
Chapter 2


The Queen 

53 AC

​Today marked a momentous occasion in the Seven Kingdoms as the newest addition to House Targaryen, the second child Daenerys, was born healthy. A grand feast was to be held in her honor, and Alysanne couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, certain that her newborn daughter would bring boon to House Targaryen. Meanwhile, she couldn't shake the nagging concern about her nephew Aegon, a young boy wise beyond his years, whose presence posed a potential threat to their rule.

Despite Aegon's stronger claim to the Iron Throne due to his father, the Uncrowned… her eldest brother, Alysanne harbored hopes that neither her nor her eldest sister Rhaena harbored ambitions for the crown. Rhaena's move to Dragonstone with her children and her retinue seemed to confirm that they have no interest for the throne, putting Alysanne somewhat at ease.

A sennight ago, after the birth of their second child, discussions between Alysanne and her husband Jaehaerys centered around extending an invitation to Rhaena and her children for the feast celebrating Daenerys. This gesture was not just about familial ties but also a strategic move to reaffirm Jaehaerys' position as the true king, dispelling any whispers of treason suggesting Aegon should rightfully claim the throne.

As Alysanne cradled her newborn Daenerys, the echoes of thundering wings pierced the air above King's Landing. Her gaze shot skyward to behold Balerion, Vhagar, and the majestic Dreamfyre soaring above the city, casting a foreboding shadow that sent the populace into a frenzy. The people scattered, their cries mingling with the dragons' roars as the trio landed upon Maegor's Holdfast. A sense of dread washed over Alysanne as she realized that Rhaena's children had seemingly claimed the very beasts that once struck fear during Maegor's dark reign.

In swift pursuit, her husband Jaehaerys followed by the Kingsguard, led by Lord Commander Gyles Morrigen, raced towards the Holdfast, with Alysanne following closely behind. The sight that awaited them was both awe-inspiring and chilling—Aegon astride Balerion, Rhaella atop Vhagar, and Rhaena commanding Dreamfyre.

Balerion's roar shook the ground, causing Daenerys to wail in her arms. Alysanne's eyes bore into Aegon, a mix of fury and disbelief simmering beneath her gaze. She could tell that her nephew did that on purpose. With a soothing touch, she pacified her daughter before turning to the stunned Kingsguard, their expressions a mix of shock and intrigue. Meanwhile, Jaehaerys stood transfixed, his eyes flickering between the dragons that are Balerion and Vhagar, and their riders. The dragonriders gracefully dismounted to greet them.

"Your Graces," Aegon bowed curtly before them, his demeanor exuding confidence.

"Your Graces!" Rhaella bowed with a smile that could melt even the coldest hearts.

"Your Graces," Rhaena's tone was cool as she acknowledged them with a subtle nod.

"Uncle," Aegon turned to Jaehaerys, who still seemed stunned by the dragon riders before him. "I thank you for the invitation to the feast in honor of our... cousin, Daenerys," Aegon's eyes twinkled as he gestured towards the infant in Alysanne's arms.

"Is that her, aunt?" Rhaella's eyes widened with awe as she gazed at the newborn. "She's absolutely precious!" Rhaella exclaimed.

"Yes, niece. Daenerys will be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms someday," Alysanne responded, feeling a shiver run down her spine under Aegon's intense gaze.

"And who shall be the fortunate husband of Daenerys, sister, if she is to be the Queen?" Rhaena's question held a hint of passive aggression.

A tense silence hung in the air, the Kingsguard sensing the underlying tension between Rhaena and Alysanne.

"Nephew, niece, and... sister," Jaehaerys interjected with a warm smile, diffusing the unease. "Thank you for joining us in celebrating the birth of our daughter. Let us move inside and enjoy the festivities."

This expected reunion was not what Alysanne had anticipated, her fears about her nephew's potential threat to her husband's reign – is now considered a reality before her eyes.


The Fiery Princess

53 AC

Rhaella's heart danced with unparalleled joy on the day she claimed Vhagar as her own. It was not just an important event that happened to her; it was the happiest day of her life, quite literally. The freedom that came with having a magnificent dragon like Vhagar was exciting. She could soar to any corner of the known world, if granted permission by her Queen Mother or her wise young brother, Aegon.

