
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 57: Consuming Superhuman Gene

In the afternoon, Kurono brought his team to visit the building where the Gantz Room was located. Reaching there, he opened the door, and let everyone enter inside.

"Hey Leader, how come we can enter back into the Gantz Room?" asked Sakurai, entering the room with a surprised face.

"That's the thing that I wanted to talk to you guys about." said Kurono. He then hold out his left hands, and opened his palm. A blue worm, with four purple spots on it's body was on Kurono's palm, looking curiously at everyone. "Here everyone, meet the little guy, Tensho."

"A worm? What's with the worm?" asked Sakurai curiously.

"Oh, it's looked cute."

The girls' eyes sparkled, and focused on the little worm. They subconsciously moved forwards, and looked closely at the blue thing.

"Hello, Tensho." said Fei, looking at the small creature with some adoration.

"Hei, don't touch me." said Tensho, jumping away, evading Fei's touch.

"Kyaa!" Fei screamed in shock. She didn't expect that the worm are able to talk.

"This guy is a Nanobite Worm. It capable of controlling the Gantz." said Kurono. Tensho looked a little proud when he heard Kurono. 'Dad is praising me. Praise me more.' thought the little creature.

"What? You are able to control the Gantz?"

"Then, can you remove those bombs in our head? The thing that can make us bound to Gantz?" asked Sakurai.

"About that, I will help you guys remove it myself." replied Kurono.

"Wait, you can?"

This is another shock for everyone. Is he really capable of removing the bomb? Kurono nodded, confirming that he could remove the bomb in everyone's head.

When he inherited the abilities of the Xiangliu, and Oni Alien, he also inherited their bodies and minds abilities. This made his body and mind transformed into many times more powerful than he used to be.

Without the suit, his physical prowess, whether in strength or agility, he is far stronger than the previous him with Gantz suit. Right now, the suit is almost useless to him, as it couldn't keep up with his new self.

Regarding his obtained abilities, he can now freely transform whichever parts of his body to become nine duplicate. Moreover, he can freely use the beams abilities, and the lightning ability. He even able to contact the natural lightning to help him in his attack.

His biggest gain is in the way of using his psychic powers. He was now capable to control most element just by using his psychic powers. He can create fire, he can move winds, and he can gather water molecules to form a big body fo water.

With the addition of lightning energy, he can now form an electromagnetic, and Strengthen it to form a pseudo gravitational force. In the earth element, he can mold the ground to form and kind of earth based form.

The most mysterious gain that Kurono managed to achieve is that he can now teleport himself. He remembered that in the last arc in Gantz, Sakurai successfully learned this skill after he lost his loved one.

So, Kurono thought that why not try to learn it. His brainpower is far more capable than that Sakurai. As he tried to learn it, he was surprised that he was able to master it easily.

Kurono also applied this teleportation ability by teleporting other object and he managed to do so accurately. After that, he used the ability to teleport out the bomb in his head. Now, he is no longer bound by the Gantz.

"Come here guys. Let me help you take out those bomb from your head." said Kurono, signaling for everyone to come forwards.

"I'll go first." said Sakurai.

As he come forward, Kurono hold out his right hand, and placed in front of Sakurai's forehead. He then used his power to teleport out the bomb. Instantly, the small chip appeared out, and he gripped with his fingers.

"Psychic powers?" wondered Sakurai. Just now he can feel the psychic powers seeping into his head, and suddenly enveloped the chip in his brain. After that, it mysteriously yanked out the thing.

"It's called teleportation psychic powers." said Kurono. He added, "You know, your future self learned this skill when your girlfriend, Tonkotsu died in during the alien invasion."

"I did? Wait, WHAT?? Tonkotsu died?" Sakurai almost shouted in shock. "Did...did that really happened?"

"Yes she died." nodded Kurono, causing Sakurai to have a pale expression. "No...it can be..."

"That's what happened in the future. No...it will happened one month from now." said Kurono seriously. "In three weeks, we are supposed to be sent by Gantz to Osaka, to fight the Nurarihyon Alien. Sakata died during that mission.

Four days after that, we are supposed to go fight in the Italian mission. Old man Suzuki died at that time. After the mission, Reika tried to revive the old man, but some complication happened to Gantz.

Then three days after that, human faced the aliens invasion, and almost go extinct. At that time, Sakurai, you died for real. Other than you, Reika also died. The only members that stayed alive till the end are me, Kaze and Takeshi."

Hearing the story, it caused everyone to fell in shock, and silently tried to understand the gravity of the future situation.

"It can't be..."

"That's too cruel."

"How is that possible?"

"I was just talking about us. If we talk about other people, many of our family died during that alien invasion. Moreover, this happened all over the world." added Kurono.

