
chapter 6

An hour of preparation later, Garou waited in the middle of the empty streets, sitting on the 'corpse' of the bullman hunched with elbows on his laps, as he waited for the heroes to arrive. Not only that, his body wasn't alone, accompanied by an even bloodier 'corpse,' one that looked like a cricket.

Luring heroes to him instead of personally hunting them was a tactic he never considered in his world, mostly because some of S-Class heroes were critically above his league. Regardless, he still wished to test out his targets here if his findings were of any indication.

All or nothing.

God rewarded his patience with the presence of one hero, who jumped at the sight of Garou sitting on the back of an unconscious hero. This hero was garbed in the attire themed off a wolf.

"What the?" Said the hero.

"Yo," Garou ostentatiously waved the phone in his hands with mocking grace.

His provocation was super effective against the hero.

"Get off the hostage and face me, Villain!"

He shouted as he charged towards Garou, tensing his right arm as he pounced towards Garou.


Garou smacked him aside, not even bothering to look at the result of his handiwork. That one move was enough to determine the hero's worth, his judgment sound when the hero crashed into the wall, rattled into unconsciousness.

In his wait, two more arrived at the scene — a pair of heroes garbed in ninja attire.

After them, four more heroes arriving at the middle of Hosu. Before long, a small battalion of heroes greeted him, some standing atop the roof of buildings looking down upon him at the edge while others arrived at the scene in a rush. A few even appeared in mid-air, levitating with the power of flight as well. There was also a hero with an actual jetpack.

"State your identity, villain!"

"Cease all hostilities and turn yourself in at once!"

The heroes around him demanded, every one of them preparing their Quirks for combat as they surrounded the Hero Hunter.

Garou only smiled in return. Upon briefly glancing at the hero he knocked aside, he saw a phone in his hand.

'So he called for backup before he slept. Huh.'

Rising from his 'seat,' Garou casually jumped off the hero he stood on and landed on the cold hard street.

"Ahahaha! Come at me, heroes! Let the Hero Hunt commence!" Garou declared, spreading his arms wide as if welcoming them.

Today was the day the Hero Hunter made his mark on the world, his first grand appearance with the heroes of Hosu as his sacrifice.

From that day, bodies of iconic heroes painted the street along with with their crimson blood, their downed forms a mockery of all their efforts and what they stood for - and a challenge against the world's collective concept of justice entirely.