Her mind wandered to the endless possibilities that lay before her. Should she venture to the exotic Summer Isles, or brave the icy expanse of the Wall? Or to the Sunset Sea that whispers of mysteries waiting to be unraveled, or to the mysterious lands of Sothoryos that beckoned with its secrets. And then there was Valyria, a place shrouded in intrigue and tragedy after the Doom. The allure of Valyria tugged at Rhaella's curiosity, planting a seed of desire in her soul. She longed to witness firsthand what transpired in the aftermath of such cataclysmic destruction, dreaming of the day when she would spread her wings and soar towards Valyria.

As the celebration of her little cousin's birth came to an end, Rhaella couldn't shake the sense of melancholy that lingered in the air. Her aunt Alysanne, usually lively and engaging, remained withdrawn throughout the feast, casting a shadow over the joyous occasion. The stark contrast from two years ago left Rhaella feeling a tinge of sadness at the distant behavior.

With the feast concluded at the evening, Rhaella bid farewell to the King and Queen before making her way to Maegor's Holdfast with her Queen Mother and her brother Aegon. There, nestled among the ancient stones, rested Balerion, Vhagar, and Dreamfyre, their imposing presence a comforting sight amidst the quietude of the evening.

"Mother," Aegon began.

Rhaena turned to him, curiosity in her eyes. "Yes, Aegon?"

"I plan to visit Visenya's Hill," Aegon informed her.

Rhaena raised an eyebrow. "And what draws you there?"

"The alchemists are the right people that'll assist me on my plans for Dragonstone. I seek to deal with them," Aegon explained.

Rhaena's expression turned cautious. "Just remember, don't let a Maester see that you visited a pyromancer. They tend to frown on such visits on their sworn enemies."

A smirk played on Aegon's lips. "Their opinions means nothing to me, Mother."

Rhaena chuckled softly. "You truly are the blood of the dragon, my son."

Rhaella, always eager for adventure, piped up, "Mother, may I accompany Aegon?"

Rhaena considered for a moment before nodding. "Of course, dear. I trust Aegon's judgment."

Rhaella huffed playfully. "So, if I asked to go alone, you'd refuse?"

"Indeed, my spirited Rhaella. You and Elissa share a certain daring nature," Rhaena remarked as she gracefully mounted Dreamfyre.

Aegon, preparing to ride Balerion, chuckled at his mother's words. "Well said, Mother."

Rhaella, mounting Vhagar, couldn't help but protest, "Why is it fine for Aegon but not for me to go alone, Mother?"

"Because Aegon has proven himself to be wise beyond his years, my dear. You have a bit more growing to do," Rhaena gently teased, causing Rhaella to pout.

Rhaena gazed at them with a knowing look. "I'll meet you both back at Dragonstone. We have work to do, if you know what I mean," she stated before issuing the command for Dreamfyre to take flight, speaking in the melodic tones of High Valyrian as she guided the dragon back to Dragonstone.

"You didn't have to come with me on this one, you know," Aegon remarked.

"Well, I want to, brother, whether you like it or not," Rhaella replied with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I wanna show you offI wanna show you off," Aegon suddenly sang in a light, melodic voice, catching Rhaella off guard.

"What in the Fourteen Flames are you singing?" Rhaella looked at him, amused and perplexed.

"Nothing," Aegon replied nonchalantly, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

"Come on, brother. What's the song?" Rhaella insisted, her curiosity piqued.

"You won't even know, sister," Aegon teased, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Of course I don't know. You haven't told me yet," Rhaella retorted, a playful glint in her eye.

"It's called 'Agora Hills.' Now are you happy?" Aegon revealed, with a chuckle.

"Well, I don't know what 'Agora Hills' is, never heard of it from a bard, let's just go," Rhaella said with a shrug.

"Follow me," Aegon then commanded Balerion, the mighty dragon taking flight alongside Vhagar as they embarked on their journey to Visenya's Hill.

As they landed their dragons in front of the Guildhall of the Alchemists and dismounted, Rhaella inquired, "What assistance do you seek from them?"

"I wish to inquire whether they agree on helping me of creating concrete," Aegon replied.

"Con-… crate?" Rhaella repeated, struggling with the unfamiliar term.

"This concrete is meant to be the evolution of black stone, sister. More cheaper and efficient," Aegon said.

"Black stone?" Rhaella queried.

"It seems you've been neglecting your studies, dear sister," Aegon teased.

"Lessons bore me, brother. I prefer the thrill of adventure," Rhaella defended.

"Knowledge is valuable for all, regardless of gender," Aegon remarked.

