
Garou’s Disciple (OPMxMHA)

Garou’s Disciple ends up in My Hero Academia but seeing as how the definition of heroes that was drilled into his head differs from the world, he won’t be seen as a hero. Rui Hachimura won’t be going through the conventional means. He won’t be going to U.A. After all, he was trains by hunting Heroes. Why would he need Hero studies, when he wants to hunt them down? ya i fking love mha reincarnation op mc stories HAHAHAHHA

thacarter600 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Rendezvous: Forest (II).

The busses departed from U.A High. Each class had their own busses so two busses were sent out to the forest.

In the bus containing the energetic class of 1-A, they were dilly-dallying amongst themselves. They were conversing about the latest gossip and news concerning their young lives. They were notably, about hero-life-school balance, their excitement for the forest training, and wondering what their experience will be like at the cabin.

"Mr. Aizawa! Are we there yet?"

His eyes twitch in annoyance. Even without counting, he could tell you that that was the twentieth time he had been asked that question. It was times like this where he regretted taking the 'A' class and not the 'B'. He was genuinely jealous of Vlad King.

However, in class 1-B's bus, things were not so different.

"Once we get there, we'll show how 1-B does their training! Those 1-A punks won't know what's coming!"

Itsuka smacked his head routinely, though that did not wipe the smug grin off his face.

Monoma continued rambling about the superiority of 1-B and by now, everyone had learnt to tune out his voice.

Their busses stopped regularly for toilet breaks, since the forest was many a way from the school. Their classes often interacted with one another on these breaks, telling each other about what happened on their busses or buying snacks together.

But there was one stop where their busses failed to meet each other at the toilets.

"Where is 1-B?" "Where's 1-A?"

The students looked around in hopes of spotting the other classes bus but to no avail.

"Welcome students!"

They collectively turned their heads at the sound of the voice. That voice belonged to a lady wearing cat costumes. Beside her was another cat costume wearing lady and a small boy.

Izuku, being the class nerd, instantly recognized them.

"Wild Wild Pussycats!"

"Yes we are. You may wonder where the other class is. Well to answer your question, we can't let classes work together in exams yes?"

Confusion was spelt on their faces. The sudden mention of exams brought some bad memories for those who had failed their recent finals.

"You have until 1230 pm to reach the base of the mountain where you will be staying for the time being. Those who fail to do so shall have no lunch!"

This reminded them of the obstacle course back during the festival.

"Good luck!"

Shoto, Bakugou and Tenya immediately shot off from their positions, racing one another to see who could reach the destination first. The rest of the class were brought out of their stupor and went racing as well.

They thought it was going to be easy, since there was no mention of traps.

But out of nowhere, a large beast was summoned from the ground. Its height was menacingly tall, rivalling some of the trees. Its bellows cause the ground to shake from which some people fell from.

Looks like it was not going to be that easy.


Twice had been asked by Tomura to ensure that the students safely and successfully arrived at their respective bases. This was to ensure that their plan can most definitely continue.

He duplicated a copy of himself to station it at the base of class 1-B, while the original stayed to inspect the class 1-A's base.

He placed himself at a high vantage point to ensure he would not get easily spotted while having being able to see the classes easily. Once he concluded that both classes were settled, he recalled back his clone to report it back to Tomura.

He whipped his phone out and called Kurogiri.

"I'm done."

Moments later, a purple swirl appeared in front of him. Kurogiri appeared and opened up a portal to allow him in.

He got back to the bar where he was standing before Tomura.

"Good, you're back. Kurogiri, call for the others."

Bodies started to flowing in to the office. There was Dabi, Muscular, Stain, Toga, Moonfish, Magne, Mustard, Spinner, and Mr. Compress.

They surrounded the couch where Tomura sat.

"Come guys, listen to my plan."

His plan was simple. To create chaos. But creating chaos meant different things to everyone. To Dabi, it meant burning as much things as possible. The black ashes left after burning something to cinders was chaos.

To Toga, chaos meant as much blood spilling as possible. The more blood, the merrier.

In Stain's and Muscular's mind, chaos meant to cripple and kill as many heroes as they can. Their lifeless bodies on the ground was what brought the meaning chaos to them.

In Spinner's, Magne's and Moonfish's eyes, despair of the heroes was what absolute chaos meant to them. Heroes they fought all battled for their lives as they toyed with them. Their squealing, shrieking and cries for help were all music to their ears.

Mustard believed that the fastest way to do things was most important. So chaos was to complete the job required successfully as quickly as possible, leaving little time for his adversaries to counter.

Mr. Compress believed in creating a flamboyant show for everyone, regardless of their standing. The flashiness of his actions should come above all and is prioritized.

So what does Tomura mean when he said to create chaos?

All of them.

Tomura had matured greatly since the acquirement and loss of Rui. He had learnt to think with his mind instead of his heart.

He knew everyone had different impressions of chaos, and that was what he wanted.

In his mind, chaos was to display an absolute shitshow. He wanted a plan where the heroes had no chance of figuring things out, and with the wide variety of actions by the villains, the heroes could no predict their next moves.

On one hand, they'd have to deal with Mr. Compress taking his time creating a flashy and entertaining scene, but then the next they'd have to deal with Mustard who wished to end things as quickly as possible.

Then, they'd have to deal with Spinner, Magne, and Moonfish toying with their opponents, then they'd have to deal with Muscular and Stain massacring the heroes.

Tomura thought it was the perfect plan.

And it was, had it not been for one foil in his plan he had failed to see, and will serve as a lesson for the rest of his villainous career.


Rui remembered that today was the day the League was going to infiltrate the forest and disrupt the training of the school kids.

He wouldn't have cared had it not been for the fact that it was somewhat related to him.

When he saw the boy he met in the alley, he didn't see a weak and frail boy. What he saw instead was someone who saw him as a kind human, instead of the evil villain that the society had condemned him to.

Granted, he was actually a villain, a proud one at that. But to have some sort of admiration once in a while was nice.

Back home, he had Garou all to himself, and every action he did well was praised by Garou. It made him feel wanted, feel appreciated.

But here, villains were unwanted, and even villains sometime fear him instead of admiring.

But this kid, despite being told many times not to converse with him, had done so when he had the chance. It was like Garou all over again.

His sister was at U.A High, and he was sure she would be present at aforementioned forest.

'This is for you kid, you better buy me a coke the next time we meet.'