
Garden of Sinners

The Strongest God was reincarnated into the future to search for her only daughter.

JA_Chrysant · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Price of Freedom (End)

- XVI -

Waning around the sleepless night, I sat on the roof, watching over the light of the great tree. Its glow lit up the darkness of the night, casting the moon on the world without the sky. But my awe was short-lived as a nagging feeling tugged at the corners of my mind.

I knew that the tree's magic was powered by Mana beneath the ground, but as I observed its roots stretching out towards Hexagon, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The amount of Mana being extracted was off the charts, and it made me wonder about the true nature of Yggdrasil's purpose.

Just then, a chilling memory flashed through my mind - The Hero from my nightmare, praying before the tree and harnessing its power. Could it be the same tree as Yggdrasil?

"Perhaps I'm just overthinking it a bit," I said, looking up to the dark sky that was covered with raging superadicals.

Suddenly, a sharp pain jolted through my skull, and a garbled message cut through the static, "…Celli…"

My heart leaped with dread, my eyes looked around frantically for the source of the message. Was it my imagination, or was someone trying to communicate with me through my mind?

Before I could even try to make sense of it, the message came again, this time clearer and more urgent. "You have to answer…. What is the price of freedom for you, Celia?"

Price of Freedom, what the hell are you talking about? Who are you!?

As I struggled to clear my mind, a cold breeze blew through the night, weakly crackling with static electricity. This feeling was familiar, it was the same magic I sensed when I entered the Hexagon. That meant The Thundering Pulse should be around here.

"Tell me your answer…. Cellia Vanadis…"

That voice again…! Did he mean me to follow this magic trail? I shook my head, there is no point in wandering purposely. The answer would come to me if I meet Bianca.

"I… I have to find her," I said, following my gut feeling.

Through the darkness, I stride the shadow following the crackles of electricity. Entering the slums once again, losing my way on its maze-like labyrinth. Yet, the dread of silence greet me with a familiar feeling of when I fought Denova here. It was too quiet.

"…. Lightning Wolf!"

I heard screaming from the gutter, followed by an explosion of magic. I recognize the tone of the owner. It was Bianca, The Thundering Pulse fighting someone.

Carefully entering the gutter, I witnessed Bianca protecting children with her magic wands, facing three dark shadows with red eyes. She was overwhelmed and cornered, yet her will to protect the children kept strong. But will alone wasn't enough to fight the shadows.

I want to help her, but, Bianca is my enemy. What would happen to me if the Aobana Curse found out I help the enemy of the Black Company?

… No, that wasn't the time to have doubt. I had to help her protect the children!

Sharpening my claws, I charged toward the shadow. Moving with graceful dance, I cut through one shadow, dissipating it into thin air. But there were still two more to go, surprised at my ambush. Taking the chance, Bianca took advantage of the opening, unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts that destroyed them both.

As the last shadow dissipated into dust, Bianca stood there, panting and covered in sweat. But her first instinct moved her body to keep me away from the children. With distrust, Bianca asked me,

"Are you here to kill me too, Blood Witch?"

Kill her too, huh? Judging the Aobana curse did not react when I faced the Shadows, it seemed they were not Black Company but from the Order. That would mean Ayunda was telling the truth. The Order was trying to kill Bianca.

"Master Arthur promised Ayunda to help her take you down. But seeing as they were fast asleep right now, I don't have to fight you… yet," I answered truthfully, hiding my claws so that it wouldn't scare the children,

"Unless you're confident you can knock me out while protecting those children?" I continued.

Bianca looked at me with a mix of surprise and disbelief, "Then, why are you helping me? You're working for Black Company, right?"

"Let's put aside our difference for a while and focus on the Children's safety," I said, gesturing towards the scared children huddled behind her, "It's not safe here yet."

We stood there for a moment in silence, each of us sizing the other up. Then, Bianca spoke up.

"Fine. But don't think this means we're allies," she said, her tone still wary.

I sensed shadow monsters arise from the corner of the gutter. From the smell of the magic trails, they were twenty or more. I gestured to Bianca and whispered, "Let's take the other way around. Follow me."