"Such gallantry, dear brother. I'm sure your future wife will be enamored by such sentiments," Rhaella quipped.

"It's no jest, sister. Education is vital for the realm's prosperity. When we ascend the throne rightfully ours, I shall ensure education for all; either nobility or smallfolk, propelling Westeros into a new era, as king," Aegon shared.

Rhaella admired Aegon's progressive thinking, recognizing that his ideals set him apart from the realm's traditional norms. She couldn't help but think that Aegon's future spouse would indeed be fortunate to have such a visionary husband.

As they neared the towering entrance of the Alchemist Guildhall, Rhaella's eyes widened in wonder at the striking resemblance of the Guildhall's building to the ominous black stone and marble castle of Dragonstone. Excitement crackled in the air as Aegon knocked on the massive oak door. Slowly, it swung open, revealing a figure draped in a dark robe and adorned with an earflap hat. The man's eyes widened in surprise as he stared the unexpected royal guests.

"Are you the Prince Aegon and thePrincess Rhaella?" the man inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

"Yes, we are, Wisdom," Aegon confirmed, while Rhaella nodded in acknowledgment.

A grin spread across the man's face. "Ah, so you're familiar with the titles of the Alchemists' Guild, my prince. Impressive," he remarked. "You both certainly stirred the city with your dragons. Quite the talk of the town, I must say."

"We did what was necessary to claim our dragons," Aegon replied vaguely.

"Remarkable creatures they are, Balerion and Vhagar," the alchemist mused, glancing towards where Balerion and Vhagar rested. "Though the scars of their past deeds under Maegor's rule still haunt the people's memories."

The alchemist turned his attention back to the royal siblings. "What brings you to our humble guildhall, my prince and my princess?" he inquired.

"My brother is seeking your assistance, he needs your help," Rhaella interjected.

"Truly?" the alchemist expressed genuine surprise.

"Indeed," Aegon confirmed. "Shall we continue this discussion inside, Wisdom...?" Aegon prompted, awaiting the alchemist's name.

"I am Wisdom Harlo, hailing from Myr, my prince," the alchemist introduced himself.

"A long way from home indeed, Wisdom Harlo," Aegon acknowledged. "Lead the way,"

"Yes, my prince," the alchemist motioned them to follow them inside the Guildhall.

Wisdom Harlo led them through the Guildhall called the Gallery of the Iron Torches. It is a long chamber, with black metal columns holding iron torches lit with columns of wildfire. The walls and floor of polished black marble allow the flames to reflect on their surface and bathe the hall in green radiance.

Rhaella observed that the acolytes diligently toiled on their alchemical creations and observed the focused apprentices as they transported the jars with green liquid substance to the vaults with curiosity, while Aegon inquired about their compensation.

"Hard at work, I see," Rhaella remarked.

"Yes, indeed, my princess," Wisdom Harlo confirmed.

"Do they receive fair wages?" Aegon questioned.

"In the days of the Conqueror and King Aenys, they were duly compensated as patrons of the Alchemist Guild. However, such support waned under the Cruel's rule and was forgotten by your uncle King Jaehaerys," Wisdom Harlo explained.

"So, they labor without recompense?" Aegon's concern was evident.

"Sadly, yes, but their loyalty to the Guild is absolute, my prince," Harlo replied.

After a moment of contemplative silence, Aegon proposed a significant decision. "If the Alchemist Guild were to have a new benefactor, would you accept?"

"Without hesitation, my prince. Our knowledge surpasses that of those fools from the Citadel," Wisdom Harlo declared with disdain for the maesters.

Aegon, glancing at Rhaella, made a decisive choice. "We shall become patrons of the Guild."

Rhaella, taken aback, questioned Aegon's inclusion of her. "We? What do you mean, brother?"

Aegon, speaking softly to Rhaella to her ear, emphasized the importance of their potential alliance with the Guild. "The Alchemist Guild could prove to be valuable allies if we are to take back what is ours, sister. Allow me to handle this."

Understanding his intent, Rhaella acquiesced, and Aegon turned to Wisdom Harlo with a firm declaration. "We shall support the Guild."

Grateful for their patronage, Wisdom Harlo bowed deeply. "My prince, my princess, this is truly a boon for us. The Grand Wisdom will rejoice at this news. Let us proceed without delay."

Then they entered the room where the Grand Wisdom was instructing something to a Wisdom, after the Wisdom left, the Grand Wisdom looked at them and was surprised to see that two Targaryens have visited the Guildhall of the Alchemists for the first time in ten years.

