
Garden Of Power

A soul who had been through many circles of reincarnation, and another who had been through countless rounds of unchanging regression. The two souls tired of their unending faith decided to merge together and give life one more chance. "They found each other in the chaos, A spark of light in the dark cosmos, And felt a surge of affection." How do you think of a world where many transmigrators and reincarnators gather together will fair? ~~~ Err... I don't know how to write a synopsis. This is a book that is kind of plan but I also come up with things as I go, Haha. so please do give it a chance.

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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8 Chs



**The Academy of Ethereal Arts**

The Academy of Ethereal Arts is a prestigious institution located in the Astral Haven It is sponsored by all races, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity, cooperation, and the pursuit of magical knowledge. The academy offers a comprehensive three-year program for students aged 16 and above, preparing them for various class professions. The motto of the academy is "Harmony Through Knowledge, Power Through Unity."

**Academic Schedule:**

The academic year at the Academy of Ethereal Arts is divided into two semesters, with each semester comprising several modules. A typical schedule for students includes:

**Year 1: Foundation Studies**

- Introduction to Arcane Theory

- Elemental Studies: Understanding the Forces of Nature

- History of Magic: Ancient Civilizations and Magical Artifacts

- Ethical Practices in Magical Arts

- Potions and Herbology: Fundamentals of Alchemy

- Basic Enchantment and Runes

**Year 2: Intermediate Studies**

- Advanced Spellcasting: Elemental Magic and Beyond

- Magical Creatures: Study and Conservation

- Magical Ethics and Legal Frameworks

- Healing Arts and Restorative Magic

- Weaponry and Combat Techniques for Magic Users

- Artifice and Magical Engineering

**Year 3: Advanced Specializations**

- Specialization Electives (Students choose their desired profession):

- Alchemy and Potion Mastery

- Enchantment and Relic Crafting

- Ranger Skills and Wilderness Survival

- Advanced Spellcasting and Arcane Mastery

- Healing Arts and Divine Magic

- Necromancy and Soul Manipulation

- Swordsmanship and Magic Blade Techniques

- Artifice and Magical Invention

- Thesis Project (Students work on a research project related to their chosen specialization)

**Academy Rules:**

1. **Code of Conduct:** Students are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes respect, integrity, and the responsible use of magic. Any misuse or unethical behavior may result in disciplinary actions.

2. **No Adventuring before 18:** Students are not permitted to engage in dangerous adventures until they reach the age of 18. This policy ensures their safety and allows them to focus on their studies and skill development.

3. **Collaboration and Unity:** The academy emphasizes the importance of collaboration and unity among students of different races and professions. Group projects, shared workshops, and interclass activities foster a sense of camaraderie and respect for diverse magical abilities.

4. **Faculty Mentorship:** Each student is assigned a faculty mentor who provides guidance, support, and personalized advice throughout their academic journey.

5. **Magical Practicum:** Practical experience is an integral part of the curriculum. Students are required to participate in supervised magical practicums, where they apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios.

6. **Ethical Boundaries:** The academy places a strong emphasis on ethical practices and encourages students to use their magic responsibly, with consideration for the well-being of others and the preservation of magical balance.

7. **Continued Education:** Upon graduation, students are encouraged to pursue further education, engage in research, or join specialized guilds to further refine their magical abilities and contribute to the magical community.

8. **Dungeon Exploration and Licensing:** The academy maintains strict regulations regarding dungeon exploration. No student under the age of 18 is allowed to venture into dungeons without the presence of their assigned guardians or licensed instructors. This ensures the safety of students and prevents reckless exploration.

9. **Dungeon Licensing System:** To explore a dungeon, students must obtain a valid dungeon exploration license. This license is granted after completing a specialized course on dungeon delving, which covers topics such as trap detection, monster identification, and survival skills. License holders are required to adhere to

the Dungeon Exploration Code, which emphasizes responsible and respectful behavior within dungeon environments.

10. **Supervised Dungeon Excursions:** The academy organizes supervised dungeon excursions for eligible students who hold a valid exploration license. These excursions provide practical experience, allowing students to apply their knowledge, overcome challenges, and discover hidden treasures within controlled and monitored dungeon settings.

11. **Safety Measures:** The academy prioritizes student safety during dungeon explorations. Each excursion is accompanied by experienced instructors and well-trained guardians who possess advanced magical abilities and combat skills. Students are equipped with protective gear, communication devices, and emergency protocols to ensure their well-being throughout the exploration process.

12. **Expeditionary Guild Partnerships:** The academy maintains partnerships with reputable expeditionary guilds that specialize in dungeon exploration. These guilds provide additional support and expertise during advanced excursions, offering valuable insights, guidance, and mentorship to students seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in the realm of dungeon delving.

The Academy of Ethereal Arts serves as a beacon of magical education and collaboration, preparing students to become skilled practitioners in various magical professions. Through rigorous academic study, practical training, and a commitment to ethical practices, graduates of the academy are equipped to shape the destiny of Etherealis and make a positive impact in the magical realm.

**Uniform of the Academy of Ethereal Arts:**

The students of the Academy of Ethereal Arts wear a distinguished uniform that reflects the prestigious nature of the institution. The uniform fosters a sense of unity and pride among the students, while allowing individuality and personal style. Here is a revised and more comprehensive description of the academy's uniform:

1. **Outer Robe:**

- The primary component of the uniform is a long, flowing outer robe made of high-quality, lightweight fabric, as described in the previous response.

2. **Inner Wear:**

- Students have the option to wear either a skirt or pants as part of their uniform, depending on their preference and comfort. Both options adhere to the guidelines of the academy.

- **Skirt:**

- The skirt is knee-length and made of the same high-quality fabric as the robe. It is designed to provide ease of movement and comfort during magical practices. The color of the skirt matches the robe, following the same color scheme based on the student's year of study.

- **Pants:**

- The pants are tailored from the same fabric as the robe, ensuring a comfortable fit and unrestricted movement. They are designed to be practical for various magical activities, such as spellcasting, potion-making, and combat training. The color of the pants corresponds to the student's year of study, matching the robe's color scheme.

3. **Shirt/Blouse:**

- Underneath the outer robe, students wear a collared shirt or blouse made of a lightweight, breathable fabric. The shirt or blouse is designed to be comfortable and professional-looking. It comes in a crisp white color, symbolizing purity, focus, and dedication to the pursuit of magical knowledge.

4. **Crested Insignia and Accessories:**

- The crested insignia, as described in the previous response, is worn on the left chest area of both the robe and the inner shirt/blouse.

- Students are allowed to wear additional accessories, such as jewelry, belts, and hair accessories, as long as they adhere to the guidelines of the academy.

5. **Footwear:**

- As mentioned before, students are required to wear sturdy leather boots or shoes with non-slip soles to ensure stability and safety during magical practices.

The uniform of the Academy of Ethereal Arts includes the outer robe, inner wear (skirt or pants), a shirt/blouse, crest insignia, and optional accessories. This comprehensive uniform allows students to maintain a sense of unity while providing comfort and flexibility for their magical studies and activities.