
Garnari In The Sun

Eun Ha is a mafia in today's world, who was betrayed by her own friend.  He was chased and shot to death, then fell into a whirlpool. But when he wakes up he is trapped in the body of a woman in the era of the Joseon Kingdom far in the past. But the woman's strength and resilience did not disappear, she must be able to survive in the midst of past conflicts and try to find a way to return to the future.

Pingky_Icip · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Little Attention

Eun Ha and Minho are still on their way home, Eun Ha is still in pain.

"Does it hurt more?" Minho asked Eun Ha.

"Not bad," replied Eun Ha.

"Do you want to rest first?" Minho asked.

"No need, we have arrived at the market, we will soon be at my uncle's house," said Eun Ha forcing to walk.

They entered the main door of Mr. Moju's house, Minho then sat Eun Ha in his yard, then Minho knocked on Mr. Moju's house.

It turned out that the one who came out of the house was not Mr. Moju but Chin Sun.

"Who are you?" asked Chin Sun.

"I'm Minho are you the sister of that woman?" Minho asked and glanced at Eun Ha.

"Hey Chin Sun! Help me into the house, my feet hurt. Where's Uncle? Are you not home?" Eun Ha asked.

"He is not from this family, take him away," Chin Sun said and closed the door of his house.

"Hey! Chin Sun! What a reckless man! Hey!" Eun Ha shouted making Minho shocked and Mr. Moju came out of his house.

"Uncle!" call Eun Ha.

"Physician?" Minho said surprised.

"Minho why are you here? Eun Ha why?" asked Mr. Moju.

"I took him home, he sprained his leg earlier, maybe Master can check his condition," Minho said.

Then Mr. Moju approached Eun Ha and checked her legs, Eun Ha screamed in pain.

"Let me massage it for a while so it doesn't swell," said Mr. Moju as he gently massaged Eun Ha's leg, then tied it with a cloth.

"Thank you uncle," Eun Ha said to Mr. Moju.

"Actually what happened why did you get like this and how did you meet Minho?" asked Mr. Moju curiously.

"We met at the~" then Eun Haha cut Minho's words.

"In uncle's market, earlier in the market I slipped and then Mr. Minho helped me, he was very kind, uncle hehehe," replied Eun Ha while hitting Minho's shoulder, he knew that Eun Ha wanted to keep it a secret from uncle that he had entered the palace.

"How are you, sir, it's been a long time since I heard from you," said Minho to Mr. Moju.

"Like this, my news is always the same, how about your father?" said Mr. Moju.

"He's good sir," replied Minho.

"Sir, it seems I have to go back to the palace, it's getting late," said Minho in the affirmation by Mr. Moju.

"Thank you for dropping me off," Eun Ha said to Minho.

Then Minho paid his respects to Mr. Moju and rushed off, Mr. Moju helped Eun Ha to her room.

"How are your feet now?" asked Mr. Moju to Eun Ha.

"It's better uncle, this must be thanks to uncle's massage, my feet immediately feel better," replied Eun Ha smiling.

"Okay then uncle to the room first," said Mr. Moju then left Eun Ha.

Eun Ha remembers that she has an appointment with Baek Hyeon, but her leg is sore, how could Eun Ha walk there.


Everyone wished for his name to be called, only one more name left.

"Baek Hyeon!" the supervisor said calling Baek Hyeon's name, which means Baek Hyeon has passed all the exams and is occupying the position of royal advisor.

He quickly walked towards the Crown Prince, he got what his father wanted not what he wanted.

The Crown Prince gave the title board to Baek Hyeon then he paid his respects to the Crown Prince and smiled.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Baek Hyeon said and stepped back.

The event was over, Baek Hyeon rushed off to meet Eun Ha because he had promised, while on his way to the market, Baek Hyeon suddenly remembered the shoes Eun Ha was wearing.

On the initiative, Baek Hyeon bought Eun Ha shoes.

"Uncle, which shoes are suitable for a woman who is this tall and petite?" Baek Hyeon asked the shoe seller.

"What size are your shoes, sir?" asked the shoe salesman.

"Emm I don't know, emm look at that woman, she's not much different from that woman, that means roughly how much, you're the seller, you know, right," replied Baek Hyeon to the seller.

"This one, sir," replied the shoe seller while showing Baek Hyeon his chosen shoe.

"Don't be like that, these shoes are too luxurious, I want something simple but elegant to wear," replied Baek Hyeon.

"Elegant huh, this one sir?" said the shoe salesman.

"Ah no, the color is too dark," replied Baek Hyeon while shaking his head.

"This one?" asked the shoe salesman again.

"That's too flashy," replied Baek Hyeon.

The shoe seller is starting to get confused with Baek Hyeon, he asks him to give an opinion but he always refuses that opinion.

"Just this one, it's beautiful and elegant," Baek Hyeon said as he looked at his shoes.

"I bought this one," Baek Hyeon said to the seller.

Then Baek Hyeon went to the bridge but suddenly he thought that Eun Ha's leg was hurting, how could it be possible to come to a place as far away as this, finally Baek Hyeon had an idea to go to Mr. Moju's residence.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" the sound of someone knocking on Mr. Moju's door.

Then Eun Ha stood up and tried to go forward to open the door, she walked slowly.

It turned out that the one who knocked on Mr. Moju's door was Baek Hyeon. Eun Ha is confused as to why Baek Hyeon came to her house.

"What do you need to come here for?" Eun Ha asked curiously.

"According to our promise this afternoon, but I remember your leg is sore, there's no way you'll come to the bridge," replied Baek Hyeon.

"Yes indeed I intend not to come," replied Eun Ha curtly.

"How cruel," Baek Hyeon said and sat in the courtyard of Mr. Moju's house.

Eun Ha walked slowly and sat next to Baek Hyeon, suddenly Baek Hyeon gave her a box.

"What's this?" Eun Ha asked.

"Open it," replied Baek Hyeon, then Eun Ha opened it.

"Wear that, don't wear your brother's shoes, especially if he's a man, just think of it as a gift for helping me earlier," said Baek Hyeon.

"Thanks sorry I bothered you," replied Eun Ha.

Eun Ha tries on the shoes and the shoe seller guesses right, the size and color are perfect.

Eun Ha smiles happily to have gotten new shoes.

"How? Do you like it?" Baek Hyeon asked Eun Ha.

"Of course I like it," replied Eun Ha smiling at Baek Hyeon.

"Careful your feet still hurt right?" Baek Hyeon said.

Eun Ha tries to walk slowly, she is very happy in her new shoes.

Suddenly something hit Eun Ha's head.


"Aww!" Eun Ha shouted.

He almost fell but Baek Hyeon quickly hugged Eun Ha so she wouldn't fall.

Baek Hyeon let go of Eun Ha and grabbed the object that hit Eun Ha's head.