"Grand Wisdom Mykal, may I present Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaella of House Targaryen," introduced Wisdom Harlo, his voice tinged with respect.

Aegon greeted the Grand Wisdom with a nod, and Rhaella acknowledged him with a graceful nod of her own.

"Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaella," Grand Wisdom Mykal dipped his head in acknowledgment. "It is a rare honor to have House Targaryen grace our Guildhall. It has been a decade since we last welcomed your family within these walls."

Aegon confirmed the somber reason for their previous visit, marking the passage of time. The Grand Wisdom's eyes held a mix of nostalgia and curiosity.

Wisdom Harlo shared the news, "His Highness, Prince Aegon has graciously chosen to bless us with his patronage once more, Grand Wisdom."

Grand Wisdom Mykal's eyes lit up with curiosity and delight, "Truly? This is a momentous occasion!"

Aegon, with a determined air, spoke up, "Indeed, we see great value in supporting your Guild. Your expertise aligns perfectly with the projects I have in mind."

"A promising proposition, my prince," responded the Grand Wisdom, intrigued by Aegon's mention of a project. "Thank you for considering us as your patrons once more," Grand Wisdom Mykal expressed genuine gratitude.

Intrigued by Aegon's mention of a project, the Grand Wisdom inquired further, "What project do you have in mind, my prince?"

Aegon's voice held a tone of determination as he revealed his ambitious plans to the Grand Wisdom, "We will not only be delving into revolutionizing black stone but also embarking on other things which I will explain later."

Perplexed, the Grand Wisdom queried, "Black stone? The art of crafting it has been lost to time, even the usage of fused black stone of Valyria."

Aegon explained confidently, "I aim to revive this ancient art through our own Westerosi flavor. I'll call it Westerosiconcrete or concrete for short. It is by utilizing basalt and volcanic ash, abundant in Dragonstone's volcanic terrain, alongside marine limestone and... wildfire, Grand Wisdom,"

Intrigued, the Grand Wisdom pondered, "A fascinating concept, my prince. How do we proceed with such an ambitious undertaking?"

With a thoughtful expression, Aegon elaborated, "As much as this ambitious project of mine is challenging, I shall call upon the Guild's finest minds to join us in Dragonstone where I will provide further instruction for this project."

Wisdom Harlo interjected, acknowledging the challenge ahead, "Indeed, this project will require significant manpower and resources. It'll be challenging, my prince."

Aegon reaffirmed their partnership, "As your new patrons, we are prepared to invest in this venture fully."

Grateful for the opportunity, Wisdom Harlo assured, "We shall assemble our brightest minds as per your instructions, my prince."

Before parting, Aegon introduced another intriguing idea, "Additionally, I seek to develop a new weapon using wildfire – a flamethrower of sorts. Can the Guild aid in this innovation as well?"

As the intellectual discourse between Aegon and the alchemists continued, Rhaella found herself increasingly disinterested. She decided to inform Aegon that she would be waiting for him outside the Guildhall and bid farewell to the alchemists, expressing her gratitude for their collaboration with Aegon's highly ambitious but visionary ideas. The alchemists, in turn, thanked the Princess for her co-patronage and bowed before her before she left the Guildhall.

After leaving the gathering, Rhaella settled down beside Vhagar and, before she knew it, drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Half an hour later…

"Wake up, sister," Aegon's voice roused Rhaella from her nap.

"Took you long enough," she yawned, stretching as she rose. "How did it go?"

"Better. The Guild's brightest minds will be on Dragonstone in a sennight to begin the projects I've set in motion," Aegon informed her as he mounted Balerion.

"Projects? I thought it was solely about that con-crate of yours," Rhaella queried as she prepared to mount Vhagar.

"It's actually two projects," Aegon clarified. "These projects will prove beneficial should I ever lay claim to the throne and seek to enhance Dragonstone as a major port for concrete trading."

Rhaella nodded, "Do you anticipate Mother's disapproval for using her treasury to finance the alchemists?" Rhaella inquired.

"Perhaps, but I believe she will understand once I lay out the details," Aegon chuckled. "Let's return to Dragonstone, sister," he commanded Balerion to take flight back to Dragonstone with Rhaella following suit on Vhagar.


