
Chapter 116: Interlude: Twenty-two

Fourteenth day, Ninth Moon, 260 AC (+2 days)

Vidar POV

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Tyroshi have abandoned Myr."

Vidar sipped his wine as he mulled over the report. "What is the status of the city?"

"A lot of infighting, Your Majesty. Before they left, the Tyroshi installed Nine Eyes as Governor and left behind a small contingent to hold the city."

"Made up of Myrmen, I assume? To make it more acceptable to those still in the city?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty. It has proven to be too small a force, though. Gangs have taken control of different sections of the city, and I have mixed reports of various uprisings."

"In my name?"

The captain shook his head. "No, Your Majesty, not as far as I am aware. A few of the smaller ones started as riots over things like food and grew into a rebellion before being put down."

Vidar fought the urge to scowl. "Then what is the general status of the city? Is it as bad as initial reports suggested?"

"Unfortunately, it is, Your Majesty. Many sections are nothing but burned down rubble, and much of the wealth has been taken from the city. Casualties are impossible to guess, at this point, but I would wager less than a quarter of the people are left. Nine Eyes ensured that his reward was not bereft of all life."

Vidar lost his internal fight and scowled. "I'll make sure that snake has a slow death," he vowed, before dismissing the captain. The map laid out before him was not promising. There was no easy way forward, no single path to victory. Since the fall of Myr, the countryside had been wracked by civil war. In the beginning, the fools tried to fight him – all of them. But victory by victory, his forces grew stronger, and he was now the largest single force in the war, mainly since his opponents still relied on mercenaries. Most of the northern portion of the country had knelt before him, but Maehamarys had most of the east, and that dog, Taelyx, had control over the richest portions of the south.

They had likely heard the same news as he had, perhaps even sooner, so they may have already started to strike toward Myr. Vidar could see their reasoning too – whoever controlled the Free City would get support from all those undeclared. The resources the city could provide, even sacked as she was, would be a considerable boon for the whichever side in the war took her. But to take the city would be to accept her as she was. To accept the magisters, and the councils, and the mercenaries.

To accept all that he had sworn to oppose. Things would be different depending on which scoundrel won the war – but only by the names of the important families. And, as much as he wanted to rule now, he still had mercenaries under his command that needed to be bled.

The Dothraki had been blessedly quiet over the past few moons, but that could end at any time, with a large horde of the barbarians showing up where they were unwanted.

So, that left Vidar with a few choices. He, too, could race toward Myr, fighting a pitched, three-way battle to control the city, with the victor winning the entirety of the civil war. He could move his army south, to the Disputed Lands, and cutting his two enemies' lands in half while they are busy in Myr, and focus on the Taelyx's lands, leaving Maehamarys' to the inevitable Dothraki horde. Or, he could sweep to the east, taking Maehamarys' land first, before moving south to Taelyx's, and then on to Myr.

The last option gave him one enemy to fight at a time, but it exposed him to the Dothraki, who may or may not even make an appearance. The second was risky, and he risked his enemies temporarily banding together to wipe him out. And the first option was also risky, and it would send the wrong political message. He needed to be seen as the reformer, the parent who looked after his children and shepherded them into the future. If he was to be Rex, he needed the force to get him there, but he also needed the love of the people to hold him there. He needed to be someone larger than life itself, someone, who everyone could see and trust – even if it was all in their heads.

He needed to wrap himself in symbols, cloaked in grandeur, and steeped in history. He needed to be the perfect ideal, someone to whom all good things are attributed. The throne itself needed to be a symbol as well. The Targaryens had the right idea, though their decision to make a barbarous throne for a barbarous land would not directly apply to Myr, the idea was sound. His crown needed to also be specially crafted and designed. Nothing could be left to chance – everything needed to be controlled.

Vidar's grandfather was already laying down the political framework for his ascension to the throne, but perhaps it was time to expand his coalition. Some of Maehamarys' allies had been disproportionately weakened in the fighting and might be open to offers. It would be a gamble, but sweeping to the east first would allow him time to grow further – to rally people behind him as he threw down the corrupt and incompetent councils. Surely, his grandfather would know just what to offer these men.

While the lands under his control were prosperous and populated – especially compared to Maehamarys – his food situation was tenuous. The Disputed Lands had always sent food to this region, and with the abrupt halt to shipments, he had only a few moons left before he ran out of food. Pentos was also making noise as their food situation was better but they still needed a not insignificant supply from the Disputed Lands.

Vidar drummed his fingers on the table. Pentos might be willing to send him supplies to help end the war quicker. While they would be opposed to his ascension to Rex, they were merchants above all else. Favorable trade deals would smooth out any objections, and Vidar would be the first and last to give them an offer; Maehamarys had no leverage to offer anything, and Taelyx was an idiot.

Coming to a decision, he started to write the letters that would solidify his rule.

Myr would rise again. Stronger and better than ever.

A/N: Just a short interlude to show what's happening with Myr.