Sakurai was the most affected at this time. He then asked, "Leader, I remembered that you said once, that the enemies in every mission is doubled. Then, will the situation in the future become even more dangerous? If that really happened, then the destruction of humanity will also be doubled, right? Then, the same situation will still happened, and me and my loved ones will still die?"

The others also have a change in their expression. That's right, Kurono did say so. In that case, they will all going to die for real.

"Why are you all being so beat down?" asked Kurono. He added, "That's the reason for me to come back here. With me around, I will make you all as powerful as I can, and as prepared as possible."

Kurono then took out eight flask. He passed the flask to the duo psychic, Kaze, Sakuraoka, Reika, the two Kishimoto, and to Shinozaki.

"What is this?" asked Shinozaki.

"That is a good stuff. Please drink it." said Kurono.

Everyone observed the content of the flasks. Inside of each flask was some kind of liquid that looked like a mirror in liquid form. They all can see their clear reflection from that liquid.

They got it from their leader, and they trusted him. So, they didn't hesitate to consume the liquid in the flasks. Instantly, they felt their body undergoing some kind of transformation.


"It's hurt!! Aahh!!"

"Leader...what did you gave us?"

Some smoke started to come out of everyone's orifices. Their skin started to turn red. This forced everyone to sit down, and closed their eyes in order to stabilize their minds from those pain that were spreading in their bodies.

"Those are called Superhuman Gene. Don't worry. After sometimes, your will feel normal once again. At that time, your body should be fully transformed and born anew." explained Kurono. At the same time, he looked at everyone, and feel a bit jealous. He also wanted to consume those. However, he still gave those to his team in order to improve them.

The transformation process occurred for almost two hours. Once the steam no longer comes out of their body, they then started opening their eyes.

"Ah, those pain is already gone." Sakata looked at his own hand. "Er... Leader, I don't think anything changes in my body."

"Well, you body just undergone transformation. However, that doesn't mean that you already got some kind of powers. Like a hidden diamond, you need to polish it. You guys are the same. You have the potential, but you need to train in order to make your potential turn into power." explained Kurono.

"So that was the case. Then Neko, I presume you also already took into consideration about how do we train, right?" asked Rei.

"I do." nodded Kurono. "However, I still wish that you all could train in the way of fighting that you all are better at.

As for my training, I need you all to forget about going to school, going to work, or going out for any vacation. All of those are meaningless. Better use these remaining time to improve ourselves."

"Leader, what about me? Do I also get some of that Superhuman Gene drink?" asked Ayaka.

"Sorry Ayaka. I don't have anymore of those things." said Kurono. "Don't worry. As we get more powerful, we will protect you, Takeshi, and Rice."

"What about those four guy?"

"I will help them to remove those chips in their heads, so that they will be no longer bounded to Gantz. It's better for them to stay out of the fight." replied Kurono. "Now then, let's start our training. For you guys who took the Superhuman Gene, from now on, you all will train in order to become the Earth Protectors. As for the other that didn't get the Superhuman Gene, I will remove those chips from your heads, and you are free to live the normal life."

All the one who drunk the Superhuman Gene liquid suddenly felt the heavy burden on their shoulders. Kurono's declaration for them to become Earth Protectors were so heavy that their faces turned very serious.

"I...I want to become Protector too." said Takeshi.

"No. You should no longer fight the aliens. You are still a kid." said Kaze.

"But Muscle Rider..."

"No buts. It's decided." finalized Kaze.

After that, Kurono helped to remove the chips in Ayaka's, Takeshi's, and the dog heads. Right now, Kurono already have twelve bomb chips in his hand.

Kurono looked at his girlfriends, and said, "Sorry girls. I gave you all the Superhuman Gene liquids, and directly made you all have the power and responsibility to protect this world. If you guys wanted to back off from such duty, you can still do it."

"Now you are talking about that?"

"What are you apologizing for?"

"It's not like we have any other options, right? The world will still be in danger. All of us would be endangered too. So, it's better to use this chance to go, and become the world Protectors. After all, you are also one of us, right?" said Rei.

Kurono looked at the girls, and saw all of them smiled at him. They all have already decided to follow him until the end. Seeing their expression, caused Kurono to feel emotional.

"In that case, let's go do our first training. I need you all to be able to use teleportation ability."

After that, Kurono showed them how to use the ability. First, he performed a teleportation, so that all of them can see how it was happening. After that, he theorized the ability so that they have the guidance on how to perform it. Lastly, he used his psychic powers to help them perform the skill.

Unexpectedly, all of them performed the first skill at their first three tries. Even Kaze, who doesn't have the knack for psychic t before, managed to perform it in his third try.

"That's good guys. Now, try to use the skill as much as you can, and until you all feel that you have no energy to use the skill." said Kurono.

Everyone nodded, and trained the skill while using their own creativity to perform it in so many ways. Kurono just watched them perform those task, and smiled. Now all of them are on track to be a strong fighters.

Kurono then joined them in training the skills.