Advisor(s) to the King

53 AC

​Barth, the septon and loyal advisor to the king, found himself in a whirlwind of unforeseen events. The youngest dragonrider in Westerosi history is none other Prince Aegon Targaryen. He had boldly claimed none other than Balerion the Black Dread, the very dragon that had caused chaos and devastation during the reign of Maegor the Cruel. The fact that this dragon was responsible for the demise of Aegon's own father, the Uncrowned, only added to the complexity of the situation.

'This is a huge problem.' Barth pondered the implications; he couldn't help but feel a sense of impending doom.

This turn of events posed a significant challenge that the Small Council had not foreseen. Aegon's unexpected bond with Balerion raised concerns and questions about the future of the realm.

Recalling the tension that simmered beneath the surface during the feast, Barth realized that the delicate balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms was at stake. The audience may have been oblivious to the underlying tensions, but Barth's keen observations did not escape the subtle nuances that unfolded at the royal table.

Following the feast, as Rhaena and her children departed for Dragonstone, murmurs of uncertainty and fear lingered in the air. The revelation of Aegon's newfound connection to Balerion, as well as Rhaella's bonding with Vhagar, sent ripples of unease through those who understood the weight of Aegon's lineage through his father; the Uncrowned. The looming possibility of another conflict erupting in Westeros, with familial ties at the heart of the turmoil, left many apprehensive about the future of the realm.

People of the realm aren't ready for another conflict. Bards whispered tales of a trend of an 'uncle versus nephew' which has become a recurring theme of the battle for the throne in Westeros.

At the Small Council meeting, the discussion centered on Prince Aegon Targaryen, a topic that stirred unease among the council members.

"This is a precarious situation," Lord Albin Messey, the Master of Laws, voiced his concerns. "The wounds inflicted by Maegor the Cruel still fester within the realm. What if Prince Aegon, influenced by Queen Rhaena, decides to press his claim to the throne?"

Lord Hand Daemon Velaryon interjected, "I doubt Rhaena would take such drastic actions. Would she spill more blood for power, especially after losing her late husband, Prince Aegon the Uncrowned, to Maegor's tyranny?"

"But, my lords, let us not forget the rightful line of succession," Lord Albin retorted. "The late Prince Aegon was King Aenys's eldest son and has a son of his own."

Silence descended upon the Small Council as all eyes turned towards Lord Albin, who suddenly realized the weight of his words. He swiftly directed his apology to the king.

"I beg your pardon, Your Grace, that was not my intent," Lord Albin humbly bowed.

King Jaehaerys, ever composed, responded, "You need not apologize, Lord Massey. The truth remains that my brother, though favored for the crown, was never officially crowned due to my uncle's actions. As the Uncrowned, my brother did not ascend the throne, leaving the rightful claim to me. The responsibility to rule Westeros lies with me."

A solemn acknowledgment rippled through the Small Council, recognizing the complex web of succession and the burden it placed upon the young king.

"But, Your Grace," Barth finally spoke up, his tone unwavering, "It remains true that in the line of succession, the late Prince Aegon... still holds the position as the eldest son of King Aenys, thus his rightful heir still retains claims to the throne."

Lord Albin's incredulous voice broke the tension, "Septon Barth, are you suggesting that His Grace is a usurperthen?"

All eyes turned towards Barth, including those of the young king, Jaehaerys.

"By Andal laws, indeed, Lord Massey," Barth replied calmly.




"Typical of a septon!"

Jaehaerys slammed his hand on the table, silencing the council members.

"I appreciate your honesty, Barth. Harsh truths are better than sweet lies. This is why you're one of my trusted advisors," Jaehaerys acknowledged.

"It is my duty, Your Grace," Barth humbly bowed.

The king rose from his seat, beginning to pace around the room. "My sister Rhaena... while she may have initially supported Aegon's claim, without sufficient backing, she has conceded that the crown rightfully belongs to me," Jaehaerys declared firmly. "It was I who rallied the lords against my uncle. Rhaena's inaction speaks volumes. My nephew Aegon was but a child, not yet ready to claim his birthright. As for me? I fought for the throne, just as my grandfather did. Therefore, it is mine by right," he stated, fixing his gaze on each member of the Small Council.

The murmurs that followed were ones of agreement.

"If we assume that Rhaena is scheming, why only now?" Jaehaerys pondered aloud, rubbing his temples wearily.

Barth, ever the astute observer, offered his insight, "Probably because of Prince Aegon, Your Grace."

