
Garou of WTF???

This is a story about a guy have Garou body and a systems from a God will trying to find out what him really want to do PS i am is a newbie author and there will have a lot line and idea i am take from other novel to improve my novel . And English is not my first language so be prepared for a grammatical mistake or two. Because of my busy schedule I can not guarantee a consistent publishing rate Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor any of the anime in this fan fiction, belong to me. They belong to their respective owners PS i am is fanboy of Garou and check this magazine cover https://i.redd.it/dozf1htru8111.jpg

mikatamo1 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 9 Testing Fighting screen

After Garou see his Doppelganger and it see him then the both they are walk to each other, and at the moment when both of them are only inches apart then Garou started doing the Ryusui Gansai-ken stance and at the moment when Garou begin to take the stance then his Doppelganger is doing the same as him just like Garou. As like the one stand in front of Garou not his enemy but a reflection from the mirror

"So, we meet again" Garou talk to his Doppelganger in a serious tone, but his Doppelganger only answer with silent

"Silent as always don't you, well look like I only can make you talk by hurt you as usual. Come let end it, this time I will surpassing you again" as Garou just finished speaking then both they are dash to each other as it was the signal to the battle starts

As they approach each other with each punch they hit and deflecting each other attack at the same time they punch, as the time flowing their movement speed of the attack become more elegantly, more quickly and deadly as it become as the powerful shockwaves has been created from the impact when they hit another one, while both men fighting each other, then Wild the one is standing from afar couldn't keep up with both of their movements since as the intensity of the battle rose up along with the destruction from the shockwaves they created that destroy the surrounding where they fighting

As the time flowing when Garou battle with his Doppelganger the more excited he become since in all one-on-one battle he faced before then his Doppelganger is was his favorite one when come to fighting, especially since when he found out that the 'Garou' he fights before is not the Garou come from canon that been upgrade by Arena, at those first times he fights with the Doppelganger, he was not realize that Doppelganger it just a copy version of himself that without emotions, at those time him just think he was fighting with 'Garou' but at one battle when he use Yongpyo then at the moment when he uses Yongpyo, then he was see his Doppelganger began to use Yongpyo just like himself and that was the first time he began to suspect that the one he thought it was 'Garou'. Is unlike the 'Garou' he thought he was and after several battles with that 'Garou', he can confirm that the 'Garou' he fought many time is was his Doppelganger when at those time he fight with many opponents with ability use Haki but his Doppelganger was not able to use Haki like those guy, and that Doppelganger only able to use Haki after when he buys Haki from the System and that what the time he can sure about that it was his Doppelganger.

And at that time Doppelganger began to become his favorite opponents, since the only way to win again Doppelganger that if you have to surpassing and evolve yourself to beyond that or not you will never able to win again you Doppelganger since you Doppelganger was able to use up all his potential and that means when you win again Doppelganger that mean you just surpassing yourself, but in other words that is simple, he only feels fair when fighting one-on-one with his Doppelganger. Why ?, that because when Garou fight with Jin Mo-Ri then that bastard always use Limiter Removal Times 250,000 along with his Monkey King Mode, that basically is bully and let talk about Toriko, when fight with that one then you has to make sure not been hit by his Infinite Nail Punch or not then you can say goodbye because you will have invited to fly around the world at sonic speed without permission to refuse along with the special massage and even if you success to evade and fatally injured him then him just use Autophagy to get back from nearly Death and beat the shit out me

So that why now Doppelganger becomes Garou favorite opponents (So now it time to get back to the fight. Shall we)

As time fight becomes more and more intensity, Garou began to change the strategy and began to grasp Doppelganger right-hand with his left-hand while his throw a punch from his other hand, when Doppelganger see that him was immediately reacted by do the same thing that is throwing a punch with his left-hand, see Doppelganger do the same what he do Garou smile and tilt your head to one side to evade the punch and Doppelganger do the same what Garou do as they know what other was thinking, as the moment when both of the punch just pass the other's neck then both they are open they fist and grasp other one neck and try to pull other one body down and at the same time they launching the knee-up to the head of other they try to pull down (this screen is like when Garou and Bang fighting each other when Garou just put down the A-rank hero team that after him to an abandoned house that he resting with a little difference)

But because both of they are acting at the same time so right now they are is lock-up to each other while standing in one leg. Garou see that both they are is been lock-up to each other so him began to make a move, Garou instantly release the hand that grasp Doppelganger neck and change to grasp Doppelganger left-hand then immediately jump up with his other leg the still on the ground and at the same time Garou grabbed Doppelganger hand spread it out in both side left and right then while when Garou was still in the air he instantly smash his kneel-down on Doppelganger chest with one leg than in next moment Garou immediately kick again Doppelganger chest with other legs to create distance with him, and when Doppelganger receive the kick from Garou he was instantly jumping with one leg then do a backflip to regain the balance and let the ground absorb the impact him receive from kick of Garou (this screen is like when Boros receive the punch from Saitama after him jump back from the moon)

After Garou able to create distance with Doppelganger then he immediately changes his Ryusui Gansai-ken stance to Renewal Taekwondo that him watch and self-taught after many fights he has with Jin Mo-Ri

Garou "[Front Hwechook]"

Doppelganger "[Front Hwechook]"


The fight between Garou and Doppelganger continue in half hours while they destroyed and change the whole landscape of the continent during the fight. But at last, Garou win at the end of battle with the price that he lost his right-hand and his left-hand bone is shattered in many pieces and a lot wound in his body but to Garou, he was satisfied with this battle since this win is meaning he has become stronger than before and one more step to begin to become real Garou, since he maybe not a real Garou so he thinks, at last, he should able to inherited the will of Garou or maybe at last not make this body shame

(Ps, it you guy wonder what happen to Wild in this battle, then I only can say it Wild was accident been kill because the shockwave from the battle between Garou and Doppelganger, but don't worry Wild will be revival back in next round)

PS: this is the first time i write fighting screen so please tell me what you guy think so i can improve, and by the way this chapter is took me nearly a day to write since have to to rewrite many time and look from other novel to write this one

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