
Chapter 45 sacrifice to the dead

After Su Yue went home, the landlord and Liang Youxin were at home. They congratulated each other.

After politely refusing the suggestion that they should go to the grand hotel to celebrate their success, they said goodbye wisely.

Su Yue lets Su Jianjun fry a few small dishes.

Mapo Tofu, pickled fish, spicy chicken.

Mix peanuts with vinegar.

It's simple. It's a tribute.

Su Jianjun is a cruel man at a young age.

When buying fish, catch up with the promotion, the stall owner is not enthusiastic and does not help kill.

He even picked it up directly, fell dizzy in the kitchen, and dealt with it cleanly.

Su Yue admired a series of actions.

Is this child the chef who has fallen from the world in his last life?

After a long time, in the wide oil service, three dishes on the table.

There are too many hot peppers for spicy chicken. There are few chicken, but the problem is not big.

"I'll move tomorrow. Su Yue, do you have anything to take?"

Asked Su Jianzhou.

Su Yue can get 18 cards. He has to make his own secret in his bedroom. They won't disturb each other's space.

"I don't have anything. Buy a new one for the bedding. The bed is broken and I'll have a new one."

Su Yue thought about it.

Apart from two boxes of silver needles and several blood pills, I have nothing.

"Well, yes.

"It's just that Su Jianjun is off. I'll go to furniture city with him tomorrow."

Su Jianzhou nodded.

In the furniture city, wheelchair is very convenient.

"Hum, I don't see that Liang Youxin has conscience. He asked my father to go to one of his hotels and become a logistics manager. He can pay more than 8000 yuan a month. "

Said Su Jianjun.

"Logistics manager, that's good."

Sue nodded.

This kind of work is generally to coordinate materials and employees, and the manager himself does not need to work.

This kind of fat and idle work is usually done by the boss's brother-in-law.

The landlord wanted to help Su Jianzhou find a job before, but his company has no post for the disabled.

Liang Youxin also helped.

"Ha ha, Liang Youxin is a businessman. It's normal to rob others' business, but it doesn't mean that he is heinous.

"Some people, you hurt him once, he can remember to hate you forever. Similarly, some people, if you help them once, they may also appreciate you for a lifetime. People are too complex to be judged by pure good and evil.

"Many friends and many roads, the landlord is a wise man."

Su Jianzhou smiled.

Su Yue thought of Dr. Jiu Mao again.

Is he a bad guy?


Absolutely, it doesn't have to be washed at all.

If you are not my race, your heart will be different.

Even his birth camp is doomed to be inexorable.

It's not enough to cut a thousand times.


His mind, however, is quite numbing.

Who could have thought that such a villain's goal was to pursue peace and find ways to make the two races win-win. He even had compassion for the common people of the earth.

The chest has false compassion, but the means are sinful and bloody.

He can sacrifice everything, including his own life, in order to fulfill the lofty ideals of the two peoples.

To his death, he didn't think he was wrong, but he was moving himself all the time.

Su Yue thought this kind of person was more terrible, more complicated and more elusive.

That white eyebrow and pepper should have escaped back to the wet place.

Su Yue is in a special situation. He dare not go to the investigation and arrest bureau to mention his arrest.


Late at night.

Su Yue ran to the barren mountain, continued to cultivate, and the anti Zhengyang people also left.

Unfortunately, just after the warm-up, two camouflaged military uniforms suddenly appeared.

They even know SuYue.

After expressing their youth and promising achievements, they directly sent SuYue back to the city.

The military department is already investigating the affairs of Yangxiang cult. It's dangerous here.

Su Yue can only come back to the city.


It's not convenient to cultivate in the city.

After coming back, Su Yue did not do two endlessly, nine silver needles, all inserted into the body.

The weight of 180 Jin almost made him vomit blood.

At the beginning, Xiong Taiguang's suggestion was to increase all of them after 20 cards.

But Sue is too lazy to wait.

Together with self weight, Su Yue now has a total of more than 330 Jin. When walking on the road, he feels very stable. Like a tank, he can't support his shoes in a few steps.

He found a rough and remote place on the ground and continued to jump.

On their own weight, it is easy to damage the asphalt of the road.

Take off your shoes, barefoot.

Shoes can't stand it, neither can AJ.

Sure enough.

It has increased the loading capacity by 180 Jin. Every time Su Yue jumps, it can only reach less than 2 meters. This is full strength.

You know, he's completely relaxed and can barely jump to 10 meters.

In fact, Su Yue's dry steps will have a certain failure rate.

This is the gap between reluctance and skill.

He is now carrying a heavy load to jump, that is to let his body Qi and blood, continue to adapt to the jump.

Su Yue had to let his reluctance become adept.


Available pay points: 116

Pay counter:

1: sleep forgiveness

2: the price of love

3: save your dog's life

4: different people and ghosts

HP: 18 calories


Su Yue remembers that when he was saved by the system, it was 77 o'clock.

With 180 Jin of weight in practice, the increase of reward value is not slow.

If you can keep on practicing, there is hope for 200 cards.

With another week to go, the potential class will start, and it may be expected to impact the result of 1 card.

19 cards.

The admission line of the four military academies.

One year ahead of schedule, I actually finished it.

Of course, this is not to be proud.

The admission line is only the lowest score.

Xu Baiyan said that many of the freshmen in the four martial arts academies are directly enrolled in martial arts schools, and there are more than 20 cards everywhere.

Don't slack off.


Louyan funeral home.

Today, the funeral home welcomes countless high school students.

They came to pay homage to their classmates.

Su Yue, as the first outstanding youth in the joint examination, must also attend this kind of memorial ceremony.

In fact, SuYue should come.

He has witnessed the death of these people, but he can't help it. He should send them.

The principal of the second middle school also came.

His eyes are all red, tired and haggard. He should have lost sleep.

Due to the frequent activities of the members of the Yangxiang cult in Renqing Province, the governor is cooperating with the military department to investigate the evil disciples and has no time to clean him up.

But as everyone knows, the future of the headmaster is not easy.

The family cried heartbreaking.

Su Yue is really afraid. If he dies, will su Jianjun cry like this? How sad uncle will be.

What about the prison dad?

And the sister who appears in the sky, maybe she will be sad.

She must be sad!

Some people will be close at a glance.

At the beginning, Xu Baiyan beat himself when he met him. Although Su Yue was not comfortable, he had an instinct. He had a different relationship with him.

She is the daughter of my father's heart, and also my elder sister who has been separated for many years. Su can feel the sincere affection for you in her eyes.

So, he couldn't remember to hate.

Which elder sister, is not bullying the younger brother, then give a candy to eat, this kind of sincere feelings of younger sister and younger brother, it is difficult to describe in words.

My girlfriend, will she be widowed for me?

Oh, no, I don't have a girlfriend at all.


Li Xingpei comforted the families of the dead and promised that the governor's office would catch the murderer. At last, the governor's office also paid some money symbolically.

There's not much money, and the governor's office can't help it.

The government has a strict expenditure budget. The dead are not martyrs. In theory, the governor's office can not compensate them, but Li Xingpei can't bear it.

Su Yue secretly remembers the addresses of these families.

If one day, I make a lot of money, I must give them some compensation.

After all, those people are dying in front of themselves. Before they die, those unwilling eyes should also worry about their families.


Su Yue bows to the body.

He really can't report what happened that day.

Moreover, the chief conspirator, Dr. Jiumao, is dead. The other two evil men should have escaped overnight.