"My nephew? How so?" Jaehaerys inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Barth elaborated, "I've closely observed Prince Aegon during his time as your cupbearer, Your Grace. He possesses a maturity beyond his years, a wisdom that belies his youth. A mind of a man in a child's body. It's as if the spirit of the Crone guides him."

A hushed murmur spread through the Small Council at Barth's words.

The implications began to dawn on Jaehaerys, "Are you suggesting that Aegon might be influencing his mother to support his claim to the throne?"

Barth looked around the Small Council chamber, his words hanging heavy in the air. "Prince Aegon must have convinced his mother to support his claim for the throne... when that time comes, especially now that he has three adult dragonriders by his side. Her Grace Queen Rhaena may seek to reestablish old alliances because of this," Barth paused, his eyes scanning the faces of those gathered.

"Prince Aegon bears the name of the Conqueror and rides the Conqueror's dragon. Opposing lords will take note of this, Your Grace. It wouldn't be a stretch for Prince Aegon to declare rebellion in pursuit of his birthright. Wise beyond his years, much like you were in your youth, Your Grace," Barth concluded, his tone filled with a mix of concern and respect.

Jaehaerys settled into his seat, the weight of the realm heavy on his shoulders as he pondered the potential conflict. The Small Council chamber was shrouded in a tense silence, each member acutely aware of the threat of the King's nephew; Prince Aegon Targaryen posed to the stability of the Seven Kingdoms.

Barth's voice broke the stillness, his words carrying a somber tone. "With your permission, Your Grace," he began, addressing the King and the assembled councilors.

"Speak," Jaehaerys granted, his gaze fixed on Barth, ready to receive counsel in this time of uncertainty.

Barth's words resonated with a sense of urgency as he painted a grim picture of the potential conflict ahead. "It is paramount that we seek to placate them. I do not wish to deliver harsh truths, but we must face the reality before us," Barth continued, his demeanor grave.

"This is a war we cannot afford to win. The dragons Prince Aegon, Princess Rhaella, and Queen Rhaena command, paired with His Grace's Vermithor and Her Grace's Silverwing, would lead to devastation unseen in recent memory. The cost in lives and destruction would be catastrophic," Barth's voice carried a sense of urgency, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"The wounds of the previous war still fester, and the scars on the realm are yet to heal. We must tread carefully, Your Grace. To avoid further bloodshed and suffering, appeasement may be our best course of action," Barth concluded, his head bowed in reverence to the King.

Jaehaerys absorbed Barth's words, taking note of it.

Jaehaerys turned his attention to Lord Rego Draz, the Master of Coin, known as the Lord of Air from Pentos.

"If the conflict with my nephew escalates, what counsel do you offer, Lord Rego?" Jaehaerys inquired.

Lord Rego, with a thoughtful expression, began, "Your Grace, should war with your nephew arise, our treasury will suffer. The ongoing Dragonpit construction will be halted, and our resources redirected towards military expenses. If you wish to maintain funding for both endeavors, seeking loans from the Iron Bank in Braavos could be an option."

Jaehaerys considered the implications. "I am hesitant to involve the Iron Bank in our affairs. Thank you for your insight, Lord Rego."

"Your Grace," Lord Rego bowed respectfully.

Jaehaerys took a moment of quiet reflection before issuing a decisive command. "This meeting is adjourned. Barth, I request your presence."

The Small Council members dispersed, leaving only Barth in the chamber.

As the last council member departed, Jaehaerys turned to Barth and asked, "How is Oswyck faring?"

Barth's expression turned somber. "Not well, Your Grace. I've taken on most of his duties. It won't be long before the Stranger claims him. He's a good man."

"He truly is," Jaehaerys agreed, a heavy weight of responsibility evident in his voice. "I find myself confronted with the gravest challenge of my reign. I fear a civil war looms once more. I've considered appeasement to my sister and nephew."

"What'll that be, Your Grace?" Barth asked.

Barth listened intently as Jaehaerys shared his plan for appeasement, acknowledging the fragility of the solution given Prince Aegon's nature.

"The problem is whether Alysanne would agree to it," Jaehaerys mused.

"I believe Queen Alysanne will see reason, Your Grace," Barth reassured, though a hint of uncertainty lingered in his sigh.


The First of His Name

53 AC

​Jaehaerys, lost in a swirl of conflicting thoughts, gazed out at King's Landing through the open window of their royal chamber. The sounds of the capital below mingled with the soft caress of the evening breeze, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within him. It had been almost two hours since he had first come to this spot, lost in deep contemplation about the outcome of his appeasement plan for his sister Rhaena and his nephew Aegon.

