
Garnari In The Sun

Eun Ha is a mafia in today's world, who was betrayed by her own friend.  He was chased and shot to death, then fell into a whirlpool. But when he wakes up he is trapped in the body of a woman in the era of the Joseon Kingdom far in the past. But the woman's strength and resilience did not disappear, she must be able to survive in the midst of past conflicts and try to find a way to return to the future.

Pingky_Icip · Fantasy
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31 Chs

New World

They continued to run in the middle of the night through the forest, the sound of gun shots always accompanying their steps.

Dae Ho suddenly grabbed Eun Ha's hand and asked her to take cover behind the bushes.

"Shutt!" Dae Ho shuts Eun Ha's mouth because he's too panicked and shocked.

When things started to be safe they ran the other way to avoid Bang Jill.

Eun Ha fell and her leg was bleeding.

"Ahhh!" shouted Eun Ha.

"Are you okay? Your leg is bleeding, son to my back quickly!" Dae Ho squats in front of Eun Ha.

"No I'm still strong enough to walk, come on!"

They walk fast Dae Ho holding Eun Ha whose legs are limping.

"They're there!"

Bang Jil's men found them.

Eun Ha and Dae Ho quickened their pace, suddenly Dae Ho stopped and let go of Eun Ha's hand.

"Why stop come on!" Eun Ha said in a panicked tone.

"If it's like this, neither of us will survive. Go, get out of here, Eun Ha!" Dae Ho said with a serious expression.

"No let's go together!" Eun Ha replied.

"Please take my word for it this time, let me keep my promise. Hurry Eun Ha, hurry!"

Finally Eun Ha runs away with sobs. "You must survive," said Dae Ho.

"Hey! Losers! Why are you guys this cunning? You've all been fooled too!" shouted Dae Ho blocking Bang Jil.

"Kill him," orders Bang Jil to his men and Bang Jil runs after Eun Ha.

A scuffle ensues between Dae Ho and Bang Jil's men, but there are too many and Dae Ho can't beat them all.

Dae Ho's head was hit with an iron and he fell covered in blood on his head.

Eun Ha is cornered on a steep cliff and below is the river where her parents died.

There is a man who knows who is standing near the tree watching him.

"You will die here with your parents hahaha.." said Bang Jill then fired his gun at Eun Ha and Eun Ha fell into the river.


"I'll go with you dad, mom," Eun Ha said quietly.

Then Eun Ha drowns.


Someone knocked on the wooden door of Mr. Moju's house.

"Sir, sir, please save my son, sir," said an old man holding his child in a panic. Then Mr. Moju came out of his house.

"Sleep him there, I'll take some medicine first," said Mr. Moju.

After Mr. Moju took the spices he checked the child, the child was poisoned by stale food, Mr. Moju quickly made a potion for the child to drink.

"Ouch!" The child wakes up.

"Bong cu! Bong Cu~aa" Bong Cu's father cried.

"Father," called the boy.

"Your name is Bong Cu?" Mr Moju asked.

"Yes, I am Bong Cu Tuan," replied the child.

"Don't eat carelessly, yes, you must stay healthy, a son must be strong and can take care of his father so he doesn't worry, Bong Cu," said Mr. Moju advising Bong Cu.

"Give this medicine twice a day so he can recover quickly," said Mr. Moju to Bong Cu's father.

"Okay sir, thank you. I only have a chicken, please accept sir," said Bong Cu's father.

Mr. Moju received the chicken and they left to go home.

"Bong Cu! If you're hungry just stop by here," said Mr. Moju.

Then they both bowed their bodies in thanks.


In the water, Eun Ha opens her eyes again and sees a very familiar figure.

"Isn't that my reflection? No. I've never worn clothes like that," Eun Ha mumbled when she saw the figure in front of her.

The woman who appeared in front of him was very similar to her face, height to posture was the same, the only difference was her clothes.

The woman was wearing traditional clothes and was very graceful.

Suddenly the water turns into a whirlpool. Eun Ha sinks into the whirlpool.


Mr. Moju went into the house to check the medicine which turned out to be a little left. Then Mr. Moju took a bag and a knife to look for herbs in the forest.

The weather was getting cloudy, there was a hunter riding a horse. But something strange, he took a palace maid into the forest. Mr. Moju was hiding watching what would happen.

"Master pardon my master please spare me, I will not tell the truth Master forgive me~"


Blood was pouring out, the servant was killed.

Mr. Moju rushed away but he slipped and rolled over.

"Ah, my waist feels broken," he said, massaging his back.

Then Mr. Moju was surprised to see a woman lying by the river with a wound on her shoulder.

"Gosh! He's injured," said Mr. Moju in shock.

With great difficulty Mr. Moju finally brought the woman down from the mountain and brought her home.

With great care and vigilance for fear of someone following them, Mr. Moju immediately rushed to bring the woman in.

Master Moju examined the woman's shoulder and treated her.

"This isn't an arrow wound, it's a firearm. What did this woman do to get her injured like this?" said Mr. Moju in his heart.

"Gregg!" The door opened.

"Huh Dad? Who is this woman? Why did you bring a woman into the house?" asked Chin Sun excitedly.

"I found him injured so I helped him."

"What if he's a bad person? What if the judge's men come here?" replied Chin Sun panicked.

"I'm sure he's a good boy," then Mr. Moju left, followed by Chin Sun who was still scratching his head in panic.

Finally Eun Ha realizes, she is confused now where is she? Why did he get hurt?

Suddenly the door opened.


"Already up?" asked Mr. Moju while bringing the medicine. Then he sat in front of Eun Ha.

Meanwhile, Eun Ha is silent and looks at Mr. Moju.

"Are you okay? Drink this, this medicine will speed up the healing process of your wounds," Mr. Moju said.

Mr. Moju helps Eun Ha get out of bed. Eun Ha immediately took the medicine.

"Thank you for helping me," Eun Ha said.

"You'd better rest until your wound is completely healed."

Mr. Moju helps Eun Ha back to her bed.

"Dad, I'm leaving," Chin Sun said as he walked away.

"Where are you going? It's getting late."

"That's none of my father's business, I'm leaving." Chin Sun replied then left.

Mr. Moju then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Suddenly Eun Ha comes and Mr. Moju is shocked.

"Why did you get out of bed? You still need a lot of rest, let's go back to your room I will prepare dinner for you."

"No, I'm cured. I'm going home and Thank you for helping me, I owe you my life," said Eun Ha.

Then Eun Ha walks towards the exit of the house she is surprised to look to the right and left. He opened the courtyard gate to see the buildings, the tools used and the traditional clothes of the people there.

"What happened?"