Treading darkness was my specialty. Unlike humans, my eyes quickly adapted to the darkness, allowing me to see as clearly as day with little light. With the help of my blood threads, waving all around the gutter, I could draw the map of this place and guide the Children away from the shadow. Finally, We emerged on the other side, into the back alleys of the market district. Though it was still dead morning, it was starting to get crowded by merchants. At least The Order wouldn't attack us with everyone's eyes on us.

"It's enough. From here on out, we're on our own," Bianca said, still keeping away the children away from me.

"Wait. Where are you taking the Children?" I asked Bianca.

"Do I have to answer you? Ayunda must have told you what I've done, right? This is the price I have to pay for these children's Freedom," Bianca answered cynically, "Everyone that dared to challenge Pater's order would have to die."

Price of Freedom... huh. So for the children safety, this girl risked her own life to pay the price? What a steep price. Shouldn't freedom freely given to a person? This is so messed up.

I cleared my throat, "Well, to put it simply, before Ayunda could take you down, I can't let you get hurt. So, I have to make sure Ayunda is the one who finished you, not the shadow or the Black Company," I replied truthfully, but it might sound a bit too harsh.

"So… you want me to exchange my life for the children, right?" Bianca said bitterly as she clench her fist, "Very well."

Bianca took me to the tiny hole in the corner of Alexandria's Wall, and stood Denova with other children, waiting anxiously. But when she saw Bianca emerge from the gutter, his face lighten up. He quickly ran and hug Bianca tightly, before saying,

"You smell, Bian."

"Asshole. That's the first thing you say to me after risking her life?"

I could sense a hint of affection in Bianca's voice as she ruffled Denova's hair. It was clear that they were close, even though they bickered like an old married couple.

"Is the dragon ready to fly to Siphon Dragonica?" Bianca asked.

"Yes, at your order, Bian."

Bianca looked relieved as she took off her necklace and gave it to the bear. Denova faced looked surprised, but when he was about to say something, Bianca put her finger at his lips.

"Promise me, Denova, you'll protect them and give them the normal life they deserve," Bianca said.

"Hey, what are you talking about? We're not leaving without you!"

Bianca shooked her head, "It was already too late for me. The Order wants me dead. If I go with you, I would only endanger all of the children. That's why… "

"No, you can't do that!"

I stepped up, interrupting the two love birds, "Don't worry. I'll make sure The Order won't get her."

Denova jumped in surprise,"Y-You are—?!" he shouted while pulling his sword.

Suddenly, we could hear a bell ringing around the town. Knowing the black Company at their track, Bianca pushed Denova, "Just go already, you pushy bear! Go-Go-Go! Leave it to me, when is the time I disappoint you, dear? I promise you, everything will go just fine."

Finally, although reluctant, Denova agreed. I watched as Denova and the other children disappeared through the hole in the wall, leaving Bianca and me alone in the alleyway. The sound of footsteps and shouting drew nearer, indicating that the Black Company was approaching.

"Are you sure you can handle them alone?" I asked, eyeing the shadows creeping towards us too.

Bianca grinned, summoning her thunder spear, "What are you talking about? Battlefield is The Thundering Pulse home."

I shrugged, "Then I leave the Company to you," I said as I charged toward the shadow and proceed to slaughter them.

The Burst of lightning caught me off guard when Bianca rushed into the Company with such intensity. The Black Company was caught off guard by her sudden attack, and for a moment, they were thrown into confusion. But before they could regroup, like water flowing around rocks, Bianca darted and weaved between her opponents, taking down as many as officers she could.

So that how powerful Bianca truly was, when her mind focused. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for her. She was a fighter, a survivor, and a protector of the innocent. Doubt finally fill me in, as I couldn't believe the girl who fight to protect could do such monstrosity in the hexagon. Someone else must set her up, leading to this situation.

As the last of the Black Company fell, Bianca stood panting, her spear still at the ready.

"You're a strange one, Blood Witch," she said, "But I owe you my life."

I nodded, "Hold it, girlie. Don't go yet. I suddenly have something to tell you."

Bianca pointed her spears to me, "So what's the deal? Just spill it. I know you're hiding something behind that innocent face you have."

She looked at me, her eyes hard and resolute, leaving no room for me to lie.

I smiled, "Bianca, do you want to get out of this situation... alive?"