the Fan Theory that Varys was secretly a Blackfyre loyalist. There was little in the actual books to support this, merely being a convenient way a fan came up with to explain where Aegon Targaryen had come from that had made it's way onto the internet. Apparently I should have paid more attention.

As I sat there thinking on this and eating a Cornish Game Hen, or whatever the Westerosi Equivelent thereof was it occurred to me that there were possibly things going on in the background I should have paid more attention to, that were going to bite me in the ass later. Robert began to make a speech but I couldn't be arsed to listen, staring into my mug of ale with intense thought, trying to recall what other fan theories I hadn't paid attention to that might crop up here, was Great Old One Drowned God a thing in this place? What about the Maesters Systematically Killing off Dragons and Mages, was that a thing?

I was so wrapped up in thought that I almost missed it when Robert Said, "We have participants from every Lord Paramountcy in the Kingdoms, even the Bloody Ironborn Sent a Competitor." Suddenly I was very aware of many eyes on me all at once. I looked up to see dozens of calculating gazes. Calmly I mustered a response and raised a single eyebrow archly at the various competitors.

Unfortunately Jaime Fucking Lannister took that moment to speak, "What's this, a Squid in our midst? Dear gods they're multiplying! What's the matter? Did you people not get enough of a thrashing when we broke that ill-fated rebellion of yours?"

I sighed as he ran his mouth. "I understand your need to compensate for your lousy judgement by running your mouth, Lannister, after all everybody says that you're the greatest swordsman in Westeros, but honestly how great a Swordsman can you be if you leave so many damned witnesses? Still know this, I will look for you on the field, and when I find you, YOU will be the one to get Broken." I replied.

"Is that a threat, Ironborn?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"No. That's a fucking promise, mate." I replied.

King Robert chose that moment to let out a Great Belly Laugh and said, "By the Seven, you don't do anything by halves do you, Ironman? I'll be interested in seeing what happens in the Melee!"

With that the tension dissipated, well almost, Jaime Lannister was seething, but everyone else went back to the festivities.

-200 Reputation with the Lannisters

+50 Reputation with Stannis Baratheon

I blinked at that last notification.