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Jaehaerys' shoulders as he considered the balance he must maintain to prevent the looming threat of civil war.

After what felt like an eternity of silent contemplation, Alysanne's voice broke through his reverie, "You've been standing there for too long, husband, is there something bothering you?" her arms enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

He turned to face her, seeing concern etched in her features.

"Is Daenerys asleep now?" Jaehaerys inquired, seeking a moment of respite.

"Yes, safe and sound," Alysanne reassured him, her eyes searching his for answers. "What troubles you, my love?"

Jaehaerys hesitated, the weight of the small council meeting heavy on his mind. "The small council sees Aegon as thethreat to realm's stability," he confessed.

A frown creased Alysanne's brow. "It is good that they have acknowledged the danger he poses with Balerion," she mused, frustration evident in her demeanor. "I… I feel betrayed. How can Rhaena do this to us?"

She let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her temples in frustration.

Jaehaerys nodded, his gaze steady at her. "Barth believes Aegon is the instigator, not his mother."

"How so?" Alysanne queried, her confusion visible.

"My love, look," Jaehaerys looked at her in the eye in serious tone, "Rhaena never bothered to fight harder for her son's right to the throne that night. All she ever wanted was to rule Dragonstone in her name with her children and her retinue there. Remember?" Jaehaerys paused for a moment, "Have you not observed the way he carries himself, the cunning in his eyes? Aegon is no mere child; he plays the game with skill," Jaehaerys explained gravely.

Realization dawned on Alysanne. "So, it is our nephew who schemes, not Rhaena."

Jaehaerys took a deep breath, preparing to unveil his plan. "I intend to name Aegon as my heir, the Crown Prince until the day I die, with his line retains Dragonstone."

Alysanne's initial worry transformed into anger. "You would grant them Dragonstone and forsake Daenerys as your heir?"

"Daenerys is a girl." Jaehaerys replied coolly.

"She is your only child, for now! In fact, she should be your heir and the future queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Alysanne was displeased at her brother-husband's answer.

"She shall be queen, when she and Aegon marry." Jaehaerys could see that Alysanne was glaring at him in anger.

"But what of your future children?" Alysanne pressed, her displeasure evident.

"For the realm's sake, Aegon must remain my heir until the day I die," Jaehaerys stated firmly, meeting her gaze.

Alysanne's voice rose in protest, the tension escalating. "Over your own son?"

"For the sake of the realm, yes!" Jaehaerys raised his voice. "Aegon has Balerion, can't you see that?!"

"And what happens when he declared his claim to the throne or when you die?!" Alysanne exclaimed, "Aegon will kill us! You said it yourself; he has Balerion!"

"He's not going to kill us, nor I will die. That won't happen!" Jaehaerys insisted.

"Well, our uncle wanted to kill us, remember?! This'll happen again, I'm sure, especially of our nephew's nature!"

"Aegon is not Maegor's son, Alysanne!"

There was a moment of tense silence as Jaehaerys realized he had raised his voice to his sister-wife.

"Look," Jaehaerys placed his hands on Alysanne's shoulders, "Aegon will not harm us. Rhaena will not allow it, I can promise you that."

"You can't be certain, Jae," Alysanne sighed heavily. "Aegon will not remain a child forever. When he matures into a man... like you, do you believe he will still heed Rhaena?"

Jaehaerys paused, contemplating. "As I said… Aegon is the son of our eldest brother, Prince Aegon the Uncrowned, not Maegor. He will not betray us. Do you understand?"

His words seemed to calm Alysanne, and Jaehaerys embraced her, seeking to reassure her of his kingly decisions.

"I truly hope your strategy about this succeeds, my love, even if I find myself in disagreement with it," Alysanne murmured, embracing Jaehaerys tightly.

"Kingship demands sacrifices, and I believe this may be the first of many," Jaehaerys chuckled softly as he released her from the hug, gazing into her eyes and at her lips before leaning in to kiss her.



I only have a vague description on creating Aegon's version of black stone since I'm not expert at this stuff so I only relate this on how to create a concrete in my basic knowledge for it. June 7th 2024 edit: Someone told me in dms that black stone isn't concrete. I was like okay I'll just say that concrete is like a bastardyof black stone thru "revolutionizing".